grave-keeping note

33. Open the coffin

33. Open the coffin

"What are you doing?"

"You boy is a young man. Didn't you see that my knife is black?"

At this time, I noticed that the knife in the second master's hand was not only black, but also the blade was black. I was stunned for a moment.

"I'm a vaginal knife. As soon as your knife is put on, the soft prison immediately shrinks, and we have no chance to escape."

"The pubic knife?"

"The dead bones must be made of black bones. One out of 100,000 black bones can only be black if they are evil to the extreme. Only with a knife made of this bone can it be cut."

I took a look at the second master and didn't say anything. I went to help the second master.

"Stay away from here, this green ** can melt the iron."

I think the second master is talking nonsense. I have never seen ** that can melt iron. I threw the knife on the flowing fluid, and the knife slowly melted, and I almost didn't jump up.

The second master laughed. I stared at him and sat down to watch the second master cutting the wall of the soft prison.

An hour later, a big hole was cut, and the second master looked at me.

"Get out for a while, but don't touch this green **."

I looked at the hole and said, "Can you cut it bigger?"

"Do you think it's that simple? I can't meet **. If I meet you, I'm looking for death."

I think so, it's difficult enough.

After the second master put away the knife and retreated.

"I'll go there first."

The second master ran and jumped. He passed by. This old lamp is actually okay. I'm afraid it's not easy for me to do it, but if I don't do it, it's death. Maybe there is still a little chance.

I don't guarantee that I can go there. I hesitated and jumped to life and die. It's so fucking stimulating. I jumped over and fell down. I jumped too hard.

The second master smiled.

It may be lucky or unfortunate to escape this disaster. Nothing is absolute.

This room is decorated with a large coffin, a flag coffin, a typical flag coffin, with a phoenix on the coffin, which is a sign of the flag coffin. I have seen this kind of flag coffin, but I am not impressed. Today, this flag coffin makes me a little scared. The coffin is fancy and looks strange.

The flag coffin is the first of the evil coffin. The second master told me that it is better to stay away from the flag coffin. It's good to go back. I really touched it and put it in front of me. If the big coffin looks at it, it will be uncomfortable. The colorful patterns on it are really frightening.

The second master walked around. There was nothing in the whole big room except the flag coffin. We looked for a long time and there was no exit. Looking back at the soft prison, the hole cut by the second master slowly healed. It was simply a living thing, which was impossible for me to understand.

The second master found a corner to sit down.

"Women will kill you sooner or later."

I know that the second master is talking about Ji Xiaoqing.

"What should I do now?"

"If I had a way, I wouldn't have sat here." The second master looked at me with his left eye.

"I don't like your left eye. Be careful that I will steal your left eye at any time."

The second master ignored me.

The flag coffin is full of coffins, full of eight flags, with the flag color as the coffin, and the shape of the top of the coffin is flag flying. I stood up, looked at the flag coffin, and prepared to go there.

"Looking for death." The second master's cold words made me stand still. In fact, I was also very scared, but there is no other way now. Maybe this flag coffin will be an opportunity.

The second master stood up, pushed me aside and said, "You really killed me."

The second master leaned against the flag coffin. He walked over, and the tall coffin made the second master look very small, higher than him. The second master walked around.

"The tall flag coffin, I'll fuck your grandma. It's really killing me."

After saying that, the second master stepped on the pung and climbed up. He climbed to the top of the coffin and looked at something. When he waved his hand to let me go up, he squatted on it for more than ten minutes.

I climbed up, and there was a pattern on the top of the coffin. That was a map.

"Is this a map?"

"Look again."

I looked at it for a long time, and there was a big red dot in the upper west corner of the map.

"I understand that this is the military map of the war in Nurhachi, but I don't quite understand what the red dot means."

"That position is Ning Yuan. Nurhachi was seriously injured in this place. He clicked a red dot here, but look, in this era, it is written in 1625, and Nurhachi died in 16 266. This is a prophecy. You will know in advance who this person is. It's not ordinary."

"Why are you here?"

"I guess this coffin is this person's. If this person has this ability, he will probably calculate that his today is the day we appear."

"Bullshit, I don't believe it at all. If he can calculate it, he can figure out when he will die. If he knows when he will die, he won't let others hide in this place."

The second master shook his head and said, "Some people don't understand."

"Then let's open it."

The second master stared at me, jumped off the coffin and sat in the corner. I thought the second master would open the coffin, but he didn't. He didn't want to open the coffin.

"It's better not to open this coffin. Maybe the mechanism has been designed for us long ago."

"It's not that divine, is it? Maybe after Nurhachi's death, he wrote it and deliberately advanced the date. There are many people like this.

"Would you like to try it?"

After the second master said this, I was also afraid. Is this true or false? It's all terrible work. The flag coffin has always been famous for its evil and weirdness. Even those who robbed tombs did not easily touch the flag coffin, and there was almost no good end after touching the flag coffin.

I hesitated, and the second master sat there looking at me.

In the end, I decided to open the flag coffin, because if we don't open it, we have no way to go. Maybe this is the only way out, which is much better than dying here.

I slowly walked over, stretched out my hand and pushed the coffin lid, which was very heavy. When my head was sweaty, I pushed open a seam. The second master sighed and came to help me push away the lid of the flag coffin. I was going to go up. The second master pulled me, and he was so careful at this moment.

He turned to the other side, and I followed him. He looked up at the coffin lid. There was a line of words at the bottom of the coffin lid, which cracked the body. I almost jumped up, and it was another prophecy or curse.

The muscles on the second master's face twitched, and he looked back at me. I understood that he was complaining about me, but it was already like this, and it was useless to say anything.

"I believe it."

"You will believe it when you die."

My second master and I climbed up. There were bones in the coffin, not lying down, but sitting. There was a knife passing through the bone shelf, stuck on the board of the coffin, and fixed the bones.

"Who killed him?"

"I guess it's me."

After the second master finished speaking, he pushed me down. I fell down and made me howled. This two wanted to kill me.

"Do you see if there is any mechanism underneath? Or this is our only chance."

"You are a little too insidious."

The second master laughed evilly on it. When I got up and was ready to watch, the second master screamed and the coffin was covered. I panicked and patted the coffin board and shouted. The second master had no sound. More than ten minutes later, it was still like this. I knew that something had happened. This flag coffin was really evil. If only I had listened to the second master's words, now with this bone, I would die here like him.

I didn't struggle anymore. I leaned against the corner of the coffin and sat down. I thought the "open coffin crack", which was a little scary. I don't know how to crack, but it was absolutely terrible.

I felt that the board under the coffin was active. I moved it. I was excited. It seems that I still have a chance to survive. The board was really active and opened at once. There was a dark hole underneath. I didn't dare to go down. I don't know what would happen down. I pushed the coffin lid and didn't move at all. I didn't want to try again. If the second master didn't die outside, he would definitely find a way.

Sure enough, an hour later, the coffin lid was pushed open again. I saw the second master. At that glance, I relied on his eighth uncle. My heart stopped beating eight beats and almost killed me.

I saw that the second master had two heads, which was so weird that I stared at the second master.

"You boy is looking for death. He jumped in, and I jumped up and clung to the coffin board.


"Return your ass, your body is cracked, you just want to kill me."

I'm an idiot. How could this happen? It is simply incomprehensible that this curse has come true. The second master climbed down, and I followed him. The hole was very small. We were climbing. Ten minutes later, we climbed out. There was a long bright light in front of us, but this place was very strange. The staggered rooms up and down were like building blocks, and the small houses were like chicken coops.

I stood there in a daze. The second master was getting more and more scared. In addition to his head, his body was slowly cracking. I thought that it was really completely cracked. The second master was two people, but I was not sure whether he could live or not. The second master seemed to be very painful, pale and locked his eyebrows.

"What is this place?"

"I don't know?" The second master is not angry.

We looked at it. I approached a small house and looked inside. I leaned on his aunt, and there was a black and white box inside. The second master also saw it.

"Burning corpses."


"This is the couple buried with. Select the folk couple, burn the autopsy, and then put it in a black and white box. The man is black and the woman is white."

"It's miserable enough."

I don't think there should be a big problem with burial.

The second master is still very careful, as if he is very nervous. The second master is still divided. I touch myself from time to time, afraid that I will also split.

The second master suddenly shouted.


I was so scared that I trembling, especially in this place. You can really scare people to death.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't go any further. If you take another step, you will die."

At this time, I found that there was a pattern in front of my foot, a pattern of a dog, which was located in the center of this room. I don't know what this means? Why is the second master so nervous?