grave-keeping note

7. A big grave in a dream

7. A big grave in a dream

I was born restless, but during this period, I was surprisingly quiet. I went to work on time every day, didn't go around after work, and stayed at home.

I didn't expect that in September, a man wearing a hat and pressing low, walked to the school and let me stop him. I half squatted down and looked at the man's face. When I saw it, I jumped up.

That man turned out to be Liu Datian, and this guy came here.

"What are you looking for?"

"Get out of here, how far you can get out of here."

Liu Datian grabbed my neck and said, "Little rabbit, be obedient."

When I hit him with one fist, Liu Datian fell down and bled blood. I thought how capable this guy was, but he only had this little urine.

That day, I was in a good mood and came back from Erdao Baihe Village. I was so happy for the first time. After work that day, I went to drink. I drank too much and held the telegraph pole. The wine of more than 70 degrees burned me to my hair. My father carried me back and kept looking at me.

When I woke up, it was morning with a terrible headache. I still went to work. I didn't want to disappoint my father. I'm not a son of a man. I have to let your father know.

I didn't expect that Liu Datian was waiting for me at the door. I ignored him, he stood there, standing there all day, and I ignored him, grandson, if you have the ability, stand there and stand to death.

This guy actually stood for a week, and I was a little hairy. This kind of goods are the most frightening.

I came out and asked him, "What on earth do you want to do?"

"I think you can help me with that tomb, because you are a gravekeeper."

"I retreated."

"No, you didn't."

"You nailed here again, be careful that I break your leg."

The boy was not afraid, but still nailed there. After work that day, I drank with this stupid X, and he handed me the "Tomb Guard".

"You understand. You can go into the tomb and take away what you want to take away."

"Breaking soul, what I need is breaking soul."

That's the soul of my second master. This boy actually mentioned this to me. Isn't he skinned by the fox? It's just a joke. I left after the beer bottle dried on the boy's head.

After I went back, I looked at the old tomb guard, and then took out the diary and checked it one by one. In fact, I have read through the diary. No one can break the soul. This is the ultimate guard, a thousand years.

I think I should go to Baihe Village to see the second master. The second master should know that I'm here.

I went to Erdao Baihe Village and went to the cave. Everything became calm like the first time I came here, and there was no soul around the mouth of the cave. This was a place that surprised me.

I think I can go into the cave to have a look. I didn't expect that I really went in and didn't have any trouble. The eye tomb is intact, and the sitting bone in the ancestral tomb still has an expression. It is ever-changing. The second master told me that I still remember, but it still makes me feel scared.

When I came out of the cave, I saw Liu Datian sitting at the entrance of the cave and said, "Are you stupid? This is the tomb of my ancestors and the tomb of my family. Can I let you go in and take things away? What are you thinking about?"

Liu Datian said, "I know, I just want to study full culture."

"The second master told me that your family is a family of tomb robbers, a family of wizards." Liu Datian was stunned for a moment, but I ignored this grandson.

When I went back, I felt strange. It seemed that something else had happened, but I didn't know what would happen. Liu Datian appeared from time to time. Suddenly, one day, Liu Datian did not appear. I still thought it was one thing. It made me uneasy all day. I didn't know what insidious things to do.

My worries really come true. I dreamed of the tomb for several days. The second master sat on the platform and cried. I don't know why he cried. It was like that every time, which made me more and more uneasy, as if that was the reality. At a fixed time every day, it would appear in my dream.

A week later, I really can't stand it. The second master must have given me some hint or something for me to do. My second uncle just went out of tune and tortured me when he died.

I went to Erdao Baihe Village and entered Yinx Mountain. I entered the cave. The coffin was still in the middle, full of skulls. I carefully walked to the coffin and pushed open the lid. I was stunned. The second master's body was gone. There was nothing in it, and the change was gone.

I retreated, and I felt a little strange. There seemed to be something wrong.

As soon as I got out of the cave, I saw a figure and disappeared. I think that person should be Liu Datian. He has been following me all the time. I went to the second master's field, and as soon as I entered, there was a smell of blood. I saw a man sitting there without a candle in the field. It was very dark and I couldn't see who it was.


I almost died from spitting blood. It was definitely the laughter of the second master. I don't know if it was a ghost or a soul, but I'm sure that the laughter belonged to the second master.

The candle lit, and the second master said, "You have a good life. You just peeled that thing and put it in the pot."

Sure enough, it was the second master. I was blindfolded and my head was big. I stared. It was the second master who was right.

"Don't be afraid. I'm not dead. A gravekeeper won't die easily."

I don't believe it. The guy used his head as a flower pot. Can he still live? This is just a joke. The second master looked at me standing at the door and said, "Come in and sit down, and I'll tell you slowly."

I sat down and was still trembling. I didn't know whether I was facing a ghost or a ghost. I know the evil of the gravekeeper, but I can't be so evil, can I?

The second master said, "You see, my death is fake. It's a vision, a kind of guarding the tomb guard. I know you don't know any tricks yet. Although I'm a gravekeeper, I can't guard the tomb. How can I die easily?"

"Didn't I retreat?"

"I finally found a receiver. Do you think I will be that great?"

I was stunned. I didn't expect this two-handed to be so scheming.

"I really don't like to be a gravekeeper."

"It's too late. Liu Datian won't give up. The soul guard is just for a while. As soon as the time comes, the souls will collapse and go to their birth."

I know that it is the sixty-fifth guard of the grave. The illusion. The second master actually used it on me, which made me sad for nothing. Everyone took care of these two. No wonder the people in the family don't like this guy.

I don't feel like this guy very much. I stood up and wanted to leave. The second master said, "I think you have to eat this game. I guess this is the only place where you can eat this game now."

The second master is right, but I still think it's best to leave this bastard as soon as possible.

"I won't stop you from leaving. You are a guard. You can't escape. Sooner or later, you have to adapt to the life of the gravekeeper. Sooner or later, I will die."

I hesitated for a moment and left. I returned to the city. When I returned home, my father ignored me and read his newspaper. Obviously, he didn't read it. He was too disappointed in me.

I never thought that I dreamed of the coffin at night, the kind of coffin that I had never seen before, which scared me to scream and woke up, full of sweat.

I remember the coffin very clearly. It is strangely shaped. I have never seen it in real life, and I should not dream of it in my dream.

I began to dream and continued to do it every day. As long as I sleep, no matter when I sleep, I will continue to do it.

I walked on a path, a mountain full of red mountains and trees. It should be the autumn season. The path is as uncomfortable as the intestines.

I walk like this every time, all the way to the height of the mountain. I don't know when I can walk there. I feel very tired.

In this way, I walked in my dream for seven days and arrived at a messy grave, where the graves were messy. There were hundreds of tombs and new graves. There was no fixed place, and they were scattered and buried.

I ran to one and buried it. Unexpectedly, the monument was so big that it was buried. The whole earth bag was like a hill. It is estimated that this grave will take hundreds of years.

I stood in front of the grave with a feeling of pain. I woke up at once. I don't want to sleep anymore. I'm afraid of what will happen next.

But I finally fell asleep. I couldn't hold on. I don't know what else would happen. This time, I was still standing in front of the grave, standing like that, which made me more and more afraid. I felt that there seemed to be something in the grave. I woke up and I was tortured crazy.

I suddenly remembered that that place turned out to be the underground I have been to. Standing there, you can see a big lake under the mountain. It is not a lake, but a reservoir, which is a very famous reservoir in the southeast of our city, absolutely. This surprised me very much.

At dawn, I went to the reservoir. Sure enough, there was a path, the mountain road, which tortuated up. I walked up. An hour later, when I arrived at the grave, I was so surprised that I even began to be confused. Everything I dreamed of was real. So why should I come here? Whose grave is this? Will it be so big?

I don't know. There are many and messy graves in this place, and there are many without stone monuments, but this tomb is the largest. I don't think I can understand. I stand there, just like standing in a dream.

I don't know what this dream means when I come here. I can't figure it out. Maybe there will be several coincidences in my life. It's not a play, of course, it's just life.

I didn't see any problems. When I got home and went to bed at noon, I actually dreamed of that grave again. Damn, I felt like an asshole. It's so strange. It's definitely not a good thing to have the same dream. I wondered if I would be entangled by something.

I thought of the second master, and the second master did not die, which was simply a terrible thing, but this guy was obviously alive, and the "quack" laughter seemed to be louder than before.