Blood Eater

Chapter 46 Fire

Liang Ziyang's face was ugly, and he was caught in her plot, and he became more and more sleepy.

Chu Ruoxi bent down, breathed like Lan, and said to Liang Ziyang, "By the way, remind you to sleep well. If you fall down and hit the bodyguard, your buttocks will bloom."

The corners of Liang Ziyang's mouth rose slightly, revealing a strange smile. He was so fast that he hooked the back of her neck and pressed it, and she jumped on him.

The two postures were ambiguous, and only Liang Ziyang's evil eyes were left in Chu Ruoxi's eyes.

The man's breath came to his face, "Well... asshole..."

Liang Ziyang unexpectedly left his mark on her lips savagely while she was unprepared.

"Thank you, Miss Ruoxi, for mentioning something. Ziyang wrote it down." Liang Ziyang's proud face showed a trace of evil smile.

"You want to die!" Chu Ruoxi used his strength to break free from his imprisonment and punched him, but he did not dodge, even blinking his eyes.

He is so calm. Does the fragrance of ecstasy work?

Chu Ruoxi's fist stopped in mid-air, and his eyes emitted a successful light. "If you can't bear it, put away your fists. I'm sleepy. Why don't you sleep with me on the top of the capital for a night?"

"Go to hell!" Unable to stand the enchanting eyes of a man, Chu Ruoxi couldn't bear to punch him in the eye. It hurts!

Liang Ziyang's head was biased, and Chu Ruoxi hit his eye bone, as if he had punched the iron wall...

Liang Ziyang cheered up, and his raised arm fell softly. He was still smiling and sleepy. He muttered, "Don't go..."

Chu Ruoxi wanted to kick him down, resisted the impulse, and groped up and down. Except for some silver tickets, he didn't find anything about his identity. He was a little disappointed.

Looking at the somewhat evil face in front of her, her eyebrows were relaxed, tight and comfortable, and finally made up her mind to get up and leave.

You can't kill it yet!

He knew his whereabouts. He didn't know whether he was an enemy or a friend. He killed him rashly and offended the powerful force behind him would only cause trouble.

As Chu Ruoxi's figure left, Liang Ziyang moved and looked at her back, and the corners of his mouth showed the beautiful arc...

Yang Yi lay flat on the table and slept evenly.

Looking at his sound sleepy appearance, his whole body is full of the smell of youth, which is very different from Liang Ziyang, who is lying on the eaves and sleeping soundly. One is free and evil, and the other is young and simple.

Chu Ruoxi couldn't help flashing Liang Ziyang in his mind. He was fascinated by the fragrance of ecstasy. Will he accidentally shock the bodyguard?

Da Damn it! The bodyguard killed him. It's none of his business. Isn't it better for the bodyguard to get rid of him?

She put away the uneasiness in her heart and helped Yang Yiping understand the medicine. After waiting for a while, his body moved, but he changed his posture and planned to continue to sleep.

"Wake up, hey, wake up." Chu Ruoxi patted him gently. Yang Yiping raised his head in a daze, looked at Chu Ruoxi blankly, and fell down softly.


Chu Ruoxi picked up the teapot on the table and drenched a pot of water. "Your Highness, the emperor is here." The medicine is too heavy for him.

Yang Yiping trembling, "It's raining."

He always bounced up, and Chu Ruoxi couldn't see the flashing light in his eyes.

"It's not raining. Your Highness, you're just dreaming. It's getting late. I'll send you back to Zhengde Hall to sleep." Chu Ruoxi dragged him away.

He doesn't know whether Liang Ziyang's men are secretly peeping at the Qingyao Palace. Yang Yiping is always in trouble here.

Yang Yiping's body swayed and was pushed directly out of the gate by Chu Ruoxi. "Your Highness, you can see that the moon has sunk. It's getting late. Your palace people are looking for you everywhere, which shocked the emperor to save trouble."

"I... want to be with you."

"Nonsense, men and women are not close to you. You are the prince. How can you be so unedupetent? Go back quickly."

"Ruoxi..." Yang Yiping saw that there was no room for discussion in Chu Ruoxi's eyes. He was very aggrieved three steps after the eunuch and left reluctantly.

At this moment, Zhimo pointed outside the palace and exclaimed, "Miss, look, it's so bright over there."

Chu Ruoxi was shocked. That was the direction of the cold palace - the cold palace was on fire!

Yang Yiping, who had just walked to the gate of Qingyao Palace, was very excited, "Sister Ruoxi, is there fireworks in the palace? I want to see it. I want to see it. Take me there."

He ran back and took Chu Ruoxi's hand, "Try me there. I want to play too."

Chu Ruoxi looked at Yang Yiping. For some reason, her heart hurt for no reason. This fool didn't even know that his own mother might be burned to death, and he was still playing fireworks here happily.

She said to the eunuch of Qingyao Palace, "Hurry up and find someone to inform the emperor. The palace is on fire."

I planned to go to the cold palace and was stopped by Zhimo. "Miss, this is the palace. You are not familiar with the way. You'd better wait for the emperor to send someone to investigate."

Chu Ruoxi glanced at Zhimo. She was full of kindness and didn't want to participate in the enmity in the palace, and this fire was mostly inseparable from the queen.

However, a strange feeling made her want to save Princess Li. She didn't want her to die. As for what the feeling was, she couldn't say.

"Your Highness wants to see the fireworks. It doesn't matter if I accompany him to see it."

She nodded to Yang Yiping, "Let's go, don't delay."

Yang Yiping dragged her and walked vigorously. "Sister Ruoxi is so good. I like Sister Ruoxi so much."

The people in the palace looked at each other in consters, and some people couldn't hide their sarcasm.

Chu Ruoxi's heart is flinty, crazy!

She shook off Yang Yiping and said, "If you talk nonsense again, I will throw you to Taiye Lake and won't let anyone fish you up."

The fire of the cold palace was not small, but the palace road to the cold palace was deserted, and even the guards on duty and eunuchs passing by did not see. Chu Ruoxi's heart was cold, and the queen was determined to kill Concubine Li.

Alas, I blame her for being capricious and let Lifei, a disgraced person, compete with the queen. Didn't she mean to harm her?

"No... it's not fireworks. You lied to me." Yang Yiping stood in front of the fiery cold palace and looked at Chu Ruoxi. There were tears in his eyes and lost his temper with Chu Ruoxi. "Sister Ruoxi lied to me. Obviously, it was a fire, and she lied to me as fireworks."

Chu Ruoxi was not in the mood to care about Yang Yiping's noise. She gritted her teeth and said to him, "Don't say silly words. None of the bodyguards are gone. Let's go in and have a look."

No matter whether Yang Yiping understands or not, he looked around, and nothing could break the big lock and jump in a hurry.

Yang Yiping turned his head and asked her, "Do you want to go in?" But it will be burned to death."

"Your Highness, there are still people inside, we need to save them."

Yang Yiping thought for a moment, "Okay, get out of the way."

Chu Ruoxi didn't know what he was going to do, but he still stood far away cooperatively. Yang Yiping stepped back and suddenly bumped into the door of the cold palace. There was a loud "bang" sound, and the door of the cold palace was knocked open by him.

Chu Ruoxi looked at Yang Yiping incredulously. This stupid prince actually had such a great brute force!

When he was about to go in, two people flashed out in the dark, "Princess, this is not where you came from. Please go back."

The "crackling" sound in the cold palace was endless. Chu Ruoxi was stopped by these two people and smiled, "Okay."

While talking, a figure floated over, and the two fell to the ground before they could turn around. Miss, Alin is late.

"It's just the right time. Come on, go in and have a look."

Entering the cold palace, the fire in the inner room where Concubine Li slept was the most fierce. With thick smoke and fire, she couldn't get close at all. Chu Ruoxi called, "Princess Li, Princess Li?"

In addition to the "crack" sound from the fire cracking the wood, only the footsteps of the three of them.

"Miss, you can't get close anymore. It's dangerous."

Chu Ruoxi looked at Yang Yiping beside him, and the firelight shone his face red. His eyes focused on the raging fire. There seemed to be a trace of fear hidden in his eyes, but Chu Ruoxi felt nothing.

However, since he entered the cold palace, he no longer chattering about Chu Ruoxi to deceive him. At this moment, Yang Yiping is very quiet.

"What should I do? Lin, the fire is too big. Is the palace dead? There was a trace of sadness in Chu Ruoxi's voice.

"Miss, look."

Qiao Alin pointed to a corner of the backyard, and the fire did not burn, but the intermittent flames stopped everyone's pace.

This cold palace was not built as a disfavored concubine, but in the anger of the Yongle Emperor, who ordered people to ban Concubine Li and seal the Caiwei Palace where she lived. Therefore, the Caiwei Palace is still quite large, but it has been neglected for many years, and it has become a little dilapidated and old.

Chu Ruoxi and Qiao Alin were about to look there. Yang Yiping took her hand and pointed to the wall, "Sister Ruoxi, the rope is moving."

"What?" Chu Ruoxi looked along his eyes. It turned out that there was a well under the wall. No one had an autobiography, and the rope kept shaking.

"People are below."

She made a sound with Qiao Alin at the same time. Qiao Alin flashed to the well and called down, "Who is down there?"

The rope shook more violently, but no one answered. Chu Ruoxi waved his hand to Qiao Alin and came to the well, "Fei Lifei, are you down there? I'm not malicious."

"'s you!"

There was a trace of incredible in Lifei's frightened voice.

Lifei was pulled up by Jo Alin, her clothes were half wet, and she looked very embarrassed.

Seeing Yang Yiping standing beside Chu Ruoxi, she couldn't help jumping on him and crying, "Ping'er, Ping'er, mother thought she would never see you again."

Yang Yiping was hugged by Concubine Li and was at a loss. He looked at Chu Ruoxi for help: "Sister Ruoxi, she...she..."

"Your Highness, hold her well."

Chu Ruoxi didn't know how she could talk like this.

Yang Yiping looked at Chu Ruoxi and Fei Li, who was no longer as tall as him, hesitated for a moment and obediently surrounded Princess Li.

Lifei hugged Yang Yiping tightly, while Yang Yiping just looked at Chu Ruoxi helplessly and was at a loss, "Sister Ruoxi, she... she hugged me so tightly and it hurts."

"No." The crying Lifei suddenly pushed Yang Yiping away and kept retreating. "No, you... Go, you can't appear here."