Hunting legend

Chapter 197 hostage

"All the defenders of the Free City welcome the leaders of the Brotherhood!"

Looking at the capable people in several rows at the top of the city, the stone arched his hand and said with a smile, "You're welcome. We're late. Please forgive me!"

The nameless arched his hand and said, "I dare not!"

Stone took a look at the capable person standing above the top of the city and said, "I don't know where the city owner is now?"

The nameless said, "I'm really sorry, the city owner is gathering personnel now and should be on his way."

Stone looked up and down at the nameless and asked, "It seems that everything here is under your command?"

No one nodded and said, "It's because everyone thinks of me as nameless, so I temporarily serve as the commander here."

The stone nodded, and his finger suddenly pointed to the sky and asked, "What's wrong with the mutant orcs on it?" They don't seem to want to participate in this battle."

He hesitated for a moment and explained the matter of Xiao Liuzi in detail. When he heard that the other party was going to steal the skills of the capable person, Stone coldly glanced at several mutant orcs and shouted, "Disappear immediately, otherwise there will be no mercy!"

Xiao Liuzi, who was in mid-air, had already seen the power of the stone. Hearing the sound of the stone, he hesitated for a moment and whispered a few words in his mouth. Several faceless people immediately accelerated the frequency of wing dancing and rose for a distance before stopping.

The stone patted his backpack with his backhand, and a crystal, fist-sized bead immediately jumped out of the backpack. The stone grabbed the beads in his hand with his backhand.

Seeing that the stone took out the clam beads, Zixuan immediately woke up and took off her backpack and took out the clam beads.

Seeing their actions, the capable people on the wall vaguely felt that this should also be a weapon, but they didn't know how they would use it.

The stone measured the distance, and the mutant orcs in the sky were almost 100 meters away from themselves, just within the attack range of the clam beads.

The continuous energy began to be injected into the clam beads. When the clam beads in their hands all turned blue, the stone whispered, "These orcs should have some means to shoot their wings and force them down, and try not to hurt the mutant human in the middle."

Zixuan nodded, and when her mind moved, a blue beam of light with the thickness of her little finger immediately shot into the air.

I thought that this height would not be attacked, but when there was a swirling sound around, the faceless people began to panic. The original square formation was immediately dispersed, and Lord Moduo, who was protected in the middle, immediately lost his balance and almost fell down.

Two faceless people immediately flew to Lord Murduo's side, grabbed Lord Murduo's arm one left and one right, and flew far away. The other two faceless people stayed in mid-air, avoiding the attack of the blue beam of light while looking at the opportunity to attack the two people on the ground.

Looking at the two winged orcs who wanted to escape, Stone sneered and said to Zixuan, "Dare to attack us and destroy them directly!" I'll stop those two guys who want to escape."

Zixuan no longer has any reservations, and the frequency of energy rays begins to accelerate. The two faceless people immediately felt the pressure, and their wings fluttered faster, and they could hardly find time to fight back against the ground.

Zixuan did not care about the sporadic attacks of two mutant orcs in the sky. Under the protection of the energy shield, those black energy cones that shoot down from high altitude are completely equivalent to drizzle.

Finally, a mutant orc was pierced by a blue energy ray. Just as his body slowed down, the energy ray penetrated his head and immediately burst into a black sticky** in the air. The mutant orc who lost his head immediately fell down from the air.

Seeing the tragic death of his companion on the spot, the remaining faceless man immediately lost his fighting spirit, flapped his wings a few times, and flew to the distance, as if to catch up with his protective object, Lord Murdomo.

Looking at the back of the stone, Zixuan gritted her teeth, and the energy rays began to become a little crazy. The mutant orc, who had lost his fighting spirit, quickly fell down from the air.

Looking at the mutant orc who fell to the ground and his wings were still flapping, Zixuan immediately added two energy rays, ending the life of the mutant orc.

Compared with Zixuan, the stone seems much more calm. With the help of super vision, the stone can even clearly see the tendons on the mutant beast.

Under the threat of energy rays, the two mutant orcs had to turn around frequently. The energy rays emitted by the stone can always appear in front of two mutant orcs that are almost unbearable.

Seeing that the other party was almost teased, the stone looked at the opportunity and hit the root of the wing of a mutant orc, and the balance was immediately broken. The only mutant orc who was not injured grabbed Moduo with both hands. Although his wings still fluttered, he could no longer contain the falling stone.

Looking at the mutant orc who had lost his flying ability, Stone simply blew up the other party's head and gave him a pleasure. Seeing that his companions died one after another, the last orc summoned up his last courage and flapped his wings. The body that had begun to fall began to rise slowly, gradually regained its balance and began to fly far away.

The stone stopped the other party's escape in time. Under the pressure of energy rays, the mutant orcs began to slowly decline and finally stood in front of the stone.

Looking around, the battlefield behind him has been almost eliminated. Although there are still sporadic mutant orcs struggling to death, in the face of the absolute sea of tactics, the orc army is about to be destroyed.

Stone turned around, looked at the little six in front of him, and said, "You have no way back. I want you to help me find the elder. I want to fight with him!"

Xiao Liuzi sighed and said, "The elder is not an ordinary person. As far as I know about him, his appearance can be ever-changing and his ability is unfathomable. If he doesn't want to expose it, even if we stand in front of him, we will never recognize him as the elder.

Stone thought for a moment and asked, "Can the elder become a human?"

Just as Xiao Liuzi was about to speak, the wind suddenly sounded behind him. The stone suddenly stepped forward, and the energy shield instantly wrapped Xiao Liuzi in.

With a muffled sound, the shield almost collapsed. The stone pulled away the little sixth son and said to the faceless man who had disappeared with his wings in front of him, "Big Elder, I didn't expect you to play tricks under my eyes."

The words of the stone immediately surprised the little six who was in the energy shield. He said in disbelief, "How can this be? When I was taken to the sky, the elder was still on the ground."

Looking at the faceless people who couldn't see any expression on the opposite side, Stone said, "Compared with the previous mutant orcs with wings, the strength of the mutant orcs in front of them just showed is really much more than them, and they are not at the same level at all. And he didn't do it sooner or later, but he wanted to do it when I was about to get the answer. Obviously, the guy in front of him knew human language. According to the information we have obtained, even you have never heard the elder speak a human language before, and the guard in front of you is even more impossible. This shows that he is the elder, and he has been acting in front of you!"

As soon as Xiao Liuzi was about to speak, he heard a cold voice saying, "Yes, I am the elder in your mouth!"

Looking at the faceless man in front of him speaking human language, Xiao Liuzi couldn't help taking a step back and asked, "Since you understand human language, why do you want to teach me the language of the planet?"

The faceless man stretched out his hand and wiped it on his face, and his face immediately began to tremble. In a blink of an eye, a face full of expression appeared. Touching the sharp corners of his head, the elder said, "Your body is very special. I need you. When the new body you got really grows up, I will merge with you. At that time, no one can stop me.

Little Liuzi said, "You had ulterior motives to save me!"

The elder said, "You should thank me. If it weren't for me, you would have become a pile of dung. Speaking of cheating, aren't you cheating on me?

Stone smiled, interrupted the conversation between the two, and said, "Big Elder, since you dare to provoke a war, you are naturally fully sure. It's just that so far, your orc army seems to have been completely destroyed.

The elder suddenly laughed loudly and said a strange word.

Little Six immediately said, "It's impossible. They can't have a chance to enter Liberty City."

Stone quickly asked, "Tell me, what on earth was he talking about?"

Xiao Liuzi said, "He speaks alien language to the idea that he has controlled most of the capable people in Liberty City."

Looking at the stone, there is still an unknown person on the wall, and there is nothing unusual. After thinking about it, Stone asked, "Big Elder, are you afraid that I will kill you if you dare to stand in front of me?"

The elder smiled and said, "I never do anything uncertain. Not to mention whether you are my opponent or not, even the hostages in my hands are enough for you to submit to me."

Stone sneered and said, "Don't do big scams here. You don't have any hostages at all!"

The elder smiled and said, "You can't believe me, but do you dare to bet with me with 3,000 lives?"

Stone smiled and said, "If you want to have a good talk, you'd better let me see the cards in your hand first!"

The elder stared into Stone's eyes for a while and said, "Very good, I'll show you what's going on?"

The elder touched the corner of his head, and the originally dark corner suddenly lit up and gradually became transparent. Almost at the same time, there was a sudden exclamation on the wall, and the lord of Liberty City finally arrived with his people, but at present, these people all held a corner exactly the same as the elder's hand, like breathing, shining brightly.

If the field of vision is pulled closer, you can see that the tip of these corners is against the back neck of those who have the ability to guard the city wall, and even Longwu is no exception.