Hunting legend

Chapter 132 Discovery of Flying Saucers

If human beings can fly in the air like birds, you can see a team of 100 people walking by a winding river in neat military uniforms in the depths of the mountains.

This team is exactly Mo Yu and others who go deep into the swamp. The team has been walking for two days, and there is no road under their feet. It is full of knee-deep mud. Occasionally, they can see a little hard soil in the sparse trees, and they will stop and rest for a while.

There are many dangers hidden in the swamp. If you step on the seemingly soft soil, you may never have a chance to pull out your feet again, because your whole person is swallowed up by the hidden mud below.

The stone was scraping the dry mud on the upper half of the legs of his trousers with a dry branch. Looking at Zixuan, who was also busy beside him, he smiled and said, "Zixuan, your girl's family should love cleanliness most. Do you regret it now?"

Zixuan stopped her movements, looked at the stone and said, "I'm not a spoiled lady since I was a child. Although these entangled muds disgust me, I really don't feel any reluctance. Since I have chosen this road, I will never regret it! What's more, in order to help Luli rescue his people as soon as possible, no matter how difficult it is, I can overcome it!"

The stone nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work these days. Since everyone ate the food you cooked, they were all red and energetic. Instead, you have lost a lot of weight these days.

Zixuan brushed the hair covering her eyes, looked at the stone's eyes and said, "Thank you, deputy captain, for your concern. Girls will be more beautiful if they are thinner, which is exactly what they want."

Stone smiled and said, "Anyway, I hope you don't continue to lose weight. Otherwise, it will be really difficult for me to go back to the dungeon to see Uncle De."

Zixuan suddenly asked, "After talking for such a long time, have we found any clues?"

Shitou was about to answer when Dai Jun suddenly pulled Luli and hurried to the stone and shouted, "Vice captain, we finally found the clue left by the Luli people."

Stone immediately became interested and called Mo Yu in the distance. Everyone listened to Dai Jun's report.

It turned out that the stone's judgment was correct at the beginning. It walked all the way along the river in the swamp. Dai Jun and others found several footprints left by orcs. Just now, when they ran to the edge of the river to fw water, they suddenly found a footprint left by a chimpanzee, with a cross dent in the middle of the footprint. , it can be sure that it was left by a clan in Luli.

After Dai Jun's supplementary explanation, Stone and others understood. It turned out that one of the people of Luli was born with a cross bulge on the sole of his foot and was very familiar with Luli. It was this unique footprint that made Lu Li confirm that his people had been here before.

At Mo Yu's request, Dai Jun took several people to the river and looked at the footprint. Mo Yu tried the softness of the soil around him and said, "The footprints are a little dry. They should have been left a few days ago. Let's look around to see if there are any other discoveries.

Dai Jun immediately arranged manpower to search. Sure enough, in a relatively dense forest, they found some messy footprints. There seemed to be some blackening blood stains next to the footprints, and they didn't know what was left behind.

After some research, Stone and others immediately concluded that the clan of Luli is now in a bad situation, because among all the known footprints, except for this ape, the rest are all werewolf footprints. However, following the direction indicated by the footprints, they should walk in the same direction as the stone. This discovery immediately cheered everyone up.

I don't know what's going on. The further you go, the stronger the inexplicable interference will be. The pointer on the compass is turning around, and even the caller that keeps in touch between everyone has failed, and it is full of sharp whistling sounds.

Everyone felt very frustrated about this situation, but Stone was an exception. Compared with Xiaoguai's disregard for external things, Stone feels that this is a good phenomenon.

The interference is getting stronger and stronger, which only shows that they are getting closer and closer to the interference source, indicating that they are not going in the wrong direction. Regardless of whether this source of interference is related to the people of Luli, Stone feels the need to figure it out. What's more, the direction indicated by the footprints and the source of interference are not contradictory.

At dusk, the team went to the source of the river under the guidance of Wang Cai, not far from the river, and they made new discoveries.

The collapsed forest was broken in one direction and stretched out into the distance.

In this way, a road about ten meters wide appeared in the dense jungle, full of fallen trees, and the treetops were brushed towards the depths of the jungle.

Mo Yu came forward to check the collapsed trees and said, "The branches and leaves have dried up and can burn directly. The incident has happened for at least half a month."

The stone stepped forward and asked, "I'm afraid that such a large-scale destruction can't be done by nature."

Mo Yu nodded and said, "At first, I suspected that it was an aircraft accident, but there was no trace of burning at the scene, which is not common sense. I'm afraid the situation is more complicated.

The little boy, who had been silent, suddenly came up and said, "Instead of guessing here, it's better to run to the end to see what's going on."

Mo Yu took a look at the stone, and both of them couldn't hang on their faces. They called Dai Jun. Mo Yu said, "I want you to take a few people to investigate in person to see where this road leads to?" What happened before? Be careful all the way!"

Dai Jun nodded and called Lu Li and several team members to go deep into the forest.

Seeing Dai Jun and the others disappearing in the depths of the forest, the stone called Wang Cai, led him to the river and began to take a bath for him. Under the wash of the river, Wang Cai's long golden hair appeared again, and the stone did not know why he turned out a crystal comb and began to carefully comb his hair for Wang Cai. After a while, Wang Cai regained his original energetic and powerful momentum and looked at the stone and shouted.

Looking at Wang Cai's happy appearance, Stone's heart was full of a sense of happiness. It has been some days that I haven't helped Wang Cai take a good shower, and I feel more or less owed to Wang Cai. Holding up Wang Cai's hairy head, the stone buried his head in.

Just when everyone was bored, Dai Jun finally came back with several team members. Looking at Dai Jun's gray face, Stone was the first to run up and asked what was going on.

Dai Jun gasped and looked at the stone but couldn't say a word. He just took out his mobile phone from his pocket and handed it to the stone.

The stone took the mobile phone and handed it to the money that had been waiting for a long time. Money skillfully opened the mobile phone video and took a look, and immediately covered his mouth and exclaimed.

When the stone grabbed the mobile phone in the hand of money, a huge dish appeared on the screen, covered with silver gray, and there was a row of glass-like windows.

Stone immediately asked money to transfer the video to a tablet, called everyone over, and carefully studied the video in less than ten minutes.

As the picture unfolded, the team members began to exclaim. From their conversation, the stone immediately understood that the huge dish in the picture was a spaceship from an alien planet.

All the people looked at Xiaoguai, who was also confused. Although he was also an alien, he really saw this guy for the first time and didn't know him at all.

Looking at Xiaoguai's confused face, the big guy was suddenly a little disappointed. Originally, he thought that this flying saucer came from Xiaoguai's hometown, but who knew that Xiaoguai didn't know it, and this contrast was indeed too big.

Dai Jun finally took a breath and shouted to everyone, "Everyone be careful. There are monsters in that spacecraft. We almost can't come back, but we don't know why we can clearly see each other, but we can't take pictures of each other on our mobile phones."

Hearing this, Stone immediately became alert and began to keep everyone vigilant and continued to watch the video.

In the picture, except for the flying saucer and Dai Jun, there are indeed no other creatures, but the last picture suddenly flew up inexplicably and directly hit Dai Jun who was taking pictures.

The stone immediately frowned and looked at Mo Yu beside him.

Mo Yu spread his hands and said, "It seems that we have to fight another tough battle this time, but the target has become aliens. Everyone also took this opportunity to touch their bottom and see how many catties they had, and actually came to our earth to spread wild!"

Looking at Mo Yu, the blood in Stone's heart began to boil and shouted, "Let's quietly touch the environment first, and catch them alive when it's dark."

Dai Jun raised his hand to look at the time and said, "It's already four o'clock in the afternoon, and there are still about two hours before dark. We still have more time. Let's just do a big job tonight to see how powerful these alien creatures are!"

Stone smiled and looked at Xiaoguai and said, "Before taking action, I want to send you to have a look. Not only to explore the other party's abilities and weapons used, but I also ask you to enter the flying saucer with the help of your transparent stealth ability to see what the purpose of these alien visitors came to the earth! "

The little boy thought for a moment and said, "I'll take care of this matter." Speaking of which, I'm also half an alien. I just want to see what's magical about their flying saucer. Maybe we can also grab their flying saucer. If there is a chance, I will also take everyone to my hometown as a guest.

In a burst of laughter, Xiaoguai disappeared in front of the crowd, but before leaving, Xiaoguai left a split on the stone so that the two sides could contact each other at any time.