grave-keeping note

40. The coffin people of the tribe

40. The coffin people of the tribe

After taking the electric baton, we went to the place where the man disappeared. It was a corridor, which was very wide and long. We walked slowly.

When I was about to walk out of the corridor, I heard a strange noise. I pulled Mao Jie back and ran back. More than ten meters, a wall fell in front of us. When we turned back, there was another wall. I knew we were trapped inside.

I heard footsteps and looked up. There were more than a dozen people walking on it.

"We are trapped."

A hole was opened on it, and a man shouted at us, and we couldn't hear it at all. Mao Jie said, "I don't understand. I'm afraid we are dead."

I don't care whether I understand or not. I replied, "We are good people, friends, not enemies."

The person above closed the small hole and left. I don't know what will happen to the following situation. I think this wall should be at least ten meters thick. This organ really didn't expect it.

When the people on

appeared again, they shouted something, but they still couldn't understand. I said to Mao Jie, "People shout to them in English."

Mao Jie shouted to them in English. In fact, I know that we are fooling.

However, what I didn't expect was that half an hour later, the two walls went away. We walked out of the corridor, and more than a dozen people stood there with copper towing and looked at us.

We have no way to communicate at all. A man came to us and said something, but still didn't understand. He turned back, and we followed into a room with fish, which seemed to have nothing to eat except fish.

Mao Jie and I sat down. After eating some fish, they brought a book for us to see. They were also trying to communicate with us.

We looked at the book, and Mao Jie said for a long time, "It's a bit like a virgin text, but it's simpler, a little like a note symbol. It's easy to do."

After looking at it for half an hour, Mao Jie whispered, "Actually, it's very simple, a little like text. I understand 80%." She picked up the pen, next to which was the juice ground by black stone. Mao Jie wrote for half an hour and wrote more than 100 words.

"I don't know if they can understand."

The man picked it up and looked at it for a while. They actually laughed and were very excited. I know they understand.

However, no one expected that the accident would still happen.

When we woke up, all the people were gone. I was surprised that I looked for a long time and didn't find anyone. We entered a large house with a large pool in the middle of the house, which was hundreds of meters in size and machinery in it.

"What is this?"

"I don't know. Looking at the ropes inside, the arms are thick and messy." As we were talking, we felt footsteps behind us. We turned our heads and were stunned.

Seven or eight people are standing there. They are definitely not the people I saw. They are completely different. These seven or eight people looked very strange, and Mao Jie took my hand tightly. Seven or eight people are standing mechanically. We don't know when they will be behind us.

They just stood like that, as if waiting for us to speak. The real people suddenly rushed out and pulled us to run. They kept running into a room before we stopped. It seems that the real people are afraid of them, which I don't understand.

The real people wrote to tell Mao Jie that those people were coffin people, that is, the people of the Yi people. In those years, they almost slaughtered the city, but they really couldn't get into this city. Finally, they used the most evil means of the people of the people, that is, the coffin people. They put the bodies of the dead soldiers outside the city gate. He Their souls can come in. After their souls came in, they lived in the coffin. After ten years, they became coffin people, with the same appearance as people, but they are a kind of people formed by coffin wood, which is very evil. Over the years, the remaining people of the real clan have been turned into coffins and hung coffins outside the city. Thousands of hanging coffins, in addition to the soldiers' empty coffins, there are also real people who have become coffins. That's tragic! At night, screams can be heard, and it is very painful after becoming a coffin.

This is what I didn't expect, which definitely surprised me and even surprised me.

Mao Jie wrote that there is any way to kill them or we can leave the city.

The real people wrote on the paper that there is a mechanism for the promotion of the city, that is, you can see it. After turning, the city will slowly rise up. When those coffin people see the sunshine, they will disperse into coffin boards, but those real coffins have no hope of survival.

Mao Jie said, "We may let them put on this pain and ascend to the city."

Actually, I still hesitated. The Millennium Rock City has been rising. The city that has disappeared for a thousand years has suddenly emerged. This is nothing, but can they adapt to life a thousand years later now?

At night, we really heard the cry, which was too miserable, crying like a child. Mao Jie held my hand tightly and said for a long time, "We can go to the city, but I'm afraid there will be an accident."

Mao Jie said, "If it goes on like this, the real person will not exist. Those coffins are just coffins."

I think Mao Jie is right. When I decided to come down, it was already dawn. When we walked out of the room, I shouted, and there were dozens of coffins standing outside the door. Mao Jie and I were stupid there and couldn't see a real people. It seems that the real people are really afraid of these coffin people.

When I didn't know what to do, the coffin man moved, and they actually put on the shape of a coffin.

"What are they going to do?" Mao Jie's hands were trembling and asked me in a low voice.

I said, "It may be a formation. Do you see the entrance? We must not go in. If we go in, it may become a coffin. This is their way."

I took Mao Jie's hand and shouted, "Run."

Unlucky, Mao Jie didn't react and let me pull it down. Standing there, Mao Jie got up for a long time and said, "You don't give me a preparation, and I'm not the command center of your head."

I really want to slap myself a few mouths. With this time, the coffin people deformed and circled the two of us. I went up and kicked it. A coffin was dispersed by me, and then stood up and became one-third bigger. My sweat came down at once. I understand that these coffins can't be moved. It doesn't look good now. First, you can't fight, and second, you can't run.

I look forward to the appearance of those real people.

Sure enough, a real person appeared, but there was only one old man, and it seemed that he was about to die. I closed my eyes in pain. The old man actually walked into the circle of the coffin, and then lay there. The coffin people circled him, then closed it, closed a big coffin, and then left.

Mao Jie and I were stunned. It turned out that we had to sacrifice a person to save people.

I pulled Mao Jie and ran to the big pool. We wanted to start the mechanism to make this rock city stand up. I jumped into the pool. The mechanism was too old. It was a rotating wheel. I turned it, and the ropes of my arms collapsed tightly. I thought that if I worked harder, I could make the city rise, but I didn't expect that those ropes looked very thick, but when they were strong, they broke down. Maybe it was the reason why the year was too long. After all, it was a thousand years.

I was stupid there, and Mao Jie covered her face.

"I don't think we can save them." I climbed out of the pool and said.

"Maybe there are other ways."

We were talking when a real person waved to us. We went over and entered a room with him. He told Mao Jie that there was another organ, but it was occupied by the coffin people, and they dared not go there.

"Is there any way to crack it?" Mao Jie asked.

"After a thousand years, we have no way to crack it. We can only resist death for a while. As you can see, more than 100 people can't resist for a long time." After saying that, the real man shook his head.

"Where is it?" I asked.

"In the east, there is a school building, and there is a passage in the school building. It is the basement, and the organ is in the basement." After saying that, the real person looked at us, and the expectant look made me uncomfortable.

Mao Jie and I went there, which was quite far away from the school room. We looked at the coffin people and came out to enter. We didn't know what we were doing.

Suddenly, the coffins gathered together, very neatly, like an army.

"I think these coffin people should have IQ, but their IQ seems to be controlled by a certain substance, or people."

"I think so, but it's just a coffin board, even if it has a soul, it won't be to this extent."

We have been observing that the coffin man stood there for more than ten minutes, and a person came out. It was indeed a person, not a coffin man, but he couldn't tell who it was. His walking posture was that the coffin man could not walk out, and only people could walk so coherently.

"That's it. I think we should control this person."

"It looks very powerful." Mao Jie is a little worried.

That man's lecture turned out to be a real person's language, and we couldn't understand it. A few minutes later, the coffin dispersed and seemed to have their own tasks.

After the coffin left, Mao Jie and I entered the school room. The man was stunned for a moment and cut it with the sword. I kicked him, kicked the man to the ground, and then rushed over and took the sword down. The speed was so fast that Mao Jie was stunned.

I pressed the sword on the man's neck and gently scratched it. There was blood. I'm sure it's not a coffin man. The coffin man has no blood.

I asked Mao Jie to tie up the man and walked to the basement. The door was half-open. I took a look at Mao Jie and said, "I'll go in first. This mechanism is quite important. Maybe it's not as simple as we thought, and the door is still half-open. I think there is something wrong with this. If anything, you stand Go out and let the real person find the exit for you and go back to the city. Mao Jie pulled me and didn't let go.

I broke away from Mao Jie and walked to the door. Looking in, the door was half closed, and I could fully enter. But I was considering whether to go in or not. I took a piece of wood in my hand and shook it up and down at the door. There was no response. Maybe I thought too much.

I looked back at Mao Jie, threw down the stick and rushed in. I rushed in, but then the water under the door came down. The water was so fast that it was like a wall. I didn't expect it to happen, and then the water in the room was slowly rising.

I know that I have been in the organ. I found a rusty sword in the basement. I carried the sword to the door and stabbed it into the water. I didn't expect that the sword would break as soon as I touched an iron wall. I know that this is taking advantage of the pressure difference. Such pressure can completely break a person in half, faster than a scalpel.