grave-keeping note

10. Shaman old wizard

10. Shaman old wizard

I went out and transferred to Shicheng, where Professor Liu and Ji Xiaoqing really lived. As soon as I arrived at the gate, Ji Xiaoqing ran out. She ran to me and said, "I know you will come."

I was stunned for a moment. What does this mean? I didn't figure it out.

"You are a reasonable person."

I'm very unforwardly, just a perish, and I sweat when I see a girl. I said, "I'm an asshole. It's no different from my second master."

Ji Xiao smiled and said, "Go up and drink some wine with Professor Liu."

I hesitated for a moment and went up.

Professor Liu is very nice, but a little stubborn.

"You can persuade your second master."

"Me? I was persuaded by him to become a gravekeeper. Professor Liu and Ji Xiao were stunned by my words.

Ji Xiaoqing said, "Then you should know where the tomb is?"

"Of course, but I won't say it, at least now I won't say that it's the ancestral tomb of our family."

"That's right, but think about it, we don't destroy it, we just develop it, and then let people visit it."

I don't want to talk. I understand this truth. Whose ancestral tomb is for people to visit? It's a joke.

"Actually, we can find someone to find this tomb. We respect you."

"Then you can find someone." Professor Liu's words made me very unhappy.

I turned around and left. When I went back, the second master was drinking. I sat down and poured a bowl without saying anything. The second master smiled and said, "You don't have to pay attention to those goods. They are just a bunch of liars and thieves." The second master may have something to say.

These days, the second master is a little nervous and preparing. I also know that maybe Professor Liu will bring someone soon. There is nothing wrong with this.

A week later, two more came, and the four of them went up the mountain to the waterfall. These two were in their fifties, and the second master said, "It seems that they have found a helper. If Liu Datian has the ability, I guess he has no ability."

A person holding the instrument was what I was most worried about. Sure enough, they detected the cave and were ready to go in. The second master said, "It's urine."

I'm worried about what will happen. I said I would go and have a look.

"Go ahead and watch the fun." I didn't expect the second master to promise so quickly.

I went up the mountain and they were preparing to enter the cave. Professor Liu saw me coming and said, "We found it. What did I say?"

I laughed and didn't say anything. Ji Xiao came over and whispered, "There's nothing we can do. Don't blame Professor Liu."

I shook my head and didn't say anything.

I have been working with them for more than ten meters, and I'm afraid of splashing my blood.

They walked to the mouth of the cave, and I followed them. I was very excited and excited to watch them. Professor Liu looked at me with proud eyes, and I thought, I didn't know whether to live or die.

I glanced at Ji Xiao and shook my head at her. Ji Xiaoqing said, "Professor Liu, I'll stay at the entrance of the cave!"

"It's okay."

Ji Xiaoqing is very smart.

They went in for an hour, two hours... until dark, and there was no movement. I knew that they would definitely encounter the situation we encountered last time. They couldn't get out of it and couldn't find the ancestral tomb.

Ji Xiaoqing is a little anxious. I know Professor Liu is her teacher.

She said, "Zhang Sheng, I think you should help them."

"They came to my house without my consent. Do you think I will still help them? But I can tell you that they are in trouble. If no one comes to save them, they will die in it. I advise you that you'd better not go in and find someone back! I can't help you. If I help you, the second master will break my skull.

I turned around and walked back to the ground. The second master asked, "How's it going?"

"These idiots can't get in or out, just wait to die in it! However, Ji Xiaoqing didn't go in.

After I finished speaking, the second master was stunned, stared at me for a long time, and sighed. It seemed that the second master understood everything. Ji Xiaoqing was very obedient, and she really called to report the situation.

At 10 p.m., Ji Xiaoqing came in with a few people. She said, "Our leader."

The second master drank as if he hadn't seen it.

The leader sat on the kang and said, "Lao Zhang, human life is important!"

"It has nothing to do with me. If they have the ability to come out, they have the ability to go in."

"If you save them, I promise I will never disturb you again and never enter the tomb again."

I think this leader is quite good. Now that he has agreed, forget it. But the second master shook his head and stopped talking. The leader persuaded him until dawn, but the second master just didn't let go. This guy was a little too stubborn.

When they left, the second master said, "Do you also believe the words of these bastards? They come out, and they will come again after summarizing their experience.

This is what I didn't expect.

"But that's a few lives."


The second master lay on the kang and fell asleep. When I went out, Ji Xiaoqing actually went outside and cried when he saw me. My heart softened. She said, "Brother Zhang, I beg you to save my teacher." She hugged me.

I was confused at that time, and the fragrance made me forget everything.

I promised Ji Xiaoqing, and I went into the cave.

The last time I was trapped in it, the second master told me how to do it. In fact, it is very simple. Every time you add 20 steps, go to the left. Whether there is a stone wall or not, walk six or twenty steps, and enter the ancestral tomb. When you come out, go to the right, and you will also come out.

Of course, after I'm a gravekeeper, I won't be like that. Let's see what it is.

I went in, and all three of them sat there, hungry.

"Come with me."

I will bring them out, but I won't tell them how to do it, and I will never tell them. Since I am a gravekeeper, I will guard this ancestral tomb.

After they came out, I said, "I hope you don't come again. There are 100 guards of ancestral tombs. This is just a guard. If you come again, you may throw your life here. I won't take you out again."

When I left, I actually had the coldness of the second master. I was shocked. The second master also infected me in the future, which was really deadly.

Ji Xiaoqing is very grateful to me.

After I went back, the second master suffocated me to the ground with one foot. He scolded, "You two." Then he sighed.

The second master seemed to forget this the next day. He took out his diary and said, "Learn from me to guard the tomb. Five guards are enough. You don't need more."

Actually, I don't want to learn this shit. I don't think it's good to learn it, but the second master asked me to learn, and I dare not learn it. I'm afraid of torture my father and mother again.

When I learned to guard, it was that morning that I heard "Ah! Ah!" I rushed out and hit the coffin at once, almost killing me. It took me a long time to get up. It was the big coffin. It was really big enough, half a body taller than me.

I walked around and saw an old lady standing not far away and shouting.

The second master asked me to go back. After I went back, the second master said, "Let me tell you, ignore this old lady. He was my lover in those years. After I became a gravekeeper, I ignored her. When I was not a gravekeeper, she said that if I died, I would get you the biggest coffin. She did it, but I had no choice. I said that I would marry her at any time, but I didn't marry her. She tortured me all my life. The second master actually cried, and he wiped his tears.

I went out again, the coffin was gone, and the old lady left.

I didn't expect that the second master would still have such a romantic history, which was easy enough. I thought he was very innocent, but it turned out to be a mess.

What the second master said is correct. Professor Liu and others came again. This time, they brought three people, plus Ji Xiaoqing four people.

They went into the ground, and the second master jumped up and scolded, "Fuck, are you still alive?"

I don't know who the second master said.

"Of course."

When the second master and this man were together, I knew that they knew each other.

What I didn't expect was that they hugged for a while, and the second master didn't know what he had done. The boy screamed and squatted on the ground with a pale face.

"Your machine is still playing with yin. You have been playing it all your life."


The laughter of the second master made these people have a cold war.

The others left, and the man stayed. The second master said to me, "Go out and play!"

I went out and went to Shicheng. The second master asked me to play. I had to go to Ji Xiaoqing to play. There was no one in this place. When I went there, they were drinking.

When I went in, Professor Liu stood up, pulled me down, poured wine for me and said, "Brother, I'm sorry, I've been against my promise." I took a look at Ji Xiaoqing and didn't say anything.

Professor Liu's wine was delicious. On that day, Professor Liu not only thanked me for saving them, but also mentioned the person who came to the tomb and drank with the second master. That man has known the second master since he was a child, and he seems to have some kind of festival.

On that day, Professor Liu never mentioned the tomb again. Maybe he was really embarrassed. Ji Xiaoqing sat next to me and didn't say anything.

I left in the middle of the night. When I went back, the second master and the man were still drinking, and I went to sleep on the bed when I entered the house.

I don't know when the second master went to the kang. When he got up in the morning, the second master said, "I'm afraid there will be trouble, but I like it."

"Who is that person?"

"It's also very interesting to say this. It's my little playmate, who saved my life and my only playmate, but this person is not that simple. His father is the descendant of legendary wizards in the three northeastern provinces. He has mastered some unique skills, especially tomb robbery, which are all broken. He doesn't need any tombs. Within ten meters from the tomb, he can know the orientation of the coffin in the tomb and how long the tomb is. Later, this guy died miserably and fell into a withered tomb. No one knew how he died. They all said it was retribution, but his son, Li Fu, was a weirdo. He knew the tomb, but he did not steal it randomly. There was almost no tomb that could enter people's eyes. I guess he had learned all the things about his father, and After in-depth study, this guy gave me a headache. That year, it was rumored that he was dead. The way of death was the same as his father. It turned out that he didn't die. This time, I advised him not to touch my grave, but he didn't listen. I'm afraid there will be trouble.

The second master sighed.

"Who is more powerful than Liu Datian?"

"It's not the same person. There's no way to compare. In fact, there are more people who are better than them. It's just that they don't show up. It's all rules to steal and keep the door shut."

"Yes, there is no way to show off stealing other people's things."

The next day, before dawn, the second master woke me up and went up the mountain after dinner. The second master sat at the waterfall. After a while, Li Fu and the others came up.

"What benefits have they given you?" The second master said to Li Fu.

"Tomb Beast." The second master said in a stunned way, "This is legal. You really have a way. A thief eventually becomes a thief or not."

Li Fu said, "This is the way."

"But be careful, you will die miserably."

The second master sat there smoking. He planted the cigarette himself, 50 meters away from the ground. He planted it every year and then dried it in the sun. I smoked it and took a sip. I almost didn't have a fight. It was too rushed.

Li Fu took people to the cave and didn't go in. The second master and I went there. The second master said, "Why don't you go in?"

"The gravekeepers are weird. You have kept the tomb for a lifetime. This tomb has been a thousand years. I don't think you can enter it so easily. If you can enter it easily, I'm afraid this tomb will be gone for a long time."

"Much." The second master sat down and watched the fun.

I don't know what the second master thinks. Ji Xiao stood aside and said nothing.

Professor Liu looked at Li Fu. Li Fu hesitated for a long time and suddenly sat down and said, "Lao Zhang, I'm sorry."

After Li Fu sat down, he didn't know what he was saying. He didn't understand a sentence, and then he saw that the boy began to turn blue.

"Blue Witch."

The second master was stunned for a moment, but did not show panic.

"What's going on?" I asked the second master in a low voice.

"A kind of witchcraft that can screen out hallucinations."

I didn't ask more questions. Li Fu stood up, smiled strangely at the second master, and walked to the cave. Professor Liu asked Ji Xiao to stay lightly, and the others followed in.

"Can he go in?"



"Don't worry, it's useless to go in."

I don't know what the second master is doing again.

Half an hour later, they came out, and the blue light on Li Fu's body was gone. He came out and said, "Old Zhang, there is only a broken cave. What are you doing?" Lie to us, right?

"Fool, if the ancestral tomb is here, I can still let you in."

The second master hummed and didn't know what the song was and left. The second master returned to the ground and said, "I didn't expect that this boy was very powerful. If it goes on like this, he will find it sooner or later."

"What should I do?"

"Stay." The second master is just one word.

That day, the second master turned over and over until dawn. Li Fu came early, sat on the kang, put wine and vegetables on it. I took two bites and went out.

I went to Shicheng, and Ji Xiao stood upstairs and looked down.

She came down after she saw me.

"Let's turn around."

I took Ji Xiao into the mountain lightly. Ji Xiao said lightly, "Actually, your second master should not be so stubborn. People are dead, like ashes."

"You don't understand this. The older generation has different ideas. He can use his life to guard the tomb." I shook my head.

That day, Ji Xiao took my hand and walked in the mountains full of wild flowers. In fact, I really don't want to be a gravekeeper anymore. I think I should leave the second master, but I dare not. This guy dares to collapse our house.