grave-keeping note

34. Weird sitting dog

34. Weird sitting dog

I stood there and looked back at the second master. The second master waved his hand and asked me to walk back. I walked back carefully, but I was still far away from the second master. I looked at him and was afraid. His division did not stop. I estimate that in another 20 minutes, this guy will become two people. If that is interesting, but it is also very terrible. What will happen? Who I can't explain it clearly.

I don't know what that dog means? I look at the second master.

"That's a totem. The Manchu people don't eat dog meat, don't wear dog skin hats, and don't sit in the south pit. Dogs are their ancestors. Of course, they take the totem to the extreme. Of course, they will also use dogs to design organs and guard the mausoleum here, so I don't think it's that simple."

I walked over to see the dog again, but it was just an ordinary yellow dog, but from what perspective, it was a sitting dog. I remember that there were two sitting dragons at the gate of the Qing Yongling Mausoleum. It seemed that they were sitting on everything, which were also the only two sitting dragons in China.

Sitting and born with eight phases, eight phases are born with the heart. If you are angry, the dragon is angry. If you are happy, the dragon is happy. This phase is born from the heart. This is definitely a rare thing. Now the sitting dog in front of me is like this. It has no expression now, and probably I have no expression.

The second master sat and looked at me. I leaned very close. Looking at the sitting dog, I felt that the dog was really interesting. It was what I liked. If I had such a dog, it would be fun. When I got serious, I was thinking nonsense and couldn't control myself. It was killing me.

"Let's sit on the dog." The second master muttered, which made me trembling. I didn't understand, and such a sentence came out coldly. I looked back at the second master, and the second master said, "You'd better stay away from the dog."

I didn't pay attention to the second master. Sometimes he would get some nervous air, for fear that he would not show that he was a gravekeeper. I turned around sitting on the dog, and suddenly the pattern of sitting on the dog suddenly appeared and really became a dog.

"I strangled it." As a tall man, I jumped to one side and broke out in a cold sweat.

The second master was happy there, and I scolded, "Second son of a bitch."

Of course, I didn't dare to let him hear it. If he hears it, it won't be good if he doesn't kill me. I looked at the sitting dog, not a real dog, but a fake dog. I couldn't tell what it was made of. In this mausoleum, I think it should also be a treasure.

The second master stood up. He whistled, and the dog climbed down. His eighth uncle, this guy must understand. He sat there watching my excitement. The second master is a little evil and unscrupulous. Anyway, I am also his son, not his own, but also a son. It seems that he doesn't take me as his son. There is no way to play with my son. It's simply small.

I stared at the second master. The second master whistled like a little hooligan, and the dog's ears fell down and looked obedient. The second master went to the sitting dog and reached out to touch the dog's head. The sitting dog suddenly shouted and bit the second master's hand. The second master screamed and began to struggle. The sitting dog bit his mouth to death and did not let go, and his hand flowed blood.

I rushed up and kicked it. It didn't work at all. The second master took out the vagina knife, and I understood what it meant. He wanted to cut off his hand.

"No." I shouted.

The second master didn't hear it at all. The knife fell, and the second master screamed. His hand was in the mouth of the sitting dog, and the dog instantly turned into a pattern.

The second master's wound did not bleed, but I can see that the pain is almost dead. I don't know what to do.

"Second Master, what should I do?"

"Just be quiet for a while." The second master gasped. Half an hour later, he was like nothing but had a hand. He seemed to be in a very unhappy mood. I also felt strange that the broken arm did not bleed, and after a while, nothing happened.

"How could this happen?" I muttered.

"That's a vaginal knife. It won't bleed. The yin qi is injected into my body. In the future, I will have all kinds of strange phenomena. You don't have to be afraid." He didn't tell me anything strange.

The second master looked at the pattern of the sitting dog and said for a long time, "After all, it's a beast. If you say it's rebellious, it's rebellious."

I heard the meaning of the second master's words. He must have had something to do with this sitting dog.

"Second Master, is this a sitting dog?"

"I came in 12 years ago. This sitting dog has a good relationship with me. I didn't expect that today he was rebellious and bit me instead."

I was stunned for a moment. It seemed that the second master didn't know anything about this tomb.

"Then how do we get out?"

"In those years, the dog left that position, and there was a passage down to another mausoleum, but I didn't go in that year. I chose to leave, because the dog kept barking when I was about to enter. I don't think it's a good thing. Today's thing is strange."

The second master's words really surprised me.

"What should we do now?"

The second master shook his head and said for a long time, "Slaughter the dog."

The second master was stunned, took out the vagina knife, looked at it for a long time, and handed it to me. The second master asked me to do it, and what I proposed, just let me do it. It's a little too crazy. I hesitated for a long time before taking over the vaginal knife. The moment I took the vaginal knife, I felt the yin air all over my body, and there was no place where I didn't feel cold.

I walked to the sitting dog. When I approached, the seat changed back and screamed at me, but I didn't leave the place.

I held the vagina knife tightly in my hand, looked at the right time, and went up with a knife. The sitting dog screamed and disappeared. I was stunned and left a few drops of dog blood in that place.

The second master came over to see for a while and said, "Wipe off the blood."

I wiped off the blood, and the stone slab opened. It was a step. The second master took a look and hesitated and said, "If you decide to go down, then think about it. Maybe you can find the person you are looking for. Maybe you can't find it, and you can't find it from now on."

The second master made me angry.

"How much yellow pee I have to pee with you this day."

I understand what the second master means. He doesn't want to go down. The second master really retreated to the corner and sat and looked at me with his left eye. He was not used to his left eye. I always wanted to pick it out, but I never did it.

I hesitated for a moment, threw the vagina knife to the second master, and went down.

The step was strange. Obviously, it went down, but it felt like it was going up, and the stone slab above was also closed. I heard the barking of the dog, which was definitely the barking of a sitting dog. I don't know where it was.

I didn't stop. After walking for more than ten minutes, I stood still. A round mausoleum was right in front of me. The round eaves coffin was in the middle of the mausoleum. The long bright lamp "pulled, suddenly pulled" was scary, and the barking of the dog did not stop.

I feel that if the dog sits in any position around, it will jump out and bite me at any time. I lean against the stone wall, which may be safer.

I looked at the circle coffin with floating carvings and two words "xi Shen". I know that this tribe, the Xi Shen, is the ancestor of the Manchu people, famous for being fierce and strange. It seems that this mausoleum is not as simple as I thought. Not only the tomb of Nurhachi's wife, but probably a comprehensive mausoleum.

In addition to the two "careful" above, the coffin also has some patterns. The pattern is strange. Like this nation, I don't understand it. That's eight consecutive pictures, which are in the same picture.

After reading all the pictures, I felt that it was a hunt. Those flat-headed and flat-brained people were surrounded by an animal. I have never seen this animal before. It's a little different.

I felt cold when I looked at it, and the sitting dog kept barking. I heard the scream again and suddenly turned back. It was the second master. He covered his buttocks and rushed to me.

"What's wrong?"

"The beast bit me again. He stretched his head out of the wall. I didn't expect it to come out of the wall."

I was stunned for a moment: "Why did it bite you?"

"I figured out that when I came in, I took something and put it in front of it. I thought it was a piece of gold. After taking it out, I looked closely. It was not gold at all. I didn't know what it was, so I threw it away. Now I figured out that it was its food. Food, I'm going to be unlucky this time. Let's get out of here right away.

I looked at the second master, shook my head and said, "Go out first. I'm looking for Ji Xiaoqing."

"You two, you will know what's awesome when you lose your life here."

The second master said, looking at the coffin and the eight pictures, and didn't say anything for a long time.

"What kind of coffin is this?"

"Zi Shen, the coffin of Jurchens, the ancestor of Manchu people, this is a strange nation. We'd better stay away. We'd better not touch these things."

As soon as the second master finished speaking, the sitting dog stretched out his head from the ground and came up to bite. The second master reacted quickly and jumped up with a shout. After that, he looked at the ground and waited for the sitting dog to come out at any time.

I walked over and wanted to open the coffin, but I couldn't open it.

"That coffin can't be opened easily. Look at the eight pictures and look at them together. There should be an exit instruction."

I didn't understand it for a long time, so I shook my head.

The second master jumped over and kept jumping, looking at the eight pictures. He didn't understand it after looking at it for a long time. I saw that the lid of the coffin was opened and hung up little by little. There was no rope on it and no support under it. Unexpectedly, the second master didn't notice it and was still looking at it.

I shouted, "Don't look."

"Go to your grandma's ball." This guy is probably anxious.

I retreated, and a purple gas came out of the coffin. I think it should be poisonous. The second master saw it, and a tall man jumped away.

He stared at it for a long time. After the purple gas stopped, the lid of the coffin hung there, which was scary. I didn't dare to approach. The second master slowly leaned over and looked in. After looking in for a long time, he actually laughed, which made me trembling.

"Escape for your life!" After the second master finished speaking, a tall man jumped in.

I was stunned for a moment and jumped in. I didn't even look at it. After I went down, I was choked by the water. This old guy didn't tell me the following situation.

We dived to the lake and came out. The second master has almost reached the shore. I went ashore, and the second master has entered the tree hole. I didn't expect to come out, which made me very frustrated and didn't find Ji Xiaoqing, which made me very angry.

I lay there and ignored the second master. I think the second master must have known that there was a waterway below, and he actually lied me out.

The second master probably knew that I was angry and ignored me.

I was thinking about it. When I went down again, a dark shadow blocked the hole, which scared me and the second master.