Hunting legend

Chapter 20 Totem Relith

Only then did everyone notice that there was an invariably a strange portrait of a strange person with one eye in all the pictures in the stone room, roughly counting, no more, no less exactly 36.

Thirty-six eyes reflected thirty-six green beams of light, and finally converged together, becoming a thick beam of light in the mouth of the bowl and shooting into the eyeless man with a huge mouth on the ground.

Carlo was stunned by this sudden change for a moment, but when he saw the encouragement on the faces of the people standing in the corner, Carlo took a deep breath and began to jump on the ground rhythmically at a unique pace.

No one knows what Carlo is doing, but it can be seen from Carlo's slightly panicked look that Carlo is not familiar with all this.

Gradually, in addition to his footsteps, Carlo's originally stiff body slowly relaxed, his hands began to swing, and his head and neck twisted from time to time, as if he were dancing a strange dance.

Gradually, Carlo's body became alive, and there began to be an indescribable movement between his hands and feet, as if he had finally entered the role and entered the state.

But no matter how the stones on Carlo's wrist swing, the light column will eventually converge into the big mouth, which is really strange.

Looking at Carlo, who was almost crazy and moving faster and steaming, the stone asked with concern, "Little boy, shall we stop him?"

The little boy waved his hand and said, "Carlo is now possessed by the patron saint. They are holding a ceremony. We can't harass them."

Stone said nervously, "But I'm worried that Carlo's body can't stand it."

Xiao Xiao smiled and said, "Don't worry, if Carlo dies, the patron saint won't be able to please him. Since he is willing to protect Carlo at all costs, he will naturally not watch Carlo fall in front of him. You can rest assured."

Hearing what Xiaoguai said, Stone was relieved and began to stare at Carlo attentively.

Finally, Carlo finally stopped, but it didn't seem to be over. Looking at Carlo kneeling on the ground again, he began to mutter again. Xiao Taisui sighed gently and sat on the ground.

With the trembling of Carlo's mouth, the beam of light projected into the huge mouth suddenly trembled, causing the thirty-six green beams to disappear in an instant, and even the stones on Carlo's wrist returned to normal.

The beam of light continued to tremble twice, and suddenly fell directly into the huge mouth. The whole stone room suddenly became dark. Before Mo Yu and others turned on the flashlight, a white light suddenly appeared in the whole stone room, getting brighter and brighter, until the whole stone room was slowly filled.

The white light seems to have a magical penetration. People standing in the corner of the wall only feel that their bodies are instantly transparent, or blurred. There is no dead corner in the stone room, all of which are presented in the eyes of everyone.

A round thing that emitted a hot white light suddenly rose from the huge mouth on the ground of the stone room. Almost at the moment of seeing the complete circular outline, the white light full of the whole space began to retract, and all of them were absorbed by the disk. Just as everyone thought that the ceremony was over, a burning feeling suddenly After the attack, with bursts of heat waves, the temperature in the stone room began to rise rapidly, and everyone began to become uncomfortable as if they had entered an oven.

The field boots on the soles of the feet have begun to burn, and with a faint smelly smell, the stone pulled out the long knife behind him with his backhand and was about to break through the wall.

The little boy stopped the stone in time and shouted, "If you put up with it, we can't get out like this. This place has been closed. Even if I try my best to get out."

Stone took a look at Zixuan with a painful face and shouted, "If you stay any longer, everyone will die here!"

The little boy suddenly became abnormal and shouted, "Shitou, calm down!"

Like a ladle of cold water pouring down, the stone fought a cold war, and suddenly regained consciousness. Looking at Zixuan, the jade pendant hanging around her neck began to emit a soft green light, covering Zixuan's whole body in green light.

Looking at the sweat on the stone's head and a concerned look, Zixuan said, "I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me. Let's see how Mo Yu and Wang Cai are doing!"

When the stone turned around, he saw Mo Yu's body slowly swaying. His eyes were half open and half closed. The sweat on his forehead was rolling down and could fall down at any time. Xiao Taisui squatted beside Wang Cai, and his hands were slowly combing Wang Cai's golden hair to help him spread his body temperature. Wang Cai waved his head and looked at the long stone. His tongue hung down to his mouth and his mouth dripped all over the floor.

At this time, Mo Yu's body was crooked and he was about to fall to the ground. The stone quickly reached out to hold Mo Yu, took off the kettle at his waist, unscrewed the lid and drenched Mo Yu's body.

Seeing that the temperature in the stone room was getting higher and higher, Xiaoguai suddenly felt a breath of energy from the heat and immediately shouted, "Stone, let everyone run the crystal jade skill to absorb energy!"

The stone was stunned and immediately felt an energy fluctuation around him. Looking at Carlo, he sat on the ground and stared straight at the glowing disk.

He dragged Mo Yu to the ground, regardless of the heat and hotness of the ground. The stone pressed his right hand on Mo Yu's shoulder and began to sink into his mind to run the crystal jade.

Suddenly, the familiar feeling came back, and the silky coolness slowly penetrated into the skin through the pores of the body.

The stone was overjoyed. This was the energy that had not been exposed to for a long time. He quickly urged the skill and accelerated the absorption of energy.

Mo Yu, who was already a little confused, suddenly felt a trace of coolness infiltrating his body. After a cold war, his mind immediately returned to clarity and felt that the stones beside him were inputting energy into his body. Mo Yu began to sink down and began to operate his skills.

So, in the whole stone room, except for Carlo's stone protection, which is not affected by the environment, they all sit cross-legged on the ground to absorb this magnificent energy, and even Wangcai shrinks in the corner of the wall. Crystal Mingyugong runs quickly in the body, absorbing the unexpected energy.

The energy entered the body, and all the heat and boredom immediately disappeared. Everyone began to feel indescribably comfortable. No one dared to miss this opportunity. The skill ran at an unprecedented speed and greedily absorbed this unknown energy.

I don't know how long it took. Carlo, who had been in an absolutely static state, trembled and suddenly regained consciousness. He immediately felt the scorching light emitted by the disk in front of him. His whole body was like standing in the fire, and the hair on his head began to curl up. .

When Carlo was at a loss to stand up and escape, a voice suddenly appeared in his mind--

"Put me in the center of the stone plate and move quickly!"

Carlo was stunned and immediately reacted. He pulled down the stone strapped to his wrist and stuffed it into the disk with infinite enthusiasm.

In a trance, Carlo felt that time seemed to have pause for a second. Just as the stone was stuffed into the central hole of the disk, the originally hot stone chamber suddenly became cool. The disk, which had radiated endless enthusiasm before, suddenly returned to its original state, and the incandescent light also disappeared, revealing the original face of the stone plate.

Just before Carlo recovered from the shock, the stone plate changed again. The stone pieces embedded in the center of the stone plate suddenly began to rotate rapidly. With the rotation, a set of lines began to appear on the cyan stone plate, and countless green light as thin as silk lines began to flow in these lines, just falling into black. The dark stone room is bright again.

Carlo turned around and looked at the people sitting on the ground in his busy schedule. He was slightly relieved. With them, Carlo was really down-to-earth.

When the stone sheet in the center of the stone plate stopped rotating, the flowing green light on the stone plate immediately disappeared. The next moment, the stone plate suddenly became crystal clear and flashed a few times. The stone plate recovered as usual again. Carlo heard a strong voice in the stone room and said, "Son, I have been waiting for you for a long time. You finally It's coming!"

Carlo stood up from the ground with a shrive sound and looked at the four directions with a shocked face. He couldn't tell where the sound came from.

In fact, at the moment when the sound appeared, Stone and the others all opened their eyes and stood up from the ground. Such a sudden voice is really shocking.

"Child, the stone plate in front of you is the sacred object you have worked so hard to find. I am the guardian god of totem, and the body lives in it."

Carlo settled down and asked, "You are the guardian god, and who spoke in my mind before?"

The voice said: "Three hundred years ago, the high priest was forcibly interrupted at the critical moment of energy transmission because of an accident, which directly led to the energy explosion. In this accident, my soul was disrupted, resulting in the complete separation of the body and the body and the spirit body. What was forced to live until it was separated in the explosion On the stone sheet, what I talked to you before was the spirit of my living in the stone sheet. Now, because of the reappearance of blood, I have just completed the integration of the spirit and completely recovered. From now on, you are my * person in the world.

Carlo asked puzzledly, "What is * people?"

The voice said, "You are not a high priest. I have copied part of your memory before and found that the lineage of the high priest has lost its inheritance. In desperation, you can only serve as a * person for the time being."

Carlo continued to ask, "What do you need me to do? What's the benefit?"

said, "I don't need you to do anything for the time being, but in the next time, I will make you strong, and you will be very busy in the future."

Carlo asked, "Why?"

said, "Before, my spiritual body has made a blood contract with you. From a certain point of view, you can be regarded as my master, but the existence of God is supreme, and you should always keep this in mind. The world you are in is about to be destroyed. You must collect all the totem sacred objects after gaining the power of faith to solve this crisis.

Carlo asked, "What kind of crisis is it?"

said in a voice: "Some people try to skip the link of faith, forcibly extract the energy from the totem sacred objects, and try to gain strength in this rough way to complete his ambition to dominate the world. You, Carlo, you have to stop them!"

Carlo said with a wry smile, "I can't even deal with a pterosaur now. How can I complete such a difficult character!"

The voice said, "You must do it! You have to believe in yourself, and even more trust your friends!"