grave-keeping note

36. Crying into a coffin

36. Crying into a coffin

When I walked to the old lady, she cried more happily, which made me feel that she was like a child. If you didn't care about her, she wouldn't cry so much.

The moment I bent down, I knew that I had made a mistake, a great mistake, but everything was late. Most of the mistakes made by human beings were soft-hearted. That's how I am, which makes me feel like a retard, a retard without IQ.

The moment the old lady jumped up, I knew that I was going to be unlucky.

The old lady giggled like a chicken, and I broke out in a cold sweat. I wanted to jump away, but it was too late.

I felt that I couldn't break it, but I couldn't see it. I felt that there was something like water before. The old lady pointed a finger at me and then left. I relied on his uncle. I was hit. This old lady is really terrible.

I found that I was covered with a ball of water, and it felt that it was a big tear. I was stunned at once. This damn old lady just cried and barely fell into tears...

When it got dark, I didn't toss around. The second master came over with a flashlight. He looked at me and said, "Why are you provoking her? Didn't I tell you?"

"I didn't provoke her. She provoked me."

The second master was stunned for a moment, and he said, "You are crying into a coffin. I'm not sure what tears this old lady cried out. I can't let you out. There are countless kinds of human tears, each of which is different. How come your sadness is the same as yesterday, but tears are also different. It's like a person. Like fingerprints, every tear has a different place, but if you can be sure whether it is happy tears, sad tears, or other tears, it can let you come out..."

What the second master said still shocked me.

"Tears have become a coffin, but this old thing has reached this point. Coffins and people are insidious. Only those who hate it can do it."

I didn't fucking hear any tear coffin at all. It's so evil.

"I think that after the sun comes out tomorrow, the tear coffin will be evaporated, and then you will disappear in this world. People who always like to cry will have this situation. Sometimes they will disappear. After missing, people will say that they are extremely sad and go to another city to hide and don't want to go back. It's time to get to this city. In fact, they have disappeared.

I trembling. This two-bitt, tell me this, and find a way to save me!

After the second master finished speaking, he turned around and left. It was useless for me to shout. I said that I was too wrong. If I cried to death, I was cried into the coffin by an irrelevant old lady. Is it?

I sat in it and thought that maybe the second master went to find the old lady. I hope so. The second master has never given up on me, because I am his successor, maybe so.

At night under the moonlight, the tear coffin was shining, intertwined and very beautiful. This was the first time I saw it. I didn't expect that tears could be so beautiful. I just feel that tears are just bitter and salty, and I didn't expect them to be so beautiful.

If a person dies, it's very good to have such a coffin. I thought nonsense and fell asleep. I just have no heart and no lungs. My father said that my brain was big and pulled my heart out. Maybe that's the case.

When I was sleeping soundly, suddenly there was a "pop" that scared me out loud. I jumped up and ran away, so that I stopped when I was about to vomit blood.

I was stunned. I actually came out of the tear coffin, but then a terrible thing happened. I smelled a smell, which was a bad smell, sour, salty, bitter or unbearable smell. I sniffed and finally confirmed that it came from my body. Shit , how did I get this taste?

When I walked to the village, I went to Baihe to wash myself and put on my clothes, but it still had that smell. I really went up and almost wanted to vomit.

I went to find the second master and entered the yard. The second master was not at home. I came out and looked at the opposite mountain. I saw the second master standing outside the old lady's house, jumping with his feet. I didn't know what he was doing. The momentum was simply crazy, but I just didn't go in.

I sat there and watched. The second master tossed until ten o'clock and ran back. When he saw me, he fell down and got up for a long time and ran towards me.

"How dare you come out?"

"Do you still want me to die in it?"

"It's really strange. According to reason, if that old lady doesn't let you go, you can't escape this disaster." After the second master finished speaking, he covered his nose and said, "What's the smell?"

I saw that the second master didn't say anything.

After confirming the smell on my body, the second master said, "Tears stink. The tears made by the old lady cry like this. When she was young, she was like this, and she always liked to cry."

I understood as soon as I heard that the second master had an unclear relationship with this old lady when he was young.

"What should I do?"

"There's nothing you can do. Take it yourself!"

The second master turned around and entered the yard. I sat in the yard and felt that the whole yard smelled of tears. The second master resolutely refused to eat with me, and even closed the windows and doors.

I stayed for three days, and I think I should leave. No one will like a stinky person.

I went to the lake. I think I should know whether Ji Xiaoqing is dead or alive. Anyway, I will find the body and bury it. It's cold in the water.

When I dived, I didn't find the entrance. When I came back, there were many dead fish on the lake. I was stunned and understood that it was smoked to death by the smell of tears on my body.

When Li Fu, the wizard, appeared, I was looking at the lake in a daze. He stood all the way and covered his nose. I ignored him.

He still insisted on coming, but he stopped ten meters away.

"We should cooperate. I believe that you, the gravekeeper, are a kind person."

This bastard actually spoke like this. A tomb robber and said that he was kind. I guess the smell on my body was stunned.

"Are you asking me to help you steal the mausoleum?"

"You can't say that. In fact, the mausoleum must be stolen and the tomb must be dug up. You know this very well. Although your second master is a gravekeeper, he will eventually die. Do you really want to be a gravekeeper? You should know and deeply understand the pain of keeping a letter all your life, a bitter life, and you can't be with the person you love. Look at your second master, you are a pervert.

Li Fu is indeed very good at saying that what he said did not touch me. I suddenly stood up. Li Fu stepped back a few steps and waved his hand at me and said, "What do you smell like?"

"Get out of here."

Li Fu has left. I don't think I can get rid of this smell. I'm afraid I can't be with anyone.

I went into the tree hole and lay there, scolding the dead old lady. The more I scolded me, the more angry I became. I sat up, stood up and left. I was going to find the old lady.

This has nothing to do with me. She actually hurt me. I asked her to settle accounts. It's better to die than to live with a stinky smell.

When I entered the village, it was midnight. I went to the old lady's house and stood at the door. I threw stones inside and kept throwing them.

Half an hour later, the old lady came out. The moment she opened the door, it scared me. The old lady's eyes were shining, not like the old lady's cloudy eyes at all.

"What are you doing?"

"Why do you want to do this to me?"

"I'm in a bad mood. You're unlucky."

"Old lamp, there is a reason why you want to hurt you. If you are in a bad mood, you will hurt me. I will never end with you."

The old lady ignored me and closed the door and went in.

In the middle of the night, I set off a fire and ran to the mountain to see the bustle. The old lady rushed out of the house, looked at the house on fire, and cried.

I'm so happy that I thought, can't you? If you can, you can put out the fire. The old lady left at dawn. The second master rushed here like crazy and said something to the old lady, and then the old lady left.

The smell on my body still exists. When I entered the second master's yard, the second master rushed over with a big stick. I knew the bad thing, and I ran away.

The second master chased to the door, and a big heel fell there. The stick flew, and one shoe flew. He was still scolding.

I understand that he was scolding me for not burning the old lady's house and burning her place...

This is what she found. If she is unhappy, it will hurt me. It's light for me to burn her house. I'm afraid of you evil people, but if you piss me off, I will also make you feel bad.

I'm going to let the second master suffer a little and let him know that I'm not easy to mess with. I'm not scolding, or cheating. Of course, I won't burn his house. When I find my father, I have to rebuild it for him.

The next morning, when I was about to go to the second master's house, I was dumbfounded. I saw that the old lady's burned house was gone, only a big grave. The wormwood on the grave was burned away, and my cold sweat came down, and then the smell on my body was gone. I don't know what happened. Things.

A big fire will leave shelves anyway, but there seems to be no house here, only a grave. I shivered. I felt that the village was so strange. When I looked at the houses scattered around me, I felt that it was strange.

I think the second master has been lying to me. He has been hiding some things from me. Since he doesn't take me seriously, I don't have to respect him anymore.

In the middle of the night, I entered the backyard. After peeing in the well, I entered the house and prepared to steal a box that the second master put upstairs. He has been carrying this box. I have never seen anything. He told me that the box is made of human bones. I think he is scaring me. I It doesn't look like a human bone. Although I have only seen it twice, he never let me touch his box.

I took off my shoes, put my shoes bare, and went upstairs step by step. I went upstairs and was stunned. The second master was not upstairs, and the box was placed on the table for the first time.

I think this is a trap. I stood there without moving. The second master, an old devil, will certainly not easily put what he thinks is important on the table and leave.

I stood there and hesitated and didn't dare to move. The second master, an evil man, would use evil tricks at any time. I called the second master, but there was no response. Did the second master really leave here? What did he do?

I opened the window and looked out. I actually saw the second master sitting in front of the old lady's grave. I was stunned for a moment. What do you mean? It seems that the relationship between the second master and the old lady is quite deep. Is he going to kill me with a big stick?

I turned around and picked up the box and left. I left the village and went to the lake. At this moment, I don't want to go anywhere else. That place is the closest to Ji Xiaoqing. I want to find Ji Xiaoqing no matter what.

When I went back, a group of people were there. I think it should be those bullshit experts and scholars. It seems that they have never given up. I think it was not Professor Liu and Ji Xiaoqing who did not give up, but the underwater mausoleum.

At that time, I heard Ji Xiaoqing say that the mayor said that if you find this mausoleum, open an underwater passage and go directly into the mausoleum, you can boost the economy of the whole city. This is the first underwater mausoleum in China or even the world. Such a large mausoleum is also true. Rare.