grave-keeping note

14. Blood Soul Grass

14. Blood Soul Grass

I walked back with the second master and walked back to the old house. Two hours later, the guy asked me to follow him in the mountains for a full day.

We still walked in from the back wall. It was very dark in the old house. After the second master entered, he did not turn on the light, and he did not let me turn on the light.

We ate and drank in the dark. I felt that the shoes under the kang were moving, and a mouthful of wine choked out and almost choked me.

"Don't be afraid. That child is making shoes. He doesn't have shoes."

After listening to the second master's words, I really wanted to beat him to death with a bottle of wine. He didn't tell me, told me, and said that it was okay. That childlike walk was not a joke.

I didn't feel like drinking at all. I didn't dare to go back to my room. I just stood up like that until the middle of the night.

"Sleep! Tongxinbu was also tired, and he went to bed.

I know that the second master's left eye saw it.

When I got up in the morning, the second master was no longer in the house. I came out and saw that he was weeding in the yard and the grass was almost removed. At this time, the yard felt a little like a yard. Those green bricks were covered with green moss, but I like it very much.

The apricot tree has berries. I sat at the table and watched the second master work.

After finishing his work, the second master went into the kitchen, took out a pheasant, and asked me to clean it up. He got a few wild vegetables.

It should be a very pleasant thing to put wine and vegetables on the table and under the apricot tree. Without these messy things, I would marry Ji Xiao and live here. No matter who is the son, it is also a blessing, but now there are many troubles.

I sat down and poured a glass of wine for the second master.


I had a drink with my second master and had a good time.

"What do you say?"

I was stunned for a moment.

"It's okay."

"I didn't talk to you."

I did your eighth uncle and scared me to death. The second master didn't talk to me. Let me look around. There is no one else.

"Second master, if you don't play like this, you can play dead people."

The second master looked at me with his left eye, and I understood that this guy was talking to something I couldn't see. At this time, I noticed that the wine in the bottle was slowly decreasing.

I can't hear other voices, so I can only speak.

"This is difficult to do. I think you'd better find someone else."

"You are so stubborn, it seems that I have to help you."

The second master's sentence is scary. My wine has been in front of me and I dare not drink it. Who knows what will happen? This is evil enough.

When my grandfather died, on the day he looked up, the wine in the glass was gone. There was no way to explain such a thing.

I really lost half a glass of wine.

"You go. I'll be there in three days."

The second master shook his head, dried the wine, and took out another bottle.

"This time, our father and son had a good drink."

"What did you promise that thing?"

"It was the childlike step. He died when he was seven years old and was strangled to death. He asked me to give the person who strangled him to death, and then gave it to me to the bone."

I was stunned for a moment. That was three or four hundred years ago. Where can I find it?

"Do you know where?"

"Deep mountains and old mountains."

With this, the deep mountains and old mountains have become big. Even if 100,000 elite soldiers are sent in such a big place, they can't be found. The second master doesn't want to mention this again.

The second master drank too much again. I helped him into the house. I couldn't sleep. I sat in front of the window and looked out. I didn't know what I was thinking. Anyway, it was a mess.

When he got up in the morning, the second master began to prepare for the day after tomorrow. He got a big backpack full of food and drink. It seemed that this trip to the mountain was not such a simple thing, and the time was uncertain. I also began to prepare my things.

In the past two days, the second master has not been idle.

On the day of departure, the second master said.

"It's not easy to enter the mountain this time. There are many beasts in the deep mountains and old mountains this season. We have to be careful. It is estimated that it will take 20 days."

It may be a good thing to stay in the mountains for 20 days.

However, I heard that there are beasts in this deep mountain, because Nurhachi has been sealed for 200 years, and this mountain is called Shenshan, and in the later period, it has not been damaged because of traffic or other protective measures, so there are many beasts here, which is a natural thing. The wolf can be separated by five, seven or eight days. I heard howling all night.

If you listen from afar, it is also a natural enjoyment. If you are too close to it, I think it is definitely not enjoyment, but suffering.

Entering the mountain from the back of the old house, half a day later, there was no way. The thorns were reborn, and there were many openings on his face. Sweat soaked and pain.

At noon, we ate, slept for a while, and then continued to walk. When I enter the pine wood, it's much better, but there are a lot of snakes here. What I don't like most is this kind of thing.

The second master did not have the relaxation of the past. He walked and stopped, and if he didn't enter, he would hear the sound of the beast.

When it got dark, we went up to the tree and tied ourselves to sleep. This does not mean that it is very safe. If there are snakes, it is also dangerous, but there are many poisons in this mountainous area, and the second master has brought a lot, and there are not many poisonous snakes here, so there is no need to worry about it.

The fourth day, we encountered some troubles. Our water was gone, and we couldn't find water. We were so thirsty.

After dark, I saw the river. I raised my legs and was about to run, and the second master grabbed me.

"That's the Sen River, which doesn't exist, just like a mirage."

I have never heard of it, let alone seen it. Sure enough, the river disappeared soon.

"What would happen if it were in the past?"

"Death, that's a kind of temptation, a natural kill. I met once, and several companions were all missing. In fact, they were swallowed up without bones."

I couldn't help trembling. It's not just the beasts in the forest, but also the existence of the Sen River. I guess few people know about it.

The more the second master walks, the more careful he is, and the slower he goes. We only walk for four hours a day.

On the 19th day, we arrived at a cliff and cut off the road.

"If you walk around, it will take another six days. If you pass from here, you will be there."

I calculated the time, and the second master deliberately left here, saving at least six days. I looked at the cliff and shook my head. From here to there, it is four meters wide, and it is not wide. If I jump far, five or six meters should not be a problem. The problem is that there is no place to run on this cliff. If you fall, you will die. Although it is only four meters, I don't want to take the risk.

The second master took out the rope and shook it more than a dozen times before hanging on the tree over there, and then this end was tied to the tree.

"Crawl over."

"I'm dizzy, I'm afraid I can't."

The second master didn't say anything, carried his bag, and climbed up the rope. In fact, it was not that difficult. My fainting was not so serious. I tried to go up.

When I got into trouble in the middle, I felt that something stopped me and I couldn't climb over it. The second master shouted.

"Go back, go back."

It's easy to climb over, but it's difficult to retreat. There's no way to turn around. I can only retreat, but I can't retreat.

I don't know what's going on. It's like a wall before and after, blocking me. I'm getting less and less energetic. If it hadn't been for my legs, I would have fallen long ago.

I haven't figured out what is stopping me, and I can't retreat.

The second master actually climbed over.

"Don't come over, there is a wall to stop you, you go back..."

The second master didn't listen to me at all. He continued to climb and really encountered the wall. He stretched out his hand and wanted to pull me, but he couldn't get through.

The second master took down his left eye and patted the non-existent wall. I climbed over and felt that my arms and legs were not my own.

The second master stared at the left eye hanging there.

"Didn't you take it down?"

"I didn't free my hand."

"Puch a moment, I'll pick it up."

As soon as my words fell, the rope broke, my left eye fell down, and the second master closed his eyes.

"Let's go down and look for it."

"Forget it, looking for an eye in such a big forest is simply looking for a needle."

My second master and I walked forward, and I would look into his eyes from time to time. The empty eye socket was uncomfortable and scary.

The second master doesn't seem to be in a good mood, which probably has something to do with his eyes!

In the afternoon, on the opposite hillside, the eyes are red and blood red. There is a kind of red vegetation growing on the whole hillside. I don't know what it is.

"It's on the opposite hillside. There should be a grave there. That grave is the grave that strangled the child. He buried the grave here for fear of being dug up. It seems that it is not a good thing to offend many people."

I looked at the red hillside, like blood.

"What kind of plant is that?"

"Blood soul grass, like a flower, is not a flower, can be used medicinally, and has no poison."

"Where is the tomb?"

"He told me that when he saw the blood soul grass, he found it. This kind of grass can only grow in this place, and it is rare. It can make blood, stop bleeding, and have a miraculous effect. Take some when you leave."

The second master and I went down and entered the red blood haystack. A smell of blood came out, and it was getting stronger and stronger. I looked down and saw that my trousers were all red.

The second master and I walked for more than ten minutes, but we couldn't find the tomb.

"This tomb should be hidden in these blood soul grass."

The second master said.

We are wading in the blood soul grass, and I feel like we are wading in the blood. The smell of blood is choking, like real blood.

"What is the component of this blood soul grass?"

I asked the second master.

"It's blood, which is the same composition as blood."

I don't think it's too scary. It may be the second master's nonsense, but looking at this blood, it's really no different from real blood.

It was getting dark, and we still couldn't find it. We went down to the ravine, set up a tent, and took out the wine and food. After we drank some wine, the second master said.

"You can have a good sleep today. There are no animals near this blood soul grass. The smell of blood makes these animals feel afraid. This blood soul grass animal can be judged, which is still different from human blood."

That day, I felt that I had the best sleep in my life. When I woke up, the second master sat outside the tent and looked at the blood soul grass.

After the sun rose, we went up to the hillside and began to search again. In the afternoon, the second master asked me to go there.

After I went there, the second master asked me to pull out the blood soul grass. I pulled out a piece of flat ground. I don't know what the second master means.

"Fing grave, this guy actually made a flat tomb. There is no grave, which is the same as the original land."

"Then how did you know?"

The second master took out the black bead, and half of it was already white.

"This thing is to find tomb beads. When you meet the tomb, it will turn white."

I was stunned. If so, it would obviously not be so worthless. I stared at the second master and handed me the beads and said.

"It's not a good thing to return you. It will hurt your blood and soul if you stay around. It's better to deal with it as soon as possible."

I took out the shovel and began to dig, and the second master sat aside to smoke.

After 1.5 meters, the coffin was dug, which turned out to be a jade coffin.

I cleaned the soil on the surface of the coffin and wiped it out. Unexpectedly, I could see the bones inside. This jade is good jade and clear.

The second master jumped down and took a look.

"It turned out to be a jade coffin, which is worth some money."

After the second master lifted the coffin lid, he put the bones into a black bag, threw a radish into it, and then covered the coffin and filled it flat.

"What are you doing by throwing radishes?"

"At the top, I think there should be descendants. If the bones are lost, the descendants should know that if they throw a radish on the top, they will not notice it."

The second master asked me to carry the bones on my back.

"You won't go back, will you?"

"No, find a place to deal with it."

After walking for two days, the second master found a platform. He took out the bones and put them away.

"Show the bones, 13 days later, the soul will disperse."

When we left, I took a look. It was miserable enough to bask in the sun for 13 days.

This trip has suffered a lot, but it is also very happy. Forty-one days have passed since we returned to the old house. The second master said that 20 days was a one-way trip. When I was halfway there, I knew that he was afraid that I wouldn't go, and I didn't ask about it.

After coming back, the second master slept for two days. Two days later, he did not wake up by himself, but was woken up by the childlike kid. That day, the little ghost dispersed, and the second master took a long breath.

"What if you don't help him?"

I asked the second master.

"It's not that you don't know that the kid is difficult to pester you. You brought this kid out. If I don't help you settle it out, I'm afraid you won't be at peace for the rest of your life."