grave-keeping note

59. Southern bone nail

59. Southern bone nail

When I got up in the morning, the second master asked me to go out to buy wine. I pushed the courtyard open and saw a bone nail on the ground. I almost didn't jump up. I didn't dare to go out, so I closed the door of the yard and went back immediately.

I told the second master, but the second master said without expression.

"You jumped over the wall."

I was stunned for a moment, this two-handed guy. I jumped out of the wall and saw that there was no one left and right. I walked on the mountain road, and I was worried that the people of the Zhou family were waiting for me at the intersection.

When I came back from drinking, I jumped back from the wall.

The second master sat in the yard and seemed to be a little nervous. Maybe something happened after I left.

"What happened?"

"I underestimated the Zhou family. The door was made of southern nails and polished human bones."

"What will happen?"

"I don't know much."

Obviously, the second master is not very clear. It is indeed a mistake for the second master to provoke this commander.

"You return the skin to your home."


The second master suddenly became popular, and I didn't have anything to say.

I know that the Zhou family doesn't know what will do next. The second master has been living in the north and doesn't know anything about the south, especially this strange evil technique.

In the middle of the night, the sound was loud, cracked like a landslides, as thin as a broken wire, as anxious as a heartburn, as slow as a slow board. I lay on the kang and did not move. When I heard the second master come down from upstairs, I knew that he could not sit still.

The second master opened the door.

"Are you asleep?"

I sit up and tell him, so that I can fall asleep? Then how big my heart is.

"Did you hear the sound?"

It's all nonsense. I didn't say anything.

"Let's go out and have a look."

"I won't go."

I was covered with my head, and the second master sighed. When the second master went out, I got up and followed him out. The second master stood in the yard, and the sound was still there.

I walked over and opened the door of the hospital. The southern bone nails were still there. I went up and pulled them out, thirteen in rows.

The second master stared at me. I know I'm in trouble, but I can't stand this kind of life.

I put the southern bone nail on the table and closed the door. All the sounds stopped. Nothing happened to me. The second master kept staring at me.

After dawn, I still live well. I don't feel anything except sleepy.

I went back to bed. When I woke up in the afternoon, I felt a little pain in my joints, and I didn't pay much attention to it.

The second master told me.

"The southern bone nail is missing and was placed on the table yesterday."

"Maybe the Zhou family took it away."

My joints are getting more and more painful, and my joints can't be bent, so I know the bad thing.

I pulled up my trouser legs. I was stunned. The southern bone nail had been nailed into the bone joint. I wanted to pull it out, but I couldn't get it out at all. Then my face was pale, and he ran out with me behind my back.

When I arrived at the hospital, the doctor finished it and was confused.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know. It was fine during the day yesterday. That's all."

The second master didn't tell the truth and probably said that the hospital would not believe it.

I know that coming to the hospital can't solve the problem, which is not within the scope of doctors.

"Second Master, you look for Li Fu."

The second master went out and didn't find Li Fu, but He Xi. I don't know what it means. He Xi said after reading it.

"I may help you find Li Fu."

"No, I won't owe that guy a favor."

I was about to die in pain. I shouted and screamed. After a moment, the pain was high and low. When the pain was severe, I shouted loudly and the pain was small.

He Xi looked at me and said.

"If you don't do something, this boy won't live for more than three days, and the pain is killing him. This southern bone nail accumulates a kind of yin qi in winter in the south, which is very powerful."

The second master is still hesitating. I really want to kill him with a knife, but I can't move now.

In the end, the second master still agreed. Li Fu really came. When he saw the second master and me, he turned around and left. He Xi stopped him and said.

"Give me a face."

Li Fu stared at the second master.

"Back people to me."

The second master carried me behind my back to Li Fu's house and entered Li Fu's house. The old father sat in the yard and sneered, cold.

"Laugh at your uncle."

I scolded him in pain.

Li Fu did not respond. After I put it on the kang, Li Fu asked the second master to take off all my clothes. He took a look and gasped.

"Thirteen nails, what a hatred! It's just killing me."

"Is there any way?"

I asked.

Li Fu said, "I dare not provoke these southern barbarians. The method is too sinister."

He Xi and Li Fu were talking in the yard, as if they were arguing about something. Li Fu didn't come in for more than half an hour, and the second master came in.

"This is your life."

The second master went back behind my back.

I screamed in pain all night, and the Zhou family came.

"Bear the corpse skin."

The second master hesitated for a long time, went into the backyard and took out the skin of the body.

The Zhou family entered my room and closed the door. Then he poured out of the bottle**, painted it on my body, and sat opposite me, muttered Nanyin. Thirteen nails wore my clothes and went out of my body. He took the nail and left.

I feel very comfortable all over.

The second master came in and looked at me, shook his head and went upstairs.

I went down to the ground as if nothing had happened. I went upstairs, and the second master sat in front of the window and looked at the grave opposite.

"Everything is over."

"No, everything has just begun."

I don't know what the second master means.

"Once the skin of the body is gone, there will be no peace in the tomb."

I don't know if what the second master said is true or not.

What I didn't expect was that that night, I heard the sound of ghosts crying and wolves coming out of the well, and the pink hand was also flying all over the room, as if crazy.

The second master didn't know what he was busy with upstairs. He ploped and calmed down overnight, and everything calmed down.

The second master came downstairs.

"I will enter the ancestral tomb at three o'clock in the afternoon."

Actually, I don't want to go in at all now. It's okay if I see six shapes and six hearts. But the second master didn't mention this matter. There is nothing interesting for me. I really can't figure out what the six hearts are.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the second master entered the backyard with a compass and found the entrance. We went down.

The tomb was cold and seemed a little abnormal. All the doors were open, as if they had been copied. I looked at the second master, and the second master sighed.

He walked to the innermost room, which contained plaques and coffins.

"This is the ancestor saved by the commander. If he wants the corpse, he will also give an corpse to the other side, otherwise he will not have peace."

"Over there?"

"People have two worlds, and it's not that you don't know."

I understand, but I still don't believe it, but the night is not quiet, and I can't explain it. He walked over and knelt down. He asked me to kneel down and kowtow.

"I will bring the body back. Please be quiet for a while."

The second master was afraid of what he said, which made my hair stand on end.

When we were going to come out, I said.

"I want to see six shapes and six hearts."

The second master suddenly turned around and stared at me.


I gave him a blank look and didn't say anything.

We went back to the front yard, the second master said.

"Prepare for it. Let's go to Zhou's house in the south tomorrow."

"I K."

I didn't expect that the second master would go to the Zhou family in the south again. I'm afraid it's not that simple this time. If you call back to the Zhou family again, it will be strange that the Zhou family won't skin us.

After saying that, the second master left. I don't know what he did, but he must have done something. The second master came back in the middle of the night. He handed me three tickets.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't worry about it."

It turned out to be three tickets. Who will the second master take with him? I can't think of this person.

In the afternoon, the second master and I arrived at the station. The man had not yet appeared. I looked at the second master. The second master did not look at me and pulled his old face, just like his father.

I don't want to go to the south at all, but if I don't go to the south, I will offend the second master. At least the second master can still give me a meal.

When we were about to get in the car, a man hurried to the second master and wore a hat. I didn't see his face. As soon as he spoke, I was stunned. It turned out to be Li Fu.

How did the second master persuade Li Fu? Li Fu refused to help me when I was about to die.

Li Fu got into the car with us. He sat opposite the second master. I didn't care about this grandson. When he was going to plant the southern bone nail, he didn't agree to treat me. This kind of human being also deserves to live.

I didn't say a word to Li Fu on the train.

We went to the south and didn't go directly to West Town. We walked around the city. I don't like shopping very much. It's very popular and boring.

They turned around with no purpose, and I followed him, similar to a big tail.

After three hours, they were still turning, so I went straight back to the hotel. I won't go with them. I went back to the hotel and felt that they deliberately dumped me. I think so.

I called the second master, but he didn't answer. When his ears didn't work well, they didn't work well. When he thought about it, he could hear me walking barefoot downstairs in the middle of the night.

I went straight to West Town. I think they must have gone to West Town. They didn't have the leisure to go shopping. When I entered West Town, it was after nine o'clock in the evening. Almost people's lights were still on, and songs came out from time to time.

I turned to the water mound of the Zhou family and didn't lean over. There were people guarding there. Two people, I knew they would guard.

I didn't see the second master and Li Fu. I think they may come tomorrow. I went to the Zhou family and looked at the Zhou family across the river. The light was not on. I threw a stone at the back window, which hit it and made a muffled sound, but no one came out.

I think there should be no one. I got into a small boat. I wanted to enter through the back door, and I rowed over. I gently lifted the wooden window and looked in.

At that moment, I said, "Ah!" With a sound, I plunged into the water. I choked a mouthful of water and swam to the other side desperately. When I got to the shore, I ran away.

The alley got into my hair dizzy, and I rushed out of the West Town.

Looking at the West Town from afar, I feel that the town is born and strange. The water mound is in the middle of the town, and such a water town itself is full of strange things.

I couldn't help shivering.

I looked at the light of the West Town and gradually went out. The whole West Town was immersed in darkness, which seemed to be quiet, but then I didn't think so. It was the beginning of joy.

I sat far away from West Town and looked at the road to West Town. I felt that the road was very evil, not straight through, but oblique, like a sharp blade, inserted into the heart of West Town, which is an unlucky town, an evil town.

West Town is very small, or Zhuang, which is better called a village. It is a village in the north, full of strange villages. Behind the quiet at night, it is a time of evil and jubilation.