Blood Eater

181 Sacrifice

"Dong Fu!" Chu Ruoxi shook his hand angrily and turned around.

Cai Zhen's scream came from behind him. How could he run over the half-man Dong Fu? Chu Ruoxi didn't say anything, and he didn't stop. Cai Zhen's scream turned into a howling. At first, he could beg for mercy. In the end, he was beaten and simply broke his mouth and scolded, "What a broken princess, you... Ouch... you crazy people... crazy... Son, ouch..."

Hearing that scream, Chu Ruoxi's heart was like being cut by a knife. The hope of the Daqi Dynasty turned out to be such a bad, such waste material, but he was the only close relative in his life. Although Dong Fu's fist fell on him, it hurt in his heart...

"Chu madman..." Although Dong Fu was ordered to teach him a lesson, he also knew that he was a very important person for a young lady. He punched his flesh, but he did not dare to really hurt his life. The pain was naturally be indispensable.

Dong Fu cried and said, "I don't know you at all, you guys... Ouch, Ouch... Crazy, I won't play anymore, Ouch... What a crown princess... Ouch... I want to go back, asshole... Ouch... I want to go back to Chang'an, madman... Ouch..."

"Miss!" Qiao Alin quickly held the crumbling Chu Ruoxi, "Miss, don't be angry, this stupid boy..."

"Alin, let him stop!" Chu Ruoxi's voice was as soft as a mosquito. She reached out and covered her chest. Her eyes were red, but the tears of forbearance never fell. "Tie me to Luoyan Mountain!"

"What?" Qiao Alin was stunned. It was already dark. Luoyan Mountain is dozens of miles away from the capital. Miss is not ready to go to Luoyan Mountain at all!

"Alin!" Chu Ruoxi straightened up. Although his voice was weak, he was powerful.

Qiao Alin dared not disove and asked Dong Fu to take Cai Zhen and go to Luoyan Mountain - Shunyi Imperial Mausoleum!

Cai Zhen was pressed on horseback by Dong Fu. Several people quickly planned to leave the city, but Chu Ruoxi did not look at him from beginning to end. His face was as cold as the cold moon in the sky, with a cold light. He felt empty and said, " want... Ouch, what do you want? Where do you want to take me?

No one answered him, only the whiring wind sounded in his ear. Seeing that he was about to leave the city, the gate was about to be locked. Cai Zhen shouted, "! Ouch..."

With a howling, he was almost spit out blood by Dong Fu's knife, and then his mouth was blocked. His eyes were starry, and he watched the sign in Qiao Alin's hand shake, and the gate officers and soldiers bowed their heads to let them out of the city.

The three horses and four people ran for about an hour, and the outline of Luoyan Mountain was like a huge monster under the moonlight, quietly lying there, staring at the people in front of them.

On the road, there was a desolate person, overgrown with weeds, and the mountain wind was whistling. Cai Zhen, who was painful and afraid, almost fainted. When he went up the mountain, his horse slowed down. He looked at Chu Ruoxi, who was close at him, looking panicked and his mouth kept saying "wooing"!

Chu Ruoxi's black and bright eyes seemed to overflow at this moment. She gently bit her lower lip, looked solemn, and kept looking at the mountain.

"It's here, miss!"

Qiao Alin took the lead in getting off the horse and helped Chu Ruoxi hold the reins. Seeing her like this, his heart was also not good. "Be careful!"

"Bear him here!" Chu Ruoxi did not look back, and there seemed to be a thousand pounds under his feet. He stepped on the stone steps and walked to the lonely tombstone step by step.

Cai Zhen didn't know why. He looked at the dark mountains and forests, his feet trembled, pulled off the burden in his mouth, and said in horror, " are you going to do? You...can't...kill me, I...I...I..."

He was dragged to the tombstone by Dong Fu in an instant. Chu Ruoxi in front of him had already kneeled to the ground and kowtowed deeply.

Her tears could no longer help, like the stream gushing out of the spring, with the grievances she had suffered for more than a year, and no one could tell her thoughts. She lay in front of the tomb of Emperor Shunyi and couldn't get up.

"You...prince" Dong Fu was at a loss and tried to look at the words on the tombstone. He faintly saw a few words, which was not very clear. He was puzzled. Isn't the woman under his direct daughter of the Duke of Dingguo, the crown princess of the dynasty? Why did you go to this wilderness in the middle of the night to find a tomb and cry like this?

Is the ancestral tomb of the Duke of Dingguo here?

"Kneel down!"

The cold two words, like thunder in the sky, frightened Cai Zhen. Before he could react, he was bent on his knees by Dong Fu, "Miss let you kneel down!"

Cai Zhen knelt beside Chu Ruoxi. He was scared, but more angry: "Bastard, no matter how bad I am Cai Zhen... I'm also a good man. Why... Ouch... How can I kneel casually... Alas... Kneeling on others!"

Chu Ruoxi's fierce head, two cold lights in his eyes were like bayonet. Cai Zhenru was hit by an icicle, and he trembling. He quickly knelt down and lowered his head.

"Alin, Dong Fu, go and help me be on guard first and don't let anyone get close. I have something to say to Cai Zhen."

Qiao Alin was extremely fast and had made a small bonfire on her side. Cai Zhen finally didn't feel so cold, but the pain on his body was like a shadow, which was enough for him to suffer.

Chu Ruoxi looked at his eyes and no longer were so cold. Under the tall tombstone, the two knelt quietly. She did not make a sound. Cai Zhen suffered a lot and did not dare to be presumptuous anymore. Although he was at a loss, he still suffered honestly.

"Cai Zhen, why don't you kowtow to recognize your ancestors!"


Cai Zhen grinned at Chu Ruoxi. Seeing that she was not so cold, there was a faint closeness, and there was a soft light in his eyes. He was a little distracted, and it was inevitable that he would get up with a little ape, "Pa!"

The dry firewood made a sound and splashed a little spark. He shrank in fear and said in a trembling voice: "For... for a living? Why should I kowtow for...?

"You kowtow first, kneel sincerely, and I'll tell you slowly!"

Chu Ruoxi was ashamed of his father, and kowtowed to the tomb of Emperor Shunyi. He said silently in his heart, "Yan is incompetent. For more than a year, he can't help his father settle his grievances and eliminate Yang's traitors. Fortunately, he was reborn for the rest of his life and finally found my Guo's bloodline. Yanran brought him to visit his father today. After his mother, he begged his father and mother to be here. Heaven has a spirit, which can teach these unmotivated descendants and let him take on the responsibility of reorganizing my country! Restoration of my Guo family!"

When Cai Zhen saw that Chu Ruoxi said so solemnly, he thought that if he didn't listen to her, the two fierce men behind him would not have good fruit for himself, so he had to kowtow to the tomb of Emperor Shunyi.

"Okay, now... tell me!"

He was punched hard on the chin by Dong Fu, and when he spoke, he grinned with pain!

Chu Ruoxi looked at him, her lips trembled slightly, and she couldn't say a word for a long time. Her hand gently stroked a few big words on the tombstone. The years passed through the vicissitudes of life, and the handwriting had faded a lot after a hundred years later.


Cai Zhen followed her white fingers and slowly read those words, "Shunyi Emperor!"

He repeated reading once and almost jumped up in shock. He was calmed by Chu Ruoxi's eyes, and still couldn't help trembling: "This...this is...what's going on! Why did you...the princess want me to worship the previous dynasty...the king?"

The trembling finally said the words completely. Although he was muddle-headed and didn't know how to make progress, he also knew who was lying behind the cold stone tablet in front of him.

--That's the emperor of the previous dynasty! What does Cai Zhen have to do with him? What does the little woman next to him have to do with Emperor Shunyi? Why is she so sad? Isn't she the crown princess of the dynasty?

"Presumptuous! The emperor is your ancestor. How can you be so rude that you don't kowtow and apologize!"

"Impossible!" Cai Zhen did not jump up, but softened and sat directly on the ground. If he suspected that the crown princess had been stimulated and became crazy before doing such an unreasonable thing, it may be credible, but what she said - she was the descendant of the subjugated emperor! What a big joke!

"Joke! How is this possible?" Cai Zhen didn't believe his death. His finger pointed to the big stone tablet, "The old man rumored that in those years... Daqi perished, and the royal family of Emperor Shunyi was killed. Where... Where did the children survive? You...joke!"

"Cai Zhen! No, Guo Zhen! You are really the heir of the emperor, after the royal family of the previous dynasty!" Chu Ruoxi took out the imperial seal found on him that day and stretched it in front of him: "Do you know what this is? This is the seal carried by Emperor Shunyi, and there is only one seal in the world!"

"Nonsense! This is... This is the treasure left to me by my father! It was robbed by you! My father gave it to me..." Although Cai Zhen was not doing his job and a playboy, he was not stupid. He suddenly stopped. Yes, it was left by his father, and it was also passed down from his grandfather to his father!

"Don't doubt that your background is indeed after the royal family of the previous dynasty..."

Chu Ruoxi put the seal of Emperor Shunyi in his hand and slowly explained the origin to him.

About half a column of incense, Chu Ruoxi told Cai Zhen that Cai Jian, the loyal minister of the previous dynasty, was in danger, replaced the young son of Emperor Shunyi with his infating blood, and helped the royal family shed a wisp of blood.

Cai Zhen's mouth opened slightly, and even the corners of his mouth inadvertently flowed saliva. He was so shocked that he looked at Chu Ruoxi for a long time and did not recover.

"So, you are not Cai Zhen, you are Guo Zhen, you are the hope of the restoration of the Qi Dynasty!"

A gust of mountain wind blew, and the bonfire danced. It was still so cold that Cai Zhen was excited. His body trembled and he still couldn't accept it: "No... impossible! This can't be... Who are you? You... you are the daughter of the Duke of Ding. Aren't you the crown princess of the emperor? Why did you do this?"

"Batch! There is no possibility. I said that you are Guo Zhen. You are. Not long after Yang Zicheng, a traitor, ascended the throne, the Cai family resigned and retired. It was not until the former emperor and the vassal king rebelled that they returned to the capital. They just looked forward to the hope of a day and the restoration of the rebellion!"

"You are presumptuous! Great rebellious words... If you say great rebellious words, you are not afraid of the beheading of the Meridian Gate and dismembering the five horses!"

Cai Zhen didn't know whether to live or die and stand up to Chu Ruoxi!