Blood Eater

Chapter 121 Bite him to death

Spring is warm and flowers are blooming, and it is another year. The royal garden is full of flowers and fragrant. The queen smiles on her face and is very satisfied with the clever and sensible sons and daughters of the Chu family.

Chu Yunxi, who is young, gradually fades on her face, but she is already a standard beauty blank at a young age. She helps the queen all the way, with witty words, which makes the queen very happy.

"I have wanted to come to Taiye Lake for a long time. Early spring this year, the flowers are blooming, which is really the right time!"

The queen pointed to Taiye Lake, "The weeping willows are green, graceful and beautiful, what a thriving scene!"

The prince looked into the distance, with great ambition in his heart, and he was extremely happy. "My father is wise and unique, and the Zhou Dynasty is prosperous, and everything should naturally flourish!"

"What the prince said is very true, and the queen came in a peony. The peony is the king of flowers. When the flowers and plants in the royal garden see the real flowers, how can they hide them? Naturally, they dare not neglect them. They have to come out to see them!"

Although Chu Yunxi's words were a little unreasonable, the queen's heart was happy and couldn't help laughing: "Yunxi's little mouth is really getting better and better. Although it is a word to make me happy, I really like it. I like it and appreciate it!"

"It's all my mouth, and the two sisters never said anything. Instead, they were robbed of the words by Yunxi, but what Yunxi said were all the truth. Fortunately, the queen didn't blame, and she didn't dare to receive the reward."

Chu Yunxi said as he looked at Lin Shuangqing, who squeezed his mouth and smiled, and Chu Ruoxi, who shook his head slightly.

Chu Ruoxi smiled and said, "My sister is stupid and can't say anything that makes people happy. Thanks to Yunxi's sincere words, she can win the queen's favor, which is also a big help for my sister!"

"Sister! You laughed at Yunxi again!" Chu Yunxi stamped her feet and looked at the prince: "Prince cousin, you have to help Yunxi make the decision..."

Her words suddenly stopped. The prince's gentle eyes looked at Lin Shuangqing faintly, while Lin Shuangqing looked thoughtfully at Lingbo Pavilion in Taiye Lake...

The prince only has Lin Shuangqing in his eyes!


After coughing softly twice, he woke up two wandering souls. Lin Shuangqing quickly withdrew his eyes and looked at the queen with concern. Because Chu Ruoxi was the real crown princess, her words could only be swallowed alive.

Chu Ruoxi didn't understand why Lin Shuangqing looked at Ling Boting in a daze in front of him. Did she have any involvement with Ling Boting?

"Madam, the wind is strong by the lake. Do you want to add a cloak?"

Chu Ruoxi knew that the two women did not dare to rob her daughter-in-law. She looked at the queen worriedly, her eyes were full of concern and asked carefully.

The queen smiled and said, "It's nothing. Don't worry."

The prince clung to the queen's hand and was not only careless, "What Ruoxi said is not false, or it's good for the minister to accompany his mother to relax in the imperial garden. Don't go to Taiye Lake."

Taiye Lake drowned Qin Yulan, who had a good impression on him. He wanted to compensate her, named her sister as a good actress, and was poisoned by a bad person. If there is a grievance, he can't complain. Naturally, the prince does not want to go to Taiye Lake, which will only evoke these sad things.

The queen wants to help Chu Ruoxi eliminate the estrangement between Chu Ruoxi and the prince. Today is also a small and effective day. She is no longer going to go to the trestle.

But when he saw the eunuch hurriedly coming, "Your Highness, Yin Tian of Liangzhou Prefecture is ordered to enter the palace to visit His Royal Highness and is waiting outside the Qianyuan Hall!"

The prince thought for a moment and nod his head and said, "Okay, I will order people not to neglect him. Then I will return to Qianyuan Hall!"

"Lord Yin of Liangzhou!"

Lin Shuangqing's small voice, with doubt, just came to the prince's ears.

The prince looked at Lin Shuangqing and saw that she happened to look over. His eyes were full of curiosity and he didn't dare to ask. He asked, "Does Shuangqing know Yin Tianzheng?"

Lin Shuangqing nodded gently, his eyes turned red, and whispered: "Lord Yin is an old friend of his father. He had a good relationship with his father. When Shuangqing was a child, he lived with his father in Lord Yin's house for a few days. Lord Yin was very attentive to Shuangqing's family and has always respected Lord Yin as his uncle. Unfortunately, his father was far away from southern Xinjiang, and Shuangqing also I haven't seen this uncle for many years, and my father... my father..."

"So that's it! Shuangqing, don't be too sad. Since he is a uncle you haven't seen for many years, he is also half of your elders. Why don't you go with me and find an opportunity to continue your old relationship with Yin Tianzheng!"

Lin Shuangqing's eyes were filled with tears, but with a smile of gratitude to the prince: "Is it okay? Shuangqing, thank you for your grace!"

The prince picked up Lin Shuangqing, who wanted to salute, and said, "How can there be such a false gift? Let's go! I'm looking for Yin Tianzheng to discuss something. Don't delay!"

The queen looked at the prince who left with Lin Shuangqing and sighed secretly. The only thing she relied on was the Chu family. She didn't want to make the prince so fascinated. If she kept herself safe, she would be the best choice for the prince's side concubine, at least not to threaten the interests of the Chu family!

Chu Yunxi was jealous, and she was still young. She was not as calm as Chu Ruoxi. She said to the queen that the prince took a woman to see that it was not good for her foreign minister, but she didn't expect to say so, which would only make the thoughtful queen unhappy.

Chu Ruoxi followed the queen with an aggrieved face, but did not say a word. Instead, she let the queen help her feel unmarish and feel sorry for her.

Two days later is the big day for the emperor to leave the palace, but out of thin air, a Liangzhou governor who knew Lin Shuangqing early in the morning, Chu Ruoxi became more and more puzzled about the origin of Lin Shuangqing's identity.

Since Lord Yin has known Lin Shuangqing for a long time, why is Lin Shuangqing not worried at all that Yin Tianzheng recognizes her as a fake and takes the initiative to recognize "Shibo" so boldly?

Unfortunately, Qiao Alin was sent to the palace early in the morning. Otherwise, Qiao Alin is quite familiar with the western provinces. Let him check this Yin Tianzheng, and maybe he can find one or two.

Although Chu Ruoxi is suspicious of Lin Shuangqing's move, she can only let Deng Yi find an opportunity to go to the Beijing Post Station to investigate this Yin Tianzheng. She is weak, and there are more important things to arrange now!

In a blink of an eye, it was the day when Emperor Yongle left the palace, because the emperor and the prince both left the palace. Although Shangdexing Palace is only 40 miles away from the capital, this has never happened in the big week. It is of great importance. For the safety of the emperor, Liang Xianzhi, the commander of the imperial army, led 100,000 troops to protect each other, and the whole journey is magnificent and powerful!

The three sisters of Chu Ruoxi sat on the colorful glazed and covered green carriage. As this army left the capital of the earth lying on the earth like a crouching tiger, followed the emperor and entered the Shangde Palace.

Chu Ruoxi has been here before and is quite familiar with everything here. However, Chu Yunxi and Lin Shuangqing, who drove for the first time, were very curious. Lin Shuangqing, who had been very regular in the past, couldn't help asking Chu Ruoxi privately about Shangdexing Palace.

Chu Ruoxi has no reservations about the two curious sisters. Sometimes he doesn't know what he can't answer, and deliberately asked the slaves in the palace to come and tell the two ladies in detail.

Hearing the slaves talk about the lively scene of the emperor hunting in the palace, Lin Shuangqing, who had never experienced such a big scene, was jubilant. Together with Chu Yunxi, he only hoped that the emperor would recover as soon as possible and issue an order to hunt!

The emperor rested in the palace for a few days, his face gradually turned red, and he became energetic. The emperor's dragon was healthy, and his entourage was secretly relieved.

What surprised Chu Ruoxi most was that Emperor Yongle suddenly issued an order today to summon the stupid King of Jin to come to the Dexing Palace and keep him by his side.

Hearing Yang Yiping coming, a strange feeling rose in Chu Ruoxi's heart for no reason. The two had too many secrets and knew too many secrets of each other, but they seemed to have forgotten those things. In front of everyone, they dealt with each other calmly and everyone else.

"As Miss expected, the Duke Dingguo really has a secret plan to take action against the prince when he is hunting tomorrow!"

Qiao Alin's information made Chu Ruoxi feel a little relieved. She temporarily put down her conjecture about Yang Yiping and asked, "Are you going to poison or directly assassinate?"

"Alin hasn't found out exactly how to do it for the time being, but someone tampheed with the forest on the horse, which can't escape my eyes."

Chu Ruoxi was not satisfied with Qiao Alin's answer. "The emperor was stunned, obedient to Chu Yuanshan's words and kept it useful for the time being, but the prince did not die, and the Zhou Dynasty could not be chaotic, so no matter how the father intends to avenge his brother, we don't care about this matter, but the final result is that the prince must die! We can't pin our hopes on others, and our plan should also proceed as usual. You and Dong Fu should cooperate well with Deng Xin's people, kill the prince and mess up the Zhou Dynasty!"

"Yes, Alin will definitely satisfy the lady!"

Chu Ruoxi sent Qiao Alin away and looked at the crescent moon in the sky. His eyes were a little wet and could not be delayed any longer. He must make the Zhou Dynasty chaotic and make the Yang family unable to live in peace!

-What about Yang Yiping?

Chu Ruoxi was shocked and shocked by his own thoughts. How can he worry about him? His city is extremely deep. He has endured humiliation and burdens for so many years, just to fly to the sky. Be careful and beware of him. How can he have the idea that he can't bear it!

"Haha, sister Ruoxi guess who I am?"

Chu Ruoxi felt a cold wind and was about to avoid it. The person behind her was extremely fast and blindfolded her. The ten-year-old lines would only make those slaves feel more and more stupid.

"Your Highness, I can't guess, please let me go!"

Chu Ruoxi's same ten-thousand-year reply made Yang Yiping's interest cool down.

"Sister Ruoxi, you didn't guess, just say you don't know. It's not funny at all!"

"I have seen Your Highness!"

"I've met the crown princess!"

The slaves of both sides saluted, but Yang Yiping still flinched slightly and looked at Chu Ruoxi aggrievedly.

Chu Ruoxi asked knowingly, "Why does Your Highness look unhappy, but who doesn't listen to you? Also, why did you run to the Dexing Palace if you didn't guard Xiaohei in the Zhengde Hall?"

Yang Yi was happy on the plane and naturally took her hand and said happily, "My father called me here. I heard that there are tigers here, do you know? Sister Ruoxi, those people are afraid of tigers, but I'm not afraid at all!"

"Ah, Your Highness, tigers are big man-eating monsters, you have to be careful!"

Chu Ruoxi deliberately laughed, but Yang Yiping made his acting skills more and more perfect. He waved his hand proudly, and the eunuch behind him brought up a gray-black hound. "Don't be afraid, you see, I've brought my 'king' here. If the tiger dares to come out, I'll let the 'king' bite it to death!"