Hunting legend

Chapter 100 Son of the Devil

This is the king's reception room, which can be regarded as the most luxurious place in the dwarf country, but what really impresses the stone is that the roof here is high enough.

A armor-piercing blasting bomb of the stone has well proved that the stone did come from another magical world. Coupled with the explanation of his own brother Jackie, the king finally believed the words of the stone. Baru is the demon king of the world.

Slowly savor the drinks that can only be seen in the palace. Everything that happened before is as if it had never happened. What people are now discussing is how to deal with the [son of demons] in the black fog.

Xiaogua took a sip of the sweet drink, gently put the wooden cup on the long table in front of him, and asked, "Your Majesty, I want to know what's going on with the rune array of this [son of Demon]?"

The king pondered for a while and said, "In those years, we lived in a dark cave, and the maze-like environment made our lives worse than death. Later, one of us woke up and initially mastered the energy of runes. Then, under his guidance, we elderly people slowly The earth has also mastered the ability of runes. In the following days, in order to get out of the maze-like caves, we began to gather together to discuss the potential secrets of the runes. Unexpectedly, we have mastered a little fur of the runes. It is on this basis that we can take those of the clans. Young people and children who had not yet awakened came out of the cave.

"Even if the ability is awakened, the sun is still our biggest enemy. It barely built the prototype of the village in the canyon. In order to lift the curse imposed on us for hundreds of years, we set up the Elders. I, the patriarch, personally took these old people along the footprints left by our ancestors and began to trace the source. I hope to find the tribal settlement when our ancestors finally left. According to legend, the curse on us is what the high priest called, and we must find the holy place of the ancient tribe. Finally, we returned and succeeded in finding a secret place in the Holy Land. On the stone wall in the secret room, a group of brightly colored pictures told us the truth of the whole thing. In those years, the ancestors of the patriarchs at that time hoped to gain strength and stole the holy scriptures worshipped in the temple while the high priest was retreating against their ancestral teachings. Come out, and by chance, the seal above was untied. In this way, our ancestors obtained the power of the guardian god and could get power directly from the sun.

"In the following time, the patriarch who gained power began to become arrogant because of his own strength. He actually wanted to dominate the whole human world and annex all tribes of different beliefs. This dangerous idea immediately provoked a protracted war without any powers. How can the dwarf be those giant-like opponents? Everyone has become the cannon fodder of the patriarch. By the time the high priest came out of the secret room, the outside world had changed, and the people of the whole dwarf kingdom had lost most of them for this meaningless war.

"The high priest who held the power of the guardian god immediately forcibly captured the patriarch who was still brave on the battlefield. As a punishment, the runes composed of dark magic permanently imprisoned all those who had direct blood relatives with the patriarch, and black rune tattoos began to appear on the originally bright and white skin. The patriarch was imprisoned by dark magic. When the first ray of sunshine shone on the patriarch after a long night, terrible things happened. The places with black charms on the patriarch's body began to burn. Before long, the patriarch's burning body exploded in front of everyone. From then, the dark spirit The spirit family will replace their ancestors and accept this curse and punishment from generation to generation. They will never see the sunshine again.

"We searched the whole temple and did not find the legendary scripture that could get power, but in a dense and inconspicuous place, we found a rune array about [the son of demons], which can not only spawn a wide range of black fog. Generation, most importantly, it allows us to absorb energy directly from the black fog, so that the speed of absorbing energy has increased dozens of times, but according to the annotation next to the rune array, the black fog will give birth to [son of demons], but if [son of demons] can be successfully controlled, it can be done when he wakes up. The first one to make a request to him, and [the son of the devil] will realize the wish made by the first human he saw.

When he said this, the king suddenly sighed and looked at Xiaoguai and said, "At that time, the rune array was not perfect at all, and there was no record of how to control [the son of the devil], so I have been studying the rune array that can trap him over the years, but I have not been able to make a breakthrough. Exhibition.

Xiaoguai said, "Why did you people build this imperfect rune array when you knew the horror of [son of the devil]?"

The king said, "Black fog can block us from the sun and provide us with more abundant energy. In addition to the hidden danger of [son of demons], we feel that it is necessary to take this risk in order to continue the bloodline of the dark elf. After all, maybe one day we can find a way to perfect the rune array."

Xiaoguai shook his head and said, "Maybe I shouldn't say this sentence. Why didn't anyone in the elder group survive?"

The king looked up at Jackie, turned his eyes to the little boy, and said, "The rumor is wrong. The death of the elder brothers has nothing to do with me. If you want to successfully establish the rune array, you must sacrifice with your own flesh and blood. Otherwise, those black fogs can't be in such a short time. That's how the effect is achieved.

Jackie immediately asked, "You mean that the death of those elders has nothing to do with you?"

The king said, "I don't have to hide anything from you about this matter, otherwise, I don't have to choose to cooperate with you."

Jeki nodded and said, "I'm glad that the death of those elders has nothing to do with you. Otherwise, I will always feel uneasy, because Ula is my best friend and my best teacher."

The king immediately asked, "You mean that Ula is still alive?"

Jic nodded and said, "Ula is not only alive, but also is now rushing to Fengxi Village."

The king immediately showed surprise and said, "Ura is good at rune arrays. Is it possible that you let him destroy the rune arrays set there and make the black fog begin to overflow everywhere?"

Xiaoguai said, "We did plan this before we came. If we can't convince your Majesty, Ula will be our backup plan."

The king nodded and said, "It's hard for you to think of Fengxi Village, but even if you destroy the rune array that forms the black fog, there is still no way to stop the awakening of [son of Demons], because if you calculate the time, [son of Demons] will wake up the day after tomorrow at the latest!"

Hearing this sentence, all the people were stunned and asked eagerly, "Why did [son of the devil] wake up early?"

The king said, "I don't know. I had prepared a new set of rune arrays to wake up [son of the devil] in advance, but you came before you were ready."

Xiaoguai thought for a moment and asked, "Your Majesty, how do you know that [son of demons] will wake up the day after tomorrow?"

The king said, "In order to complete the rune array, all six members of the elder group chose to use themselves as a sacrifice, but only rejected my request as a sacrifice, because in their hearts, only I was most likely to improve the rune array. As a member of the host of the rune array, my blood was once poured into the rune array. So I have established a magical connection with [son of demons], and I can sense that [son of demons] is about to wake up.

Xiaoguai said, "The advance of time will never be accidental. Something must have happened on the way. I don't know if His Majesty has found anything abnormal?"

The king thought for a moment and said, "[Son of the Devil] is located at the core of the black fog. Except for natural awakening and artificial awakening, there can be no third reason. Just when you saw my real body, I once felt that [Son of Demon] showed a great anger, as if it had been attacked.

The little boy immediately stood up and said, "No! It must be Baru who is destroying!"

The king immediately asked, "What kind of person is Baru you talking about?"

Xiaoguai said, "Baru is not a human, but a dark monster with curved horns on his head. Unless his head and body are separated, his body has a regenerative function and can never die. In addition to using abilities like our capable people, his most powerful thing is that Baru's body is also an extremely powerful weapon, which can erode ordinary human bodies and even animals. After occupying the other party's body, the other party will become his puppet or split. It can be said that if it is not solved as soon as possible With Baru's words, the whole human world will become hell on earth!"

The king said, "What on earth is this demon thinking?"

Xiaoguai said, "He stared at the energy body of [the son of the devil] and wanted to occupy the body of [the son of the devil]. If he succeeds, his strength will be infinitely improved. At that time, no one will stop him!

The king immediately said, "From now on, you and Stone are the commander-in-chief of us. We will definitely cooperate with all your actions. Just open your mouth if you need anything!"

Xiaoguai said, "Our Brotherhood has been dealing with Baru for several years, and we still know some of his methods. However, according to the current situation, we must put down everything, try our best to stop Baru, and transfer [son of the Devil] to a different space as soon as possible, and then it will be me. When we all deal with Baru."

The king immediately said, "Now the situation is quite critical. If [Son of the Devil] does not wake up according to normal procedures, he will inevitably be angry with all the human beings he sees. At that time, not only our dwarf kingdom, but also the human world outside the abyss of death will become hell on earth. So everyone, I We should abandon the past and unite to solve this matter together. We must not let Baru's conspiracy succeed!"

Stone stood up and said, "Time is tight. We must come up with a practical solution, and if possible, I hope everyone can make a few preparations to avoid new changes!"

The king stood up, slapped the table and said, "Since you two are the saviors, we will listen to you next!"