Hunting legend

Chapter 220 The Idea of Stone

When the last ray of light dissipated outside the port window, the stone finally gained the main control of the flying saucer and could already directly manipulate the flying saucer representing the highest technology and imperial power of Titan.

Looking at the virtual image floating in the air, the stone's heart is also full of emotions. All the clues are hidden in the light curtain in front of him. As long as you can read the flight records of the God Emperor, you can know where the God Emperor has been. If you are lucky, you may still know that the God Emperor has been on the earth over the years. What have you done?

Stone can now be sure that his biological father is the god emperor from Titan. I don't know why, Stone doesn't seem to have much affection for this father he has never met, but he misses his mother very much.

"Your Majesty, I suggest you open the data database in the main computer, which contains quite a lot of knowledge and culture about Titan. Learning these in advance will be of considerable benefit to you in the future."

Stone nodded and said to the thin alien, "Thank you for your efforts. I want to be alone. If possible, I hope you can take this spacecraft to a relatively remote place and repair the flying saucer as soon as possible."

The thin alien nodded and walked out of the spaceship. Xiaoguai and Xiao Taisui looked at each other and were about to follow the aliens out when Stone stopped them.

"Little boy, now we have successfully found the spacecraft, and I have also passed the master recognition procedure of the flying saucer. Although the control authority is limited, it is already considerable. When the flying saucer is fully repaired, this flying saucer will become the most powerful battle spacecraft of our Brotherhood. At that time, I believe we will deal with it. It will be much more convenient for mutant orcs.

Xiaoguai nodded and said, "Although the human world has basically returned to stability, its scientific and technological development has stagnated. Coupled with the loss of a large number of scientific and technological talents, civilization has begun to have a tendency to regress. If we can apply the scientific and technological knowledge obtained from this flying saucer to human beings, I believe it will Promoting the process of human civilization will make us more worry-free for mutant orcs.

Stone nodded and said, "I also thought so. Unfortunately, I don't read much, and I can't understand some things in the database at all. I'm a little powerless!"

The little obedient thought for a while and said, "You don't need to be discouraged. According to our alien allies, as long as your eyes are successfully opened, at that time, no matter how difficult knowledge is, as long as you look at it, you will immediately see and understand it. Now is only the time, so there is no need to be discouraged."

The stone was about to speak when the flying saucer suddenly shook slightly. Several white lights flashed across the porthole, and the traction beams began to work again.

Stone looked at Xiaoguai and said, "Now I know that the clues to find my father are hidden in this flying saucer, but I have no clue at all and don't know where to start."

Xiaoguai said, "You have just come into contact with the flying saucer, and you are not familiar with many things in it. Everything is difficult at the beginning. Just get familiar with it.

Stone said, "That's the situation now, but we really don't know what to do in the next stage?"

Xiaoguai said, "Since we have found the spacecraft, after the spacecraft is repaired, we will start to look for your biological father and mother all over the world to see if there is any change in those mutant orcs. Of course, it will be a happy ending."

Stone shook his head and said, "The elder valued that box so much that we really couldn't let him succeed. If possible, I hope to get the box back first."

Xiaoguai said, "I'm afraid that the split that Xiao Taisui and I placed on the shameless person around the elder before is out of chance. It's been so long that no news has come back. But don't forget that we still have an energy horn in our hands. Maybe this thing can help us find the place where the elders hide.

Stone asked, "When it comes to this energy, it's been almost a week. Have you studied anything?"

Xiaoguai smiled shyly and said, "To be honest, this energy horn is a little similar in nature to the clam bead in our hands. It can also amplify the energy injected, and then launch the enlarged energy through the control of spiritual energy. As a weapon, it is indeed a treasure, but I always feel that I take this It's a little useful as a weapon, but I can't say exactly what's going on.

Stone said, "You have the deepest understanding of energy among us. If it's something you don't even know, we are just blind. In a word, the energy horn is handed over to you for research, and the ownership belongs to you, but I have to remind you that the elder is not an ordinary person. Be careful when researching, and don't let the elder sense the energy corner into our hands.

Xiaoguai nodded and said, "Don't worry about this. Sooner or later, I will fight to the death with that old man. Last time I let him go like this, it really made me feel very depressed!"

Stone smiled and said, "Let's not talk about this. Now we have to study the battle videos of those capable people and strive to make new breakthroughs before leaving Liberty City."

The little boy was about to speak when the flying saucer suddenly shook slightly and seemed to have landed. Stone's mind moved, and the flying saucer immediately opened a hatch, and the long-socated little boy immediately ran out.

The stone set up the flying saucer and greeted Mo Yu. As the little Taisui walked out, his feet just stepped on the ground, and the hatch immediately closed silently. Stone smiled and was very satisfied with the baby.

Outside the hatch, Zixuan and her party were standing in front of the flying saucer, curiously looking at this very different alien spacecraft.

Looking around, Stone himself did not expect that the cube would bring the spacecraft back to the camp of the Brotherhood in Liberty City.

Looking at the light as bright as day and the calm crowd around him, Stone immediately reacted. The thin alien must have contacted Zixuan before he came.

Sure enough, when Stone thought of this, Zixuan came over and said, "It's been a day. Don't you guys feel hungry? The food has been prepared for you for a long time. Hurry up and go to dinner!"

The stone didn't feel anything. Mo Yu touched his belly and said, "After hearing what you said, my disappointing stomach began to coo. Hurry up!"

Stone smiled, greeted everyone, and followed Zixuan into a tent.

Looking at the steaming food on the table, the seductive fragrance had already floated to the end of his nose. Stone immediately felt his appetite. He picked up the rice bowl and began to devour it. The little boy beside him couldn't help laughing.

Stone took a sip of water and said, "Your body has been energized now. Although it is a good thing, you can no longer enjoy this kind of appetite. I have to say it's a pity. But seriously, this is what happens in the world. If you get something, you will lose. God can't be more fair.

The little boy pouted and said, "Have a good meal! Those old people at a young age exclaim that when we get rid of all these mutant orcs on the earth can we really live a quiet life without dispute.

Stone took off the food in the bowl, wiped his mouth and said, "Little boy, little boy, I didn't expect that you had learned a lot of human things after coming to the earth for so many years."

smiled proudly and said, "Although I can't read and read like human beings, I can collect a lot of brain waves when you human beings talk, and some things will naturally understand like this."

Shi was stunned and asked, "Do you mean that you can learn human language and knowledge through brain waves?"

Xiaoguai nodded and said, "In addition to this stupid method, as long as someone wants me to integrate into his body, I can also spy on the other party's memory, so that I can copy the other party's knowledge into my own brain."

Stone's heart suddenly moved and said, "Little boy, if I can let the main computer on the flying saucer emit those things in the database with electrical pulses similar to brain waves, can you receive them?"

Xiaoguai thought for a moment and said, "It's theoretically feasible, but I don't know exactly what will happen."

Stone nodded and said, "Have a good rest tonight. I'll take you to the spacecraft early tomorrow morning. Let's have a good experiment. If we really succeed, we can complete the task ahead of schedule."

Xiaoguai said, "That's it. I'll go back and make some preparations now. Copying is a very nerve-wracking job."