grave-keeping note

3. Skull

3. Skull

The second master seems to have forgotten what happened last time. He got up from the grass and said, "You boy is a well-fed pheasant who just beat."

We went into the ground, and the pheasants were stewed in the pot, and there were mushrooms in it. In fact, the second master rarely hunted, and there were more mountain fungi.

We drink, which is still the same, and we drink it so much that it scrapes our throat. When I saw that the second master was a little old, I asked, "Second Master, do you want me to be your son?"

The second master's hand holding the wine trebled, and the wine spilled out. He immediately twitched with his mouth, which made me feel disgusting. I suspect that his hand has not been washed since birth.

Really? Did your father agree?"

"I just agree. He doesn't care about me."

The second master shook his head and said, "Are you your father's son? Your father doesn't agree. That's just a joke." The second master is a little unhappy.

I think if I don't be his son, I'm afraid I can't get anything. I went back the next day. When I got home, I said to my father, "I want to be a son for the second master."

My father jumped up. He didn't expect to jump so high and almost fell out of the window. I didn't expect him to react so much.

"Second-hand man, you are simply a second-hand man. Everyone says that you are the same as that second-hand man." My father was furious.

"I think the second master is old and needs someone to take care of him."

"This is not your mother's worry. You have to retire for me, you son of a bitch." My father finally exposed his anger and became like this, regardless of his dignity as a father.

In the end, I didn't succeed. I bought a pair of shoes, a suit, and ten catties of wine for the second master, and then I went to Baihe Village.

The second master was not in the field and didn't know what to do. Until late at night, I heard the sound of footsteps. The footsteps were different. There was sound on one foot and no sound on the other foot, because one foot was wrapped in rabbit skin.

The second master came in and was shocked to see me. I was even more miserable. I jumped on the kang, hit my head on the shed, and almost fainted. I saw the second master holding something in his hand. It was a man's head, bloody, and half of it was only bones. What on earth did this guy do?

The second master was stunned for a moment, turned around and went out. After a while, he came back with blood in his hand. I got off the kang in fear, and the second master said as if nothing had happened: "Good things have been kept for you all the time."

The second master took out a bag of things from under the ground. He said, "It's venison, not mine, but those thieves who cut off the deer antler. I got some meat back." When the second master stewed meat, I was still trembling. I took the hand of the person's head and didn't wash it, so he stewed the meat for me.

When the second master was idle, I gave him something. He was stunned. He wiped his hand on his clothes over and over for a long time before taking it. He didn't say anything, and his eyes actually shed tears, and only his right eye shed tears. His left eye did not, and his left eye was actually very strangely excited, which made me feel that my soul almost come out. Coming.

The second master put the things away and said, "No one has ever bought anything for me, never, never..."

I still hesitated, took out a piece of paper, handed it to the second master, and said, "This is a successor agreement, which has been notarized at the notary office, and I will be your son in the future."

After I said this, I felt a little cruel in my heart. I was cheating an old man's feelings. Although he was my father's uncle, I became his adopted son, which was a little ridiculous. The second master was such a bitch. I also followed him. I didn't be his son. It's fucking Bai Sheng came out.

The second master took the paper. He looked at it. He couldn't understand anything else. His hands were trembling and shaking. It took him a long time to carefully fold the paper and put it in his arms.

We drank until midnight. I slept. When I got up in the morning, I saw that the second master changed into the clothes and shoes I bought for him. I actually found that he had become clean.

"You slept yesterday. I went to the waterfall to take a shower. It's clean." The second master is like a child, and I feel a little sad.

We sat outside the ground that day.


"Don't be afraid. That's the head of poachers, which are biting by wolves. Some such things happen every year. Although they poaching is hateful, they are dead after all. I take back my head so that they won't become wild ghosts." The second master spoke lightly. Actually, that's not the case.

"You didn't tell me the truth."

The second master looked back at me and was not angry or angry, but the expression of his left eye was different and a little vicious.

"It's true. I got these heads, which are indeed used for other purposes. I'm a tomb guard. Some martial arts are not natural, but require some conditions. The skulls are also used for tomb guarding. It's a kind of guarding, which is a relatively powerful guarding skill." After the second master finished speaking, I couldn't see the look of his left eye in the distance.

"What kind of skill is that?" I sweated down.

The second master hesitated for a long time and could see that he was struggling. He stood up and said, "Come with me."

The exciting time has come. I am such a bastard. I don't know whether I am alive or dead. It is because of this incident that I really walked into the life of a gravekeeper, and I can't jump out. I hate my behavior as a bastard all my life.

The second master took me to the west slope of Changbai Mountain. An hour later, he went into the forest.

"If I don't bring you here, you must not come by yourself. You will get lost."

I didn't say anything. The forest was indeed dense. After walking for another half an hour, I saw the mountain in front of me. This mountain was really strange and made me impulsive.

The middle of the mountain looks like a woman's place, and there are trees, but the two sides are smooth, which is a woman's place.

The second master looked at me and laughed, which shocked me. I'm still not used to his laughter. I guess I can't get used to it. You don't know when he will laugh. When it's not funny, he actually laughs. When it's funny, he doesn't laugh.

We entered the cave. The cave was not big. When I walked five or six meters, I stood and leaned against the wall of the cave. I actually saw dozens of heads hanging in the cave, and each head was covered with a kind of plant with black flowers. Looking at the head, it was smoking.

I've been sweating, and I'm like a stream. If I go on like this, I have to risk my death.

The second master looked back at me and suddenly found that he was so serious that his face was a little scary, and his left eye was even more evil.

"Come here, don't be afraid. There are 89 heads here. In 30 years, I have picked them up. They were all bitten to death by wild animals during wild hunting." The second master touched these heads with his hand.

I walked over slowly and asked for a long time, "How can there be flowers?"

"I planted it. It's a black soul flower. This kind of flower only blooms in the head. If it is placed elsewhere, it will never bloom. Do you want to believe it?" The second master suddenly turned his head and almost put his face on my face. His tone changed and asked me, "Do you believe it? Is there a soul in this world?

I went, and this guy was shocked and had to make me nervous. I shook my head to show that I don't believe it. I don't believe that there is a soul in the world at all. Although this black flower planted in my head is called the black soul flower, I absolutely don't believe it.

"Don't you believe it?" The second master actually forced me to ask.

I shook my head, and the second master laughed.

"When a hundred heads and a hundred pots of black soul flowers bloom, you will see the soul, the human soul." The tone of the second master's speech is constantly changing. The tone is always scary. Like the fierce bell in the middle of the night, the bastard host told a ghost story. I was once scared to pee my pants by this bastard host.

I feel like I want to pee again, but I hold on.

"The soul guards the tomb. That's the soul guards. I believe no one can steal that tomb." I heard the second master's foreign words, "That tomb", which didn't seem to refer to our ancestral tomb. I was stunned for a long time.

I don't want to stay here. When I was about to leave, the second master stopped me and said, "It's easier to come in and difficult to go out."

As soon as the second master finished his words, suddenly there was a strange sound in the whole cave, and the hanging heads were shaking, followed by the fragrance. The second master said, "Don't breathe."

I covered my mouth, and I had hallucinations. There were countless coffins in front of me, placed on the ground, one by one. I couldn't control myself and walked to a coffin. The second master kicked me down, and then I saw two second masters, one of whom ran behind my back.

We came out of the cave, and I slowly woke up.

"What's going on?"

"These things are disobedient. They always want to leave here, but I'm stuck. They make trouble every time."

"Are those souls?"

The second master nodded.

"There is another you in the hole..."

The second master sat down and said, "That's a fake, the art of splitting. There is a prosthesis in the hole, otherwise we can't get out."

"How did you do it? I also want to learn."

The second master hesitated and said, "There are many mysterious guards in the guard. For thousands of years, it has synthesized all kinds of evil skills. This split skill sits on the plate. After sitting for three years, after letting the soul come out of the body, and then thinking about it, it can be divided."

As soon as I heard the second master's words, I sat on the table for three years, not to mention three years, even three days I can't do it.

When we came down from the mountain, the second master became normal and looked at me much more gentle. As soon as we arrived at the ground, we heard a shout. It was my father's shout. I knew the bad thing. The second master took a look at me and rushed out. It was frighteningly fast.

I followed. My father stood outside angrily, like an angry leopard, but I was not afraid at all. He actually looked at my father sideways and said, "Why, do you regret it?"

"Don't encourage my son to be your successor. That's impossible. The gravekeepers are all extinct." That's what made the second master angry.

He jumped out at once. It was so fast that my father didn't react. Probably it had something to do with him always staying in the forest.

The two of them fought, and I suddenly shouted, "Stop fighting." The second master stopped and stood up. My father got up and stared at me, "Are you going home with me or staying here with this idiot?"

I hesitated for a long time, and both of them stared at me. I still decided to stay, because I don't know many secrets of the second master. That's a kind of temptation for me, like the discordant golden apple, which needs a historic war.

My decision made my father trembling. He shook it twice and left.

The second master laughed again at this time. Maybe this was the first victory in his life. After the second master went back, he cleaned up his rags and said, "Pack up, we will leave here, and he may find it again."

The second master carried his rags to the north slope. I think he should go to the ancestral tomb. Sure enough, the second master went to the ancestral tomb. We went in and he took me into the ancestral tomb.

"This place is good, warm in winter and cool in summer."

The second master found a platform and laid the quilt. I turned around, and there was a skeleton in my eyes. I lived in this place, which was indeed a scary place. I felt that it was a wrong choice to live in this place with this strange second master, but those exciting things seduced me and made me unable to pretend.