grave-keeping note

4. Bluestone blood coffin

I turned to the backyard, which was the green brick in the middle. I remember clearly. I found something and pried it open. I just took out the green brick, and the second master said something to me.

"What's going on?"

He was so scared that I almost lost my soul. I sat on the ground and stared at the second master.

He squatted down and looked at the place where the green bricks were pried out. There was only dirt underneath. He looked at me.


I ignored the second master, put the green bricks back and went back to the room.

The second master was there and took out a pile of soil. I watched behind the window. The second master stood up, hesitated for a moment, and went back to the house.

He didn't find anything. Maybe it was a dream. But what I didn't expect was that I dreamed of that place again at night, and I was surprised. The dream was too real. That thing was in that position, but yesterday the second master also cut it half a meter deep and didn't see anything.

Li Fu and He Xi came, and Li Fu was holding a box and breaded something.

The second master's eyes lit up with excitement, especially his left eye, which kept turning. Li Fu looked bad, and He Xi didn't seem to be so happy.

Li Fu put the things on the table and pushed them to the second master. The cloth slowly packed by the second master is a dark box. At first glance, the box is very exquisite. The good paint is like a mirror.

The second master opened the box, and there was a treasure basin in it. I looked at it and was a little disappointed. That's just a golden basin-like thing. The second master took it out, looked at it for a long time, nodded, put it back in the box, and looked at Li Fu.

"I'll go into the room. Wait a moment, and I'll take out the recipe for you."

The second master entered the room and came out a few minutes later. He took a piece of paper, folded it a few times, and put it in front of Li Fu.

"Go home and see."

Li Fu and He Xi left, and the second master took the box into the room and closed the door.

"Bear-like." I muttered.

I went back to the room and thought about the backyard. The pile of soil and the pit were still there.

The second master didn't come out until dark.

"Go to drink and buy vegetables."

The second master handed me the money, and I went out. It seems that the second master is in a very good mood today, and it is rare for him to be in such a good mood. The second master drank too much and talked nonsense.

Here, the door was kicked open, which made the second master and I trembling. Li Fu and He Xi came in, and they were furious.

"What's wrong?"

Li Fu was so angry that his hands trembling, and He Xi was simply angry.

"Second Master, I didn't do anything wrong to you, did I?"

"No! We have been working together happily. What's wrong?

He Xi threw the paper over, but the second master didn't even look at it.

"I knew it would be like this."

"Aren't you lying?"

"Have you tried it?"

He Xi was stunned for a moment, and Li Fu was also stunned.

"Come to me after trying. Get out of here."

Two people squedled the eggplant and left.

The second master was unhappy, so he went back to his room and went to bed. After I fell asleep, I went into the room, took out the box, and opened it in the yard. It was too ordinary, but this piece of gold was worth some money, but it was not regarded as a treasure.

In those years, Shen Wanshan also had such a one. The second master said that there were three in total. In those years, Shen Wansan, Shen Da landlord's treasure basin was cheated away by Zhu Yuanzhang.

At that time, Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to borrow it. Shen Wansan couldn't afford to offend the emperor. If he didn't borrow it, he had to borrow it, but he proposed that he must return it before the chicken crows.

In fact, Zhu Yuanzhang had no intention of returning it at all, but Shen Wansan proposed that he had to return the treasure basin. If he doesn't return it, there will be no place for his face.

Zhu Yuanzhang is insidious enough that he asked people to kill all the chickens in the city without leaving any.

Shen Wansan couldn't sleep and waited for the chicken to crow, but all day, the chicken did not crow. Shen Wansan knew that he had been cheated, and he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

The emperor has used three bad means, and it can be seen that this treasure basin is still said.

I took out the treasure basin and put it on the table. No matter how I looked at it, I didn't look at the way out. I know that when you throw money in the treasure pot, you will make money. Anyway, it is throwing something and giving birth to something.

I put the money in and there was no response. I don't think it's the right way, so I put the treasure basin in the corner, then stand two meters away and throw money into it. Because the pot is too small, it should not be called a pot. It is not as big as the bowl. Because it is too small, it is a little difficult to throw it in.

I was throwing it happily and didn't notice that the second master came out. He gave me a heel behind me, put away the treasure basin and entered the room.

This two-hand man has always been haunted and scary.

I went back to my room to sleep. Once again, I dreamed of that place in the backyard. People said that there were no more than three things. I think there should be something there.

I got up early in the morning, took the pick and shovel, and got up. The second master ran out and stared at me. I ignored him.

"I'm sick."

The second master scolded and went back to sleep.

I dug to a depth of two meters and almost gave up. I dug a bluestone slab, and I expanded it. The slab is 1.5 meters wide and two meters long. I don't know what it is. I have to dig down.

When I cleaned the floating soil on the bluestone board and was about to dig down, I saw that there seemed to be words on it. I couldn't understand it. I was looking at it and the second master was already standing on it.

I looked up and said, "Ouch."

"Ky, there's really something."

The second master jumped down and knocked me down, this two-hand man.

He was lying there to read those words. I think the second master should know them.

"Are these words so familiar?"

He looked familiar, indicating that he had seen it. The second master was suddenly stunned. He climbed up. The speed was so fast that I sweated. I also climbed up with it, which was embarrassing.

"Buil it immediately, bury it immediately."

After saying that in a panic, the second master ran back to the house. I was stunned. What's so scary about it? I don't know.

However, I was still scared by the second master and buried it.

When eating, the second master didn't say anything.

"What is that?"

I asked the second master, and the second master stared at me for a long time before speaking.

"It's a coffin, the coffin of a hunting nation. This is an evil nation. Whoever clicks them will be unlucky. What is written on the coffin board is written."

I haven't heard of the Yi clan.

"Is it that scary?"

The second master doesn't speak. I have been uneasy and uneasy these days. I thought Li Fu would come, but he didn't come.

I asked the second master that day.

"What did Li Fu and He Xi come to you that day?"

"It's not the recipe's business. They don't think it's good."

"What's your recipe for the Nantu?"

"Eat dirt."

I was stunned for a moment and almost didn't laugh. No wonder Li Fu and He Xi came here. This was simply a lie.

"The simplest method is an effective method. None of them expected that this is the smart place of the ancients."

I think it must be good that Li Fu and He Xi didn't find them.

I've been thinking about the coffin of the people, and I don't feel so terrible. However, we can't help but be prepared for this. The second master told me that he would go out tomorrow for three or four days. I think it's an opportunity.

The second master left with his front foot, and I locked the door with my back foot and entered the backyard. I was also afraid when I looked at the place that was filled in. The second master was so scared that he rolled and crawled. It seemed that the ignorant were fearless.

I do this, that is, every time I go to bed, such a situation occurs, and it is getting stronger and stronger, which is a kind of charm and can't get rid of it.

After sitting for two hours, I began to work. When I saw those words again, I also felt a little strange. I drew them down on paper. I think I should ask someone. Since I am a member of the bow, I should understand it.

I want people to see that except for President Liu of the Ethnic Minority Research Association, other people probably can understand it. I went out with paper and returned to the city. I hesitated for a moment and went home to see my parents. I miss them very much these days.

As soon as I entered the door, they were celebrating Ji Xiaoqing's birthday. She was as happy as a child and blushed when she saw me.

"What are you doing here?"

My mother greeted me and whispered.

"Come back tomorrow!"

They really don't treat me as their son, and I feel very sad. I turned around and left. My father called me, and I stopped and left.

When I came out, tears came down. I made a mistake, but after all, I'm still your son.

I found Chairman Liu and showed him the words I drew.

He looked at it for a long time and said.

"The bow, the blood coffin appears, and tears flow."

I was stunned. It was disgusting enough.

"Where did you get these words?"

"When I saw it when I was traveling, I felt curious and expanded it."

Chairman Liu smiled and patted me on the shoulder without saying anything.

My father and President Liu are college classmates, and they are quite good. Probably he also knows about me. When I went back, I thought about "blood coffin appears, tears". This means that this is a blood coffin. If you touch it, you will die, and only dead people will shed tears. I'm not afraid. Anyway, I'm a child who doesn't want. It's superfluous. Today, I'll open this blood coffin. I want to see what will happen, at most, one death.

I dug until midnight, and the whole blood coffin came out. When I found the rope and twisted the blood coffin, it was already dawn. The blood coffin was made of bluestone slabs, which I didn't expect.

I looked at this blood coffin and felt that those words were just a scare. I was afraid that others would steal it, and I always made some mystery. I was not ready to open the coffin immediately. I went back to sleep and got up in the afternoon.

I looked at the blood coffin, walked over, and pried open the coffin with an iron bar. At the moment of opening, a strong smell of blood rushed out and almost choked me.

I'm a little nervous. This Yi clan has been dead for hundreds of years, and the body in it has long been boned. There should be no smell of blood. Can this blood coffin preserve the body so well?

I slowly leaned over and looked in. At that time, I would not move. The blood coffin was bottomless and I couldn't see the bottom, which was absolutely impossible. It took me a long time to recover and look at the coffin outside, but it's only 1.5 meters high. How can it be bottomless?

I thought, after all, I still didn't dare to go in and have any other actions. It was indeed extremely evil. I sat farthest from the blood coffin and looked at it. If I looked at it like this, it would be just an ordinary coffin, just a little more delicate.

When I was in a daze, blood came out of the side of the blood coffin. From a small hole, I didn't notice this small hole, and now I see it.

The blood began to slow down, and then slowly increased little by little. Finally, it turned into a spray. I ran to the room and looked out from the window. The blood had been spraying for more than ten minutes. The whole backyard became a river of blood, and the smell of blood choked people crazy.

After the blood spray stopped, I never dared to enter the backyard again. After dark, I ran to the street. I left the village and entered the city of Hetula. People were frightened, and the whole city smelled of blood.

The police also went out, and they couldn't find the source of the bloody smell, and I didn't dare to say.

I went into a restaurant, ate and drank, and then called the second master.

"What's the matter?"

"The whole village and the whole city of Hetula are smelling blood. I don't know what happened. You can come back immediately."

"What's going on?"

"I don't know."

The second master hesitated for a long time and said, "I'll be home tomorrow morning."

I didn't dare to go back to the village. I stayed in the city all night and rushed back early. Although the smell of blood faded, it was still there. I entered the yard and waited for the second master in the yard. I didn't dare to go into the backyard.

The second master is back.

"What's going on?"

I didn't say anything and glanced at the backyard. The second master was anxious.

"I knew that you wouldn't be honest. Did you dig out the blood coffin?"

I nodded. The second master came up and gave me a mouth, and then ran to the backyard. I followed me to the backyard, where the second master stood stunned.

It took him a long time to squat down and cover his head. The second master suddenly jumped up and chased me.

"Little son, let's see how I deal with you."

The second master chased me out of breath. In my sixties, my physical strength is still so good. The second master actually chased me for eight miles. After all, he was old. He sat on the ground and scolded me. I ran another miles before I stopped, with my hands on my knees, and the sour water in my mouth came out. If I ran another 100 meters, I suspected that my lungs would explode like your balloon.