grave-keeping note

1`4. Two levels underwater

14. Two levels underwater

When I went back, the second master stood there and looked at it stupidly. The four-line snake finally formed a snake with four heads. I realized it was not good.

The second master was still standing there. I pulled him and began to run. After more than ten meters, we stopped. The door opened, but the water also came out, and the water seemed to be slowly flowing. The second master stood still and said, "It's not water, it's snakes. Those snakes are like water."

I almost didn't faint at that time. It took me a long time to think of running. The second master also ran to the head. There was no way out. The entrance could not be found at all. Maybe it was closed just as the second master was afraid to say.

"This is a thread snake. They will get into the body they want, eat your internal organs first, then meat, and finally only bones. This is simply deadly."

"Don't talk nonsense. Hurry up and find a way to guard the mausoleum. You don't know what to do, and you still guard the mausoleum."

The second master really didn't know that the snake rolled, blocked the whole passage, and rolled forward, and the speed was getting faster and faster. I grasped the second master tightly. The second master was trembling, and he was actually trembling. I knew it was slow this time.

The second master closed his eyes, and this guy actually closed his eyes. I also closed them. At least it was not so terrible when he died. We were waiting, waiting, and then nothing happened.

When I opened my eyes, the thread snakes disappeared, and I didn't know where to go. I sat on the ground, and the second master also piled up on the ground.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's the reason why we are gravekeepers."


The second master has no strength to stare. We took a half-hour break before we stood up.

We walked to the door for nearly an hour. We were really scared. When I got to the door, I saw an eye next to the door with closed eyes.

I knew what was going on. I didn't see it, and I didn't notice it. I think this level has passed, but what about the next level? Fuck, I'm leaving. I can't go back here anyway.

Going down from the door, there were steps. As soon as I went up, there were seven steps, and then I went up the passageway and the passageway. I didn't know how many times I turned around. Anyway, I arrived at another door. This time I didn't dare to touch it easily. When we approached, we actually found that the door was half open. I think I can get through it.

But I didn't drill. Standing five meters away, I looked at the door. The door was light and there was nothing, but it could be seen that it was a stone door.

The second master said, "Don't touch it this time. Let's see it clearly before we go in."

After watching it for more than an hour, I didn't see the bullshit. If I don't go in, I can't go back. Anyway, I don't want to touch it. It's better to sit here and die.

The second master lay there like a dog and looked at it for a long time and said, "Fuck, I didn't see anything. I guess there is nothing, a fake mechanism."

I'm willing to do this, but I don't believe the second master's words at all now. I said, "Then you go in first."

The second master looked at me and sat aside, staring at me.

"Don't look at me, I won't go first."

The second master said, "Well, damn it. Anyway, I'm so old, it doesn't matter if I die. You're different."

I stood up and walked to the door for a long time. I guess I could get through without touching anything. I slowly leaned over and passed half of my body little by little. The second master suddenly coughed. The sound was too loud, especially in such a quiet place. I shivered, damn it, and touched the door.

I passed at once. The door closed, and I broke out in a cold sweat. I saw that the corners of my clothes were broken by mistake. If I slow down, it would be me.

I took a look at this, a ditch, a platform, a ditch, and I didn't dare to move. I called the second master, but the second master didn't hear it. I think he also called me.

Suddenly I heard the sound, which was very small. I rely on you. The walls on all sides are full of small eyes, and there is sand flowing in the small eyes. I want to play slowly. These fine sands are like water, just like water. It won't take long for the machine to be finished.

I went to pick up the door, and there was no gap at all. I kicked my feet and didn't move at all.

I looked at the ditch and rushed over. I didn't see what was in the ditch. When I got there, there was no door at all. Damn, I was told by the second master.

The fine sand began to spray, making me covered with sand. I was slowly submerged by the sand, and then I died here.

The second master came out of the ditch and almost scared me to death. Like a ghost, he came up. I jumped up and fell down.

"Fuck, there's another entrance."

The second master almost came out of the sand. He climbed up and said, "What's going on?"

I said, "What else? I'm about to die."

The second master took a look and said, "Damn, Shading, this time it's over."

He actually knew the name of the organ. I said, "Since you know, you can break it."

"Fal." The second master turned around in the sand and looked at the ditch and platforms. Suddenly, he shouted and withdrew the board in the ditch. Hurry up, remove the board. The sand will be pressed down, and the door will open.

Damn, I think it's a little late to know at this time. The sand is about to fill the ditch, and it's still spraying. This guy, let me come in first, just want to kill me. The second master tried his best to pick it up. I stood still. The second master took down as much as he took down and went back. It was useless at all. The sand was similar to water.

The second master was as tired as a child. When he stopped, the sand had already filled all the ditch. The second master stood aside and said, "It seems that today is over."

The second master lowered his head and said, "You gravekeeper, can't you handle this organ?"

"The tomb and the mausoleum are completely different. The tomb is virtual and the mausoleum is real. This organ is real everywhere."

A bomb was put out. Suddenly, the sandblasting stopped, and we were all covered. I don't know what it means?

I think this life is so big that it doesn't die. We are thinking about it, okay? It didn't come back at all. After the "squeaky" sound, when the sand spewed out again, it was wild sand. With the wind, the whole room became full of sand. Our mouths and ears were full of sand, and our eyes could not be opened at all.

breathing is also starting to be difficult.

The second master suddenly drilled into the sand and drilled into the ditch. I think this must be crazy.

What I didn't expect was that the sandstorm stopped and the sand was exposed from a ditch. I saw the second master lying on one side and walking to the ditch, and the bottom plate was removed.

I looked at the second master, and the second master vomited a mouthful of sand and said, "I suddenly remembered that there are 18 ditches, only one open-air platform. I calculated the negative number, which should be this ditch. I'm old and my head doesn't work well."

It turned out that the second master actually knew how to crack it, but he didn't encounter it. Correspondingly, I'm afraid it will take a little effort and time. This is really deadly.

After the sand slowly went down, the table also sank. There were at least 1,000 tons of sand. Everything stopped, and the roof above slowly went down. It was made of stone. I screamed at that time, and the fucking didn't break the mechanism at all.

The second master was also dumbfounded and looked at the ceiling, and the top of the stone pressed down. If it was pressed down, the second master and I would become cakes. I jumped into the ditch. As soon as I jumped in, the ditch rose up and was level with the platform. Shit, this time it's completely over.

"Thousands of sand."

"Thousand tons of sand at the top." I said.

The second master said, "Yes, I can't escape this time."

I looked at the second master. I really had nothing to say. I didn't even want to say my last words. I actually thought of Ji Xiaoqing. I didn't expect my parents to be such an asshole.

The pressure of 10,000 tons is getting lower and lower. That kind of depression is really terrible. It is estimated that if it is not suppressed, there will be no life first. The second master screamed and scared me to death.

Just when the 10,000 tons were one meter away from me, a board staggered a square hole in the middle. The second master saw it first and shouted, "Go up and climb."

The second master drilled up first, and I drilled up, and then I heard the sound of the sand below being crushed. The sound was the sound of death, and the sand was all dead.

My cold sweat kept coming out, and I regret coming in with the second master.

I almost died after passing two levels, and there are still ten levels, and I don't have this confidence at all. The second master told me, "Don't move, sleep here, don't move around, and have a good rest."

I leaned against the cold stone wall and couldn't sleep at all. Think about it, I don't know how much I can still fall asleep. How big is that?

The second master's snoring sounded, and I was even more upset. Looking at this room, a row of doors, the same row of doors, is opposite. There are thirteen doors in total. I can't see any difference.

I knew that this was for us to choose. If you chose the wrong one, you might die. The right choice, buddy, you passed another level, and I didn't have any hope at all. One-third, this opportunity is not small, but this is to play with my life, that is, half. I don't want to play. Whose life is not expensive? Whose life is worthless?

I sat there and didn't dare to move. I was thinking about what Li Fu is doing now? Thinking about what Ji Xiaoqing is doing? I slowly entered a strange state.

In this state of hope, I seem to have forgotten the horror here.

When I came out of this state, it was the second master who kicked me fiercely. I "Howled" and jumped up, and I stared at the second master. The second master sat there and went crazy.

I'm also confused. We are actually in the stone room, in the stone room by the lake. I looked, it was true, I shouted, I was excited, it was so wonderful, I ran out, the sun was shining, and the lake was foggy, it was so wonderful that I suspected that I was dead.

I ran into the stone room and asked the second master, "Are we dead?"

The second master stared at me and said, "Stay with the rolling machine."

The second master was actually angry. This guy was not happy to escape from there. I couldn't see the other side. It was too foggy. I ran over there and the tent was gone. Professor Liu and Ji Xiaoqing were no longer here. I was very disappointed and didn't expect that they would have gained nothing if they left here.