grave-keeping note

25. Small coffin

25. Small coffin

I looked back, turned my head, and lit a flashlight into the grave. The grave was very miserable. The whole coffin lid was lifted. I was tired to see that the skull was gone, and the other bones were scattered. Nothing else was found. When I was about to go back, I screamed. I didn't know myself before. I knew that I would scream this time. I really knew that I would scream. I thought I would only howl and not scream. This voice, even scared myself, immediately stopped, was stunned for a moment, and ran away. The speed was 180 miles, and I got into the woods.

Actually, I should run along the mountain. I was confused and just ran away. When I stopped, I didn't know where I was, no matter where it was. Anyway, the farther away from there, the better.

I sat there, sticking out my tongue. If I run again, I will die. I will really die. I have never been so uncomfortable. I remember that at school, I ran 10,000 meters, and after 10,000 meters, I was carried into an ambulance. Now it is this feeling of death, which is extremely difficult to suffer.

I slowed down a little and looked around. I didn't know where it was. I looked back and found that I really should have fallen there. Behind me was a graveyard, and behind me, many small coffins were thrown out of wood. At first glance, they were not made by experts. There were more than a dozen of them. It should be the grave of a clan. It was removed, threw away these broken coffins, and changed the coffin. I went on. I continued to run. I can only run. Today, it's a little too back.

I can run three miles away again. Even if there is a ghost in front of me now, I won't run.

I lay there and looked at the sky, and the sky gave me peace. But I'm still scared.

I recovered and looked for the mountain road, but there was no. I walked to a depression and saw a small shed built high. I hesitated. Maybe this is the best place to go tonight. I will endure it for another three or four hours, and it will be dawn.

I observed for a while, slowly leaned over, found a stone and threw it on it, and there was no response before I climbed straight. Sure enough, there was no one, and there was still a quilt. Although it was dilapidated, it was already very lucky.

I lay down and didn't dare to sleep. My ears were stunned like a dog, and slowly I fell asleep.

When I woke up, the sun had already come out, which was definitely a good thing for me.

But then I was confused and couldn't scream. I'm naked from top to bottom, nothing. It's absolutely impossible. I'll know who takes off my clothes. I can't sleep so much.

I sweated coldly. I put on my quilt and got out of the shack and began to look for the mountain road. I had to find a way to get out of this damn place. My image is good enough.

It was almost noon when I found the mountain road. Now it's August. It's so hot, but I have to wear a broken quilt. It's cold at night, but as soon as the sun comes out, I suffer.

I didn't see the small building until two o'clock in the afternoon. I squatted on the mountain to see. There was no one there, and the people guarding them were gone. They were probably scared, or they didn't mean much to guard it. They must think I ran away.

This is really a blessing in misfortune, and there is no shame. I was still very careful. The cat ran to the door, opened the door and went in. I wanted to laugh myself.

I threw the broken quilt into the corner of the yard. The broken quilt was really dirty and smelly. If it hadn't been for yesterday, I wouldn't have covered it.

I walked into the house bare. As soon as I entered, I saw Ji Xiao sitting in the chair. Ji Xiao was stunned. I was stupid at that time.

Then he screamed and ran to the yard and put the shabby quilt on his body again. I stood there, not knowing whether to go in or run away. Ji Xiaoqing didn't come out either. He was probably stupid.

I went to his ancestors. What's the matter?

I still went in, went straight into the room, found out the clothes to change, and then came out again.

"When did you come?"

"Just arrived."

I poured water for Ji Xiao and sat there, not knowing what to say.

"I think, do you know what's wrong with the second master?"


I can only tell him that I know him.

"I don't think he's crazy. You're crazy."

Ji Xiao turned around and left. It was probably my ** thing. What a fucking shame.

I threw the broken quilt into the corner, and I hated the second master. It was all caused by him.

Last night, I saw that there was a shining little man jumping around in the old lady's tomb. He was a corpse guard. If the person is not burned, this will happen. Of course, he is very rare, just like the old monk's reed son. This is a thing accumulated in the body. As for what it is, I don't know. Six years after a person's death, it will slowly form, and then stay in the tomb. This kind of thing is the most terrible. Once entangled, it can't figure out what the consequences will be.

These are all what the second master told me, but I didn't believe it at all at that time. When I saw it, I believed it. There was nothing impossible to find, nothing unbelievable. I thought about what the second master said, as if he had not told a lie, and everything he said happened.

At this moment, I think I should leave here. The second master may not come back at any time, and it may not be normal to come back. I'm home. I can only go home. Where else can I go? I don't know myself.

When I got home, my parents were at home. My mother was happy, and my father was still like that. I couldn't see that he was not unhappy. He could only see his expression when he was angry. He has been like this since he was a child. I think he is different from other people's fathers, so I never get close to him.

Dating, Ji Xiaoqing came, and I was stunned.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, Xiaoqing moved here."

I was stunned for a moment and didn't say anything. It seemed that I was kicked out again.

When my father and I were drinking, I decided to put him down tonight. If he didn't recognize my son and kicked me out, I would beat him up and never go back to this house again.

My father told me when I was thinking about the electric cannon, flying feet, and Rose knife.

"You also came back today. I'll talk to your second master in a few days and settle the matter between you and Xiaoqing."

The sip of wine I drank choked. I coughed in pain and squatted on the ground. Ji Xiao patted me on the back and was very nervous. I waved my hand and signaled that I was fine.

I didn't expect my father to mention this. I took a look at Ji Xiaoqing. She blushed and lowered her head.

This wine made me a little uncomfortable. In fact, I really want to marry Ji Xiaoqing, but now the situation is like this. I don't know whether the second master is really crazy or fake crazy. I can't leave the second master alone. I didn't take this again that day.

The corpse guard in the old lady's tomb is what people often call three inches, saying that people are short. In fact, people do not have three inches, which refers to this thing. After a hundred years of evolution, another understanding has emerged in people's understanding.

It is very difficult for this kind of three-inch Ding. People always have a derogatory understanding of three-inch Ding, which is a kind of hatred and helplessness.

I don't know who it is. It's not entangled by three inches, which is also a powerful character. That day, I thought I should still go back to the village and return to the small building. I am a little confused now, and I always feel that the second master will return to the small building at any time.

I stayed overnight and went back the next day. Ji Xiaoqing didn't want me to leave, but he didn't say it. Even if she says it, I have to go back, at least I have to know the situation of the second master.

It was noon when I returned to the village. It was very quiet. I sat in front of the window on the second floor and looked at the old lady's grave. I couldn't help sweating coldly. I was worried that the three inches would come to the small building, which was not a good thing.

When I fell asleep in the afternoon, I heard a knock on the door, which was very light, but I could hear it clearly. I looked down from the window on the second floor and couldn't see anyone. I was very nervous.

I hesitated and went downstairs to open the iron door. There was no one. It seemed that someone wanted to take care of me. As soon as I was about to close the door, a tall man jumped up and screamed. The three-inch Ding stood outside the door. He smiled at me strangely and then rushed in. I didn't react at all.

I don't know what to do when I stand there. Should I run or stay? I still decided to go up.

I looked for these three inches in the room, but I couldn't find it. I was restless. Maybe I brought this thing in. I don't know what he came to do?

It's getting dark, and the three-inch Ding hasn't appeared yet. I'm a little scared. I don't know his intention. This is the most deadly.

I drank and was bold. After half a catty, someone knocked on the door. I was stunned for a moment. This is definitely not a three-inch knock on the door. The sound is very heavy, and it is not the second master. The second master knocked on the door in a mess and knocks you in a hurry. This person is very rhythmic.

When I knocked for the third time, I stood up and opened the door. The door opened a gap. It was an old man who was so ricked that his head was on the ground. I couldn't see my face and could only hear the sound.

I was stunned there.

"I'm your neighbor, in the house on the north slope. I think you're in trouble. I can help you. You can go to my house."

I have never seen this old man, but I still know the house on the north slope. I have hardly seen the neighbors here. They never seem to go out. I hesitated.

"Don't worry, Brother Zhang and I have been friends for many years, that is, your second master. He told me about you."

I thought about it and still followed the old man. The old man walked slowly. I followed slowly. He was very quiet and didn't seem to like talking very much.

When I got outside the old man's door, the old man opened a small door on the door and let me in.

The yard is gloomy and the walls are high. Two hundred-year-old trees are intertwined together, covering the whole yard. There is a stone table and three stone chairs in the yard. He didn't let me into the house.

He asked me to sit on the stone chair and then entered the room.

The old man came out with tea. I was worried that he would fall down, but he didn't. He sat on a stone chair.

"You are in trouble. Your second master is not here. I have to help you."

"What's wrong with my second master?"

"I have to ask you."

The old man seems to be very unhappy.

"You put the wormwood in a bottle and then heat it. The wormwood should be picked in the morning. There is dew. When it is heated, it is in the middle of the night. After that, at noon the next day, you can release it."

I was stunned. It seemed that he knew about three inches.

"What does wormwood look like?"

"It's not wormwood, it's a kind of grass. The grass leaves are round, serrated, and quite sharp. Don't let it cut your hand, otherwise it won't be good for ten days and half months, and these ten days and half months will be painful. It's on the back slope of my house. Just get a nine leaves."

I thanked the old man and went back to the back slope of his house to pick wormwood.

When I heated at night, I closed the door and window tightly, and the lid of the bottle was very tight, just to preserve the gas. I think so.

At noon the next day, I opened the bottle and immediately came out with a strange smell. I just smelled it, just like eating Huanglian. I wanted to jump.

I didn't jump up. The three-inch jumped out of nowhere, made a strange sound, and ran under the door like crazy.

I saw him run away and took a long breath. This three-inch is here, which makes you never feel at ease. Even if you sleep at night, you will feel that something will happen at any time.

I closed the bottle cap and heated it in the middle of the night. The old man said that it could be heated three times. Nine times, there will be no dirt in the old house. I'm afraid the dirt he said is three inches!

I don't know when he came in. When he got up in the morning, he stood on the table in the yard and glared at me, and then made a strange sound, as if he was scolding me.

I think I will ignore you. By noon, I will make you suffer. Nine days later, I will see if you dare to come.

These three inches are really interesting. They must come every day and run wildly after suffering.

Un until the eighth day, I felt something was wrong. In fact, I shouldn't trust the old man. I think the old man is very weird and doesn't look like a kind person.

Actually, I thought of this at the beginning, but now the second master doesn't appear. I have no other way. Try it. What else can I do? But it's just a three-inch, how capable can it be?

I didn't stop, it's just that I don't feel right.