grave-keeping note

1 eye burial

1. Eye burial

From the beginning of entering Baihe Village, I felt that the second master was a little unscrupulous and didn't say a serious word. I felt very disappointed. During the sacrifice, I might have made some tricks.

These elders didn't seem to be in a hurry. They all went into the field to drink and chat. At this time, it was winter. As soon as it snowed heavily, the snow was as thick as a quilt. It went down to the knees.

And it's very cold. The second master said that I believe that it can reach minus 40 degrees in the coldest time. I can feel that I grew up in the northeast, and I have never encountered such a cold day. I'm surprised that I can choose summer. The scenery is okay, but no, I don't quite understand.

The next day, it was not dawn, and the second master didn't know where to get the plows, five plows and 25 dogs, just the four-eyed dog, barking crazily.

This is a new thing. I have never sat down. I didn't expect that climbing the plow is to run fast, which is a little exciting. But in less than half an hour, I don't think it's fun, because I'm inactive and I'm freezing.

After 40 minutes, the plow stopped. When we came down, the snow became thicker, but there was a layer of hard shell on the snow, which could completely support people. The second master shouted, "Follow me and don't fall into the snow pit."

We stood in a row and followed the second master, not daring to deviate.

The snow is very bare-eyed and regrets not bringing sunglasses.

We walked all the way to the north slope. After walking for almost an hour, we stopped. In front of us was a waterfall. Looking at the water flying down, it was like snow. It was really beautiful. I didn't expect to see such a beautiful scenery.

When I was in a daze, the second master cried, which made me trembling. The voice was so strange that the second master was originally a male duck voice.

Someone whispered, "Call the mountain and call the soul."

I think it's a soul loss. Who made the second master so scared, it's almost enough not to lose the soul. After a voice, the second master lowered his head and walked straight to the waterfall. When he approached, the sound of the water made his ears deaf, and I began to be afraid. Because of the falling moisture, the water droplets have frozen the snow into a layer of ice.

The second master got a pick pick, dug out his foot socket, and approached the waterfall step by step. I think the second master is a madman. I took a look below, at least four or 500 meters deep. If it falls, you have to drill into the snow. There is no place to look for it. It really becomes a snow burial. I don't know what this burial method will be like. Anyway, it will definitely not be too good.

I followed at the end and began to sweat. I only stared at my feet and didn't dare to be careless at all. I didn't want to be buried in snow. When I looked up, we were behind the waterfall. I was confused at that time. I didn't expect that there was a hole behind the waterfall, a natural hole, and it was very dry, which absolutely surprised me.

After the second master came in, he picked up the wine pot and took a sip, then picked up a pine oil handle from next to a stone platform and lit it. He looked back at us and said, "I'm following you."

The road in the cave is very difficult to walk, and you have to walk with your hand on the stone wall from time to time. More than ten minutes later, I turned a corner and suddenly became enlightened. There was sunshine coming in. Those were eight holes on the top of the stone. The second master did not put out the torch, but put it aside.

Although there is light from torches and eight small holes, the walls on the three sides can't be seen clearly. This is my first visit to the ancestral tomb. I took more than a dozen steps forward.

"Fuck you, what the hell." I was so scared that my mouth came out.

They all looked at me, and I realized that I was too reckless. However, I'm really scared.

"Are you scared? It's okay. They are all our ancestors." The second master said something.

I saw more than a hundred coffins on four walls, and there were about a hundred bright spots, revealing purple light. They actually looked like eyes, flashing and looked a little scary.

They are busy setting up sacrifices and sacrificial bureaus, which are a little nagging. The second master was commanding in a hoarse voice, as if everyone listened to him.

I slowly approached an eye. I called it an eye. It was indeed the same as an eye. I approached it. The eye turned out to be a hole the same size as an eye. The hole was quite bright, but the distance could not be seen clearly. I put my eyes on it and looked in, but I didn't understand it for a moment. There was one inside. Something is coiled in the middle.

I have lacked imagination since I was a child. After looking at that thing for a long time, I realized that I howled and ran away. This voice scared them so much that I ran to the mouth of the cave to stop.

I didn't expect that there was a bone shelf sitting there, that is, a dead man.

The second master came over and looked at me and said, "Don't be afraid. It's okay. That's the eye burial. The eyes you see are women's eyes, some are men's eyes, women's eyes, which are buried are women, and men's eyes are men. This is a purple crystal cave, and each eye burial is a natural water. Crystal nucleus."

"It's scary to make it into the shape of eyes."

"This is the eye."

I know that such a large ancestral tomb has been there for thousands of years, and he should have countless organs, but I can't figure out how powerful this is.

I approached the eye again. I raised my hand and stretched my finger in. I thought that if the eyes were closed, it should be to turn on the switch of the tomb. My fingers reached into my eyes. At that moment, the sunlight that the eight small holes came in was gone. The eight small holes closed, and then the torch was extinguished, and the hole was dark. My finger is stuck there.

"Run." The second master's voice has changed. After I heard the messy footsteps, everything calmed down. After I still couldn't pull out my fingers, I felt the wind everywhere. It was definitely not the kind of wind we usually feel. This kind of wind was cold, as if it blew into my heart, from the inside out.

I panicked and my fingers were about to be pulled out, and it was useless. Suddenly, I felt the tomb move. When my fingers came out, I found that I was not in the hole, but in my eyes, like human eyes. I panicked. I should have entered the organ. I don't know what to do.

My eyes were chaotic and complicated, and I ran randomly. The road was countless and endless. It was not until I was tired that I calmed down.

I looked at the messy road here and saw the hole. It turned out that I was really in my eyes. I saw the second master come in, and I waved to the second master.

The second master rushed over and covered his eyes. I felt darkness. I don't know what the second master is going to do, but he must save me out.

When my eyes are a little sore, I feel water slowly coming out.

"Jump, jump out." I heard what the second master said.

I jumped out of my eyes. When I looked at those eyes again, tears actually flowed out. The second master was so angry that he gave me a kick.

"You really want to die. If I come a little later, the tears of your eyes will kill you. It is a kind of acid set in the mechanism, which will melt you out in a few minutes and become water."

I didn't expect it to be so evil. In order to protect this ancestral tomb, such a mechanism was set up.

The sunlight from eight small holes came in, and everything was normal.

"This eye tomb is controlled by the light of these eight small holes. Once you destroy it, after the small hole is closed, the mechanism will start."

I sweated. My ancestral grave was in such a place. I wiped my sweat and felt a sense of pride. I'm such a second child, worrying about gains and losses, which makes me mentally abnormal.

Something happened during the great sacrifice that day.

It's my first time to worship, so my strange scene still makes me feel a kind of tension. The adrenaline keeps soaring. If it's higher, I'm afraid I'm going to explode.

Finally, it's over. I haven't seen any forms. What I didn't expect most was that at the end, the second master stood in front of an eye tomb for a while. The eyes of the eye tomb were the largest, the eyes of a man. Someone told me that it was the ancestors.

When we went out, the second master turned around and put on sunglasses. This two-year-old man was already black in the hole and wore sunglasses. He was purely sick.

I scolded in my heart, but there was nothing strange, because I didn't pay much attention to one of the actions of the second master, and I'm afraid other people didn't notice it. I was at the end.

When you walk to the mouth of the cave, everyone is waiting for the second master at the mouth of the cave. The sound of the waterfall was very loud. We watched the second master come over. When he was about to reach the mouth of the cave, he tripped and almost fell down. He held his sunglasses, carefully reached the mouth of the cave, and then walked out along the road. I was really worried that he would fall. The sunglasses of this guy had not been taken off.

I want to remind the second master, but the sound of the waterfall is so loud that I don't think he can hear it. When we came out, the original foot socket had been watered by the fog of the waterfall. The second master took out the root from his arms and dug the foot socket one by one, and walked diagonally.

We are all careful. When the second master was about to reach the bottom of the mountain, his feet slipped and rolled down. He actually did not make any sound, shouting, or afraid of making any sound. This guy rushed to the bottom of the mountain and got into the snow like sitting on a big slide. We were all dumbfounded and stared.

A few minutes later, the two came out of the snowy and waved to us to sit down on the slide.

This is my second master. For a certain extent, it seems that their peers have no special reactions, and they really rushed down one by one.