grave-keeping note

17. Heart array

17. Heart array

The second master pulled too far. How could the woman's bones be there? I don't know.

"This 'plant bottom' flag shoe woman is a woman who has not been recorded in history, but it has been recorded in the history of the Huang family. In the history of the Huang family, such a disgraceful thing will not be recorded. At that time, this woman was as brave and invincible as Mu Guiying. She was originally the daughter of the patriarch of the Jurman clan. She was good at riding and shooting without losing her eyebrows. She also fought in the battle of Ningyuan. After defeat, she did not put her own bones in the wall city and cut bones and destroyed the wall. This is a classic story in history. However, it was not a honorable thing to let women go to war in the past, and this method of bone cutting was used. She originally thought that the wall would collapse within 13 days, but she didn't. However, the ancient city fell twice, once seven years ago, once three years ago, in that position. If it collapsed within 13 days at that time, it would be the most favorable place to rush into the city, and it could completely break the city. Unfortunately, Hundreds of years late."

I didn't expect this to happen. The second master must have looked at the analysis of this history and found this pubic bone. I didn't expect that the second master would believe it. Many of the official history can't be verified, and he will also believe this kind of history.

"I want to see that history."

The second master stared at me and said.

"You are too curious and talkative."

I scolded in my heart, Lao Deng. If you don't tell me now, you have to tell me sooner or later that I'm your successor, and I'm also a gravekeeper. Although I can't do it, I will do it slowly.

When I got up in the morning, the leader came over with someone.

The second master cleaned up, and we got there. The second master looked at the lake. It was so calm that there were no ripples. The second master picked up a stone and threw it in. After a long time, he turned back and said.


After we went down, the second master dived and still went to the other side of the stone wall, but it was a little biased. After his left eye was lost, he always ran away. I kept thinking that I would get him a fake eye when I was free. Although I couldn't see it, it would be more comfortable.

This time, they are still carrying those positioning and visual instruments.

The second master leaned against the stone wall, looked back at me, and gestured at me. I didn't understand what it meant. The leaders all looked at me.

I also made a random comparison. The second master opened the stone wall and crossed the waterway, and we entered.

This stone room is a ring room, separated by a stone wall, turning and turning, which means a little ecstasy. The second master has been walking in front, and I follow closely, and the leaders, experts and team members also follow closely.

After half an hour, we haven't gone out yet.

"I'm confused."

The second master made such a sentence and sat there motionless.

The leader immediately used the walkie-talkie to contact him.

The experts above saw it, but they didn't understand it or figure it out.

"Don't bother."

The second master said with his eyes closed.

I don't think we should come in this place. It's an organ. I know at a glance that the second master brought it in. I don't know if it's intentional.

"What should we do now?"

The leader asked.

"Take a break."

The second master still closed his eyes.

This time, there can be one person in the room. We all have to line up. I know it's impossible to go back now. We are lost here. If the gossip array hadn't been understood by people now, it would not be so easy to go in and come up with it. This might be a new array.

It is not recorded in Sun Tzu's Art of War. I didn't understand. I stood up and looked at the stone wall.

"This is a heart array. This array moves with your heart. If you want to go out, you must find a calm person."

After saying that, the second master stared at the leader.

The leader looked at it one by one and finally shook his head.

"Move with your heart?"

The leader didn't believe it, but thought that the second master was talking nonsense.

"This is not a mausoleum, but an outer mausoleum. This is a mechanism that moves with your heart. The more you want to go out, the more you can't get out. What you think will change with your heart. If you want to go out, you can't get out. If you don't want to go out, maybe you can go out. Your heart can't deceive it."

"I'm afraid we can't get out."

After I finished speaking, I looked at the second master.

The second master stood up. I thought he was leaving, but he actually peed on the wall. It smelled really big. The second master turned around and said.

"We walk separately and walk at two ends. When we meet, I may be able to figure out how to get out."

The leader looked at the second master and didn't say anything for a long time.

The expert said, "Then try it."

The second master and I walked in, and the three of them walked back.

After we separated, I asked the second master.

"Can you really find a way?"

"Farm! I lied to them. These guys don't know what to do. They want to break the mausoleum. It's not so easy. I let them know that they will retreat in distress.

It's impossible for the second master to think that it's naive, but it's good for them to accept a lesson.

The second master and I kept walking. Two hours later, we returned to the origin, the place where the second master urinated. The second master sat down and said.

"It's useless to die. Just sit here!"

When the leader came over, the second master didn't say anything.

"We came back and met again. You should have a way, right?"

"I thought there was a way, but it seems that there is nothing we can do now. We are lost. You should also know the consequences. Thirst to death and starve to death."

The leader panicked.

"You are a fucking gravekeeper. Why don't you know how to get out?"

"Are you still the leader? Why don't you know how to get out and experts?

The leader regrets his decision. The leader kept walking around. When I saw Bai Liang's things flowing in, a tall man jumped up and scared these people to death, "Oh, my God!" One sound.

Then he ran back. That's mercury, I know. The second master also ran with him. I know that the result of running is that he met mercury again and was drowned by mercury. I don't think it will be too good.

I couldn't run, so I stopped and sat down against the wall. They are the same. At this time, I gave up everything and felt that life and death were killed. You can't escape by struggling.

When I felt that the wall behind me was moving, I stood up. Sure enough, these stone walls were moving and moving back. Finally, they all leaned to one side and formed a square hall. In front of the hall, there was a door.

I understand at once. Move with your heart. Once you give up everything, this formation will disappear. This kind of organ is not controlled by organs, but by heart, which is also the most advanced kind.

I didn't expect it to be like this at all. I ran to that door. Although the mercury disappeared, I always felt that there was still a smell of mercury. Mercury was tasteless, which was completely psychological.

The second master followed me to the door. The stone door was half thick and heavy. I didn't rush in.

The expert came to his senses at this time, and he looked at the stone gate.

"This is Heshimen, a rare stone that is rich in minerals."

"Tell off."

The experts are not wrong, but they are useless at all. The leader has never spoken and probably hasn't recovered from the breath of death.

The second master stood aside and did not move. I don't move either. Anyway, I don't know what will be inside this door. There must be danger hidden in it.

The expert was robbed by me and seemed to be very unhappy. I think his bear appearance just now is coming to his spirits. The expert slowly squeezed through the cracks in the stone door. I took two steps back. The expert went in and went straight in. None of us moved. More than ten minutes later, the expert returned and waved his hand to let us in.

The leader and the team member went in, and the second master and I didn't move.

"I think this door is a little strange."

"The door is real, but I think there is something wrong with the expert who waved to us just now."

I don't know what the second master is talking about.


"There is a black one on the expert's face, and the one that just came out is not."

I trembling. There was a black birthmark on the expert's face. I didn't pay attention to it just now.

"You mean..."

The second master didn't say anything. When I thought about this, I sweated coldly. The second master and I sat down and waited for the movement behind the stone gate.

The second master didn't remind them that I didn't know what he was going to do.

An hour has passed, and there is still no movement. The second master stood up, looked at me and said.

"I don't wait."

The second master turned around and walked to the other side of the hall. When he walked to the other side, I found that there was also a door here. The second master pushed it away with me and went in.

"You know, why not tell them? If they disappear again, it will cause us more trouble.

"Life is troublesome."

I don't talk anymore. The second master must have the second master's plan. We entered this stone room, which was full of white bones. Judging from the posture, they all died painfully. I had a cold war.

The second master squatted in front of a pile of bones and looked at it for a long time.

"These people are all grave robbers, and they seem to have been poisoned or something."

The second master stood up and looked around. There were many small holes in the wall. I was sure that those small holes should be the place where poison gas was released.

I don't know if this organ still works? Generally speaking, in ordinary tombs, this kind of organ can only be second, the stored poison gas is not renewable, and the organ will play a role once.

When I heard the "ss" sound, I knew that this was a regenerative poison gas. Countless times, it can always release poison gas.

"Second Master, get out of here."

My second master and I rushed out and closed the stone gate.

"I didn't expect that this organ would work well. It can be seen that the person who designed this year did his best."

The second master turned around and walked back, and he walked to the door where the expert went in again.

"It seems that there is only one door. The danger is in it. It seems that if you don't leave, you have to go. It's better than poison."

The stone door was not as tight as I thought. White gas came out of the cracks. I looked at the second master. The second master looked at me and got in.