Blood Eater

Chapter 150 Rebuttal

Emperor Yongle listened to the bodyguard's words and was silent. The murder of Prince Xinggong, all kinds of spearheads are directed at Chu Ruoxi. On the surface, she is indeed very suspicious, and there are still many loopholes, and it is not easy to do anything to her.

For this reason, he almost forced Chu Yuanshan's dog to jump over the wall. At present, Chu Yuanshan looked at everything in the hall coldly and did not help Chu Ruoxi argue. He was afraid that he had a grudge in his heart for a long time. Therefore, Chu Ruoxi's matter was really careless, and he could not easily convicted her.

"Nonsense, Dong Fu has always been by my side. I was plotted by the assassin. He fought with the assassin and was injured. He went after the assassin regardless of his life, but you caught him and fooled the emperor. You are so bold, do you know the end of the crime of bullying the king?"

Chu Ruoxi's voice was fierce. The bodyguard wanted to distinguish again, but she made him open his mouth, but he didn't dare to say more.

"Cough!" Emperor Yongle coughed twice, "There were several assassin incidents in the palace. It was a good thing for the bodyguard to try their best to find the assassins, but they can't wrong the good people. Dong Fuzhen knows that he is a slave around Ruoxi. You say that he is an assassin. It's hard to make a conclusion without conclusive evidence."

"Your Majesty..." Lin's bodyguard looked at Chu Ruoxi, hesitated for a moment, and then reported to Emperor Yongle: "The little one saw the assassin fleeing and his subordinates eagerly to chase him. In addition to slashing one of the assassins, he also... also tore off a piece of the woman's sleeve with a dark arrow."

Lin's words made all the people present straighten up, and Chu Yuanshan raised his slightly drooping eyes and glanced at his hand in his arms.

When Chu Ruoxi heard the words, a bad foreboding suddenly rose and instinctively looked at his sleeve.

- It's not a coincidence that her sleeves are really missing. When did it happen?

When Emperor Yongle saw the cloth presented by Lin Shiwei, everyone looked at Chu Ruoxi - the material was exactly the same as her clothes.

"Nonsense! You set me up." Chu Ruoxi hurriedly asked Emperor Yongle for help, "Your Majesty, my heart is not dead. Last time the paddock failed to put me to death. This time, he deliberately framed me directly. I never assassinated the emperor. Please check it clearly."

Emperor Yongle's eyebrows raised high, pulled the broken cloth in his hand and shook his head slightly. "Although Zheng'er has gone, Ruoxi is going to enter the palace as a descendant. According to reason, they are all a family. There is no purpose to kill me. It's just that the person who shot a dark arrow at me tonight. Although he is covered his face, he is indeed a woman. This... This again How to explain it?"

He ordered someone to send the rags in his hand to Chu Yuanshan, Duke of Dingguo.

Chu Yuanshan took it over and looked at Chu Ruoxi, "Ruoxi, come here first."

Chu Ruoxi cried to Chu Yuanshan, "Father, you must help Ruoxi get rid of the blame. Ruoxi has no reason to assassinate the emperor. Moreover, Ruoxi went to Fengyi Palace and went back to the Zhengde Hall without seeing the Empress. So many slaves can testify. How can there be a chance to assassinate the emperor?"

"I know, the Qing man is self-clear. What you haven't done, the emperor is wise and will never wrong you. There are many people who want to harm my Chu family, and there are people who are jealous of your status as the crown princess. As long as you really don't do it, the emperor will never let others harm you."

Chu Yuanshan put the piece of cloth on the wooden table on one side and seemed to comfort Chu Ruoxi in a low voice. Everyone present could hear the meaning of his words. His daughter was not the murderer, and no one wanted to harm her.

After saying that, Chu Yuanshan stood up and kowtowed to Emperor Yongle: "Your Majesty, the old minister's family is loyal to the emperor and has no injustice. The people of the Chu family will never do such a righteous thing. Ruoxi is just a little girl's family, but also the crown princess of the emperor. She has no reason and will not go. Doing the injustice to the emperor, the old minister asked the emperor to investigate clearly, and Ruoxi was innocent with the Chu family.

"Chu Qing, please get up quickly, Andefu, why don't you help the Duke of Ding get up?" Emperor Yongle winked at Andefu and praised Chu Yuanshan: "Chu Qing did his best for me, Da Zhou, and he was bold and loyal. I saw it in my eyes. If someone deliberately wanted to frame the Chu family, I would never let others spoil him. Chu Qing, don't worry, I will investigate the assassin's matter carefully. If it's not for Ruo Xi, I will definitely return her innocence!"

The words of Emperor Yongle made Lin Shiwei and others's faces suddenly pale. Lin Shiwei's palms were sweating, and he knelt down with a "pummed": "The emperor clearly investigates that he dares not slander the crown princess, but... it's just... how to explain this?"

"There is no need to explain. If others want to frame me, of course, they will do everything. Fengyi Palace did not see the Empress, so I quickly returned to the Zhengde Hall and never left at all. So many slaves in the Zhengde Hall can testify. If I go to assassinate the emperor, can I be separated?"

From the dialogue between Chu Yuanshan and Yongle Emperor, Chu Ruoxi clearly felt Chu Yuanshan's protection and the threat to Yongle Emperor, and Yongle Emperor was afraid of Chu Yuanshan. There was nothing to be afraid of thinking that there was such a powerful father as a backer. The bodyguard who said a few words opened his mouth, but could not speak. .

"Don't be angry, Ruoxi. If the emperor will help you make the decision, things will come out, and none of you will be able to escape."

Last time in the paddock, the queen turned against Chu Ruoxi ruthlessly and regretted it afterwards. Today's matter is to stand on Chu Ruoxi's side and make up for the previous gap between the two.

After all, we have to rely on this "prince concubine" to be filial to herself in the future, and her aunt and nephew can keep the supreme position in the harem.

"Empress Mingjian, if you don't believe it, you can go to the slaves in Zhengde Hall and ask."

Chu Ruoxi asked the queen to help her clear the suspicion.

"I have a message to ask the slaves on duty in Zhengde Hall to come to the Tai Hall to reply as soon as possible!"

Emperor Yongle looked at Dong Fu, who was seriously injured on the ground and asked Chu Ruoxi: "Lin's bodyguard said that the injury on Dong Fu's back was caused by his sword. He tracked him all the way to Zhengde Hall and captured him, but you said that Dong Fu was injured by the assassin who assassin who assassinated you. There may be a misunderstanding. Do you know where the assassin attacked you?"

Emperor Yongle's words seemed ordinary, but in fact, there were many traps. Chu Ruoxi couldn't help but feel that the world had misunderstood the emperor who had been 'dizzy' all his life.

Emperor Yongle asked someone to pass on the Zhengde Temple slave to ask questions, but asked her to answer the details of the assassination now. If she doesn't match the slave after that, she is afraid that she will end up lying.

She thought for a moment, as long as she didn't say that she was assassinated in the study, Emperor Yongle would not find a flaw.

Chu Ruoxi looked at Dong Fu, who was still dripping blood on the ground, and his eyes were full of grief and indignation: "Ruoxi did not dare to deceive the emperor. As soon as she left the Fengyi Palace and stepped into the Zhengde Hall, before she could return to the room, someone secretly poisoned me. Fortunately, Dong Fu pushed me away at the moment of my life and blood and death, pushed me with the deadly sword and took it. The assassin's killing, and the assassin was crazy and couldn't hit it. He must have been angry in his heart. He slapped Dong Fu to death, which made him suffer a serious internal injury. At this time, the emperor's bodyguard rushed to the Zhengde Hall. The assassin saw that the situation was not good and fled. Of course, Dong Fu could not escape the assassin and immediately chased him, but was mistaken by the emperor's people. I was caught as an assassin..."

"Your Majesty, this is too outrageous. Not to mention protecting the princess, they arrested the princess's guard as an assassin. Isn't this fooling the emperor and wronging good people?"

When Chu Yuanshan heard the words, he was so angry that he only blew his beard and stared at the forest guard with an ominous look.

Emperor Yongle was a little at a loss for a moment. A small bodyguard could not risk losing his head to frame him in front of the crown princess, but Chu Ruoxi said that there was no fault...

"Father, today's matter is very suspicious, and my ministers are brave. It's better to hand this matter over to the Ministry of Criminal Justice and make a final conclusion after it is clarified."

The king of Rui, who had been silent and sat alone in a corner, stroked his shoulder and stood up to the Yongle Emperor.

He saw that his father could not control the current situation for a while, and he could not immediately say who was right and who was wrong. He let go and found a step to let Yongle Emperor retreat and suppress this in advance.

He only said that he was suspicious, but he didn't say who was suspicious, and he also left behind. No matter who is a righteous sinner in the future, it's none of his business.

Hearing what Prince Rui said, Lin's bodyguard also intended to make their guards a suspect awaiting trial. He thought that if he entered the prison of Shuntian Mansion, according to the power of Chu Yuanshan, he was afraid that he would die on the day of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

He was heartbroken and said to Emperor Yongle: "The emperor Mingjian, the little ones were ordered to arrest the assassin and never frame the prince's concubine. The assassin fired a secret arrow at the emperor. The little one was close to her and rushed at her without thinking about it, but only caught a sleeve. Although it was only for a moment, many bodyguards present saw it. It's a pity that the assassin still ran away. The little one's status is humble, but the old and the little one all rely on the little ones to take care of them. The little one dared to ask the emperor to investigate clearly. The little one really has no intention of framing the crown princess.

"Your Highness, you can't go in like this. Is the emperor still there? Your Highness..."

Lin Shiwei's words were kind, and even Chu Ruoxi doubted whether he was also the one who was used as a chess piece, but at this time, there was a panicked dissuasion from Eunuch Xu and the little eunuch of the outer palace.

And the king of Jin, who was seriously injured but didn't know who was here, rushed in long ago and knelt at his feet when he saw Emperor Yongle: "My son knocked on my father!"

"Your Majesty, I deserve to die!" His Royal Highness the King of Jin must come to Jiaotai Hall to see you. I can't stop it! Emperor..." Euke Xu kowtowed desperately to plead guilty!

When Emperor Yongle saw him, his eyebrows were gentle, and he did not blame him for breaking in without permission. He ordered him to get up: "Ping'er, you are injured and the floor is cool. Get up quickly!"

"Come on, help the King of Jin to sit down!"

"My son thanked my father!"

Yang Yiping did not go to the stools and chairs arranged by the little eunuch. Seeing Chu Ruoxi standing on the side of Chu Yuanshan, he went straight over and said happily, "Sister Ruoxi, are you all right!"

When Chu Ruoxi saw Yang Yiping, she pinched herself fiercely without showing a sound, and tears surged up: "Your Highness, someone bullied me!"

"Who dares! I killed him!"

King Jin's eyebrows sank and shook his fist. "Don't worry, I'm here, I won't let anyone bully you!"