Hunting legend

Chapter 4 Secret Base

Section 4 Secret Base

"Report the situation outside!" Yes, general!" After a standard military salute, the clerk took a look at the display screen in his hand and said loudly, "It's 18:06 Beijing time. 24 hours and 6 minutes have passed since the green light appeared. According to the images sent back by the satellite, there is basically no sign of human activity on the ground, but strangely, all the exposure The human body on the surface disappeared strangely, and at the same time, there was a strange phenomenon brought to the general's attention!" Tell me, when is this? Give me back!" In the face of the general's question, the clerk squeezed his lips. "The following is the understanding that all researchers have reached a consensus. According to the observation satellite, 24 hours after the green light appeared, all the plants on the surface seemed to have mutated and the growth rate has reached an unprecedented level. Now the surface coverage area has almost occupied Sixty-s of the land area seems to continue and is under further observation. Very good, two groups of elite troops were dispatched, brought the necessary equipment, and went to the city and the jungle respectively. The goal is to bring me back biological specimens contaminated with green light for scientific research. Dr. Li Jiacheng is fully responsible for this operation. I will officially issue an authorization order later. Now, you can go down.

The general leaned back to make his back feel more comfortable. It seems that he has to sort out his thoughts. What happened on the ground in these hours?

The general's base is located at a depth of 2,500 meters underground, and a lot of bases like this have been arranged elsewhere to cope with this irresistible disaster.

It is 2012. In the Mayan prophecy, the earth will experience a global devastating disaster on December 21 of this year. At first, everyone thought it was just a legend, but when archaeologists discovered the accuracy of the Mayan calendar and the exquisite achievements of this ancient civilization in astronomy, most people began to pay attention to this legend. As a national machine, any reasonable and unreasonable possibility must be included, the so-called "prepared for a rainy day" , take precautions before it happens." Therefore, as this day approaches, national leaders, important scientists, government dignitaries, and national elites have moved to underground shelters and bases distributed throughout the country to watch the changes.

The disaster really happened, but it was later than expected, which made many people lose their vigilance. According to observation instruments, the green light broke out on time from 6 p.m. on the 21st and lasted for 15 minutes. At first, the people who stayed on the ground did not feel any discomfort, but when the penetration of the green light was displayed, there was a panicked green skeleton everywhere. All people were scared and hid under all the shelters that could avoid the light. The streets were full of crowded crowds, and traffic accidents were frequent. The chaos lost too many people's lives. In this disaster, countless people died due to crowding and trampling. When the people in the house found that the castle made of reinforced concrete could not block the green light, people almost fell into despair, and many heart patients could not withstand the impact and died. Slowly, when people found that this light would not cause direct life danger except for the X-ray effect on the human body, all the people were relieved and slowly calmed down. Until 15 minutes later, the green light dissipated. All people thought that God had made a big joke on them, but it was just a false alarm. Except for those places where you can see the green moon, people will be more alert.

Time passed slowly, and the real disaster happened, and many people mutated. For example, a monster full of animal hair drilled out with the screams. Some people even grew tails. It seemed that there were leopard-faced people, and the world fell into more Great panic. Then, more people found that the relatives around them began to become aggressive, as if they had lost their humanity and rationality, and no longer knew the relatives around them. The husband began to bite his wife, and the wife began to attack his own children. Then, all human beings who could still move became the target of attack or attack. Not only have people changed, but even the plants in nature are undergoing great changes. Plants begin to grow crazily. Even in the desert, as long as there is a little green, it will magically develop into a large area of green. For the former, underground anthropologists believe that some people belong to the phenomenon of rebirth. From a biological point of view, this proves that some people's genes are degrading under green light, which seems to be supported by the theory of biological evolution, but it does not seem to be completely so. As for the aggressiveness of human beings, it may be a viral effect, or after genetic degradation, human instinctive animalism is on the way to evolution. Botanicalists expressed their view that the soaring plants in the desert have completely subverted traditional botany theory. Perhaps green light can directly provide plants with excessive nutrients, or green light has also changed the genes of plants. None of this is sure. Maybe the people on the ground will die in the hands of the same kind, and the soaring plants will become the masters of the earth. Maybe the earth will really become a green planet.

The general suddenly felt very tired. Will these plants keep going crazy? Will it be offensive to people? Is the attack of people on the ground a new type of virus? ยทยทยท

There is no choice but to wait another 24 hours and wait for the ground troops to successfully bring back the experimental body. Everything can only be determined by Dr. Li's analysis results. Looking at the staff who kept running around, the general secretly celebrated that he was more than 2,000 meters deep underground, otherwise, he really didn't know how deep the green light could penetrate. Perhaps, after they can't survive on the ground, the people they stay behind for the rest of their lives are the future of the human race. Thinking of this, "Come on!" The general shouted on the phone.

There was a knock on the door, "Come in." With the sound of pushing the door, the previous clerk wearing gold-framed glasses came in. "Give me an order, and the satellite began to focus on searching for survivors and pay close attention to each other's behavior. All videos must be archived for reading at any time!"