Hunting legend

Chapter 68 Grand Leader Jenny

I don't know how many turns it has been. There are fewer and fewer pedestrians on the street, but they still haven't found any news about the leader.

"Stone, what should we do now?"

Stone said, "It is certain that the leader must have played with Jenny, otherwise, how could Jenny at the command level be so embarrassed? It seems that the leader should be safe now, otherwise, we should have gained a little after a few laps. It seems that the leader is likely to be hidden somewhere.

Xiaoguai said, "What I'm worried about now is not the leader, but the mushroom. If it is taken away by others, all our plans will be ruined and things will become much more difficult."

Stone smiled and said, "For good luck, you called him the eldest brother, but you didn't care about his life or death at all."

Xiaoguai said, "The leader's skill will never be worse than that of that Jenny. Even Jenny can go back alive. Naturally, the leader has no life worries, but his fists can't beat four hands. I'm afraid that Jenny's purpose is just for that big mushroom, and the matter will become a little complicated. Previously, we found two special energy fluctuations in Guwutang, which should be the two commanders, Hal and Jenny. According to those gatekeepers, Guwutang is the two commanders in charge, so that is to say, the conversation between me and Commander Hal must have been eavesdropped.

Stone said, "This possibility cannot be ruled out. I and the holy clothes monitor every move around you at all times, and no special person has approached you, but it does not rule out the possibility that Jenny, as Guwutang, has manipulated runes to remotely eavesdrop."

After thinking about it, Xiaoguai said, "We may have made a mistake and should focus on Jenny. Since this matter has something to do with Jenny, we will simply focus on Jenny, and we will gain more or less."

Stone said, "That's fine. Now that we have made up our minds, let's go back to find Jenny now. I'm afraid you're going to enter a state of invisibility."

Xiaoguai shook his head and said, "This is too passive. One of us is in the dark. I am my gambler. You secretly monitor Jenny's every move. I will beat Jenny at the right opportunity. Maybe he will show his fox tail."

Stone thought for a moment and said, "That's fine, but in order to hide your identity, I suggest you send another solit body to be ready to cover your actions at any time."

The little boy asked, "What do you mean?"

Stone said, "When we take action, how can we deal with those warriors everywhere as your walker? At that time, you can let the stand-in hide aside to cover, and it will be much more convenient for you to become another person.

Xiaoguai nodded and said, "You are still thoughtful. Cana's identity is very useful. You can't give up so casually. You really have to prepare a stand-in at all times."

At this moment, the two went all the way to the ancient martial arts hall and saw Xiaoguai appear in front of the door, and the two martial artists guarding the door immediately welcomed Xiaoguai in.

Money can be distracted everywhere. The little boy directly took out a handful of leaves and stuffed them and asked, "Is Commander Jenny still in there?"

The two warriors immediately nodded and rushed to say, "I haven't seen them come out since I entered before. I should stay in my room, and the group of people previously sent out have not come back yet."

The little boy nodded and said, "Very good!" Then he walked in like this.

After entering, the little boy did not rashly go to lead Jenny, but continued to come to the betting platform that had become hot now.

When Yafei saw the arrival of Xiaoguai, she just nodded to say hello. On the contrary, some of the gamblers recognized Xiaoguai. For a moment, the gamblers immediately looked a little crazy, and the crowd consciously made way for Xiaoguai and left the best place to Xiaoguai.

The little boy did not refuse. He sat carelessly at the gambling table and looked at Yafei, who began to look extremely unnatural.

"If possible, I want to block a few with Commander Hal, otherwise I won't leave this table today!"

Yafei took a look at the little boy and said, "Are you here to gamble or to make trouble today?"

Xiaoguai smiled and said, "I won't let you be embarrassed, just guess the single and double, and bet until the leader Hal appears. I have something to find him!"

Yafei said, "Didn't the previous leader go out with you? Up to now, I haven't seen the shadow of the adult. I don't know where the adult has gone.

Xiaoguai said, "As soon as I didn't say anything, let's gamble!"

Looking at the eager gamblers around him, he smiled and said, "I'm sorry, can you give me every first * opportunity?"

The crowd couldn't wait for the little boy to say this. Who didn't know that the unattractive dark elf in front of him had become a legend. He was the God of Wealth of the casino and immediately responded.

Xiaobe took a look at Yafei, whose face has become a little ugly and said, "Miss Yafei, I'm really not here to make it difficult for you today. I just heard from the leader that your casino has such a rule. If there is a Changsheng general on any gambling table, * the boss will appear and verify it in person. Is this gambler cheating, so my purpose is actually very simple. I just want to meet your boss.

Yafei glanced at the distance, his eyes were a little wandering, and seemed to suddenly figure out something, and said, "I'm just a small person, and I don't have a chance to send a message to the leader at all. Since you want to see the boss, try not to lose!"

Xiao Guai nodded and said, "Thank you for your advice, please!"

Yafei's white little hands began to fly in the air, but the little boy simply closed his eyes and gently tapped on the wooden table, looking still. When all Yafei's movements stopped, Xiaogua slowly opened his eyes, took out all the leaves from his arms, put them in the left hand area, and said loudly, "Single!"

The crowd who had been paying attention to the little boy's movements immediately followed up with all the leaves clenched in their hands, and their eyes were hot.

"Open! Open! Open it!"

In the shouting of the crowd, Yafei, who was pale, gently opened the wooden tube, and the crowd immediately shouted loudly, with indescribable excitement.

After several consecutive compensations, Yafei began to deliberately delay the time, but he couldn't help urging the gamblers and had to speed up every one. But the result was the same. The dark elf in front of him seemed to really see through the points of the dice, but the other party did not look at the hollow wooden tube with the dice.

Those gamblers are getting more and more excited and extremely excited. Each of them only needs to bet with the little boy, which is sure to make a profit. The gamblers at the other gambling tables around inquired about the good situation here and immediately ran over, but the gambling table was so big that no one wanted to miss this opportunity to get rich. Naturally, the people inside would not allow people outside to squeeze in, but the people outside wanted to squeeze in anyway and give a piece of the pie and shouted scolding for a moment. Into one piece.

The dark elves who maintained order immediately ran out of the corner. Under their suppression, the later gamblers immediately retreated unwillingly, but did not leave and continued to watch.

Although most of these gamblers are just ordinary dwarfs, the rules in the casino are that everyone is equal. For a moment, even if the dark elves who maintain order are full of fire in their hearts, they can only hold this breath if they want to kill these ordinary dwarfs who cause trouble.

The gambling is still going on. The dwarf next to Yafei who is responsible for compensation only feels that his legs and feet are a little weak. In this short period of time, Gu Wutang has lost nearly two million credits. If he continues, I'm afraid that no matter how strong the capital is, he can't stand such a toss.

Yafei can't think of any other way to delay the time. As the person in charge of this gambling platform, if she continues like this, it will only cause herself great trouble, but for a moment, she can't think of any other way, and her little face is already pale.

Seeing Yafei's look, Xiaoguai said, "You don't have to think so much. I will give you an explanation for today's boss, and I will never involve you."

Yafei frowned and said, "Lead Hal is not here now. Commander Jenny's temperament is the most unpredictable. Commander Jenny has definitely known what happened here, but the leader has not appeared so far. Who knows what's going on?"

The little boy was about to speak when the sound of a stone suddenly came to his mind: "Jenny appeared!"

Little obediently looked at Yafei in front of him and said, "Don't talk too much, go on!"

In perception, there is indeed an extremely obscure energy fluctuation near the gambling table, and it is right behind Yafei. Although the other party has hidden his body, Xiaoguai still judges that the person should be Jenny who has also reached the leadership level according to the particularity of this energy fluctuation.

It seems that the other party does look down on himself, otherwise, I believe that no one can find the existence of the command level that hides breath by perception alone.

With a bang, the wooden barrel was firmly placed on the gambling table, and it was time to guess the single and double again. According to the instructions of the stone, Xiaoguai grabbed 2,000 credit points and bet on the unit on the left hand. At the moment when Xiaoguai left his hand, Stone suddenly said, "The situation has changed. Someone is manipulating the dice, and now the points have become Double."

"I'm sure to buy it!"

At the moment when Yafei was about to lift the wooden tube, there were suddenly 2,000 credit points on the originally empty two positions. Yafei immediately pressed the wooden cylinder and said loudly, "What do you mean?"

Xiaogua smiled and said, "It's not interesting, but this one can't be sure, so both sides are bet on, which is a peace game!"

The temporary change of the little boy immediately made those gamblers hesitate, but according to the regulations, once the banker shouts out the words to buy and leave, it cannot be changed, unless otherwise*.

Some people still believe in Xiaoguai's initial judgment, others think that Xiaoguai's final judgment is correct, and some people simply give up this game. After all, they have won a lot before.

Just as Yafei was about to lift the wooden tube, a voice suddenly sounded behind him-


Looking at the dark elf slowly emerging behind Yafei, someone in the crowd immediately shouted out: "Big Commander!"

Looking at the dark elf staring at him in front of him, Xiaoguai also began to look at each other. Unlike other dark elves, there were no rune tattoos on the face of the middle-aged dark elf in front of him, but the skin on his face looked pale and a little scary, and the black on his shoulders and neck. The rune tattoo forms a sharp contrast.

"Are you Cana?"

"I'm Cana, and your Excellency is the leader of Jenny?"

The other party nodded and said, "Next, I'll play a few games with you"