grave-keeping note

2. The sun and the moon

2. The sun and the moon

The following stories are all told by the second master. Not to mention whether it is true or false, some of them can actually investigate history.

In 1569, this was a four-four-year-old thing. In the owner of the Jurzhen aristocratic tribe, there was a ten-year-old boy. This boy, whose mother was Emuqi, was the daughter of Wang Gao, the leader of Jianzhou. There was a light red round mole between his eyebrows. Yi Jingxiang was called "eyebrows carrying the sun and the moon" and would give birth to a noble son. .

But the boy was very unfortunate, and then his mother died, and his stepmother was like a nail in his eyes. The 11-year-old boy left home.

Of course, there was also a little boy who followed him, Donglan, who was one year younger than him. Of course, Donglan would not know that the person he followed turned out to be Qing Taizu in the end.

They wandered in the mountains, picked up wild fruits, drank spring water, and almost walked all over the mountains here.

After Nurhachi was 16 years old, he took his father's subordinates and went into the mountain. He began his grand plan. Donglan has been following him and is definitely a cronin.

un until Nurhachi was 25 years old, he embarked on the road of revenge. At this time, Donglan was still by his side. At that time, Nurhachi had married a wife and had children, but Donglan had never married a wife.

Nurhachi's wife, Brother Shu, is his favorite and his first wife.

Donglan's failure to marry also made Nurhachi very incomprehensible. They are life-and-death buddies. Every time Nurha mentions this, Donglan just smiles.

In fact, Nurhachi did not know that Donglan fell in love with Brother Shu. They originally loved each other, but Nurhachi had already appeared a prime minister. When Nurhachi proposed to marry Brother Shu, Donglan hesitated several times and did not dare to tell the truth. Because Donglan was afraid. He was afraid. How many times he followed Nurhachi and saw that he was very fierce and cruel, but he still did not dare to open his mouth and missed a good fate. However, the hearts of the two people are in love and painful.

At 1618, Nurhachi, who was already the lord of Houjin, sent Donglan to guard Suoyang City. Suoyang City is very important. He believes in Donglan very much, and Donglan's plots in several battles are bound to win, and they are extremely hard-working, and they have been brothers since childhood.

At this time, Donglan has always been hating Nurhachi. He has been hating him for a long time. He has hit Brother Shu several times, which makes Donglan hate him. Nurhachi didn't see it. Donglan thought it was a good opportunity.

At this time, it was the 46th year of the Ming Dynasty. Because the Jianzhou army violated the border of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty appointed Yang Hao, the left servant of the military department, as the strategy of Liaodong, mobilized the army, raised soldiers, and prepared to march to Hetuara and destroy Nurhachi. After several months of planning, in February of the 47th year of Wanli, Yang Hao sat in Shenyang and ordered his troops to encircle and suppress Houjin in four ways to meet Hetuala. Ma Lin, the general of the northern route, led by Kaiyuan, passed through the three fork, crossed the cliff and attacked the Suzi River; the general of the west route, Du Song, went out of Fushunguan to the east and drove directly to Hetuala; Li Rubai, the commander-in-chief of the south route, went out of the Qing River, crossed the Yaguguan, and directly attacked Hetuala; Liu Wei, the commander-chief of the east route, went out of Kuandian, and attacked from the east. After. The fourth road of the Ming army is actually more than 100,000, known as 470,000.

This is an absolutely good opportunity for Donglan. He believes that he lives in Suyang City. After standing, he takes Brother Shu over and lives together. He only needs one city. He thinks that with his feelings with Nurhachi, he can also give him a city.

Donglan occupied the heavy city, with a Hun River in front and mountains in the back, a dangerous place. It doesn't matter if 100,000 or 470,000 soldiers come.

Donglan prepared everything, and then things were not as he thought. Nurhachi listened to his plan and let you send troops on the Eighth Route, I would attack, fight guerrillas, and annihilate them all the way. When it came to the victory, Suoyang City unexpectedly won.

Donglan felt that this was God's will. He sent troops in the middle of the night and took Brother Shu to Suoyang City to guard the city.

Nurhachi transferred him back, but Donglan did not move. Originally, Nurhachi was going to appoint Donglan as an important minister, which was also a reputation for him, but Donglan lost this opportunity. Of course, if he knew, he might not have gone.

Nurhachi knew that Brother Shu was taken to Lockyang City. He didn't think much about me, but he didn't return to Donglan several times, and Donglan repaired a letter to him, telling him that only I was Suyang City and Brother Shu.

At this time, Nurhachi knew that it was not that simple.

Nurhachi knew what Donglan meant and hesitated to power his former brother. However, the people below encouraged him to change his mind.

He decided to attack Suoyang City.

Donglan knew Nurhachi's idea and was also frightened. There were only 10,000 troops in his city. If he attacked, it would only be three or two days.

But he looked at the charming Brother Shu, hesitated, and finally gritted his teeth. His brother in those years may just be a momentum.

Then he was wrong. That night, Nurhachi attacked the city. When he heard the horse riding and hissing, he stood on the wall and knew that the general situation had gone. Even if he could not give up now, he knew Nurhachi's temper.

With this idea, Donglan's resistance was much weaker. After dawn, the city was broken. Nurhachi did not enter the city. The soldiers grabbed Donglan, cut him down and hung his head on the wall city. Brother Shu had already hanged himself in the house with three feet of white silk.

When Nurhachi heard about this, tears flowed out. What he thought of was not something about Brother Shu, but Donglan's day with himself on the mountain. Every time Donglan got something, he gave him something to eat, and even saved his life...

Nurhachi showed a warm side, put away the eastern blue body and reburied it on the mountain of Hetula City, which was the mountain they stayed in.

For Brother Shu, he secretly ordered to find thousands of skilled craftsmen to build a mausoleum. When Brother Shu was alive, he was stolen. He was afraid of being stolen after death. In Qinghu, that is the reservoir. We have been calling it a lake. In the place where there is a mausoleum, we built an underwater mausoleum.

This mausoleum was built for 16 years, and Nurhachi fought for years. In the great cause, he almost forgot this matter. After 16 years, the 100 skilled craftsmen built the mausoleum. At that time, the mausoleum was a very smart man and knew how to build the mausoleum. Nurhachi was loyal. When he built the mausoleum, Nurhachi once told him that Ling Chengguan would make you an important minister. He was looking forward to this wish, but he did not know that Nurhachi had long forgotten this matter behind his head.

Sixteen years is not a short time. Lingcheng did not kill these craftsmen, but built a place to live under the mausoleum, like a small town. However, they can't come out. These people are called Lingren.

After Lingcheng, he went to find Nurhachi. Then, Nurhachi was fighting on the front line. He still couldn't wait and went. Before he reached Nurhachi's side, an arrow came to the left heart. The old brother, who had suffered for 16 years, died like this.

In fact, this person is a little stupid. Although he is strong against the mausoleum, he can't treat people well. Even if he talks to Nurhachi, he is dead. Everyone knows the rules of the mausoleum. If you keep it alive, the mausoleum is not safe.

This is the end of the matter. In fact, Nurhachi lived 69 years and built this mausoleum, but he didn't go there once. That is, after he was injured in the war in Ningyuan, he mentioned his brother Shu, but everything was too late.

Of course, the head of the mausoleum put the mausoleum in his arms. He had to give it to Nurhachi so that he could enter the mausoleum for acceptance, but he couldn't do it.

The whereabouts of the picture finally fell into the hands of a person. At that time, Nurhachi knew that this man was the head of the mausoleum. After a few tears, he was buried on the mountain in the city of Hetula.

The second master took a look at the mountain outside the window and told me that the mountain and the tomb of Donglan were all there.

Actually, my words are just listening to the story.

The second master told me that the picture of that year was stolen by a grave robber. This picture does exist, but it has been divided into several pieces. This is a way of preservation. This is called brother protection. There are several brothers in the family, which are divided into several pieces. Even if a person has something to do, it will not be saved in the mausoleum. The secret is revealed.

I have seen a piece in Li Fu's hand. I was very surprised at that time, but there is nothing strange about the Li Fu family's tomb robbery, which is enough to deal with Jinger.

However, when I mentioned this map, Li Fu's face changed and he stopped talking to me. I think there must be something in it. Li Fu has also been looking for a map, and he can break through the mausoleum.

The tomb of the mausoleum is estimated to be quite miserable. Donglan's grave is still needed. When it was reburied, a 20-foot surrounding mausoleum was also built and stoned. Although it has passed for more than 400 years, it has been well maintained, but it has been stolen countless times and repaired countless times. It is estimated that there is nothing but bones in it. Yes.

The mausoleum chief only flattened some blue stones. In those years, Nurhachi fought outside and didn't have time to take this matter into account. The people below messed around. The tomb of the mausoleum chief, except for the blue stone, was almost flat.

The second master stood up and looked up at the mountain. In fact, he couldn't see the grave at all. I don't know why he knows so much about it. I think so. After thinking about it, I don't think it's strange that he is a gravekeeper. However, what does the Donglan and Lingchang mentioned have to do with him?

This old house was left to him by his buddy, and what kind of buddy is it? After that, he gave him the house.

These all make me ask a lot of questions, but I don't like to ask. I know the second master's temper. The more you ask him, the more he doesn't say. If you don't ask, he will slowly pour out.

I think Ling Chang and Dong Lan must have something to do with the second master. I don't know if Brother Shu will have anything to do with it. If it is really related, it will be more complicated, but the ancestor Zhang Hai is an official to the servant. Will it have anything to do with it?