grave-keeping note

21. Blood reflux

21. Blood reflux

The door opened, and we were confused at that time. There was still a door in the door, but it was small. The second master looked at me and looked at the footstep in front of the door. If it was calculated in this way, it should be four doors.

I stepped on another one, and sure enough, it was another small circle of door. I stepped on the third door, which is still a small circle. I didn't step on the fourth one. I don't think it's that simple.

The second master saw that I stopped. He came over and watched me step on my foot. I think it's too late to stop it, you two.

The four doors were not only half up, but also heard strange sounds.

I retreated to the wall, and the second master was stunned and retreated to the wall.

There are drops of water coming out of the wall, like sweat.

"Sweat wall."

The second master shouted. The sound was strange, and I knew it was not a good thing.

The second master stood in the middle and was still useless. Sweat dripping from the roof of the shed. I touched it and licked it. It was really like sweat, bitter and salty.

I don't know what will happen. I looked at the second master, who was a little panicked.

The sweat has been dripping like that. The second master and I are waiting for the result to appear. I don't think there will be a good result.

I felt uncomfortable all over my body when it was like washing, and I also saw that the second master was also uncomfortable.

The second master sat down and sat down, this guy.

"Sit down! This is the sweat wall. The sweat from the sweat wall is actually not sweat. There is a kind of sweat flower on Changbai Mountain. When someone hurts them, they will sweat. This kind of sweat is the same as sweat, but there is a substance that can cause damage to human cells and change the cells of the human body. These fine The cell will become thick and gradually bigger, but its function will not change. A cell can eventually become as big as a bowl.

After the second master finished speaking, I jumped up. Is the bowl so big? It's simply evil. If so, what would I become? How big will I be? I don't know, that's to enlarge myself.

I feel like I'm slowly getting bigger, and I feel extremely uncomfortable all over.

The second master stepped on those feet again, as if he were crazy.

The door opened and it was all open.

I didn't hesitate to drill over, and the second master followed me.

We sat down and felt no strength at all.

"We did something wrong just now. Do you know what I stepped on?"

"What else is there?"

"The ancients liked to use music. At that time, it was called Pai Xiao. I liked this row of Xiao as an organ. This row of Xiao was written by a poet to his dead lover, which was very sad and strange. This is recorded in the Old Grave Guard. I remembered it at a moment. I didn't expect it. It really didn't work."

After the second master finished speaking, I looked at my hand again. Shit, it was more than doubled, and so was the second master. Then the other parts also became larger.

The second master stood up.

"It's good to become a giant."

"Farm! Like a freak, according to what you said, how old are we going to be?

The second master shook his head.

We continued to walk forward and turned the narrow aisle. When we entered the door, we couldn't get in. It was very small and we were too big.

The second master crawled there and looked in and trembled.

He leaned against the wall.

"What do you see?"

"Look at it yourself."

I lay there and looked at it. It turned out to be a stone tablet, more than three meters long and more than one meter wide. I don't know the words on it. It's a little strange. The second master just shivered. I think he understood it.

"I don't understand, but it's just a stone tablet."

"Three hundred years ago, there were only 20 people in a clan. They wanted to develop, but they never developed. Anyway, there were 20 people. It was a very small nation. They lived in a village. The village was far away from us. Few people arrived there. It is a paradise outside the world. No one disturbs them. They live quietly. This clan is the dirt clan. The dirt clan has a special ability, that is, the dirt. No one will have this curse, only the dirt people will. Every curse must be spiritual, and this is the stone tablet of dirt, and the text on it is the dirt text, which says 'blood reflux'.

Countercurrent? Is there any work? Nonsense. With this ability, will the dirt clan still develop? The final death is a little incomprehensible.

"This is a place we must pass. Only in this way can we reach that location and find Professor Liu."

"I think we'd better go back. We can't afford to play or lose."

The second master looked at me and didn't say anything.

He smoked, threw away the cigarette for a long time, and drilled it for more than ten minutes before drilling through. I had to follow, and the second master pulled me over there.

"It's really suffering."

In a small room, there is such a big stone tablet. Looking at those three words, I feel uncomfortable. And such words are simply ghost texts.

Turning to the back, there are several pictures engraved behind the stone tablet, which shows some people hunting, farming and fire hunting.

"This is the life of the dirt people."

"How do you know?"

"My grandfather told me."

I haven't met the second master, and I don't know whether what he said is true or not.

After turning twice, the second master touched a stone slab and said.

"This mouth is here, and all the slates are cold, only this one has temperature."

"Then hurry up."

"Find something and bake it on fire. When it's hot, it will open."

There is nothing to burn here. I took off my clothes.

The second master took out a lighter and lit it.

The clothes were about to burn out. The second master looked at my trousers and turned my head. I didn't wear underwear. I forgot my underwear in the chimney, but I couldn't say anything about it.

When I hear something, a tall man jumps away. I'm used to it. No matter what sound I hear, I'm used to hiding in the corner. This is definitely not wrong.

As soon as I jumped to the corner, I heard a "bang". The stone slab actually hit the ground and almost slapped the second master. Just at his feet, the second master's face turned white.

When I was ready to pull him, I couldn't move and slowly fell down. The blood flowed back. I felt like my whole body was cut by a knife, piece by piece, and I didn't let go anywhere.

"Hurry up and climb over."

The second master crawled over there. I'm also crawling. It's really better than death. If you move, it's just like dying once. What's more, your body has doubled.

After we climbed over, I fainted and didn't know anything.

When I woke up, the second master sat in the corner smoking. I looked at myself and turned out to be normal. Except for weakness, everything else was fine.

"If we are a little later, we will really lose our lives here. The curse is a curse, which is indeed effective. At first, I didn't believe it."

I don't want to talk. I don't have the strength to speak.

After a full half-hour slowdown, I looked at the stairs hanging in mid-air, and my heart was chilled. Everything was suspenseful and reborn. If it was a suspense novel, it was exciting, but this was reality.

It seems that tomb robbers are not so good. How many tomb robbers died in the tomb. The second master stood up and jumped to pick up the stairs, but he couldn't pick it up. I was happy to look at it, like a monkey.

The second master found that I was having fun and walked over slowly, and I knew that he would kick me. I didn't move, he really kicked me.

I stood up, and the Lord pushed the second master aside. He almost fell down. The second master looked at me in surprise.

"You're old, don't think you're young."

I went to the stairs, jumped up, grabbed it, turned my hands hard, turned my feet, and climbed up. I put my hand down and waited for the second master to reach out. The second master didn't move and stared at me.

I found something wrong. The second master's eyes were frightened. When I looked back, a hand reached over and I rolled down.

It made me howling, and the hand slowly went back. It was a mechanical hand.

The second master picked him up and said nothing.

"What's going on?"

I don't know, but it's the organ. This is the third level. If it goes well, Professor Liu should be in the fourth level, and he should be trapped there.

"Finding it is also dead."

"Ten* is dead, it's been so long."

The second master took off his clothes and threw them up and threw them up. We looked there, and the hand stretched out again. Slowly, when it grabbed the clothes, it took it back. The speed shocked me and the second master.

I sweated a lot.

"What should I do?"

"This is the only channel."

"You come first."

I said to the second master, the second master was stunned by me and sat aside. It seems that I still have to go up. I took off my shoes, threw them up, and the hand came out again. It's still like that. It doesn't seem to be a mechanism for once.

I don't want to be caught by that hand, and the consequences are definitely not very good.

The second master has been looking at me.

"Don't look at me, think of something."

"If you throw a big stone and throw it up, it will get stuck as soon as you grab it. I think it will do its best. Either the stone is broken or its hand is broken."

I looked around and there was nothing. The second master stood up and touched the stone wall.

"This wall can get a stone."

I know that the wall is made of stone. There is no sticky powder in the wall, but they are all squeezed together, and there are no gaps. It is very exquisitely made.

The second master looked at it and shook his head. After all, this ancient man was powerful. The current project even needs to be poured down with cement.

The second master took out a tool from his bag and threw it at my feet. He sat against the wall and closed his eyes.

I picked up the tool thrown by the second master to the ground, a knife and a cone.

I began to do it. Just after a while, the second master opened his eyes.

"You speak quietly."

I'll go to his eighth uncle. I really want to throw him up.

I tossed for two hours, and the stone moved a little. I was so tired that the second master woke up.

"Have you taken it down?"


"Don't sit and rest? Get it."

I scolded him silently, picked up the tool and started to do it again.

In four hours, the stone moved. I called up the second master and brought the stone down.

It's too heavy to know when you take it down. It's impossible to throw it on. I scolded the second master. The second master didn't hear him clearly, but I scolded him and he ignored me.