Gate of the Cross

Chapter 74 Strange Cave

"The weather is good today."

"Very good."

Nanali looked up at the cloudless sky and sighed that the new Jie beside her also rarely agreed.

"Xinjie, are you ready?" Nanali couldn't help but feel a little strange when she heard Xinjie agree with her. After all, Xinjie rarely expressed her opinion on this kind of thing. However, the concern about the next thing made her quickly forget this and asked about it.

Xinjie didn't say anything, just nodded, which was a return to his usual style.

"Really, how can I doubt you? You are the most trustworthy captain!"

Seeing his calm appearance, Nanali shook her head and smiled as if she suddenly remembered something funny.

"No, if you can, I hope you can remind me often."

Xinjie said seriously.

When she was stared at by Xinjie, Nanali only felt her heart pounding. She didn't know why it was like this. Xinjie just said a very ordinary sentence. Why did she do this?


Nanali whispered, but her tone was full of joy. As for why she was happy, only she knew.

According to the clue provided by the village head, the two went all the way west after leaving the village, dealing with the birds and cold tree spirits that appeared from time to time on the road while looking for the strange cave.

Both monsters are difficult to deal with, and Birdman will use the chaotic attack skill, which is a state attack skill. The so-called state attack refers to the addition of various abnormal states on the basis of ordinary attacks, such as chaos, drunkenness, petrochemical and so on.

Xinjie and Nanali are fine, and both of them have a certain degree of resistance. However, their pets are different. After being hit by the chaotic attack of birds, they often turn their heads and rush to their owners. Although it is difficult to cause any damage, it is also a headache.

As for the cold tree spirit, it is even more annoying, because it can freeze magic. Whether it is Xinjie's demon or Nanali's red-eye mantis, they all have fire attributes. Because of the attributes, they are beaten by frozen magic. Especially for demons, just by looking at the fiery red appearance of the whole body, you can know that most of its attributes are fire elements.

What the two can do is to do it first and put them down before they do it.

"Huh? Is that the end?"

All the way to the seaside, I didn't see the cave that the village head said. Seeing that there was no way to go west, Nanali couldn't help but be a little impatient.

Even Nanali herself did not find that when she was with Xinjie, she showed the character of a little girl more and more time.

"There are a lot of trees, look carefully."

Xinjie pulled away the branches and leaves in the way in front of him and said so. The greening work of Freya Island is very good - although it is good for the ecological environment, it is also troublesome to find a wild cave.

Nally could only suppress her restless heart and look forward. This time, she did not ride a horse, but left it in Arute Village and asked the villagers to take care of it. After all, she already knew that the destination was a cave, and it was very inconvenient to ride a horse.

"If only there was a conical crystal..." Nanali and Xinjie went around this place for a long time and still couldn't find the cave. Nanali couldn't help regretting and saying, "... I don't know where the cave is."

"Conical crystal?" Xinjie heard this word for the first time.

"Well, conical crystals are sold in shops in flange city. Use that caves that can quickly find transmission power in the wild, and you don't have to be so troublesome with it... Huh, here!"

Nanali was explaining the use of the tapered crystal for Xinjie. Suddenly, she felt a magic flow from a place close to her. She pushed away the branches and stared at them, and finally found their target.

"Sure enough, it was blocked by the tree, which made people spend so much effort!" Nanali said angrily.

Xinjie came over and took a closer look to see why they had never seen the spinning yellow conveyor stone. Because of the perspective and time, the sun is eastward in the morning, and several tree shadows of different sizes just overlap with the transmission stone.

After they circled around for a while, the sun gradually began to rise above their heads, and the shadow gradually became shorter, and the transmission stone emerged from the shadow of the tree.

"Go in." Xinjie said to Nanali beside him.

"Okay, let's all be careful."

The two entered the teleport stone one after the other, and a magical force suddenly isolated the internal and external contact.

"This... is really a strange cave."

After entering the teleportation stone, Nanali looked around curiously and said.

Although it is connected inside and outside by conveyor stones, it is more like an artificial cave than a natural cave, but what has not changed is that the roads and traffic here are a labyrinth.

"The maze."

"It's another maze!"

Bo both found this and spoke at the same time. Xinjie was calm, while Nanali obviously took on a complaining tone.

"The stairs are not far away." Nanali said happily when she saw the stairs not far away.

What reassured the two a little was that there seemed to be no demon clan in this cave, just a simple maze. Xinjie guessed that the team led bypian yi had cleaned up the demon clan on the road in advance.

And the subsequent encounter also proved his conjecture.

"Wow, help!"

A man shouted and rushed to the two.

"Are you alive?"

Why is this sentence again? However, seeing his panicked appearance, the kind Nanali still forgave his rudeness and said patiently, "Yes... we are living people... Are you from Ariute Village?"

"That's right, I'm Floken who was caught by them! Run quickly. There are ghosts in this cave. I saw them use our bodies for strange experiments, and a white shadow is going inside!"

"What is he talking about?" Nanali frowned and sounded incoherent.

"It should be too frightened," Xinjie said. It was the same when he met Bi Anza in the mourning hall last time, so he was experienced in dealing with this kind of thing and stepped forward to hold his shoulders firmly:

"Floken, look at me, calm down, you're safe!"

" it safe?"

"Tell us if someone has come to save you?"

"Yes... Yes, there are many people, many people went down. I persuaded them, but they still didn't listen. They will be eaten by those monsters, wow!"

After saying this, he simply fainted.

"What should I do? Should I send him back?" Nanali asked.

Xinjie thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "They have been going down for a long time, but there is no news today. They should be in trouble."

"What about him?" Nanali pointed to the fainted Furoken and asked. She felt that it seemed inappropriate to leave him here.

"We haven't encountered monsters along the way. I guess the secret doctor has gathered them all at the bottom, so there should be no danger in leaving him here."

PS: I don't know if you have a similar experience. When you go to the dog hole several times, you can't find the entrance. Anyway, once we changed the line. This is also the sadness of 2D games. You can't change the perspective. You can only try to hide under the tree step by step. The above content is pure complaint, and there is no need to be serious.