grave-keeping note

13. Different lines on the lake

13. Different lines on the lake

The second master returned to the ground as if he were dead. He slept for half a month. He had never opened his eyes except for eating. Half a month later, the second master got up. He went to Shicheng and didn't find Li Fu. Li Fu also knew that if the second master caught it, his life would be gone.

Professor Liu and Ji Xiaoqing also left, and they probably knew that it would be very dangerous to stay here. But I know that Li Fu will come again.

Sure enough, in autumn, Li Fu came, and he stood there looking at the ground. The second master said, "This boy is really here."

"Did the tomb beast let him take it away?" I haven't asked this question.

"The fart tomb beast doesn't have that thing at all." The second master's words stunned me.

I didn't expect Li Fu to drink with his second master. I don't know what nerves they are playing with, which makes me feel a little confused. According to the second master's temper, it would be good if he didn't tear up Li Fu. They actually drank together. I think it must have caused a big deal.

I moved a bench and was ready to run at any time. When they killed a catty of wine, I felt weird. The second master smiled and knew that nothing had happened.

Li Fu smiled "hey hey" and smiled. The second master picked up the wine bottle and looked like a bottle in Li Fu's head, which was so fast that I didn't react. Li Fu screamed, jumped up, and his head was bleeding. He stared at the second master and said, "You are playing with yin again."

Li Fu ran away. The second master looked at Li Fu and ran away. He said, "Xiaoyang, are you here to talk to me?" I know they are screaming. It seems that no one has taken advantage of it. The second master took action and played the yin tricks. Li Fu, a fool, has no cure. He knows that the second master always plays yin and is not guarded.

When the second master went hunting, this guy was still in the mood to hunt and didn't want revenge. I went to the ancestral tomb, and it was blown up very badly. It's a pity that more than 100 crystal tombs were blown down. Purple crystals were everywhere. I picked up some and took them in my hand and went out. There was no new discovery. I have been to this place more than once.

Those purple crystals shine under the sun, shining and a little dazzling.

When I returned to the ground, Professor Liu and Ji Xiaoqing came. Ji Xiaoqing came to me and took my hand and said, "I miss you."

"Me too."

They went into the ground. Professor Liu said, "I didn't expect Li Fu to do this. I'm really sorry. Now we can't convince him, and he won't listen to us."

"You came to find Ling, right?"

"Yes, I have figured out now that tomb guards, tombs, or tomb guards are right. Saying that tomb guards will always make people feel that they are selfish. In fact, it is not true. Your second master guards the mausoleum." Professor Liu looked at me.

I shook my head and said, "The second master didn't tell me about the mausoleum. I only know about the tomb."

They left in the afternoon and said they would live in Shicheng. When they left, I put those purple crystals in Ji Xiaoqing's hand. This was the first time I gave her a gift. Seven purple crystals.

The second master came back in the middle of the night. He came in very excited and called me. When I saw what the second master was holding in his hand, I was stunned. It turned out to be a fire fox, red. My things were all refined things. If he could open it, it was just a piece of luck.

The second day, the second master peeled off the fire fox's skin and dried it. More than ten days later, he cooked it out. It was really a beautiful fire fox skin.

When the second master entered the mountain again, I stole the fire fox skin and gave it to Ji Xiaoqing. Autumn came, and winter came immediately. Ji Xiaoqing needed this thing, and it was useless for him to keep it.

When the second master came back and saw that the fire fox's skin was gone, he jumped eight times and roared at me.

"I gave it away, and it's useless for you to keep it."

"How do you know I'm useless? I want to send..."

The second master stopped and didn't say anything more. I suddenly remembered the old lady. I felt a little sorry for the second master, so I couldn't come back.

"I understand you, forget it, but I said you were two enough." The second master let me go so easily. Maybe the second master really understood that he and the old lady didn't know what had happened.

The second master was unhappy for more than ten days. Li Fu stood outside the ground and didn't say anything. When the second master went out, Li Fu ran away and kept a certain distance.

"Old Zhang, I'm about to find the mausoleum. This time, you, the gravekeeper, are at the end. You can go to the mountains and rivers with your old lover."

"Lao Li, I think you are looking for death, blowing up our ancestral tomb and looking for the mausoleum. What are you thinking?"

The two old men were fighting here. I felt bored, so I went to Shicheng. Professor Liu and Ji Xiao looked at the map, which was hand-painted. Obviously, they were also looking for the mausoleum.

I don't know if this mausoleum exists or not. They pointed out more than 20 points, all of which doubted the location of the mausoleum.

I looked at it for a while and shook my head. I felt that it was impossible to be in those positions. This is my feeling. Professor Liu handed me the pen. After thinking about it for a while, he put the pen on the table and said, "I don't know."

Ji Xiao gently took my hand out, and his hand was like water.

We met the old lady when we left Shicheng. The old lady looked at us and suddenly shouted "ah, ah" twice. Ji Xiao was so scared that he hugged me.

"It's okay, that's her."

"I've been young, and I've been so beautiful." The old lady said this and ran away. I shook my head. One day, Ji Xiaoqing will be so old, and I am also as old as the second master.

I returned to the ground. Li Fu had already left. The second master said, "Tomorrow we will enter the mountain. It will take a month."

"It will be winter soon."

"I know."

The second master packed up his things until midnight and took everything he could bring. It seemed that the second master was going to leave here and had no intention of coming back.

In the morning, before dawn, the second master and I went into the mountain. I wanted to tell Ji Xiao, but the second master didn't give me a chance. We climbed to the mountain. In the middle of the night, we reached the top of the mountain. The top of the mountain was full of snow. The top of Changbai Mountain was covered with snow all year round, so it was called Changbai Mountain. We put on winter clothes.

There is a lake on the top of the mountain, which is like a fairyland. There is a small rocky house by the lake, which melts with other rocks. If you don't get close, you can't see it.

We went in, and the second master said, "We will stay here."

I know that we should be very close to the location of the mausoleum at this moment. The emperor doesn't want the mausoleum to be built here. He is blind. This is a fairyland.

The second master was a madman. The next day, he asked me to jump into the lake to swim. I said, "What time is it?"

The second master didn't talk nonsense to me and kicked me down.

The water in the lake is so cool that it is almost deadly. The second master also jumped down and shouted, "Quack". This time it's not a laugh. I suspect that he was dragged by ducks in his last life.

An hour later, the second master asked me to go up. I could hardly climb up. After a while, I had to freeze to death. I ran into the stone room, where there was charcoal burned by the second master. There were two rooms in the stone room, and the other room was full of charcoal. There was no smoke, and it was also very good. It seemed that the second master had been prepared for a long time.

The second master is fishing every day. It's getting cold. Maybe he can't catch one in a day. That's what's waiting there. He also knows that Li Fu will definitely find it. He is not worried about Professor Liu and Ji Xiaoqing.

When the second master and I baked fish with charcoal, Li Fu came. He stood on the edge of the lake and did not see the stone house here. We can see him from a small hole in the stone house.

"This guy really found it here." The second master said something, then sat down and continued to eat fish and drink.

Actually, I miss Ji Xiaoqing very well. I don't know if she and Professor Liu will come.

It was already dark when Li Fu left. The second master said, "I tell you, the mausoleum I guarded is under the water. Of course, there are monsters in this lake. Everyone in the two Baihe village knows it, and every year there are those bullshit experts to investigate and get nothing."

"What monster, water monster, that's all bullshit." After I finished speaking, the second master glanced at me blankly.

I pretended not to see it, and the second master probably believed it. At night, I heard a sound in the water and got up to look. Under the moonlight, there was a water line dozens of meters long. I was stunned at that time. This is exactly what people often say, the water monster, the water line went strangely, like a pattern, but I didn't see it clearly, and everything disappeared.

I was still listening to the sound until dawn, and it never appeared again. The second master didn't seem to know anything. He still went fishing by the lake. I was worried that this two-man would be dragged into the water by the water monster.

Li Fu saw the second master and came over. He walked to the second master and said, "I'm so interested."

"Get out, it's disgusting to see me." The second master closed the pole and entered the stone house.

Li Fu wanted to come in, and the second master flew over without kicking him. Li Fu ran away, and the second master scolded, "This bastard is determined to eat us."

I said, "If you lead him here, won't he know the mausoleum?"

"Actually, he has known for a long time that he has not been here once or twice, so I'm coming over. You underestimate this wizard."

The second master is a little worried. It was peaceful for several days. When I got up in the morning, I saw a tent set up opposite the lake. That was Professor Liu, and I saw Ji Xiaoqing.

The second master said, "These two people are really stubborn."

The second master was still fishing. When the water bubbled, the second master was stunned for a moment. After he closed the pole, he sat there and watched. After a while, the bubble was gone. Obviously, something was underwater.

The second master and I swim in the water for an hour every day. I am also suitable for this water temperature. It seems that the second master is ready.

In the second half of the month, the second master got up in the middle of the night and took me to hide in the bushes by the lake. He said, "Some strange phenomena will happen later. Look carefully."

Ten minutes later, there was a sound on the surface of the water, and those water lines. Like the picture, I looked carefully. A few minutes later, the picture disappeared.

The second master went back and asked me to draw it. I drew it. The second master looked at it for a long time and said that it was not too bad. You can read it again next month. It must be accurate.

Professor Liu opposite also sent out this scene and recorded it on video. I think I should go to see the video. Why should I wait until next month?

I told the second master, and the second master hesitated and said, "It's okay."

I went over. Ji Xiao gently took my hand and went into the tent. Professor Liu looked at the video. I was stunned. The video was different from what we saw. It was messy and I couldn't see anything. Professor Liu said, "It may be a water monster. This lake was reported ten years ago. It's really a strange thing that there is a water monster. How many times the experts have come, but they can't crack it."

I talked with Ji Xiao for a while, and then I went back. I told the second master.

"Not all the location can be seen."

"What is that?"

"Picture, didn't I tell you it's a picture?"

"What picture?"

The second master stared at me and said, "You love to ask questions."

I'm a second-handed guy.

Li Fu has never appeared. In fact, I know where he should be. He will not miss such an opportunity. In the second half of the month, we were still in that position. Sure enough, there was such a picture. I'm sure that I only drew two wrong places.

After I finished correcting the picture, the second master took a look and said, "Don't make mistakes."

"There is nothing wrong with it." I believe in myself.

Li Fu appeared opposite the lake. He looked this way. The second master said, "This old man has been looking at us, but unfortunately he can't see anything."

The second master told me that we would go into the water at midnight the day after tomorrow. He didn't say what to do. Anyway, I just followed him.

I went into the water in the middle of the night. It was very cold and very uncomfortable. The second master pierced it suddenly, and I followed. He has been swimming all the time, pricking down in a straight line, and I followed.

Two minutes later, I saw a rectangular thing 30 meters long and 10 meters wide. I couldn't stand it. The second master didn't seem to be doing well and was still swimming there. I thought, I just swam there. I'm afraid I will run out of breath and die when I come up. I panicked, and the second master looked back at me and waved.

I could only rush down with my life. There was a hole in the rectangular place. The second master drilled in, followed the drill, and then felt a huge rotational force and sucked me in.

After entering, I fell into the second master's body, and the second master shouted and pushed him away.

We actually came in, and there is no water here.

This channel has nothing, just a channel. The second master said, "We are on the passage of the mausoleum. When we walk through the passage, we will reach the mausoleum. I have never been here, but I have been guarding it. The picture is the reason that this mausoleum is sent out every month, taking advantage of the water cycle."

The second master walked in front, and I followed behind. I looked at the passage, which was all chiseled out of rock. It can be seen that it was impossible for a thousand craftsmen to complete such a huge project without the strong scene at that time.

When we got to the head, the second master stopped. It was a door. The second master said, "There are many organs. There are twelve organs. The customs are terrible. We entered this mausoleum. There is a mechanism. After closing, the mausoleum is hidden in deeper water, and there is no entrance. No one can come in again unless it is blown up. Of course, that In this way, the whole mausoleum was destroyed.

"Then how do we get out?"

"Come out? I haven't thought about it."

I was stupid as soon as I heard it. I followed this two people to die. He didn't even think about how to get out.

"The gravekeeper doesn't want his own life when he wants it."

Daes, I thought to myself that your relationship is enough to live to such an old age. I'm only in my 20s, and I haven't even slept with a woman, so I held hands.

I hate this guy so much. The second master said, "This door is a mechanism. I don't know what it is. I only know that there are twelve organs, which are deadly."

This guy didn't know anything and rushed in. It was like playing with his life. I stared at the second master, but the second master ignored me. I looked at the door. There were four snakes at the door, very thin, just like the thread. I was afraid of snakes. This broken thing got to the door, not a dragon, and it was as thin as the thread.

I reached out and touched it. I actually moved by his uncle's. Four snakes began to swim. The second master said, "You touched the mechanism, and the mechanism started." I ran away.

The second master said, "It's useless to run. The entrance has been closed. If you want to go out, you have to go out from the other side. You have to finish the twelve levels."

I stopped and looked back to compare the second master. I really want to strangle him, really.