grave-keeping note

24. Water mound flip board

24. Water mound flip board

Li Fu has never asked the second master to settle accounts, which is a strange thing. Of course, I don't know what happened during my return to the city. Maybe Li Fu has already come.

The second master went downstairs and said to me, "In a few days, we will still go to the lake. I'm worried that the mausoleum will not be hidden or closed. I always feel that it's a matter."

I knew it was about this, and the second master said, "Go to the backyard."

I suddenly lost interest in these things now, unlike at that time, like Erpole, I desperately want to know about it, but now I don't want to know.

I shook my head, and the second master was stunned and said, "If you don't look, you have to see. You are the gravekeeper. After my death, I have to take care of this tomb, and there is that mausoleum."

The second master is a bitch. He doesn't want to see it, but he doesn't want to force you to see it. That's probably what happens in the world. The second master and I went to the backyard and stood at the well. The well was still full and foggy because of the water temperature.

The second master said, "This water mound has been around for a thousand years, and it is probably the only one left."

"No, there is also such a water mound in Zhouzhuang, Shen Wansan's."

"Gaga..." The second master laughed, and I got goose bumps all over my body.

"Is that also called a water mound? It's just an empty tomb, and it's not a water tomb, but a water tomb, so that anyone can go in and have a look. I don't know if I should believe the words of the second master.

The second master took out a compass from his arms. I don't know when he got another compass. He put the compass on the ground and said, "The entrance of this water mound changes with the change of seasons. There are four entrances, one entrance each season, and it varies. I can't remember which entrance to open this year, because I haven't entered it for ten years, whole ten years!"

The second master looked at it for more than ten minutes and walked to the southeast corner. There was a pool with lotus flowers in summer. He stood for a while and waved me to clear the mud inside.

After I went down to clear the silt, there was a stone slab underneath that could be moved up. The second master asked me to move it, and there was a step below. I was stunned and said, "A ladder, a thousand-year-old steps are unwalkable."

"Of course."

The second master found a rope, tied it on the well platform, and then went down. He went down first, and I followed. After going down, there was an overturned cement building, one positive, a total of thirteen, and it was a ghost number. I don't know which entrance to enter.

"This is a flip door. If you go wrong, you can mistake a person into two at once. Even if you are faster than it, you will be trapped in it and end up in a bone shelf."

The second master walked around in front of these flipped stone slabs. I was surprised. If you guard the tomb, you should be clear here. What are you hesitating about? Can't you play with me?

The second master stood in front of a door and said, "That's it."

"Don't make a mistake. I don't want to die here."

"There should be nothing wrong."

What does it mean? But for sure."

The second master turned me with his left eye. I ignored him, but I was still very uncomfortable. Every time my left eye made me uncomfortable, I would adapt to it, but I didn't.

The second master went in. It's okay. I followed in and turned the flip board. There was a big table in front of me with cards on it. There were long lights, more than 100 cards, and some cards I knew.

The second master walked over, picked up a bucket of holes on the ground, and poured it into more than a dozen long bright lamps. After that, he said, "Gry incense and kowtow."

The second master is very serious. I have never seen him go through so carefully.

After kowtowing, the second master said, "This is the ancestral card, and there are two layers below. One is for the coffin, and the other is for the funeral, which are separated."

The second master went to the back of the card and said, "This entrance is behind this. There is no mechanism. Open this table, and there is a hanging basket below. Stand up and it will automatically go down."

We stood up to the second floor, and there were all coffins, one by one, locked with locks. The second master said, "There are 112 coffins in total. There are 160 coffins here. I think there will be one for you and me."

The second master did not mean to open the lock.

"I want to see those coffins, just one."

The second master said, "What's the beauty of a coffin?"

Suddenly, the second master panicked and said, "Go up immediately, immediately."

The second master and I went up in a panic. I don't know what this guy found again. I ran out with him. We saw the mute come in. He crawled on the ground and covered in blood.

The second master helped him sit up and stroked dumbly. The second master asked me to carry the mute back to the room, and he began to be busy. He must have closed the entrance and would come up with other ways.

When the second master came in, he said to me, "Li Fu, this bastard, is here. If he is not dumb today, I'm afraid we two will have bad luck."

The mute was seriously injured, and the second master brought medicine for him to eat.

I didn't expect that Li Fu would still come. I think this tomb thief, whether it is a mausoleum or a tomb, has a great interest in it for thousands of years. He said that he was not interested in the tomb, but it was actually a mouth.

I know that Li Fu will not give up like this. The second master has been in a bad mood for the past two days and yell at me when he has nothing to do. Anyway, he doesn't like what I do. Even if I eat, he looks awkward.

When the second master went out, it was in the afternoon. The sunlight was very good, and the mute had been lying on **. His physique was surprisingly good. He was so seriously injured that he could sit.

I want to ask what happened to the mute. I can't understand the mute. I asked him to write, but he can't. It seems that there is no way to communicate.

Before dark, the second master came back with a bag of herbs. It seemed that he came from somewhere. He decocted medicine in a mute. I didn't expect him to be so good to dumb.

When I saw the second master decocting medicine, the second master looked up at me and said, "Go to the lake to see Ji Xiaoqing!" I was stunned. The second master was so out of tune.

I raised my leg and left. I was afraid that this guy would go back on his word. He might go back on his back at any time. In fact, he didn't want me to see Ji Xiaoqing, and he didn't want to.

I went to the lake, and Professor Liu all stayed in the stone room, with a woman in their forties and two men. When I went in, there was almost no place. Ji Xiao came out gently, took my hand and said, "There is some progress."

I was stunned for a moment. What can they make?

Professor Liu asked me to go in. They used instruments that could penetrate the stone wall, and the shape of the things in the mausoleum could be seen clearly. A man beside me analyzed what the shape was using a computer and then added color. They analyzed it, and they also analyzed the flower coffins and the coffins in the pit. I took a look at the small generator and didn't say anything.

"What do you think?" Professor Liu asked me.

"Yes, there is nothing wrong with this flower coffin, but have you found the entrance?"

Professor Liu shook his head and said, "It's strange. Analyzing the structure of this sarcophagus, it's all the same, and there is no entrance left. This is a very strange thing. I think it should be explained by heaven and earth."

I was stunned for a moment. After all, Professor Liu was enlightened. If he followed this road, it was not necessarily wrong, at least he relied on a little.

Ji Xiao and I went out for a walk, and she asked me.

"Do I think this is reliable?"

"Actually, I can't make it clear. If you have people who know this, it's better to let such people help you. There are some things that can't be explained by science. There are too many things on the edge of China, just like this wizard and the gravekeeper, which are all unknown to everyone. , which is even more mysterious.

Ji Xiao nodded gently, and Li Fu suddenly appeared. I pulled Ji Xiao and whispered, "Don't pay attention to this guy." Ji Xiaoqing is very nervous. We turned back and sent Ji Xiaoqing back. I came out and didn't meet Li Fu along the way. He suddenly appeared. I don't know what he was going to do.

I went back to the village and the second master was at home. I told the second master about the situation. The second master said, "I didn't expect Professor Liu to have a little eye, but it still doesn't work."

"That Li Fu..."

"Don't worry about him. If he has a way, he will come to me instead of looking for Professor Liu."

That night, the thirteen coffins appeared again, which was so strange. I looked through the crack of the door, and the second master patted me from behind. It was already creepy. His pat scared me, "Damn!" With a sound, the crow door on the tree behind the yard shouted and flew up, and I trembling.

"What are you doing? People are scary to death."

"Why do you always look at these things? It has nothing to do with us."

"I just want to see it and want to know what's going on. I'm always walking back and forth. Can't I play it?"

The second master stared at me and said, "The ghost count coffin is a ghost count that is difficult to get rid of. Whenever the people of this family die to the thirteenth, they will be in big trouble."

The second master asked me to follow him into the room. He took the leftovers, took out the wine, and put them on the table. The dishes were sour and he ate so deliciously. I drink.

"The ghost counts the coffin, and can't send it out. You have to do this. I don't know what day it will be. If you don't send it, wait for the dead person in the family until you die, and you have to keep sending it."

"Whose house is that?"

"The 18-year-old girl of the housekeeper was hanged at home. I don't know why. Everyone can't avoid it if there is a ghost coffin."

"Is that the one at the entrance of the village?"


I don't want to ask anymore. Maybe if I ask too much, the second master will stare at his left eye again. I went back to my room to sleep, but I couldn't sleep. I was always thinking about the ghost counting the coffin. It was messy.

In the middle of the night, I was always pulled away by someone. After being pulled several times, I felt something was wrong and vaguely realized that there was no one around me. I opened my eyes and saw that there was no one. It was really strange.

When I slept again, I was pulled away again. I suddenly turned around and saw the pink hand, which escaped from the window. I was thrilled and shrank to the corner. I didn't expect that this hand would come again, and I didn't offend him.

I didn't sleep until dawn.

I went upstairs, but the second master was not in the room. I went to see the mute. The mute could go down to the ground. I asked him the second master, and he shook his head.

I went out of the yard and didn't see the second master. I was worried that the hand would pester me again. I have been standing outside the door, waiting for the second master to come back, but the second master is like being against me, but he won't come back.

When I was dumb, I shouted in horror. Looking back, I was dumb, and he asked me to go to dinner. As soon as I went in and sat down, something was wrong.