grave-keeping note

15. A thousand hanging coffins

15. A thousand hanging coffins

I went back to the stone room, and the second master was drinking. I sat aside and hugged my knees, thinking about Ji Xiaoqing. She went back and didn't know if she would come again.

The second master blamed me and said that it was because I came out of it, saying that I thought about messy things. In fact, I know that the reason is not me, but the second master has to say me, and there is nothing I can do.

I want to go back to the city, but the second master won't allow it. In fact, I want to find Ji Xiaoqing. He said, "If you dare to leave the stone room, I will break your leg."

I "cut" and didn't want to talk to the second master. After coming out of the mausoleum inexplicably, the second master was as impatient as a donkey, throwing around and scolding me from time to time.

"Isn't it enough to go in at most?"

The second master looked at me with his left eye slanted, and his left eye was afraid once. There was no determination. I don't know what this guy is thinking. I haven't mentioned anything more. I guess I'm afraid. Who doesn't know? I don't know what the road ahead is, and everyone will be afraid.

It's just right not to go down. Anyway, I'm not interested in that. He wants to close the mausoleum and hide it, which is not so easy.

The second master left in the middle of the night. I don't know when he left. When I got up, he disappeared. I thought he fell into the lake and drowned? But when you think about it, you may not die if you tie a stone and sink into the water.

I waited for the second master to come back, but he didn't come back for a week. I was thinking about escaping all the time, but every time I was worried that I met the second master on the road and missed a week.

I still left, but I didn't expect that I met the second master who came back on the way. I said I would go out and have a walk. The second master stared at me, and I turned my head and walked back. This life was really hard.

Actually, I just want to see Ji Xiaoqing.

After the second master came back, he was silent and silent. I don't know what happened to him, and I didn't want to ask.

The day after the second master came back, Li Fu came back with Professor Liu and Ji Xiaoqing. When I reached the opposite side of the lake, Ji Xiao took my hand and said, "When the work here is finished, we will be together."

Actually, that's what I think, but if the second master doesn't die, I'm afraid he will torture me to death. He has been a gravekeeper all his life, and his heart is abnormal. He has found a successor. Can he easily let me go? Absolutely not.

After I went back, the second master asked me, "What's going on over there?"

I said, "There are things for diving, which seem to be quite advanced."

The second master shook his head. In the middle of the night, we went down to the lake again. The water was colder and we couldn't stand it. We found the entrance and couldn't get in at all. We closed it. After a few laps, we came up.

The second master got angry with me when he came up, just like a madman.

"It has nothing to do with me."

"Get out of here."

"What did you say?"

"Roll as far as you go."

I turned around and left. He asked me to get out of here. If he wanted me to go back, I could only tell him that I was far away and couldn't go back. This is just like an amnesty. I ran away desperately for fear that this guy would regret it.

I ran down the mountain, stopped a car and went to the city. The spring of 1969 was as beautiful as it was.

I called Ji Xiaoqing and said that I was in the city, and Ji Xiaoqing was very happy. I'm waiting for Ji Xiaoqing to come back.

I just didn't expect that a week later, the second master sat in my house, put his stinky foot on the coffee table, and my father sat far away.

I went in, and the second master stared at me. I ignored him and entered my room.

My father came in, closed the door and said, "You can kill him."

I know what my father means, but looking at the state of the second master, there is no problem living for another 20 years, which is impossible.

"He told me to get out of here."

"That guy is facing three tombs and four tombs, which is not accurate."

I still went back with the second master. This guy didn't sleep in the middle of the night and burned incense, which scared my mother's heart disease. I returned to the stone room with the second master. I never talked to him, and I didn't do anything. I always ran to Ji Xiaoqing.

Ji Xiaoqing told me that they would dive into the lake tomorrow. I said, "I may help you."

I don't know what to think, so I just came to this sentence, which is a little awkward. In fact, I regretted this. If the second master knew, he had to skin me. This is called eating inside and outside, a traitor.

When I went back, the second master was still fishing, which was a little ridiculous. When drinking at night, the second master said, "Don't run there if you have nothing to do. People in Cao Ying are in Han. After a long time, it is easy to betray."

"You're right. I'll go tomorrow."

The second master ignored me. The next day, I really didn't go there. They were all ready and put a wetsuit aside. Obviously, it was prepared for me.

I'll put it on and go down. I took them to the entrance, which was still sealed. After turning around a few times, there was still no way to get in. When we went up, we found a problem. Li Fu's eyes were a little dodged. He seemed to have found something. However, he didn't say.

Ji Xiaoqing came to me in the middle of the night and told me that Li Fu had stolen a wetsuit and might have gone up and down.

I said, "When we came up from the lake, I felt something was wrong."

The second master came out of the stone house and looked at me without saying anything. It was a little scary. Ji Xiao trembling for a moment, turned around and ran away. I turned around and said, "Li Fu went down, as if he had found the entrance."

The second master was stunned for a moment. I went to the other side of the lake to borrow my wetsuit, and the second master and I went down.

After a few laps, we didn't find anything, which was a strange thing. Suddenly in the east, the water became muddy. We swam over, and Li Fu rushed out. He rushed out and went upstream, and the water behind him was stained red with blood.

My second master and I were stunned for a moment and immediately dived up. We went ashore. Except for blood on the shore, Li Fu didn't know where to go.

"Li Fu doesn't seem to be hurt."

I returned my wetsuit, and Ji Xiao asked me gently how it was.

I told the situation, but she didn't say anything for a long time. Professor Liu said, "It seems that this mausoleum is not so easy to enter."

"Yes! We went in and came out after two levels. It was a strange thing. Professor Liu didn't say anything.

When I went back, the second master was not there. I don't know where I went. The fish in the pot was stewed, and I called Ji Xiao gently. We eat fish, I drink, and Ji Xiao said that fish is delicious.

Yes, there is snow here for many years, and the fish in the water are quite delicious. The second master hasn't come back. Then he kissed me and Ji Xiao lightly, and I kept trembling.

The second master came back in the morning with a glass silk bag on his back. It turned out that he went to get a wetsuit.

"This thing is good."

He also knows that this thing is good. You don't have to hold your breath. Everyone knows that it's uncomfortable. Every time he feels like he is about to suffocate. The second master took me down again, took the hammer, and smashed it at the entrance. It's useless.

After throwing the hammer, he swam to the place where Li Fu came out. There was really a hole in that place, which was made by Li Fu.

The second master looked back at me, gestured, let me get in, and I shook my head. I didn't want to get in first. Li Fu came out covered with blood. If you let me get in, that's hurting me.

This old man is not very good.

The second master drilled in with one end and didn't aim at it. He hit the edge with one end. He shook it, and I couldn't be happy. The second master got in for the second time, and I didn't follow up. I waited. More than ten minutes later, I began to worry.

I got in, and it was simply killing me. I don't know how long a hole is. If you are so big, it is impossible for you to turn back and keep drilling in.

Ten minutes later, I got over. It was a big room. The second master was looking for something in it. The water here seemed to be a little warm and not so cold.

The second master looked at me coming in and looking back. Except for the small hole, the four sides of this room are full of stone walls. When I felt the current, I knew that there should be another hole here, so that the water could form.

When I looked up, a mouth was slowly opening. When I looked at the second master, I found that the stone room turned out to be a seven-star position. The second master was just the first star, and the cave above was staggered. I went upstream and was about to drill through the hole. As soon as I poked my head in, the hole closed in, and I retreated and almost squeezed me.

The second master actually came over, and I asked him to return to that position. The second master suddenly understood that when he went back, the hole staggered again. I got in and there was no water on it, so I took advantage of the water difference. The hole is closed. I don't know how the second master will come.

I looked around, an irregularly opened room, and I couldn't say what shape it was. When I walked inside again, I was shocked. There were countless coffins hanging in the whole room, palm-sized, one by one. I have never heard of such a small coffin. I roughly calculated that there were at least thousands of them. I didn't just go in. Who knows what organ it is.

I went to the hole, and the hole opened, and the second master rushed up bare. He threw the oxygen bottle in that position.

He climbed up and gasped. Maybe he took a lot of effort when he took off his wetsuit.

After a long time, he got up and asked me, "What's going on?"

"Look at it yourself."

The second master looked around and walked to the room inside. When he saw the small coffins, he screamed, which was not human.

What's wrong? It's shocking and scary.

The second master stared at me. He looked at the small coffins. I thought it was a kind of decoration. Since it was Nurhachi's first wife who died, there should be some decoration in addition to some valuable things.

However, it's not what I think. The second master is as nervous as seeing a ghost. Maybe he is not so afraid to see a ghost.

I asked, "What's going on?"

The second master retreated, sat down, and didn't say anything for a long time. I sat down opposite the second master and looked at the second master.