grave-keeping note

50. Coffin mask

50. Coffin mask

The second master glanced at me and began to feel uneasy. Only then did I know that he was more afraid of death. My second master climbed up. I know that now his hands and feet are wet and it is difficult enough to climb. I think the light exposed at the wellhead is only the size of a glass of water. I estimate that there will be more than a hundred meters. I'm afraid no one has the strength to climb up.

The second master climbed two meters and kept going down.

"You hold on. If you can't, come down. Don't fall down. You can't cripple me. You have to support me."

The second master finally came down. He looked up at the mouth of the well and was disappointed.

The temperature of the water is rising, and it feels a little like the heat of the bath water. It's very comfortable, but it's horrible. It must be uncomfortable to be boiled to death by water.

I thought of all kinds of ways to die, but I didn't expect that I would be boiled to death.

"Second Master, you have a lot of evil skills, so there's nothing you can do?"

"If there is a way, I'm still waiting here to die!"

The second master was obviously excited.

"Recognize it! Sooner or later, you will die."


The water is so hot that I can't stand it. The heat rises, and I can no longer see the big light of the cup, which is even more horrible. I know, I'm dead today.

The second master "Ah, ah!" It's not that he can't stand the heat, but that he is afraid of death. I think it's a little ridiculous. This age is the age of fate. You should have thought about life and death for a long time. However, the second master did not.

Suddenly, the hot water was rising rapidly, and I was stunned for a moment. The second master held on to the wall of the well, and I went down with the water. The second master is still there. It seems that this old man is a ghost. He has more eyes than me. It's too late when I want to hold on. The speed of the water drop is too fast, and he slips down as soon as he holds it.

I looked at the second master, and the second master actually laughed.

I have never seen such a sinister person. I don't think it's necessarily a good thing for you hanging there.

The water is getting hotter and hotter. I can't stand it and screams.

When I couldn't hold on, in the end, the water was gone and fell to the stone ground. The second master hung more than 30 meters like a monster, which was really ridiculous.

When I squatted down, I saw that it was empty around the well. When I got out, it turned out to be a round stone room, which was quite large, with countless coffins. The coffin was also round and matched with this stone chamber.

I drilled back and looked at the second master, who was still there, and I shouted.

"I slipped down and it's all over."

The second master didn't reply. After holding on for so long, he must be frozen. Anyway, no matter whether you live or die, you have to come down and can't go up. What is this called? Anti-insidious people are eventually killed by insidious people, and those who play tricks are finally killed by tricks.

The second master slid down, and the speed was very slow. I knew that sooner or later he would not be able to hold on. I got back and looked up. If I fell down, I would shrink my head back. I didn't want to be killed by him. Last time, if there was no water, I would have to be disabled if I didn't die. I guess I would have to sit in a wheelchair for the rest of my life.

It's really terrible to fool around with the second master. There is no one to follow the other in this life, and you have to be disabled if you don't die. I really regret choosing this bastard. Now I want to leave, it's impossible, unless he dies.

When the second master was still five meters away, he fell down with a "plop" and a "Howl". My head was almost not hit, which scared my heart to beat for two minutes. If I jumped like this for more than ten seconds, it was estimated that the heart machine would be scrapped.

I got in again, and the second master shouted, "Ouch, ouch."

"Where did you fall?"

"I don't know, it hurts."

I pulled the second master out, helped him up, and let him take two steps. The second master took two steps, but nothing happened.

I'm relieved that if this guy dies and dies with me, those goods in that clan will have to settle accounts with me and play with their lives! Although they don't like the second master, the second master has a weight in their hearts and has been guarding the tomb all his life. After all, he is also a meritorious minister, and in their eyes, I am just a foodie, a junior.

The second master looked around and didn't say anything for a long time, and then leaned aside and sat down. It seemed that he had fallen hard. I turned around, and thirteen round coffins, of the same size, were placed in a ring, all aimed at the mouth of the well.

I walked to a round coffin and opened the lid. There were bones in it, and there was nothing new about it. I closed the coffin lid and circled it. There were no new discoveries. If that's right, this is a tomb under the well. Many people like to make tombs under the well. They think it's very safe. Our family The same is true of the ancestral tomb.

I went to the second master and took a look at the second master. He seemed to be much better.

"Are you all right?"

"You don't follow me."

"You will kill me."

I thought to myself that when you hold on, you just wanted to live by yourself and didn't tell me. It's embarrassing to say that the second master's face seemed to be thicker than he could not be thicker.

I'm turning around this room, hoping to find another exit. The wellhead definitely can't get out.

But no, I think it should be in the coffin, and a certain coffin should have an outlet, which makes me excited.

I chose a coffin, but the coffin lid was not pushed open. I think it should be like this. In order to confirm this, I opened the other coffin lids, and it could be opened, but this one could not be opened.

I took a look at the second master. The second master stood up, came over, and looked around the coffin.

"This is nothing special. It's the same as other coffins. The only thing is that it can't be opened."

This is Feihua. I don't know if the second master was fooled.

"How to open it?"

My second master turned around, which made me a little disgusted. The guy stopped. He suddenly patted the coffin, which shocked me. He was definitely intentional. I thought, wait, sooner or later, I will find this beat.

The coffin lid slowly rose. I looked in and "Howl", and the second master was scared to death, "Oh my God!" Then he stared at me.

I was so scared that I sweated and hid aside. I didn't expect that there would be an old bull-headed mask in the coffin. It was definitely a mask. It was worn on my head. It was colorful. There were colorful in the coffin. I thought it was evil. It was plain, but two colors, which was exquisite. There were so many here. Color.

The second master looked at me.

"What's inside?"

"What else? Bones, nothing else.

I want to revenge on the second master. This guy came into this well and almost didn't kill me.

The second master was suspicious and slowly probed in for a long time.

The second master jumped up and did not stick his head out of the coffin. With a "bang", it hurt when I heard it. I was so happy that the second master withdrew his head, covered his head and squatted on the ground.

For a long time, he stood up and chased me, and I ran away.

The second master was so angry that his hair was about to stand up. After all, he was so old that he couldn't jump after running for two laps. I didn't say anything. I stood aside. The second master put his hands on his knees and bent down, panting there.

The second master has to chase after him.

"That coffin is important."

The second master hesitated for a moment and walked back to the coffin. He wanted to lift off the coffin lid, but he couldn't lift it. He didn't dare to lean his head in easily. If the coffin lid was suddenly closed, he had to clip it.

Anyway, I won't do that, and I won't put my hand in. That bullhead mask is too scary.

The second master was also hesitating. He also knew the danger. He turned around like a wolf. He saw a hedgehog without any move. He was afraid of piercing and didn't feel uncomfortable. I look at the second master.

When the second master stood, he stared at me.

"Look, what's going on."

"Why don't you look at it?"

The second master is going to chase me again. Anyway, I won't do this. I'm not as care as before.

The second master had no choice but to put his hand in and probably wanted to pull out the mask. But he couldn't reach it. The second master was anxious and got in. He was thin and small, and I trembling with fear.

I wanted to find something to cover the coffin, but there was nothing. The coffin lid closed at once, which made me trembling.

I patted the coffin lid, but the coffin lid did not rise. I called the second master, but there was no response. I lay on the lid of the coffin and listened to it, but there was no movement. I was worried that something would happen to the second master.

The coffin suddenly moved. I was so scared that I jumped two feet high. The coffin cover was really strange. He actually moved his position and a hole was exposed below. It should be a passage. I didn't move. I have to get the second master out. If the second master is really dead, there is no way to tell the clan.

I was thinking that the coffin was opened, and the bull's head actually stood up. I said, "Ah!" With a sound, I drilled into the well. No matter how much it was, I tried my best to climb up, and there was only one run. No matter whether I went up or not, I couldn't climb.

The bull's head also got in. I was so scared that I was about to pee my pants. I climbed so fast that I didn't expect that I would have this speed.

The laughter of "Gagaga" stunned me. I stopped more than ten meters away and figured out that the man was actually the second master. He wears a bull's head mask to scare me, this idiot.

When I came down, the second master took off the bull's head mask and stared at me.

"What's going on?"

"There is nothing, but it's strange to wear this mask on the bones, and I don't figure it out."

There was a false alarm, but through this incident, the second master will definitely clean me up in the future. The second master is such a person. If it looks okay, that's something.

We drilled out of the well and went down the channel.

After a few steps, there is water. There is a floating board on the water, like a floating bridge, but I didn't see anything pulling or supporting the floating board, so I didn't move.

The second master stepped up at once, and then went into the water. That* should be the water in the well. I looked at the second master, who swam over there and then looked at me.

I hesitated, worried that something would happen.

"Come here."

I was about to swim into the water when the water began to rise and began to steam. I jumped down. The water was really hot. When I swam in the middle, a big whirlpool appeared. When I wanted to avoid it, it didn't work. The suction was too strong. I was suddenly screwed into it. The second master shouted, I couldn't hear what it was called. I just felt that there was water everywhere. I was dizzy. I was pumped down and woke up lying in a dark place.

I touched around. It was a coffin. There was nothing else but a coffin. I pushed the lid of the coffin and pushed it away.

There were monsters outside, and it looked very scary. I trembling. This is a supply room. I have never seen those strange movements. The dragon gave birth to nine sons. There is no son here, but there is a sitting dragon, sawing on the east side, looking at a dragon that is not so auspicious. I knew it was an evil place.

I didn't see the second master, which made me very nervous. Anyway, the second master is a gravekeeper, and he knows more than me.