Hunting legend

Chapter 118 Negotiation

The killing continues, and Stone can clearly see the fear in the eyes of these mutants before death. These mutants retain a little more humanity than those puppets manipulated when Baru first came to this world in the past. At least they still know fear, which shows that Baru's methods are becoming more and more The higher the Ming Dynasty, this is not good news for Stone and the others.

After cleaning up the last mutant who tried to escape from the battlefield, Stone and Zixuan began to chase in the direction of the disappearance of the flying convoy. This was also the first time that Stone tried to fly at a long distance. Compared with the stability and calmness of the stone, Zixuan seemed a little different.

Every swing of the rune light wings can throw away the stone for a long distance, but when the wings beat again, the stone can catch up in time. Everything will be long and short, and life will have gains and losses. This is the perception of the stone.

Finally, the two saw the flying train hovering above a river from afar, and Stone and Zixuan immediately flew over.

Sensing the approach of the stone, the little boy immediately opened a passage and welcomed the two stones in.

"Is everything going well?" The little boy asked.

Stone said, "It's okay, but these guys are too weak to have any counterattack at all. It seems that they rely on the oil in their hands, but they have no use!"

Xiaoguai nodded and said, "It may not be as simple as we think. Only nearly 300 mutant pterosaurs are a very horrible existence. I have asked Boss Feng before, these merchants who travel north and south. No one has ever heard of a large number of such blacks. Mutant pterosaurs, that is to say, these mutant pterosaurs must usually hide in the forest and are very tightly controlled. Otherwise, I'm afraid that no animal can escape their poisonous hands. It seems that our old opponent Baru seems to realize that these mutants alone are If it can't be a big deal, normal human beings are more useful to him than these mutants!"

Stone said, "In Baru's mind, it should definitely be clear that these mutants can't pose any threat to us at all, but he still did so, which makes me confused!"

Xiaoguai said, "Baru will never do anything meaningless. This move must be very meaningful, but we don't know his true intentions. It's better to be careful along the way."

Stone nodded and said, "Safety is a big problem. The route we are taking now is the closest route between the ancestral land and Sifang City. In the future, this route will become an air corridor, which is specially responsible for the goods we produce* to all over the world. If Baru has been targeting us like this I'm afraid things will be a little difficult!"

Xiaoguai suddenly thought of a question and asked in the dark, "Boss Feng, you often deal with those superiors in Sifang City. I want to know who is the real ruler in Sifang City?"

The little old man's wind vane immediately said, "I understand what you mean. Sifang City has been built for almost 20 years, and only the rulers in Sifang City have changed frequently in the past 20 years. According to some information I have, I can now be sure that the four giants who are now in Sifang City It has become the puppet of the devil in your mouth, but these four giants look no different from ordinary people, and their skin is not necessarily dark.

Xiaoguai said, "Boss Feng doesn't know anything. This Baru is very powerful. As long as he falls into his clutches, he can immediately erase your self-consciousness and become a walking corpse. He can only blindly obey his command. This kind of person doesn't look like he was the same as before. It's different. The previous four city owners exist like this. As for those dark guys, they are no longer the creatures we are familiar with. Their whole body has changed, just like the split of Baru, which is more harmful. In addition to the infinite power, they can use some energy to attack, they are the most fierce. The harm is that except for the only way to cut off their heads, the other way is to kill him. If we can't solve this demon as soon as possible, in the end, humans and animals living in this world will eventually become this dark monster, which is why we came to this world. The purpose is to stop this demon!"

The little old man took a deep breath and said, "As you say, if I continue to deal with these giants in Sifang City, won't I die miserably?"

Xiaoguai said, "For them, you still have useful value and will not hurt you for a while, but the situation is changing all the time, and this danger will occur at any time, so it is recommended that you plan early!"

The little old man's weather vane immediately became silent and did not say anything for a long time. The chief commercial officer said, "We have traveled around for many years and have been to many places, but we have never seen a demon like this that can turn a normal human into a monster. If we hadn't seen the process of those mutant alienating those dinosaurs before, we would have really not believed that there are such terrible demons in the world, and the future of mankind is really in danger.

Stone immediately said, "This is also the reason why we opened trade routes. In your world, tribes and tribes live relatively far away, and the population is not concentrated. If it weren't for the existence of you foot traders, I'm afraid that those tribes would not be able to exchange information at all, let alone It is necessary to talk about the circulation of materials. Our intention is very simple. We can inherit the scientific and technological civilization of our era in your world, and wait until you master a certain amount of scientific and technological knowledge before you can truly develop. We have always had a plan to attract more people to settle around our tribes with the development of commercial routes. We will build a real city. Only when the population is dense and resources are concentrated can we unite all human beings to fight against this attempt to destroy our human world. Only in this way can we truly live a free and prosperous life!" The little old man's wind vane suddenly said, "Lord, I have figured it out now. I hope to join your team and fight against the mutant monsters together. I hope you can accept my request!"

Stone smiled and said, "It's really a gratifying thing that Boss Feng is willing to join our team, but it's still the old saying that we can't promise anything we can give you at present. I believe that there is no shortage of bosses in wealth. The only thing we can do is to make you stronger and let you master this. Scientific and technological knowledge that does not exist in the world, I don't know whether Boss Feng believes it or not?

Boss Feng immediately nodded and said, "My wind vane is absolutely trustworthy, but this time I came in a hurry, and I haven't had time to explain some things to my family."

Xiaoguai immediately said, "Boss Feng can rest assured that after we transport this batch of goods back to the tribe, we will immediately start to open the air channel. Once the transportation begins, the first thing we do is to bring all your family members to our tribe, so as to avoid everyone's worries. !"

The little old man's wind vane immediately said excitedly, "Six of the adults are really thoughtful. My wind vane will definitely cooperate with the general manager and do our best to do all the business circulation!"

Stone said, "After returning to the tribe this time, we will immediately start the expansion of the village. In the future, more and more people will move to our tribe. Only when there are more people will our production speed accelerate. At the same time, we will also begin to build a militarized team. Wu, they will become the main force to defend our homeland and destroy the mutant monsters!"

Xiaoguai said, "We still have a lot to do, but the resources are limited. We need to recruit talents from all aspects and give them some training before we can truly spread the technology we have mastered. This is a problem that must be solved first. As for the source of talents, Sifang City is a The best place is that it's not easy to convince those people to come with us.

The general manager suddenly said, "Some adults think too much, and things won't be so complicated. Basically, in the process of collecting sacred objects, the survivors of all ethnic groups are concentrated in Sifang City, especially those who have mastered certain skills. They chose to stay because the Sifang City is rich in resources and their ability can be maximized. I believe that as long as we show enough truth With the abundance of power and resources, these people will immediately take the initiative to come to the door. But before that, we must solve a problem, that is, there must be a channel between Sifang City and the tribe we are going to, which is fundamental!"

Xiaoguai nodded and said, "What the general manager said is very reasonable. One of the reasons why we opened the trade channel is also here. It won't take long for us to build more manned flying cars. They will be manipulated by special personnel, continuously traveling between Sifang City and our tribes, and completely free from the outside world. Fei, I believe that in this way, we will definitely attract a large number of people to visit our tribe. We can not only provide them with jobs, but also teach them some special skills and skills. I believe that no one will refuse these favorable conditions.

While talking, the night was already late. After a while of discussion, everyone fell asleep one after another. Only the little boy still vigilantly paid attention to the movement outside the flying train.

At dawn, the little boy finally found an open place to land the flying car. Everyone immediately got out of the car and moved freely for a while. The stone circled around the area. When he came back, he actually got a few small beasts, washed and peeled it by himself, and made a fire to roast meat for everyone.

Originally, I thought that the young brother alliance leader in front of him was a little difficult to get along with, but along the way, with everyone's understanding of each other, the little old man and others all admired the young alliance leader.

Young, the ability can be called a god-like existence, and the mind is powerful and thoughtful. Following such people to do great things, the little old men are completely willing and convinced!

Stone did treat everyone equally. In the next journey, Stone even began to introduce them to the customs of his world, as well as the environment in which people live and some daily trivialities. In these primitive humans living in the dinosaur era, Stone's statement sounds like another According to legend, they are more full of expectations for their future, because they have confirmed that they have come here from the kingdom of God to save them!