Gate of the Cross

Chapter 144 Vacation and Travel

"No, raise your hand a little higher!"

"You! Lower your focus and think you are tall?

"And you! Don't look at others and do your own thing!"

A twelve- or three-year-old teenager paced in the yard with his hands on his back. From time to time, a trace of maturity that was not commensurate with his age flashed in his eyes.

There were more than a dozen people in heavy armor in front of him, all holding swords and shields. Groups of two were practicing attack and defense respectively. From time to time, they could hear the dull sound of two swords intersecting or swords blocked by shields. Many of them are much older than the teenager who commanded them. However, the silver badge on the teenager's chest shows his identity - a full-time swordsman. For the trainee swordsman who are still a little unfamiliar with these movements, he undoubtedly has the right to teach them a lesson.

When the teenager watched these swordsmen sweating in the sun, he inadvertently found a familiar figure standing in the shade of a big tree staring at them.


After seeing the man, he ran over excitedly, and there was no seriousness on his face at all.

Seeing the teenager running towards him, the man standing in the shade of the tree smiled and came out of the shade of the tree.

He has a tall figure, red hair, and correct and resolute facial features - he looked at the excited teenager, opened his mouth, and showed his white and neat teeth: "Robert, long time no see! "Are you training?"

"Yes, senior!"

Robert looked at the man in front of him, who was only seven years older than him, and his eyes radiated an undisguised admiration.

The trainee swordsmen who were practicing did not dare to stop without Robert's permission, but they couldn't help looking at the man. The same silver badge as Robert indicates his identity - another full-time swordsman. Some people recognize this handsome man with red hair as the regular swordsman Xinjie, who is now praised by other swordsmen in the Swordsman League.

"Why did you come here today?"

Robert looked very happy because of Xinjie's arrival and walked beside Xinjie and asked.

"Well, I may be away for a while recently, so I came to tell the teacher in advance."

Xinjie's eyes swept over these trainee swordsmen and answered casually.

Since Pluto's successful defeat of Zhai Jianyu spread, more and more people have switched to the profession of swordsman. Disol, who had personally guided the newcomers, was obviously a little busy, so full-time swordsmen like them were sent to train these rookies who knew nothing.

"Is it a long way?" Hearing Xinjie's words, Robert immediately became concerned, "Where are you going to take risks?"

Seeing Robert's nervous appearance, Xinjie immediately guessed the boy's mind. Last time I went to the Forest of Sighs with several of them and almost died in the battle with the group of people led by Zhai Jianyu, Robert's strength improved a lot.

This is inevitable. After such a life-and-death battle, it is strange that the battle level has not improved. You know, even Xinjie thought Robert was really dead - if Pluto hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid he would have really died.

Of course, Robert also got the flower of life and successfully promoted to a full-time swordsman. However, as Disor said, he has no hope of promotion to the palace class due to his own qualifications, but in Xinjie's view, he is also quite satisfied with his current job.

Xinjie can imagine that the reason why Robert cares about his where he is that he still wants to experience such an adventure with him again.

"It's not a risk. I agreed to my friend's invitation to travel with her."

Robert was obviously a little disappointed when he heard Xinjie's words - but he immediately diverted his attention and pointed to the trainees who were training and asked, "Seniors, what do you think of them?"

Xinjie looked at the trainees working hard under the scorching sun and encouraged them, "Working hard, Robert, you did a good job."

Robert has two people he respect most in the world, one is his teacher Disol, and the other is Xinjie. Either of these two people is his idol and his goal. So when he heard his respected predecessor praise him, he couldn't help but feel a little proud and embarrassed.

"However, it would be better for them to take a proper rest."

Hearing Xinjie's words, the trainee swordsmen couldn't help looking at Xinjie gratefully. What a good person, Elder Xinjie!

Looking at the hard-working trainees in the afternoon of this early summer festival, Robert nodded without hesitation, "I know."

"Well, I'm going to find the teacher."

Xinjie, who didn't know that he had sent more than a dozen good people cards, patted Robert on the shoulder and walked further into the arena. Of course, he wouldn't mind knowing that it was a man who sent him a good man card, but he heard Robert's voice from behind: "Since the seniors have opened their mouths, let's take a break."

"H Long live!" Cheers ×N.

"Xinjie, you're here, sit down."

After saluteing Disol, Xinjie sat down.

"Xinjie, come to see me at this time. What's the matter?" Disor put down what he was busy with and looked up at Xinjie with a bright smile, "Or has your skills improved again?"

Three months have passed since Xinjie defeated the tree spirit elder from the town of Vinoa and returned to France, and Freya has officially entered the summer. In the past three months, Xinjie first completed the promotion process from a trainee with his friends, became a real swordsman, and was also accepted as an official disciple by Disol.

Later life was relatively monotonous. Gene and Snow Dragon Soul were always busy in the Knights and the Great Hall. Even Nanali was summoned back by the Archers' Guild and basically didn't see each other for a week. After Xinjie recovered from his injury, he has been traveling between Vinoa Town and Flange City except for going to Alyut Village to attend Yayi's summer wedding.

To Xinjie's surprise, when he gave him Eric's weapon, Eric really paid him - a ring called the Ring of the Sage, which can enhance the agility and spirit of a person at the same time.

Xinjie felt that it was not very useful to him, but Disol said that this ring had a great effect on agile magicians and suggested that Xinjie keep him and maybe it could be used in the future. So Xinjie put it on for the time being. Although it is a little useless for a swordsman, he does not have the same kind of jewelry at present, and the sage's ring is not satisfactory to him.

In the following days, Xinjie spent all his time in the undersea cave. For now, this is the best place to hone his skills and combat skills. Xinjie, who has just become a full-time swordsman, fights against the demon clan here to make himself more proficient in fighting and use his skills more skillfully.

In the words of many travelers, this kind of behavior is training. Xinjie met many soldiers who often practiced there at the bottom of the sea, and occasionally teamed up with them.

If nothing unexpected happens, Xinjie originally planned to continue to practice at the bottom of the sea for a while, but just yesterday, after Nanali came to see him, he had to change his mind.

"You said you were going to Sochia Island?"

After hearing Xinjie say his intention, Disol looked a little surprised, "Why? Why do you think of going there?"

"Friend", Xinjie replied concisely, "I want to travel with my friends."