grave-keeping note

21. Expulsion of coffins

21. Expulsion of coffins

I wanted to go back to the house. As soon as I turned my head, a shadow flashed by.

"I wipe it, it's fucking manifested." I went into the house and cooked.

After the meal was ready, the fog was so much bigger that I couldn't even see the coffin at the door.

"So big fog." The second master said to himself that I didn't say anything.

"Yes!" I looked back at the second master, and the second master looked at me. This was not what the two of us said at all. The second master covered his mouth. Obviously, the man didn't know where he was. It was impossible for Professor Liu to come on such a foggy day. It was quite dangerous. The roads by the lake were intertwined with stones and he had to use both hands and feet. He would not take this risk.

"What about cooking?" This time I heard it clearly. It was a woman's voice, and the second master still covered his mouth.

"Do you want to eat it?" I replied.

The second master gave me a kick when he came up, let go of his hand and said, "Do you want to die?"

I was confused. After the meal was ready, I put it on the table. The second master sat still and took a long time to pick up a pair of chopsticks and put them next to him. I shivered. What the fuck are you doing?

If the second master doesn't talk, I dare not say anything more. The second master did not move his chopsticks. Suddenly, the chopsticks placed next to him moved and began to carry the dishes. I said, "Damn!" With a sound, a tall man jumped away.

The second master stared at me and said, "Eat."

I didn't fucking dare until the fog dissipated, and the chopsticks went in, and there was no food and rice. I know this thing is gone.

"The disaster comes from the mouth. You should know this idiom. Originally, this idiom did not mean this, but this meaning. Next time, remember to shut your stinky mouth in this special weather."

"What is that?"


I strangled it, and it was fucking reversed. It scared me to death.

The fog completely dissipated, and the second master shouted, but the coffin at the door was gone. The second master ran out and looked around. I followed, and the second master patted his head and went back to the room.

"This grandson's technique is very fast." As soon as I thought about it, I knew it was Li Fu who did it.

"What should I do?"

"What do you think I should do if I lose something?"

I was stunned for a moment. It was difficult to talk to this guy. Today, I was in a good mood and didn't want him to talk to him. I went out of the house, the fog dissipated, and the sunshine was very good.

I sat by the lake and looked at the other side. Professor Liu didn't know what he was busy with. He came in and went out. I was stunned when I saw Professor Liu put on his wetsuit and jumped into the lake.

The second master came out and saw it. He shook his head.

I've been sitting there, and Professor Liu came up an hour later. Obviously, I didn't gain anything. When I went there, Professor Liu was watching the recorded film on the computer, which was the rectangular stone coffin underwater.

I sat down and watched. After doing this, I didn't find any entrance. The original entrance was sealed. Professor Liu said, "Where will it be?"

I shook my head, Professor Liu looked at it little by little, took a screenshot of the place he looked like, and then zoomed in. Every time he was disappointed. I came out of the tent and returned to the hut. The second master said, "What do you always do there?"

I ignored him. The second master smoked a cigarette, and the genius said, "We'll leave here in a minute."

"Can you do it in two days?"

The second master didn't say anything. I followed him when he stood up and walked. He returned to the village, where the ancestral tomb was. I still live downstairs, and the second master lives upstairs. I want to see the water mound. I haven't seen it. In fact, few people have seen it.

I want to tell the second master that I'm afraid the second master will not agree. This old man has hung my appetite like this until now. Sooner or later, the second master will die. If he dies, I will bury him on the opposite mountain and prevent him from entering the water grave.

That day, I sneaked into the backyard and looked at the well full of water. I was a little scared. I didn't know how deep the water was, but it was scary to look at it. I looked for the entrance. No, I think it was probably going down from the mouth of the well and then entered from a place.

The second master suddenly appeared behind me and said, "What are you doing?"

"I'll take a look."

"I tell you, you can stay away from the well and carefully stretch out your hand to grab you in. That's not something to see."

I was shocked when I heard the second master say this. Is he scaring me, or is it true? I can't judge it, but the second master seldom lies. Although he is a little second, he is really in place at this point.

I returned to the room, and the second master went upstairs. That night, I heard the footsteps upstairs. I didn't stay idle all night. After a while, it rang for a while. I don't know what the second master was tossed about upstairs.

In the morning, the second master's eyes turned red and his face was not good. He sat there to eat and went upstairs to sleep. I was idle and went to the well again. I looked at the well. The water in the well was very clear, but I couldn't see the bottom, which showed that the well was very deep.

When I felt that there seemed to be something in the well, I heard a hand coming out of the water. I jumped away. The hand almost didn't catch me. I howled and turned around and ran away.

When the second master came downstairs, I just rushed into the door, patted my chest and said, "Damn it, I'm scared to death."

"You just run fast. If that hand grabs it, you will be happy to become a fairy."

The second master stared at me fiercely with his evil left eye. I had a nightmare that night, and I felt that the hand always came in through the window to catch me. When I got up in the morning, I saw water on the window table, and I was thrilled.

The second master came down from upstairs and said, "I don't live here."

The second master took a look at the window sill and said, "It's okay. Just don't go to the well in the future."

I couldn't help trembling: "No, I can be scared to death."

"I told you that nothing happened. What are you talking about?" The second master became angry and his voice increased by octave.

I stopped talking. After breakfast, the second master said, "I'll go out. You stay at home and don't go to the backyard."

"I won't go even if I die."

When the second master left, I stayed in the yard, and I felt that the hand would reach into the room at any time to catch me. When I fell asleep in the yard, I suddenly heard the sound of water. A tall man jumped up and ran to the gate to look back, but found nothing.

Maybe it was just a dream. I sat down again and didn't dare to sleep. The second master didn't come back until dark. The room was like a big mouth, or a grave. I didn't dare to go in, so I sat outside. It was very cold outside.

The second master didn't come back until after nine o'clock. When he saw me shivering with cold in the yard, he scolded, "Bear-like."

I went into the room with the second master, and the second master asked if there was anything.

"No, I heard the sound of water when I fell asleep, as if in a dream."

After listening to my words, the second master was stunned for a moment, raised his legs and ran to the backyard. I followed him. The second master looked at the well, wiped his sweat and said, "It's okay, it's okay."

I saw a lot of overflowing water by the well and felt that the sound I heard during the day was not in my dream.

We returned to the house and asked, "Second Master, has someone gone in?"

"Yes, but it's okay. It's okay if the water in the well is full." The second master only talked about this place and stopped talking about it. He didn't want to tell me too much.

The days here are like the days of the dead, and those people on the mountain are like the homes of the dead, and no one can come out all day long.

I don't know how long I will stay here. I don't like the days here. It's no different from living in a grave. The second master stays for a lifetime. That's really a kind of spirit. I can't do it. Anyway, I can't do it.

In the middle of the night, I heard a strange sound that came from outside the door. I quietly went to the yard and looked out from the crack of the door. I saw a row of carts, twelve or three, and something pushed on the car on the way through the village. It took me a long time to see it clearly. It was a coffin. I relied on his uncle's and scared me. He covered his mouth at once. Whose house is this? More than a dozen people have died, and they are simply destroying the door.

After the coffin team passed, I quietly returned to the house, lit a cigarette, and sat on the kang to smoke. This village was really weird. If I stayed any longer, my spirit would have to be broken.

In the afternoon, I wanted to tell the second master that when I left here, someone knocked on the door. I trembling. I was probably scared these two days. The second master opened the door and came in alone. He was in his fifties and said "ah ah" when he came in. He turned out to be a mute.

The second master told me something, and then I knew that he was looking for a housekeeper.

We left the village that day when it was dark. On the way, I told the second master about the more than a dozen coffins I saw yesterday.

"That's moving the grave."

"Large of the night?"

"Each has its own rules."

I think the second master is confused me, and I don't want to ask any more questions.

The second master and I returned to the lake and did not return to the hut. The second master walked to the trees in the west and there was an old tree. I don't know how old the tree is. There should be no problem for hundreds of years.

The second master opened the vines and there was a tree hole. The second master and I went in. There were more than ten square meters here, and there was also a bed and a table. The second master put the food and wine on the table and said, "Here, remember, you can't go there anymore. You can't let them know that we are here."

The second master is really like a cunning rabbit. I don't know if he has a third home.

The sun came out, and I looked east from the grass. I saw Ji Xiaoqing. Although it was far away, I still saw it. The second master called me back and told me, "Stay here during the day."

At night, the second master asked me to put on my wetsuit, and we were going down to the lake. The water in the lake was very cold and a little boney. No one expected that when it was close to the sarcophagus, it would be cold.

The second master and I trembling. I hugged myself tightly. The pain was unimaginable. Nearly ten minutes later, we recovered. The second master drew a stroke, and we dived back to the tree hole and wrapped in the quilt.

"Second master, this will kill people. You have to think of a way."

"I have a way to suffer this?"

I lay down and didn't feel so tired. I fell asleep. When I fell asleep, it was already dawn, and the second master was not here. I heard strange movements, sometimes crying like a woman, sometimes crying like an old man, sometimes crying a child... I was hairy, and the girl ran out more than ten meters out of the road, looking at the big tree.

The second master came back with a rabbit and looked at me.

"I said, that tree..."

"That's the sound of the tree. This is a thousand-year-old tree, a divine tree. Don't be afraid."

I feel strange. I have heard that there is such a thousand-year-old god tree in the Qingyong Mausoleum in Nurhachi. The legend is also very strange. At that time, I just thought it was a legend. I didn't expect that I really met it today. It seems that everything is alive.

After I went in, the second master took off the rabbit's skin, put it in the pot, and began to make a fire.

"There is smoke."

"This place is very strange. The smoke rises along the tree and then dissipates in the treetops. You can't see it at all."

After the rabbit meat was stewed, we began to drink. The second master said, "We sneaked into the mausoleum in the middle of the night, but we may not be able to get to that organ. Last time we walked to the thirteen gates, which door should we choose?"

"If you don't know, I don't know, but I don't like this ghost number. Why is it always the ghost number?"

"13 is an evil number in the West. Their building doesn't have thirteen floors. They don't work like this. On the 13th, they don't go out like this. This is the ghost number mentioned in our ancient books, which is also mentioned in Shao Zi Shenshu. In fact, I have also passed on this Western culture. Thirteen is a ghost. Count is an unlucky number. The more than ten coffins you saw that day should be thirteen coffins, so they moved their graves in the middle of the night.

I didn't say anything. Looking at the second master, I want to see Ji Xiaoqing.

The second master looked at me and said, "No, at least now." He is like seeing through my mind.

I got up in the middle of the night, and we dived down. The second master went to the top of the sarcophagus with mud on the top. The second master grabbed it with his hand. That position was exactly one-third of the position. Unexpectedly, a pattern appeared on the building with Li Fu's house. Three traps were trapped in three reverse circles. I was stunned.

The second master pressed his hand to the middle of the circle, and the water suddenly swirled up, and then the place went down. The second master went in and followed in. When I looked back, the place turned back. We happened to be at the thirteen gates.

"How do you know?"

"Actually, I've been thinking about this. The three traps are trapped in reverse circles. That circle looks like waves. Li Fu probably figured it out, but he didn't find a position. They all looked at the four sides below."

I looked at the thirteen doors, and the second master said, "You choose one, which one will you choose?"

"I look scary. I won't choose. I choose not to touch them."

"If we don't touch it, we can't enter the next stone room."

I stood there and didn't say anything. Anyway, I didn't want to open any door first.