grave-keeping note

5. Knife bottle

I don't know why the second master is so crazy. The second master has gone back, and I dare not add it. It was not until dark that I touched the house. The second master sat in the yard in a daze. He stood outside the gate and waited for him to fall asleep before I went in.

"Come in!"

The second master actually knew that I would come, so I said that the second master's ears were very strange. He could hear it if he wanted to hear it. If he didn't want to hear it, he couldn't hear your voice.

I pushed the door in.

"Let's eat!"

It seems that the second master's anger has subsided, and I am also worried when I eat. I'm ready to throw down my job at any time. The second master is famous for not being out of tune.

At least I had a meal. I went into the room. I didn't dream this night, but I didn't sleep soundly. I was worried that the second master would come to strangle me in the middle of the night.

When I got up in the morning, the second master called me up.

"After dinner, we will go back to the village."

After dinner, the second master took me to the backyard. The coffin in the backyard had been covered, and the blood on the ground was also covered with sand by the second master, and the smell of blood faded.

"Draft this cover back."

I looked at the second master. At this time, I realized that the second master was not hiding from anything, but came to this coffin. He had known about the coffin for a long time.

This coffin is made of bluestone, which is quite heavy. The second master didn't know where he got the car. The second master and I put the coffin on the car with a gallows, and then he covered the coffin with a piece of cloth. I think it will take half a year to push back to the village like this.

We pushed the coffin to the highway, and a car stopped there. It turned out that the second master had prepared everything. Several people came down and carried the coffin into the car. We got on the car, and the second master gave the driver 3,000 yuan.

It costs 3,000 yuan to transport a broken coffin. I know that it is very unlucky to transport the coffin, so the second master only gave me 3,000 yuan.

The coffin was finally in the yard. The second master looked at the coffin and was angry, and then stared at me.

"I didn't mean to."

"You are a prodigal thing. It's a pity that this coffin has been nourished with blood for nearly a hundred years. In the disaster of blood, the whole coffin is covered with a layer of five centimeters of blood. In five years, the stone of the sarcophagus will be like blood jade. At that time, there will be no problem in opening the coffin again. You are. Now this coffin is over.

At this time, I realized that it was so. The second master wanted this coffin, which was probably reserved for himself.

"But inside the coffin, it looks like bottomless. What's going on?"

"The blood nourishing coffin is put in it after death, and the body is not destroyed for thousands of years. Because it is nourished by blood, the coffin looks bottomless, but it is just a three-D effect created by the bottom of the coffin, which looks like that."

I really feel a little sorry, and now I still feel that there is a smell of blood around me. Three days after the second master put the coffin in the yard, he buried it in the backyard and dug five meters deep. The second master didn't move with a shovel, so he asked me to dig this two.

After this incident, after a few days of calm, a group of people came, the provincial archaeological team. The second master refused to see them, so they never left. The second master finally talked with them in the yard.

They knew Professor Liu and mentioned that Professor Liu were not very happy, but in the end, they cut to the topic and asked the second master to help him. They gave the second master a professor's reputation. When the second master heard this, he was so happy that he almost didn't have aback.

He is not happy to give his professor's reputation. He thinks these people are ridiculous. He thinks they are like crazy. In the end, the second master did not agree, and the second master would not agree, and they also knew.

After the people of the archaeological team left, the second master sat in front of the window in a daze. He always liked to be in a daze. The second master said that being in a daze was also a gesture. I cut his eight uncles, and he knows everything.

It's far from as simple as I thought. If these people don't make sense, they will come up with other ways. With all kinds of power, even my father came to persuade my second master, but it was useless.

The second master suddenly took me to the city to find He Xi with a treasure basin. When He Xi saw the treasure basin, his face was not right. At this time, I knew that the second master was going to sell the treasure basin.

"Are you serious about selling it?"

The second master nodded.

I pulled the second master aside and said, "It's against the law to sell this thing."

"You know it's against the law. This is a cultural relic, but I have worked with He Xi all my life. There has been no problem. I need money."

I know that this thing must be very valuable. Why does the second master want this large amount of money? I didn't figure it out.

He and He Xi made an appointment to meet in the evening, but He Xi couldn't eat this.

When I and the second master went again, I saw two foreigners, and the second master turned his face at that time, and he roared.

"It's my principle not to sell Chinese things to foreigners, and you don't know it."

"Second Master, there are people who can eat this in China, but it is not stable."


When the second master left, I thought that the second master was quite patriotic. The second master did not leave the city. We had been nestled in a small hotel, and it was not soundproof. We all heard it and made me angry. The second master looked at me and laughed.

I rushed out of the hotel, ran to the street, and prepared to find the young lady. After all, I didn't have the courage to do such a thing. I turned back, and the second master was no longer there. He left me a note for me to go to Hexi's store.

As soon as I entered the store, I was pressed to the ground by the police, kissed my mouth and lips, and almost broke my arm. I screamed. I was taken to the public security bureau, and I knew something had happened.

I didn't know that this bastard had sold the second master until He Xi identified me.

Actually, this is a set, and the second master probably should also know. The final condition is to help the archaeological team enter the mausoleum. If we don't agree, then with this treasure basin, we can stay in prison for a lifetime. When they tried me, they set the treasure basin at 80 million. I did his uncle's 80 million. I can't even think of how big a pile of 80 million is. I think I'm dead. The second master won't agree even if he dies.

My second master and I were released. I didn't expect that my second master would agree to this.

"Why did you agree?"

"It's not because of you. You're about to die. You're still young."

This guy really moved me once. The second master did not go back to the village and went straight to He Xi's store. When He Xi saw the second master come in, he jumped up and held up his stick. It seemed that he was on guard.

"Second master, I have no choice. I said, if I don't sell you, I'll be finished."


The second master rushed over and didn't catch He Xi. He began to smash the store. After tossing around for half an hour, there was almost nothing complete in the store. The second master took me back to the village.

The next day, the people of the archaeological team came, and the second master told them that he would take them to the mausoleum a week later.

The second master lay on the chair in the yard in a daze.

"Second Master, why are you selling that treasure basin?"

"Alas, this thing is a scourge. It is said to be a treasure gathering, but I will die."

I don't think it's that simple.

The next day, the second master entered the ancestral tomb, took out something, looked left and right, gritted his teeth and put it in the bag. I've seen that thing once. It's a knife bottle, a knife-like bottle. The second master likes it very much.

This time, the second master went there by himself. It took three days. I thought the second master ran away. If he ran away, I would be miserable, but the second master came back.

After he came back, he looked very tired and had nothing left. He went upstairs and slept until the next morning. When he got up the next morning, the second master handed me a card.

"There are three million in it. Please keep them for me. I will use them after I bring them to the mausoleum."

I'm a little stupid. What on earth is this second master going to do with so much money? I didn't ask the second master.

The people of the archaeological team came, and the second master changed his clothes and took me to the lake.

The lake was very calm, and Li Fu was also there. He seemed to have raised it. He saw the second master nodded.

"Your goods are here. What are you asking me to do?"

"Second master, I can't do it without you."

I know that although Li Fu has a corner of the map, he can't enter the mausoleum. The second master didn't have a picture, but he entered the mausoleum. I don't think the second master told me anything about this.

The second master looked at the lake and didn't say anything.

Li Fu has been saying something to those members of the archaeological team, as if they are familiar with it.

I didn't know until later that they returned the treasure basin to Li Fu, and Li Fu agreed to cooperate with him.

The second master decided to go to the lake the next morning. He didn't let me follow him, saying that it would be dangerous. In fact, I'm also worried about what will happen to the second master. I think that Mausoleum is very evil.

The next day, the second master took six archaeologists into the water. Li Fu did not go down. He sat on the shore and watched.

After the second master and six archaeologists went down for half an hour, they came up. The second master's face was pale.

"What's wrong?"

"That boat is at the bottom of the lake."

I didn't expect that the boat would be at the bottom of the lake. The second master thought the boat was terrible, and the team members were also very nervous and didn't say anything after coming up.

The second master has never slept, and the archaeological captain has not slept, and has been accompanying the second master. In the middle of the night, the fresh corpse came, the song sounded, and the second master closed his eyes.

The fresh corpse boat stopped in the middle of the lake. No one dared to go there. Everyone felt scared when so many things happened. The second master got into the boat and passed by.

The second master got on the boat, and the fresh corpse boat slowly disappeared.

"Can your second master come back?"

The archaeological captain asked me.

"You should let Li Fu get on board, and you will know more."

Kaoshi was stunned for a long time, and he went to find Li Fu.

Li Fu sat in the distance and stared at me. I thought to myself that there was nothing so easy.

The second master hasn't come back for two days. I'm a little nervous, and the archaeological captain is also restless.

When the lake slowly turned red, I was hairy. It was blood. The archaeological captain also called and reported to the leader. The leader came with more than 20 people, and many experts did not speak.