Hunting legend

Chapter 5 Shining Stone

In the morning, Carlo was awakened by the sound of a cheap step on branches and leaves. Carlo's first reaction when he opened his eyes was to grab the bone spurs and protect his chest.

The sun shone through the treetops and sprinkled light spots. Carlo saw several dragons eating the young leaves of the aca tree not far ahead.

Looking at the broken sequoia in the open space, Carlo finally woke up. No wonder the forest suddenly became bright. He dared to feel that these masters were powerful because the sequoia blocked their way. Carlo was shocked for no reason. He slept to death. Fortunately, he had been controlling his breathing and heartbeat, and even the smell on his body was removed by the fragrance, so he was not targeted by other threatening things.

Carlo checked the equipment on his body and didn't lose anything. Then he put the bone spurs into the hollow wood behind him and put his hands around the tree trunk to the ground.

Liang Long glanced at Carlo, and then turned his head and continued to enjoy the azalea leaves in front of him, completely ignoring Carlo's existence.

Carlo smiled and walked towards the sequoia tree where the Archaeopteryx rested at night. He did not forget the strange thing that could shine last night.

After a few steps, Carlo found that the ground in front of him was full of strange skeletons, and immediately thought of the lively scene last night.

He climbed up the sequoia tree quickly. It didn't take long for Carlo to find the body of a small animal. His head and skin were basically intact, but a big hole in his abdomen was broken, and his internal intestines were all hollowed out.

Carlo frowned. The ancestor's beak was really tricky.

Without a strange smell from the body, Carlo provoked the body with branches to find mysterious glowing objects. Before long, Carlo found something black between the neck of the little beast, the size of a nail cap tied with a red head and a thin rope.

Carlo was not sure whether it was this thing that sent a flash of green light last night, but when he thought that someone must have deliberately tied this stone-like thing to the neck of the little beast, he immediately began to pay attention to it.

After careful examination, Carlo found that the dark round thing was not thick, but it seemed to have some weight, and Carlo felt a trace of warmth when he touched the skin.

After a closer look, there were some strange patterns engraved on both sides of the stone. After looking over and over for a long time, Carlo did not see any clue, but vaguely felt that these patterns seemed to have been seen somewhere, but he couldn't remember for a moment.

Thinking of the mysterious green light last night, Carlo covered the round stone pieces with his hands and looked through his fingers. There was no green light he expected in the dark. After thinking about it, Carlo untied the rope, hung the round stone on his right wrist and climbed down from the tree.

Carlo walked to a tall iron tree, put his mouth close to the leaves and drank a little dew. After squeaking his mouth a few times, Carlo began to continue on his way.

On the way, he met several ferocious small carnivorous dragon beasts. Carlo all avoided them without danger, all relying on the characteristics of moth to eliminate odor and Carlo's ability to control his breathing, heartbeat and body temperature.

Walking to a relatively open place, Carlo closed his eyes, pressed his right hand on his chest, and remembered the deceased patriarch in his heart. It was precisely because his grandfather taught him this special set of skills that he could miraculously survive in this dangerous forest.

After four or five days in a row and dusk, Carlo finally saw the towering mountain and looked at the iconic sun pattern at the peak. Carlo knew that he was about to reach his destination, which was the birthplace of the fallen family that his grandfather told him. It has been abandoned for 300 years.

The ecstatic Carlo soon calmed down. According to his father's explanation before his death, this ancestral land was originally the totem holy place of their fallen clan. Only 300 years ago, the patriarch of the fallen clan tried to use the sacred objects to seal the guardian god of the totem in his body, so as to obtain the powerful power of the totem, in an attempt to become For the master of the world. As a result, during the ceremony, a sudden change occurred. The sacred object not only failed to suppress the power of the summoned guardian god, but also had a big explosion in the process of forced suppression, which almost destroyed the fallen clan, and the patriarch also died on the spot. The surviving people reshrined the dilapidated relics and planned to try to restore them. However, after that, unknown strange creatures in the forest kept entering the village and actively attacking the clan. Those terrible things were not irresistible. In order for the fallen clan to pass on, the new patriarch ordered to move, but this already dilapidated sacred object that brought ominous to the clan was hidden and It was not taken away with the migration of the clan. The years are ruthless. After hundreds of years, no one knows the whereabouts of this lost holy object, but it is passed down from generation to generation. One day, a powerman who can successfully repair the sacred objects will appear in front of the people. At that time, the fallen family will become the legend that dominates the future of the world.

As the patriarch, the grandfather did not know where the sacred objects were hidden. He was just the only one in the clan who knew the correct location of the ancestral land. Three hundred years ago, after the high priest who was on an equal footing with the patriarch made this amazing prophecy, he passed away. Since then, there has been no high priest in the existence of the fallen clan. Gradually in decline, there was no way to fight back under the arrogance and unreasonableness of Sifang City.

Carlo got the map that can guide him to find the land of his ancestors, which means that the future grandfather of the fallen clan has been entrusted to him. He is the new patriarch of the fallen clan, but his identity must be proved by sacred objects.

The legendary high priest who can destroy a city in one thought takes the initiative to give up the land of his ancestors and move away. The land of his ancestors has naturally become dangerous. In addition, no one has set foot in the land of his ancestors for hundreds of years, I'm afraid that it has become a paradise for those fierce birds and beasts.

Although Carlo is young, he has become more cautious in everything he does after several changes.

When it was getting dark, Carlo finally walked to the main peak carved with a huge red sun. According to the instructions on the map, as long as the main peak turned around to the back, he would enter the scope of the fallen family.

In this world, it is extremely unwise to be exposed to open areas, especially when it is almost dark, but Carlo is not in a hurry to climb up, but climbs a highland at the foot of the mountain. Here, except for the valley underfoot, there is a big forest that can't be seen at a glance. I don't know how many years there has been no human involvement here.

Carlo looked around and his ancestors dared to depict the totem sign in such an eye-catching place as the main peak. In addition to his absolute strength, it is also because of the unique terrain here.

The boundless forest wraps the whole ancestral land into its own mind. Unless it goes deep into the forest, it is difficult to know that there is such an open area here.

Looking up at the bare stone wall, Carlo has no bottom in his heart. Such a high mountain is simply a cliff, and there is no way to go up. I really don't know how my ancestors went up to it and lived for so many years.

In fact, Carlo did not know that in those years, there were many rope ladders made of the toughest rattans hanging on this stone wall, but over the years have long been rotten and weathered, and no trace can be found.

Looking at several pterosaurs soaring in the distance, Carlo immediately stood close to the stone wall. When the pterosaurs circled a few times over the valley flew away, Carlo began to look for a place to spend the night tonight.

Looking around, Carlo didn't find anything. Seeing that the sky was about to darken, Carlo pulled out the bone spurs behind him and began to dig up a depression on the stone wall.

I have to say that the bone spur of the fish dragon is indeed a good thing. As long as you have enough strength, you can completely penetrate the golden stone. Carlo first drew a large circle in the pit with the tip of the bone spur, then used the bone spur as a chisel and began to expand the hole little by little. When the sky was completely dark, Carlo finally cut a hole for only one person on the stone wall and spread some soft branches and green grass that had been prepared for a long time in the cave. The head immediately drilled in and pulled the curtain made of leaves hanging above the cave to cover the hole tightly.

Finally, he could have a good rest. Carlo leaned against the wall of the cave and took out some unknown wild fruits in his arms and began to enjoy it, thinking about going up the mountain tomorrow.

With nothing to do, Carlo untied the stone piece tied on his right wrist, gently moved the curtain at the mouth of the hole, and studied it with the starlight.

The cave was a little cool. There was a chill from Carlo's left hand on the stone wall, but the stone in the palm of his right hand was warm and always higher than his body temperature.

It didn't look clear under the starlight. Carlo rubbed the carvings on the stone pieces, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Gradually, he began to be distracted.


Carlo suddenly shouted softly, put his right thumb into his mouth and began to suck it. I didn't notice just now that my right thumb was cut by the edge of the stone blade and began to bleed.

spitting out the blood foam in his mouth, Carlo smiled helplessly. For a few days, Carlo never saw this stone flash as green as before, and this problem has begun to make him entangled.

After thinking about it, Carlo put the string into the small hole in the center of the stone piece and tied the stone piece to his right wrist. Finally, looking at the starry night sky outside the cave, Carlo hung up the curtain, retreated to the depths of the cave, sat cross-legged, and began to practice the skills that Grandpa taught him before his death.

Unconsciously, Carlo fell asleep.

I don't know when Carlo suddenly woke up and saw the green light flashing all over the hole. Carlo subconsciously raised his right hand and saw that the dark stone suddenly became transparent and was shining green light.

Carlo glanced at the mouth of the cave and subconsciously grabbed the stone pieces in his hand, and the cave immediately turned dark.

After listening carefully to the movement around him, Carlo carefully approached the mouth of the hole and quietly lifted a corner of the curtain. His face suddenly became stiff and he didn't dare to make a sound.

Under the valley outside the curtain, it is now bright. Dozens of torches are inserted in a circle on the ground, shining on a group of people in the circle of fire. Carlo doesn't need to know at a second glance that those huge human-shaped creatures are the giants on the rampant side, the legendary cannibal tribes.

Carlo carefully lowered the curtain and looked at the green light exposed in his fingers. He was shocked. Can this stone predict the danger?


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