Hunting legend

Chapter 179 Little Boy's Battle

Xiaoguai's body has been completely liquefied, like a transparent film firmly attached to the stone wall. All kinds of energy attacks from those capable people on the wall bombarded the ground intensively, blowing up pits one by one. Under the splash of soil, many of them stuck to Xiaoguai's already invisible body.

The man in black commanded the group of strong men under his hand, and waves of energy attacks bombarded the distance of the ground, which was extremely amazing. When more and more soil and branches and leaves cling to the little boy, the man in black finally found that something was wrong.

On the wall, a mottled dark brown dust the size of a basin hangs in the air, and there is a palm-sized gap with the wall. Not far away, a mutilated leaf is rising more ridiculously towards the air.

The man in black immediately changed his face and pointed to the unconform dust and said, "Open your eyes, and all the attacks are aimed at the dust!"

The little boy who was slowly moving up against the wall immediately sighed, his body trembled, and immediately regained his human form. His feet were on the wall, and his whole body immediately flew into the air, avoiding the other party's energy attack.

Looking at the big pit on the opposite wall, Xiaogua frowned and thought about whether to make a split to attract the other party's attention. For a moment of hesitation, a strong man on the wall raised a white cloth pocket and smashed it to the ground. The bulging cloth pocket was still in mid-air. Countless energy attacks hit the cloth pocket almost at the same time. With a loud noise, the white cloth pocket immediately exploded, and suddenly there were countless powdery objects in mid-air. Yangdi spread his head over.

Xiaoguai avoided these white powders in time. As soon as he moved forward, he immediately found a white footprint on the ground. Only then did Xiaoguai find that these white powders were actually flour, which was exactly the way the other party came up with to crack his invisibility.

As soon as the little boy dodged, countless energy attacks hit the place where the footprints just appeared, blowing up a big hole in the ground. The little boy flashed and quickly moved back five or six meters before stopping.


Under the order of the man in black, countless energy attacks began to bombard those places on the ground that could not be covered by flour. The little boy dodged left and right to barely avoid those attacks, and his heart suddenly became anonymous.

"Stop attacking and give me flour!"

When more flour bags exploded in the air, the ground in front of the little boy was already snow-white, and an inch of flour covered the whole open space, isolating the little boy ten meters away from the stone wall.

Looking at the snow-white on the ground, the man in black began to laugh loudly, pointed to the ground with his right finger and shouted, "Invisible man, what else can you do now?"

Looking at the arrogant appearance of the man in black, the little boy slowly appeared, stared into the eyes of the man in black and said, "You, damn it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a light blue halo began to appear on the little white body. When the blue light soared, a blue energy shield with a diameter of five meters protected the little one in the center.

The little man's behavior immediately made the man in black feel threatened. The man in black waved his hand and shouted, "Focus on fire and attack me!"

All kinds of strange-shaped energy attacks hit the blue shield, which is useless except to add a layer of ripples on the surface of the shield.

Looking at the blue light ball approaching the stone wall step by step, the man in black began to panic. Even the strong men who kept attacking began to be a little uncontrollable, and the energy attacks all deviated from the target.

When it was two meters away from the stone wall, the little boy stopped and said to the air, "Don't you feel tired? It's time to rest after playing for a long time!"

The little lazy words seemed to have a kind of magic. Those strong men unconsciously stopped attacking, but when they saw the cold eyes of the man in black, they immediately reacted and continued to start an ineffective attack on the blue light ball under their feet.

Xiaoguai sighed and said to himself, "Little boy, it's up to you."

The little brainless sentence was heard in the ears of the man in black, which suddenly made the man in black feel puzzled. At the moment when the man in black was stunned, a strong wind suddenly blew in front of him, and something came to his face.

The man in black suddenly pulled a strong man beside him and heard a flutter. The unlucky strong man's body softened and slid to the ground.

The sudden change immediately caused panic in the crowd. Looking at the strong men who scattered and surrounded themselves in the middle, the man in black smiled bitterly and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"They don't want to do anything. They just despise your greedy, fear of death, despicable and shameless behavior, and want to avenge their companions!"

With the voice, Xiaoguai slowly appeared and looked at the man in black at a distance, with a trace of ridiculity on his face.

The man in black suddenly took a big step back and roared at his side: "What are you still doing? Do it!"

Looking at the indifferent look on the faces of the strong men around him, the man in black really panicked and shouted, "Do you know what will happen if you don't obey the order?"

"Isn't it just a death? We would rather die in the hands of the city lord than be used by you as a scum!" Xiao Yang, who had never said anything, shouted, "In the face of danger, you actually took your own hand as a shield. Are you still a man?"

The man in black blinked his eyes and said, "You have figured out that it is not me who killed your companions, but the transparent man standing in front of you now!"

Xiao Yang said, "Even so, he died because of you. Don't forget that the same robes have to be dismembered by knives. This is the rule set by the city owner himself!"

The man in black suddenly became cold and arrogant and snorted coldly and said, "It's almost the full moon. At that time, without me, the general manager, who will personally arrange for you, the ban on you will kill you!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yang's face immediately changed. Even those strong men couldn't help stepping back two steps, and his original resolute expression now began to become weak.

The little boy coughed twice and said, "Isn't it just a small prohibition? It's nothing great. To tell you the truth, the ban on Ghost Seven has been lifted by me, and it doesn't need to be so troublesome at all.

Looking at the unbelievable expressions on the faces of these people in front of him, Xiaoguai continued, "After pestering you for a long time, the team formed by those mutant monsters is afraid to be closer to your free city. There is not much time left, and I can only say some words in advance. This time, I came to meet your city owner on behalf of the Brotherhood to tell him that the alien dark forces have controlled the Orc Alliance, and a huge number of mutant monsters are advancing towards your free city. At their current speed, they can arrive here before sunset tomorrow. Their purpose is to occupy the Free City and then start a war against the whole human world with Liberty City as the center.

The man in black didn't seem to expect this and asked, "How many people are there?"

Xiaoguai said, "The number of people is uncertain at present, but there is absolutely no problem to destroy a city. All in all, those orcs are no longer creatures on earth. The genes in their bodies have all changed, and their abilities have become very strange. Ordinary capable people are no longer their opponents!"

The man in black took a look at Xiao Yang and said, "What are you still doing? Put down the hanging basket and invite the distinguished guests to the city!"

Xiao Yang curled his lips and immediately ordered to go down. Immediately, two strong men walked aside and put down a large hanging basket made of rattan.

The little boy's body standing under the stone wall has long called Wang Cai and Ghost Seven together. Seeing the hanging basket down, Wang Cai immediately jumped up, and the little boy's body also squeezed up. The two strong men standing on the wall immediately began to pull up the hanging basket with the help of two pulleys.

Seeing such a majestic big dog, those strong men showed a trace of curiosity in their eyes. They just looked at the little guy standing next to the big dog and didn't dare to come forward.

Xiao Xiao smiled, walked to the split and integrated with the split. At this time, not only those strong men, but also the people in black were a little moved, which is the legendary technique of splitting. Looking at Xiaoguai's look immediately added a little awe and admiration.

Xiaoguai looked at the strong men in front of him and said, "We are all on the same planet. Naturally, we cannot tolerate the invasion and infiltration of the earth by the alien dark forces. The leader of our brother alliance is following the orc team closely with a group of core members. As long as your city owner nod, we can completely form a situation of attack on the orc team, and our follow-up troops are ready to come to support everyone at any time. Now it depends on your city owner's attitude.

Hearing this, the man in black said, "Since you are honest with us, I will no longer hide it from you. There is now an organized war against the city owner in Liberty City. The city owner is fighting with a group of people who oppose him. The situation is very chaotic!"

The little boy was stunned and asked, "Which side are you on now?"

The man in black suddenly bowed to Xiao Yang and said solemnly, "I was also banned by the city owner, so I was offended just now. But now the situation is different. In the face of internal and external troubles, we must unite. It's just that if you want to solve this crisis, you have to rely on the friends of the Brotherhood.

Xiaoguai said, "After talking for a long time, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm the personal guard beside the alliance leader. You can call me Xiaoguai. If there is any good way, you can say it. Let's refer to it together for details!"

The man in black said, "Everyone calls me the general manager, and the little brother can also call me the same. I just heard you say that the ban on Ghost Seven was lifted by you, and I want to confirm this.

Ghost Seven immediately nodded and said, "The general manager can rest assured that this is a fact!"

The man in black said, "In this case, I want my little brother to host the overall situation. The reason why this war was launched is because of the prohibition. Now that there is another way to lift the prohibition, and once and for all, I believe that those irrational people will definitely listen to the orders of the little brothers. As long as the prohibition on those people is lifted, the war will soon end. At that time, the people will I believe that as long as the city owner does not interfere, the people of Liberty City are absolutely willing to fight against the invasion of the orc team together with the Brotherhood!"

"Do it, and ask the general manager to lead the way!"