grave-keeping note

5. Enter the horse

5. Enter the horse

Finally, the day before the third day of the lunar calendar, the second master took me out and went to the waterfall and asked me to take a bath and purify myself. I said, "The water in the waterfall is boned in dog days. Aren't you going to kill me?"

The second master was not used to my stuffed buns and kicked me into the waterfall. I almost didn't go down. It seems that I have to wash it if I don't wash it, and it's not clean.

I washed it and almost froze. When I went back, the second master had already set the fire. I set it on fire and said, "Can I quit now?"

"I dreamed that I shocked my ancestors. What do you think? If you retreat, you can leave your face and apologize to your ancestors.

The tree is a layer of skin, and a person is a face. If I have no face, I still don't live.

I shut up and stopped talking. I know, I'm going to go here.

On the third day of the lunar calendar, after the sunlight of three holes came in, the second master came in with a sack on his back. He went out in the middle of the night.

He opened the sack, and it turned out to be all kinds of wild animals. He put it on the platform, then lit the oil, made of an animal oil, and lit it in a short time, and the strange fragrance came out. I had never smelled anything so fragrant.

"Soul Shang" suddenly became a masterpiece, which scared me. The second master did not react at all, and everything was arranged. The second master's "waning" voice, I was fucking, and my soul almost didn't come out. If you don't have a heart attack, your nerves are thick.

"The ancestors are in the sky, and the second master comes out, bringing people into guard and receiving--"

This "receive--" unexpectedly pulled out eight tones, which was not ordinary torture, and the torture was shattered.

"I'm going to go out later, and my ancestors will go out. Don't be afraid." Can I not be fucking afraid? I haven't seen this scene even in the movie.

I know that what the second master said is to let his ancestors attach to him, and he will become ancestor. It's simply crazy to add me to guard. The second master said that if it's not good to go out, his life will fall.

I feel that this is similar to the jumping god of a shaman. The scene shakes you, and it looks evil, weird, and scary.

"Under the thorn, above ten thousand guards, get on the horse and enter the guard..." The second master shouted, and his voice changed and became another person. I always thought it was bullshit. Now it seems that it's not. That's really another person's voice. Since the second master has the ability, the male duck's voice can't be changed.

I looked around. There was no horse. Let me ride a horse. I rode six.

The second master jumped to my side, and his walking posture changed. He pressed me down, pulled out the hunting knife at his waist, took off my shoes, and his hand fell, the blood light rushed away, and screamed repeatedly.

Master, I definitely lost one of my toes, and I screamed. I don't know what the second master did later. Anyway, I knew it was painful.

After the second master disranged the horse, he earned a dressing for me and said, "If you are in guard, you can watch "Tomb Guard"."

I began to have a fever, and it didn't recover until a week later. The second master said, "Let's go down the mountain. It's too late for your father to come back. You are the gravekeeper."

I just lost a toe and became a gravekeeper. It seems that I don't have any special feeling, just like entering the Young Pioneers. I'm still me. The Young Pioneers have one more red scarf, but one less toe.

When we returned to the ground, the second master gave me wild animals to eat. My father still came in, came in, looked at me, touched my head, sighed, and began to drink with the second master. He didn't scold or jump up again. I cried the day my father left.

I knew that I was harmed by the second master.

Half a month later, the second master said, "Tomorrow I will take you to get the Tomb Guard."

At this time, I still have a heartache for losing a toe. It seems that I have faded a lot to "Tomb Guard" a lot. I am such an old man.

The next day, I went up the mountain with the second master, and my feet still hurt. I scolded the second master in my heart. The second master also lost a toe, which is a rule to abide by.

The second master took me into the ancestral tomb and stood at the main tomb. He took down his left eye again, accidentally fell to the ground, and rolled for a long time before stopping. I was so scared that my tongue was stuffed back with my hand.

The second master picked up his eyes and put them on the eyes of the main tomb. Unexpectedly, he rolled around and moved, which was so strange.

Suddenly, the crystal tomb opened, and the purple crystal was bright and beautiful. The body sat in the middle and did not move. The second master said, "Go in."

I hesitated and followed in. My eyes have never left the sitting body. I'm afraid that he will jump up and strangle me. I'm a little nervous. I'm afraid that I will die at any time.

After the second master entered, he went around to a table behind the body. At this time, I saw a yellow book with a thread on the table.

I reached out to get it, and the second master opened my hand, and I shudled.

"Do you want to die? Did you forget what happened last time? Your hand is owed. I'll tell you how many times. When you enter the tomb, you will take it as if you didn't bring it. Look with your eyes and see it clearly.

The second master looked at me and said, "Bow to your ancestors."

I knelt down and kowtowed my head. The second master went to the east and stared at the largest purple crystal and said, "This is a mechanism. Turn it, and the platform will move away from the dead position. Do you know what the dead position is?"

"I don't know." I shook my head.

"You can't lean against that position. There are actually many dead positions. We have them in real life. If you go to the dead position, you will die. Some people live well and suddenly die. That is, they go to the dead position. The dead position is in the underworld, where there is no sun, so flat Try not to go to the place where there is no sun. You can't see this dead position, and you can't see it. I can see it because of my left eye.

The second master's words make me trembling. If so, won't people die at any time? When I was in junior high school, a female classmate died in the basement of the school. The doctor did not find out the cause of death, and it was useless to dissect it. I think it was probably the dead position!

The second master turned the purple crystal, and the platform really moved. The second master went over, took the book, turned the purple crystal back, and the platform went back.

I didn't expect that such a "Tomb Guard" would be so evil. After we came out, we returned to the ground. The second master took out the book, put it on the table, and looked at me.

I reached out to get it. I went there. I was confused at that time. I couldn't understand it at all. It's not Chinese characters at all. I don't know it at all. Didn't this second master pick me up? The second master stared at me. I shook my head, put down the "Tomb Guard" and said, "I don't know the words above."

The second master was stunned. He picked up the book, read it for a long time and said, "I thought you could understand it. This is Lao Manwen. I should think of this."

It turned out to be Lao Manwen. It seems that it can only be seen by someone who understands Lao Manwen. I know that there is a special Institute of Manchu Culture in our city, and people there should understand it.

I told the second master what I thought. The second master hesitated and said for a long time, "This "Tomb Guard" can't be seen by everyone."

"What else can we do? I can't figure it out."

The second master was very stubborn. He picked up the "Tomb Guard" and put it in his arms and said, "No."

I feel very angry, I don't have a toe, and I haven't achieved my goal in the end. I decided to steal it in the middle of the night. The second master and I drank. When the second master fell down, it was already midnight. I took "Tomb Guard" from his arms and left Erdao Baihe Village.

I don't know if the second master will hit the wall and die after discovering that I did this. Through familiar people, I found a deputy director of the Institute of Manchu Culture.

We made an appointment to meet at the hotel. The director almost jumped up when he saw "The Tomb Guard" and his eyes turned blue. He opened the book and read it, then threw the book on the table and said, "What's your boy playing with your heartbeat?"

I don't know what happened. I picked up the book and read it for a while and asked, "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? Except for the words "Tomb Guard" on the cover, there is no word in it. After the deputy director finished speaking, my sweat came down. It was clearly written, but he said there were no words, which made me feel a little strange.

"Do you think you can easily get "Tomb Guard"? This secret book has been legendary. No one has seen it for hundreds of years. I don't think this secret book exists at all. It is rumored by people.

The director's words let me know that this "Tomb Guard" is quite important. I looked at the words in "The Tomb Guard" and asked the waiter to bring a pen and paper. I drew two lines and handed them to the deputy director.

The deputy director took it and looked at it for a while, and his face turned white. He picked up the "Tomb Guard" again, slowly turned over, and finally shook his head and gently put down the book.

"It seems that this legend is true, and the old tomb guard is also real, and the 'unknowledgeable' seems to be true. I think we should cooperate."

"What were the two lines written just now?"

"Idle article." It seems that the deputy director doesn't want to tell me.

I don't plan to cooperate with him. I just want to find someone to learn Lao Manwen. This "Tomb Guard" is a secret book. Since it is a secret book, others can't know it.

I picked up the book and said, "Thank you." I left, and the deputy director stood up to say something, but he didn't say anything. I asked someone. The only person who will be old Manwen is the deputy director. Other people don't understand. This is something I didn't expect. I have been caught with this deputy director. I'm afraid I'll go back and beg him. There is no chance. I guess I can only cooperate.

When I got home, the second master sat on the sofa. His father had a cold face, and his mother sat aside without saying anything.

The second master saw me and said, "You are so good at it. No one can see the words on it now except you and me, so it's useless for you to find someone."

"I know this. I can trace it and let the person who understand people see it."

The father finally got angry and shouted, "You two, get out of here. Don't mess with that man here and dirty my house."

I was stunned. I knew that my father was sad. I hesitated for a moment and left. The second master followed me.

"I won't go back to Baihe Village."

"You are now a gravekeeper. Maybe I will die at any time. Where should you be? There are many things you have to learn."

"I don't need to learn." I threw "Tomb Guard" to the second master, turned around and left.

I went to my friend's house, and the second master went back to Baihe Village that day. I've been thinking, do I really want to be a gravekeeper? Is it interesting to guard the tomb for a lifetime like the second master, not to marry a wife, not to contact with others, and to live a lonely life? I don't know, and I don't have such determination.

The deputy director surnamed Liu finally found me, and he wanted to cooperate with me.

"The Tomb Guard is a secret book, which can't be known by people who guarding the tomb." I'm not very happy.

"That's just a kind of culture. I have been studying Manchu culture for more than 20 years, but I have been looking for this secret book. This is a precious culture in China. We should translate it and let the world know this culture."

"You don't have to say those big truths. Now that the book is not with me, and you don't think about it."

Deputy Director Liu sighed and left.

I didn't expect that Deputy Director Liu finally found out the second master of Baihe Village, and he went to find the second master. I also knew it would be like this. A week later, I appeared on the ground. Vice Director Liu had been there for four days and had been persuading the second master. Whether the second master scolded or beat him, Deputy Director Liu just won't leave.

"Deputy Director Liu, you don't have to say anything more. Get out of here immediately!"

I know that this guy will not leave. He has lived a poor life and has no achievements at all. Can he let go of such an opportunity? No.