grave-keeping note

38. Fresh corpse

38. Fresh corpse

When I swam to the innermost part, I found that I had left the waterway, of course, a water in the waterway. I think no one can come in without passing through this waterway.

I accidentally touched a hanging coffin. I didn't expect that the iron chain was broken. After a pause, the coffin slowly fell and dispersed little by little. I think that even if it has been a thousand years, even if the iron is soaked in water, there will not be much left.

I try to stay away from these suspended coffins. After all, this is a miracle or a thousand-year mystery. I think that if this is said in that book, this should be a city of rocks, a city made by tens of thousands of craftsmen, what a majestic city it will be like for a hundred years, and disappear like that, unless it does not exist.

Under water is a layer of gray rock, which is very hard. Rock City can't be here. Is it farther away? I swam farther away.

I saw something underwater. I can swim down. I think I have 40 meters at this time. I feel uncomfortable, and I also urgently need to return. Oxygen can still take 40 minutes. I don't want to take risks. I'm close to that thing. It's a humanoid wrapped in gray rock. Will that be a human being? When I thought about it this way, I trembling and immediately went back.

When I climbed ashore, it was almost here. I left here quickly. If the patrol caught me, I would definitely have to clean up my pain.

After I went back, I kept thinking about the human figure. If it was a person, it should be an ancient person, maybe a general or something. When I thought so, I began to get excited. I began to prepare for the next time and changed a bigger oxygen cylinder and a hammer. I just wanted to see if the gray rock was wrapped in human or not.

I'm well prepared this time. However, I still want a colleague to help me if there is an accident, but my father is too old. I posted on the Internet and didn't say the real situation. I just said diving.

There have been several posts for several days in a row. They are very unprofessional. I don't want to make trouble. When I was about to give up, I called on QQ alone. After chatting for a while, this person is about the same age as me, in his twenties and began to dive at the age of ten. I think this person is OK, and he proposed the place to meet.

When I got there, I was a little confused. The person turned out to be a girl, very beautiful. She didn't say that she was a girl on the Internet. If she knew, I wouldn't agree. Now that I'm here, I have to go there.

"I didn't expect you to be a girl."

"If I say I'm a girl, obviously you won't take me. I think you're in trouble."

This girl is very smart. Her name is Fengfeng, a very interesting name. I was still a little worried, but it took her 15 minutes to convince me.

We made an appointment to meet in five days, and I chose a day, because it was not convenient to take girls there at night.

Actually, by this time, I should have thought that my life has been very strange. From birth to now, I don't know how many things have happened, which are quite strange, but my father has always told me that everyone lives like this, and I think that's it. However, when I grow up, I feel that everything is not like this, and everything is not available to ordinary people, which is very strange to me. In fact, I really want to be a normal person, but I can't. Maybe this is fate.

When I was three years old, a monk came. Of course, I won't remember. My mother told me. When the monk came, it was also very strange. He didn't turn fate or do anything. He just said that he wanted me to save the relationship. Of course, his mother would not agree. Later, the monk came to make peace. After his mother refused, she never came again, but when she left, he left a sentence that this child had a lifelong adventure.

This made my mother very unhappy, even for a lifetime. Later, I really got along with the second master, the gravekeeper, and became the successor of the gravekeeper. It was a little rebellious. I really felt sorry for my parents, but I am like this now. What else can I do? I still said that what hadn't happened with the second master, which was also bizarre.

But he said that five days later, we met, and the girl actually drove here. I was stunned for a moment. It seemed that the conditions at home were very good. We drove there, parked the car at the people's house, gave our fellow villagers a little money, and walked for half an hour to the bushes.

I told her the real situation. She was stunned for a long time and didn't believe it. I could see that she was not afraid, but just didn't believe it.

Her preparation is much better than mine, and I feel a little embarrassed. We went down, swam through the alleyway, and went in. After she saw the coffins, her eyes widened and she began to take pictures. I compare that we don't have much time.

After we swam to that place, I hit the gray rock with a hammer, which was not as hard as I thought. Ten minutes, I knocked on a small hole and slowly did not expand it. When it expanded, I suddenly struggled to swim away. Mao Jie was the same, and the speed was very fast. I stabilized, stroked and photographed it.

After Mao Jie finished shooting, she asked me the next step, and I told her to go back.

When we went ashore, Mao Jie's face was pale and obviously scared. When we returned to the car, Mao Jie recovered. She said, "How could this happen?"

"I don't know, I didn't expect this."

When I knocked on the gray rock, I saw a face, a vivid face, but it could be seen that it was dead and seemed to have just died. We didn't expect this at all.

We went back that day and uploaded the photo to the computer to enlarge it. Indeed, it was the face of a person who had just died.

"This is impossible. There is no gray hard rock that can't be formed for decades. It is definitely not done by man." Mao Jie's words surprised me, so the dead man has been dead for decades? I feel incredible.

We decided to go down again in a week.

When we went down again, when we got to the body, the body had only bones. I was surprised that it turned into bones at such a fast speed. It seems that Mao Jie was right. It was the gray rock that protected the body. I know the magic of nature.

Mao Jie compared the hanging coffin with me. I knew she had always wanted to see it. I took her over and told her not to touch it.

Mao Jie approached a coffin, looked at it for a long time, and swam back to draw: "That coffin is different from other coffins."

I was stunned at that time. I didn't see hundreds of coffins one by one. Are there really different coffins? I swam over, and sure enough, the coffin had a bottom, and I was stunned. Looking at the other coffins, there is still no bottom. Is the father right? But it is also a strange thing that such a coffin has a bottom.

I want to see what is in the coffin. If the bottom of other coffins fell to the bottom hundreds of years ago, that is, the bones are also covered by limestone.

I ran to push the lid of the coffin and pushed it away. At that moment, the water began to muddy up. From one o'clock, it slowly spread, and the speed was getting faster and faster. I know it's causing trouble, so I told Mao Jie that we should leave quickly.

We swam ashore and sweated coldly. The muddy water surged up from the waterway and spread over the surface of the whole reservoir in just a few minutes.

When we go back, the Administration will definitely investigate the reason. We dare not come back during this period. We drank muddy water for a week. A week later, I knew that it was over, and the TV station also reported the incident, saying that it was a water shock and would not affect the water quality. Shit, they really dare to talk nonsense.

Mao Jie called me and asked me to go to her house to discuss the next visit. I didn't expect that she was more curious than me.

I hesitated for a moment and changed into clothes that I thought were more handsome. When I looked in the mirror, I felt a little confused.

I went to Mao Jie's home, the villa area in the community. I guess it was either the boss's daughter or the official's daughter. When Mao Jie opened the door, she looked at me for a long time, and then laughed.

It made me laugh. She laughed enough and said, "Come in!"

I went in. The house is really big, more than ten times bigger than ours. I entered her room, and the computer was the coffin photographed.

"Whatever, my father is not at home, and my mother has died a long time ago." I was stunned for a moment.

I looked at the photos of her and her mother hanging on the wall, and I recognized that the woman was the hottest female anchor on the TV station ten years ago. I didn't expect this at all.

We set the time, and the other time can be set by phone. When she sent me out, I put my arms around her waist. She blushed and did not dodge, but bent back. Her waist was too soft. I kissed her that day.

When I left, I saw a man driving in front of the villa and staring at me. I was so familiar with this. When I got home, I remembered that this man was the owner of Qianjin Coal Mine. When he was short of money in the coal mine, he would borrow from him.

The appointed day came, and Mao Jie drove to pick me up. When we got to the reservoir and dived into the trees, the water was the same.

When we arrived at that place, we looked around. Suddenly, Mao Jie made a sound. I looked over and she pointed to a place. When I swam over, I was dumbfounded. A gate appeared there, a big and bulky gate. I knew that this should be the gate of the Rock City. I was so excited that I almost threw away the oxygen bottle. It was really troublesome to express excitement underwater. I gestured.

We leaned over, and I touched the gate. It's right. It's the ancient old city gate. We found the Rock City. Maybe for thousands of years, many people have been looking for it, but they haven't found it. This is definitely a very exciting thing.

Mao Jie asked me, "How can I get in?"

I don't know how to get in at all. There is always a war city like this, and the gate must be strange. I don't dare to move easily. The real clan, I suspect that it is the predecessor of the Juzhai clan. The Yi clan is a later ethnic group, which is not recorded in history books, but if it is the Juzhen clan, there should be such a war, but the target is not right. I think it must be a war before their Juzhen, a more ancient people. Ethnic group.