Hunting legend

Chapter 232 Electric Chair

After meditating for a while, Long Wu said, "Didn't the alliance leader see that I am also trapped in this special chair like her now?"

Stone stared at Long Wu and said, "You don't act in front of me. Everything is manipulated behind my back. Do you think I will still believe you?"

Long Wu sighed and said, "You should be angry with me. Even if you want to kill me now, I have nothing to say. But before you do it, I have a few words to say.

The stone ignored Long Wu at all. He walked to Zixuan and began to study the metal back chair that could emit electric arc.

"Zixuan, are you all right?"

Zixuan said with red eyes, "I'm fine, but my body has temporarily lost its freedom. This chair is too strange."

The stone nodded, took out the jade pendant from his pocket, and carefully hung it on Zixuan's neck.

"Patience for a while, and I'll save you."

After saying that, Stone's right hand made a move, and the energy sword was instantly formed. Seeing that Stone wanted to work hard with the sharpness of the energy sword, Long Wu beside him shouted, "Brother Stone, you can't do this!"

Stone stared at Long Wu and shouted, "Who is your brother? What else can we do without this? Is there any way for you to do it?"

Long Wu sighed and said, "Like you, everyone is a victim. If this chair is not closed in a normal way, it will explode immediately, and then there will be nothing left!"

Stone said, "I'm very curious. In this free city, how can you, the originator, fall to such an insurable level."

Long Wuyi said with a ashamed face: "When you see these two metal chairs, you should know that Liberty City can't make such a thing. Even in your brother alliance, you don't have the ability to make this kind of confinement equipment specifically for capable people. In the world, only those guys in the underground base have this kind of technology and ability. , we have all fallen into their calculations!"

Stone was stunned, withdrew the energy sword, and went to Longwu and asked, "According to your men, the whole action against the Brotherhood was planned by you Long Wuyi."

Long Wu shook his head and asked, "Did those people tell you that I, Long Wu, want to replace you as the leader of the brother alliance?"

The stone nodded and said, "Isn't that the case?"

Long Wu shook his head and said, "I, Longwu, am almost 60 years old this year. The identity of the city owner has made me a little overwhelmed, and I don't have the heart to have the ability to seize the position of the alliance leader. All of this is a carefully designed by the nameless person who secretly colluded with the underground base. Your moves As soon as the rumor of the fair was released, I, the city owner, was the first to sit on this kind of chair specially for imprisoners. I don't know anything else!"

Stone said coldly, "I can find it here. In addition to the credit of your men, your voice has also given me a lot of guidance along the way."

Long Wu was stunned and asked, "Do you mean that I had been talking to you before you came in?"

Stone nodded and said, "I may mishear someone else's voice, but I will never mishear Mr. Long's voice!"

Zixuan, who has never spoken, suddenly said, "Stone, I'm afraid there is any misunderstanding in the middle. I've been with Mr. Long. Except for occasionally saying a few words to me, Mr. Long can't talk to you at all. This is underground, and the voice can't be heard at all. Pass it outside."

Shitou looked at Long Wu and said, "Mr. Long, I want to know how you are trapped in this chair."

Long Wu sighed and said, "Since you taught us these capable people without reservation, those who don't know the depth of heaven and earth have become crooked and think that with the foundation of their ability, their achievements will far exceed that of your brothers. It is precisely because of this stupid thought that the young and scheming nameless person has the evil idea of wanting to compete with the Stone Brothers. Unexpectedly, they secretly colluded with the bastards who went to the underground base without my knowledge and wanted to help themselves successfully ascend to the throne of the alliance with their power.

Stone suddenly interrupted Long Wu's words and said, "But didn't those people outside ask me to withdraw from the position of alliance leader and recommend you instead?"

Long Wu shook his head and said, "This unknown boy is thoughtful. What can he do to compete for the position of leader of the alliance is nothing more than forcing me, an old man, to be his puppet. He manipulates behind the scenes. It's to blame me for trusting him too much. Originally, I wanted to cultivate him as the successor of the city owner. Unexpectedly, this boy actually tricked me to sit on this electric chair, and then told me the plan and told me. Naturally, my old man was unwilling to give in, so he fell to this point. I don't know if the Stone Brothers still have anything to me at this time. Doubt?"

Stone said, "There are still many doubts, but I can be sure that someone must have pretended to be talking to me before, that is to say, our every move is under the surveillance of the other party. I'm afraid this secret room is also part of the underground base."

Long Wuchang exhaled and said, "It seems that you finally believe what the stone brothers said to my old man. In this case, let's find a way to save Miss Zixuan first."

Stone nodded and said, "I don't know if the old man has any good ideas?"

Long Wu said, "I have been trapped in this electric chair for two days. On the surface, it seems that we are all sitting well in the chair, but once we want to stand up or use the energy in our body, more than a dozen arcs will immediately appear on the chair, closing all our moving spaces, such as If you act recklessly, the electric arc will immediately touch the body, which makes people feel unbearable and completely lose their ability to move. And according to the nameless bastard, if someone wants to forcibly destroy the electric chair from the outside, the high explosion* in the chair will explode immediately, and everything within a radius of ten meters will be destroyed. The means is really poisonous!"

Stone asked, "According to the old man's meaning, what should I do?"

Long Wu said, "The first thing we need to do is to isolate these two electric chairs from the outside world, so that they can't control the electric chair remotely."

As soon as Long Wuhua finished speaking, the energy sword in the stone's hand was instantly formed, and the wrist was turned over, and the energy sword was deeply inserted into the hard concrete ground. Long Wu was surprised by what the stone was going to do when he saw an energy shield wrapping himself and the electric chair. Looking carefully, the energy shield actually reached triple.

Looking at Zixuan again, it is exactly the same scene.

"Brother Stone, is this effective?"

Stone smiled and said, "Although I am a little out of touch with modern civilization, I still know about radio waves. Since radio waves are also a kind of energy, this triple shield can naturally cut off the other party's control of the electric chair."

Stone took a look at Long Wu and said, "Please wait a moment, I will try to set you free immediately."

The stone dragged the hilt with his right hand and slowly walked towards Zixuan, and the tip of the energy sword made a deep mark on the ground. Looking at the stone dragging the energy sword and slowly integrating into the energy shield wrapped around Zixuan, Long Wu* couldn't help admiring a few times in his heart.

Energy shield is indeed an extraordinary good skill, but in Liberty City, there is no capable person who can make such a strange thing with his own ability. On the contrary, as a brother alliance warrior of ordinary people, the energy defense shield has become a basic skill for everyone, but it is just real There is a gap in strength, and the effect is different. As a young man, Stone, who is the leader of the alliance, is actually the founder of the energy shield, and his achievements in the energy shield are far ahead of others. The triple energy shield alone that wraps himself is no longer what ordinary people can imagine. Long Wu began to re-examine the overall strength of the Brotherhood and secretly sighed in his heart. The stupidity of those who don't listen to dissuasion and dare to openly provoke the Brotherhood is indeed the old birthday star hanging and living impatiently!

At the moment when the stone pulled up the energy sword, a larger energy shield replaced the previous energy shield and wrapped Long Wu and Zixuan together. Long Wu was not surprised. It's just that he is curious about how the stone will use to lift the shackles of the electric chair.