grave-keeping note

39. Real people

39. Real people

This should be a major discovery in history. But there is no way to open this gate.

Mao Jie saw a poem on the side of the city gate:

City Robbery

What can't be closed is the scars. You can hide your tears in the deep well and turn around.

Back to your warm city

The words on the rusty city lock are placed into several half of the open gates waiting for them forever

Our eternal hero


In your life, you have been out of the city for the last time.

I think this poem is really fucking weird. Did you have the current poetry a thousand years ago? And those are all traditional Chinese characters. I can't explain it at all, but from this poem, it is a poem in memory of those sacrifices. It can be seen that the war was very tragic at that time.

Mao Jie called me, and the atmosphere was not enough. We went back, found the oxygen bottle, ate something, and went down again.

When Mao Jie came to the gate again, she suddenly drew. I saw a well on the gate. I touched it. Shit, it was not painted, but like a real well, but very small. I thought, tears, yes, tears, opened the gate with tears, but in the water, we couldn't do it.

I drew back.

When I got to the shore, I said, "That's what I think. If you pour tears into the well, the gate should be able to open."

Mao Jie listened and said for a long time, "I didn't understand that poem."

"You try to cry." I found a small bottle.

Mao Jie said, "Why don't you cry?"

"I can't cry."

Mao Jie stared at me and brewed her emotions. Suddenly, she laughed. I cut it. Mao Jie smiled and said, "I really can't. I can't. You'd better come!" After saying that, she laughed again.

"When your mother died..." I said.

Mao Jie was anxious and stared at me without saying anything. After a while, tears flowed. I picked it up, and there was a small half a bottle. I patted her on the shoulder and said, "Enough."

"Get out of here." Mao Jie really turned against me. I'm too hurt to mention that.

After crying for half an hour, Mao Jie stopped and looked at me and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sad."

I hugged her and said, "It's okay. From now on, I will be your vent, your lovesick bean."

We went down again and came to the gate. I opened the vial and poured tears in. In fact, I felt that I was messing around, which was a little unlikely, because I knew that I had no other way to explain this strange poem.

Tears poured in, and there was no reaction at all. Mao Jie stared at me. I felt embarrassed and wasted Mao Jie's pure tears.

When we were about to think of other ways, the sound of "hurling" sounded, and the water pushed us both far away. Mao Jie pulled me tightly. She was very nervous, and I was also very nervous. The gate opened, and it was really half open. The water became chaotic at once. It took more than ten minutes to clear. We lean over, and Mao Jie was about to enter. I grabbed her and couldn't enter from here. The poem said to turn around, so **, Ken There will definitely be problems. In ancient wars, any means will be used. The older the clan, the more strange the means will be. They often do not rely on combat power, but on evil skills to win the war. I don't know what kind of evil art it should be, that's what I think.

We didn't have enough oxygen that day and had to go back. After we went back, we didn't plan to pass in the near future. The TV station reported that there was a small-scale water shock in the reservoir, and the drinking water would be muddy for a day and a half.

Sure enough, the Reservoir Administration will definitely send experts to stop for a period of time.

I looked through the Book of Changes at home and couldn't find a solution. Mao Jie came. I only told her once that she could find the place where my family lived.

After she came in, my parents were confused. The beautiful girl was cultivated at a glance. When her father brought fruit, he almost fell on a horse. He saw a beautiful woman.

Mao Jie ate at our house that day, but only took two bites. When we came out, Mao Jie said, "I'm not full."

"It's like pig food, right?"

"I didn't say anything." Mao Jie covered her mouth and was happy.

I think I will marry Mao Jie in the future. How can I raise this ancestor? That day, we finished our meal and separated. Mao Jie hasn't contacted me, and I haven't called Mao Jie.

The underwater rock city is indeed infinitely attractive to me. I have been making fuller preparations for the next time. When I enter the rock city, I don't know what will happen. There are few records about the rock city, and there is no valuable clue at all.

Twenty days, Mao Jie didn't call me, and I didn't call her. I went there by myself and went there at night. In fact, I like underwater at night.

Sunshine always makes me uneasy. When I went down, everything was so peaceful. I like this kind of peacefulness. When I got to the gate, the door was still half open, but I didn't plan to go in from there.

I turned a corner, where there was a side door. The side door was closed. I think it should also be this door. Entering through the main door is undoubtedly looking for death. The side door should be able to enter. As long as it can be opened, I looked at Guan Tian, and there was nothing like hidden words on it. There were only some concave and convex lines, which seemed to be dragon patterns.

I touched it with my hand, and there was still temperature. It should be very cold. After thousands of years of water, there was still temperature. No wonder there are so many fish here.

I thought that when the soldiers return, it should be dead. When they come back, someone should send them in. They will not come back by themselves, because they are already dead. The soldier died, and the bow and crossbow were injured. It would definitely bleed. The blood was warm. I cut my hand and dripped on the door. The door really opened, and the muddy water rushed up. I swam away for more than ten minutes. The water cleared. I swam in, but I couldn't swim in two meters on the porch. The water pressure Quite big, like a wall, I can't get in after several times. This design uses water pressure to flush with cold water and hot water to generate pressure. This pressure will actually form a water wall, which I didn't expect.

I finally returned to nothing. When I went back, the wound on my hand was infected. With such a small opening, I actually had a high fever, and the wound was ulcerated and getting bigger little by little. I had to go to the hospital. After the examination, the hospital told me to stay in the hospital and let my family come. I knew it was serious.

My father and mother came here, and the doctor didn't know what they said. Then, in the afternoon, I was transferred to the provincial medical university and entered the infection ward.

Mao Jie called me.

"Where are you?"

"I'm in the first hospital of the Provincial Medical University. I hope you can come. I'm afraid I'll be sad about this."

Mao Jie came and was stunned when she saw my appearance and asked me, "What happened?"

I told the matter and Mao Jie went out. She must have gone to ask the doctor. When she came back, her eyes were red and she must have cried.

I knew the bad thing, and I said, "Tell me the truth."

Mao Jie hesitated for a long time and looked at my father. My father nodded.

"You are infected with a bacterium that you have never seen before. They flow in your blood vessels at a speed of 180 miles, and slowly the wounds inside will be like your fingers."

I was confused after listening to it, and there was such a thing, that is to say, I had to wait to die.

"Don't worry. I'm consulting you online. Experts from all over the world are here."

When I heard it, experts from various countries felt dizzy. This time it seemed that the tide was really cold. Such a small wound killed me.

I looked at the fingers that had exposed bones and shook my head.

The fever continued, and Mao Jie didn't come for a day. I don't know what she went to do. In fact, it makes sense for her not to come. Who will guard you as a dying person? What's more, they didn't give you any promises, but it's normal to leave at this time.

Mao Jie came in in the middle of the night. She was holding something alive and in a bottle. I asked, "What is it?"

"It's the thing in the water. I went there. At the side door, I found this thing. I don't think it's a current creature. It's very strange. I think..."

This silly girl probably really fell in love with me. She was so anxious that she was going to die. Anyway, I opened the bottle. This thing looked very strange. I swallowed it alive.

I felt disgusted. Mao Jie jumped on me and cried, "I just fell in love with you, and you're leaving. I'm sad."

Mao Jie cried. I said, "Enough, such a move is enough."

In fact, I'm really unwilling. I'm only in my twenties, and I'm so heroic. It seems that life is a little too unkind to me.

In the afternoon, my fever subsided and I got out of bed. I think maybe it was like this before I died. After a while, the disease was like a flood, rushing across all my lines of defense, and I died.

But at night, I didn't have a fever, and I found that the wound had healed. Mao Jie was so happy that she went to call the doctor and hit the half-open door. With a bang, my heartache, Mao Jie called the doctor. The doctor pushed me out for examination. Two hours later, the doctor sent me back and said, "It's simply impossible."

"Do you want me to die?"

The doctor was stunned, stared at me, turned around and left.

A big bag came out of Mao Jie's forehead, which hurt like a light cannon.

A week later, I was discharged from the hospital. Except for the wound on my hand, everything seemed to be normal. I didn't expect that I didn't die, which made Mao Jie love me more. The blessing of misfortune happened to me like this. I always thought that it was just a comforting idiom.

A week later, I was all right and I said, "Let's go to Rock City."

Mao Jie looked at me and said, "Are you not afraid of death?"

I said, "I won't die with you, because I have to take care of you for the rest of my life."

We went early that day and dived to the side door. The water wall there was still there. Mao Jie said, "It was the same when I came last time. This water wall is very strong, but I came up with a way. I don't know if it works or not."

Mao Jie took out an awl and stuck it into the water wall. The water wall actually dispersed like broken glass. Mao Jie and I swam over, and then the water wall appeared again.

After we went in, we felt a spinning spirit and screwed us in. We didn't know where to spin, and the speed was getting faster and faster. We were all confused.

When I stopped, there was no water in the city of Rock City. We took off our wetsuits, looked at each other, and shook our heads, feeling that this was really an incredible thing.

Rock City is real. In the Rock City, a dragon pillar was cut by the mountain, which was hundreds of meters high and there were hundreds of dragons. That momentum calmed us down at once.

Our location is in a square. Going forward, Mao Jie trembled, and thousands of dark coffins were placed in the west. The momentum was very scary.

The square is surrounded by various styles of houses, which are very exquisite. Suddenly, Mao Jie took my hand and trembled, and I also trebled. I saw a person appear. It was indeed a person, standing more than 200 meters away from us, looking this way, holding a bronze sword in his hand, half a meter taller than us. I whispered, "There are soldiers in the Rock City."

Mao Jie said, "It's been a thousand years, and no one can live."

When the man disappeared, Mao Jie and I were extremely nervous. We hoped that there was no one, but when we saw the person, it was true.

I pulled Mao Jie into the armory and picked up a bronze sword. It was really heavy enough. I picked it up reluctantly. If I fought, I couldn't wave it at all.

I found more than a dozen pieces, all of which are so heavy. Mao Jie said, "It seems that the soldiers from a year ago are very powerful."

"They are more than half a meter taller than us and should be very powerful."

Mao Jie said, "I brought an electric baton. In my bag, I was afraid that I would encounter a large fish, so I took it."

I think this silly girl, you electric fish, if you make a call in the water, you will also be electrocuted. But I didn't say that I thought this girl was too cute.