grave-keeping note

24. Blood Town

24. Blood Town

The leader looked back at the people behind him. The second master was towed into the car, and I followed him into the car. I must go. In the hospital, Maidi's face was like white paper, lying ** with his eyes closed.

The second master took a look and shook his head.

"I can't help it."

"Li Fu said you had a way."

Li Fu came in with a sinister smile. The second master shook his head and went out.

The second master agreed with the leader, and he went to Li Fu and whispered.

"You boy is alive."

After the second master and I went back, the second master asked me to take out the blood soul flower.

I turned out the blood soul flower and handed it to the second master.

"Second Master, what's going on?"

"After all, Maidi is smart. He figured out the fresh corpse boat. No corpse can be suppressed, but he can't get human blood, so he used animal blood and put it in the cabin. The blood will explode blood, and Maidi will also lose blood because of this. He is lucky to escape from the fresh corpse boat."

"If this kind of blood loss is bleed, won't it be better?"

"Only the blood soul flower can be returned from his blood loss. What he lost is negative blood. Seven later, if he is not this blood soul flower, he will die."

"We don't have to worry about death. We can't help but guard against this person."

The second master waved his hand and said.


I went to the hospital with blood flowers. There were a lot of people there. It seemed that they attached great importance to Maidi. I began to hesitate if Maidi survived. He will still toss around and won't miss the second master's feeling of saving his life.

I handed over the blood soul flower to the leader and left.

As soon as I left the hospital, Ji Xiaoqing called me and asked me to wait for her. I didn't expect that she would be in the hospital. I didn't see her.

After she came out, she took my hand and said.

"I want to go home with you."

I hesitated for a moment and went home with Ji Xiao.

My parents were all there. They were stunned when they saw Ji Xiao and then began to be busy. That day, I don't know what Ji Xiaoqing thought.

After I sent Ji Xiaoqing back to Professor Liu that day, I went back to the village. The second master has been sitting in the yard, but he didn't go upstairs. When I came back, he was still in the yard.

This week, the second master did nothing, except sitting on the second floor and looking at the opposite grave, just sitting in the yard in a daze. I don't know what he is thinking.

I didn't expect that Maidi would come. He came by himself. He came to see the second master with something and thanked him for saving his life. The second master ignored him.

"I think it's much better to develop the mausoleum than to put it there."

This is what Maidi thinks. The second master roared like a leopard.

"Get out of here."

Midi was so scared that he retreated in a panic. The second master is restless. I know that he is worried about Shuiling. If the mausoleum is broken, I don't know what will happen to the second master.

Meddy thinks we are stupid. He thinks so. He doesn't understand us, damn foreign devils.

I know it's definitely not over. There must be another force to rescue the people in the mausoleum, but there is nothing we can do now.

Now the second master doesn't want to find the remaining half of the map. Of course, it is not so easy to find. Maybe only this half of the map will be passed down.

The second master suddenly howled upstairs and almost scared me to death. It was the first time I heard such a howl. I rushed upstairs. I went upstairs, and the second master jumped down from the second floor, which was too exciting.

I ran to the window, and the second master turned around and ran out of the door. I don't know what made him crazy. I went downstairs and chased out, and the second master ran fast.

The second master ran to the old lady's grave, and I knew that it was on the grave.

I chased there, and the second master looked at the grave with scary eyes. The grave was actually opened. There was only a coffin in it, and the bones were gone.

I was also confused. When I was about to comfort the second master, the second master suddenly howled and then ran wildly. My heart stopped eight times this time and really stopped.

I didn't catch up with the second master. The second master went into the mountains and forests.

I returned to the small building and sat in front of the window to look at the mountains and forests over there. I couldn't see the second master. Is the second master crazy? I don't know. I'm waiting for the second master here.

One night passed, but the second master still didn't come back. I was a little worried. When the sun came out, several people came from the village road. I saw those archaeologists and a leader.

I didn't move. They knocked on the door. I told them that the second master was not at home. They said wait.

I let them in, and I can't afford to offend them.

They don't enter the house, just wait outside. I told them that the second master went to Yunyou and might not come back at any time. They know that I'm talking nonsense. What is not a monk?

It was dark, and the second master hasn't come back yet. The leader is a little angry.

"That's a matter of life. Death can't be saved..."

"Don't fart. Let's save it. That's a moth fighting the fire. We will also die. Isn't our life life? Get out."

The leader grabbed my collar at once.

"You are urinating. It seems that you don't want to live."

"Can I still shoot me? Shit."

I broke away and said, "This is a private place, and you are illegal."

The leader took people out, arranged two people to stay here, and then left.

I didn't expect that the next day, Ji Xiaoqing came and she came in and sat down.

"I think you should save those people. If you don't save them, those people will be like Professor Liu. Now the newspaper reports every day, saying that you don't save people and lose your humanity..."

"You can say whatever they like. How many times have we went out, and every time we escaped from death. When we saved Professor Liu, it was almost. We went through the ghost door once. They didn't understand, so they said that the second master and I didn't want to save people, but we didn't want to die. What's more, look at your collar. Director, what kind of attitude is that? How many times have you caught us? We didn't commit a crime."

Ji Xiao shook his head.

"I'm sorry, I thought you knew Ling very well."

"If we understand, we won't let Professor Liu die. We don't want anyone to die. They have parents, wives and children."

Ji Xiao gently put down the wine and vegetables he bought for me.

"Let's have dinner with me in the evening."

Ji Xiao hesitated for a moment and stayed. She never mentioned that we should save people again. Ji Xiaoqing still likes this point, and I can see the high and low eyebrows.

She asked the second master what he had done, and I told her that it would take some time to go out to do something.

That day, Ji Xiaoqing mentioned the marriage. I was stunned for a moment. In fact, I was still hesitant about the marriage. I don't know what I can give Ji Xiaoqing. I, a gravekeeper, am not a real gravekeeper.

I didn't say this that day. After dinner, it was dark. Ji Xiao left lightly. There was a car waiting for her at the entrance of the village. She was sent by the leader to lobby me.

That day, in addition to the two people guarding at the door, three people were guarding the backyard wall.

I'm worried that something will happen to the second master, but he hasn't come back. I want to go out to find the second master, but I don't know where the second master is. Besides, there are still people guarding outside the door, so I don't want to find the second master again. He may not come back when he sees someone guarding.

The second master hasn't come back, and I can't always stay here.

When I went out, those people followed me. I went into the mountain. I didn't know where to go, so I followed the beams. The two people behind followed me, thinking that I didn't know.

I walked and stopped. Maybe I just came to relax. At noon, I took out my food and brought some wine. I fell asleep after drinking the blanket. I think those two people are probably half-deathly angry.

I slept for more than two hours, and I think I should take a detour back. I went down the beam, walked back, and didn't get home until after nine o'clock in the evening. I went into the hospital, locked the door, and went to the second floor. I didn't turn on the light.

I sat at the second master's window and looked out. The mountain opposite was dark. The moon was hidden now, and so were the stars. It seemed that it was going to rain.

In fact, if no one follows today, maybe I will go to the second master. Wherever the second master has been, but these people follow me, I dare not mess around. The second master has never appeared. I'm afraid he is hiding from these people.

I slept on the second floor at night, and I half closed the window.

I heard a "squeal" sound, and I opened my eyes at once. A big head clung to my face, and my "Howling" voice jumped up.

I sweated down. I jumped to the corner and saw clearly that it was the second master.

The second master laughed and ran down the stairs. He went around to the backyard, and there was no shadow. I didn't catch up. The guards outside the backyard were also stunned by the second master's sudden rush out, and then he saw me. They didn't chase them.

I went back to the second floor. I don't know when the second master came in or how he came in. Those people didn't find it. I guess those who guarded it were also tired and fell asleep.

These behaviors of the second master scared me very much. What else can it mean besides mental problems? If there is something wrong with the second master's spirit, it will be a very troublesome thing.

Can I leave him alone? Obviously not. I was surprised that the old lady's grave had been opened. Is he crazy? I couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, so I decided to go to the old lady's grave.

I went downstairs with a flashlight, opened the door, and went out. I jumped up as a tall man. A looking bastard actually sat there and stared at me with big eyes. He almost scared me to death. I went up and gave me a kick.

"Do you want to scare me to death?"

"You still scared me. What are you doing in the middle of the night?"

"I'll go to see the grave. Will you go?"

I ignored them and turned around and walked to the mountain. These two goods really follow me. I walked that way. To be honest, I'm still scared.

Fortunately, there are two goods behind.

I can't walk fast, and the two people are muttering something behind me. I guess they are also afraid. I ran to the old lady's grave and walked aside. I still hesitated. Who would do this? What will happen in an old lady's grave? I can't figure it out. I don't know what's there, or there should really be something good! The second master guarded her grave, maybe it's like this.

I walked to the edge of the pit, panicked, my feet slipped, and almost fell down, and the two people behind me also trembling.