Hunting legend

Chapter 172 Ghost Perception

In the dark jungle, the stone group was walking through the dense branches and leaves. This was the second day of the team's march. With the addition of Ghost Seven, the jungle was no longer as mysterious as in the past. Even those excellent hidden small animals were invisible under the super perception of Ghost Seven. These small animals naturally became Wang Cai is a good partner to show his skills.

Seeing the reckless man dragging more than a dozen large and small beasts, Stone couldn't help saying to the ghost seven, "Today's food is enough. Accumulate some virtue and kill less."

Hearing Stone's words, Ghost Seven immediately stopped cooperating with Wang Cai and turned to Stone and said, "I don't know why today. There seem to be a lot of small beasts everywhere we pass by, as if someone drove them here."

Ghost Seven's words immediately attracted Stone's attention. Stone thought about it and immediately called them over and said, "From now on, I ask each of you to open your perception and explore the surrounding situation in your own way. I want to see what happened around here?"

Stone's words were an order. Xiaoguai and Ghost Seven exchanged a few words and immediately began to make their own demands to everyone. Everyone immediately moved and surrounded Xiaoguai and Ghost Seven in the middle.

Almost at the same time, with Xiaogua and Ghost Seven as the center, countless sensory ripples began to spread around, layer by layer, dense as water. The little boy's perception ripples are fluctuating around in a strange way. Through talking with Ghost Seven, he has reached a new level in the application of perception.

Demon Seven is not an attack type like most people when his ability awakens because of his talent. On the contrary, it is the ability to perceive and explore. It can clearly detect the wind blowing within two kilometers of its own radius. Unlike Xiaoguai, perception only responds to energy fluctuations. It was with this ability that Ghost Seven, as a dwarf, survived in the evil free city and received the different treatment of the free city owner, and won the seventh honor in the free city where strength determines everything.

In Ghost Seven, Xiaoguai learned how to control the vibration frequency of the perceived ripples emitted by himself within a certain range, so that he can analyze the reflected energy ripples like radar, and the flowers and plants that were automatically ignored without any energy atmosphere began to become slender. , so that Xiaoguai can enter another level of perception.

For Ghost Seven, Xiaoguai originally had a hostile attitude, and the other party's appearance was really difficult to have a good impression, but after only half a day, Xiaoguai had a further understanding of him through the conversation with Ghost Seven along the way, and gradually developed a good impression on him. Even after Wang Cai hunted a large number of small animals with the cooperation of Ghost Seven along the way, he actually fell in love with this small man who was barely equal in height. Even in order to increase the probability of hunting success, Wang Cai took the initiative to ask Ghost Seven to ride on his back through spiritual ripples. The honor won by Ghost Seven made the whole Brotherhood team jealous, and even the little boy began to be jealous.

For a long time, no one has treated Wang Cai as an animal and treated him as a brother. However, no matter how familiar they are with Wang Cai, it is absolutely impossible to ride on Wang Cai's back and enjoy the speed. However, in just one day, Wang Cai has established a good partner with Ghost Seven. The relationship began to be a little estranged from the stone.

These are the things that made the whole Brotherhood slowly accept Ghost Seven, but it has not yet broken the last layer of paper.

Under the superposition effect of perception, the perception line of the stone begins to extend further, and the field of vision becomes wider. Compared with the little boy, the perception of Ghost Seven seems a little different. If the perception of Xiaoguai and Stone is only based on material energy, then the perception of Ghost Seven is based on a pure spiritual energy, almost where his perception line extends, and the image there will immediately appear in Ghost Seven's mind, as if it were seen with his own eyes.

Ten minutes later, Ghost Seven's perception network was intertwined with the little boy's perception network, which was completely a momentary intention to see what would happen when the two different types of perception networks were combined together.

In order to cooperate with Xiaoguai, Ghost Seven began to slow down the vibration frequency of his perception line. When the frequency of the two reached the same, something surprising happened.

Originally, everything in the perception was black and white, but now it has changed dramatically. With the most realistic color feedback, the image in my mind is no longer the gray of the combination of black and white in the past, but a clear color image, which truly restores the reality.

The two people in an excited state looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

"You can stop. I have something important to announce!"

Hearing Xiaoguai's words, the team members put away their energy and leaned towards Xiaoguai.

Little obediently glanced at the stone and said with a smile, "Just now, with the assistance of our Ghost Seventh Brother, I have a new understanding of perception. Here, I would like to solemnly thank our ghost brother for his selfless teaching of personal perception, which allowed me to create a new method of application of perception. From then on, everyone's perception is no longer a gray world, but a colorful and wonderful world!"

Hearing this, the crowd was stunned first, then reacted, and the applause suddenly sounded.

The expression on the little boy's face became richer, but it was a pity that his body was in a translucent state. Otherwise, Stone really wanted to see the little boy blush.

When the applause calmed down, Xiaoguai said, "I don't want to say more about the principle of perception, but I hope everyone will always remember one thing. The use of any kind of energy is a vibration, but the frequency is fast, slow, high and low. The traditional perception method only allows people to disperse energy with the body as the center. Once they touch the energy body, vibration will occur immediately, so that we can see the basic form of the other party at the first time. However, if the object is just a plant without any energy, our perception will automatically bypass it and ignore the plant. If we meet an opponent who can completely block the energy in our body like our ghost brother, our perception is like blind and becomes useless. But now, I try to combine our previous perception method with Brother Ghost's perception method, creating a new perception method. Even if the target is a cold stone, our perception will perfectly present it in our minds. Based on this method, which is largely due to the selfless dedication of Brother Ghost, I want to give it a name, just like our crystal jade, hoping that more core members will pass it on.

Hearing this, Xiao Taisui shouted, "After talking for a long time, what kind of earth-shaking good name is it?"

The little boy paused and said, "Ghost perception!"

Hearing this word, Xiao Taisui opened his mouth, but forcibly swallowed what he wanted to say.

Seeing the unresponsive team member, Xiaoguai said unhappily, "Isn't it amazing that even the ghost shadow can perceive?"

Hearing the little boy's hoarse cry, Stone quickly rushed to the team members standing next to him and shouted a good word. The applause immediately sounded and overwhelmed everything.

Xiaoguai's stiff face immediately showed a bright smile. When the applause subsided, Xiaoguai said, "Let's rest in place for a while. After I teach you this method, let's continue on our journey."

Looking at everyone's eyes, Stone said, "That's it!"

Seeing that everyone leaned against Xiaogua, Stone walked over to the isolated ghost seven and said, "If you want, you are one of the core members of our Brotherhood from now on!"

Ghost Qi was stunned for a moment, immediately stood up excitedly, stared with a pair of big eyes and said, "I do!"

Stone smiled and pointed to Wang Cai beside him and said, "It seems that Wang Cai likes you very much."

Ghost Seven nodded and said, "I don't know why, Wang Cai seems to be very close to me."

Stone and Wang Cai communicated with Ghost Seven at the spiritual level and said, "Listen to Wang Cai, can you communicate directly with Wang Cai?"

Ghost nodded and said, "Although I am good at perception, it is actually the use of spiritual energy, so I can communicate with Wang Cai with spiritual ripples at the spiritual level."

Stone nodded and said, "Wang Cai has lived with me since he was a child and has never separated from me. Since he is so close to you now, I want you to stay with him for a while to see if you can become the best partner. I don't know if you would like it?"

Ghost Shadow Seven's eyes suddenly became eager when he looked at the stone, and there were faint tears flashing in his eyes, and he couldn't say anything for a long time. Stone looked at Ghost Seven calmly, waiting for the other party's emotions to slowly calm down.

"Why are you so kind to me?"

Stone smiled and said, "I just want to give Wang Cai freedom to stay with me for so many years. This is the first time he has taken the initiative to ask to be with you for a period of time. Naturally, I have nothing to say. Of course, you don't have to force yourself if you don't want to.

Ghost Seven took a deep breath and said, "Of course I do, but..."

The stone waved his hand and said, "I can see that you also like to stay with Wang Cai, but you have nothing to say to other team members."

Looking up at the morning glow in the sky, Stone suddenly sighed and said, "Actually, sometimes it's better for anyone to get along with an animal than to get along with freedom."

Ghost Qishen nodded with empathy and said, "I completely agree with this, but I want to make a small request."

The stone asked, "What are the requirements?"

Ghost Seven said, "I want to establish a deeper spiritual connection with Wang Cai. I hope you can help me."

Stone asked, "How do you want me to help you?"

Ghost Seven said, "I want you to teach me crystal jade skills!"

Stone nodded without hesitation and said, "Even if you don't speak, I will take the initiative to teach you, because you are now one of the core members of the Brotherhood!"

Ghost Seven suddenly asked, "Lord, can you trust me like this?"

Shitou smiled and said, " Even Wang Cai is willing to accept you. What can't I believe in you?"

Ghost Seven glanced at the stone, then looked at Wang Cai, sighed, nodded and could no longer speak.