grave-keeping note

34. Pot lid

34. Pot lid

The next day, when we went there, the ice surface was broken. It seemed that after the second master finished speaking, they began to take action. The ice surface is broken by 100 square meters.

The second master asked them to make 20 ice holes on the lake and sent two people to observe the situation at any time.

When the second master and I put on wetsuits, I felt cold. If it goes on like this cold water, you will definitely get sick. I looked at the deputy mayor, who looked at us coldly. I really want to strangle this two.

My second master and I jumped down. In fact, it was not so cold. I knew that the water of more than one meter was a little higher than the temperature outside, and it felt less cold when I went down, but after one meter, the water was stuck in the bone and drilled into the bone.

I looked at the second master, and the second master gritted his teeth. I was heartbroken. Anyway, after living together for so long, I hated the deputy mayor, the power faction, or I hated Li Fu more. In order to save his father's illness, he pushed the second master to the front line. The second master would rather put his life for the six-shaped six hearts, which made me not understand.

We approached the stone wall, and the second master touched the stone wall and waved his hand up.

When we come down, we will bring the GPS positioning system and video. If it goes well, let the two archaeologists waiting on the shore come down. It seems that they gave up looking for someone and entered the mausoleum in the name of looking for someone, which was understood by the second master for a long time.

Two experts came down, and the second master opened a door on the stone wall. In fact, this door was not so easy to open. What method did the second master use? It was very hidden. I didn't see it clearly.

We went in and passed the waterway, which was a partial palace, a small underground palace. Although it is a small underground palace, it is very elegant. It is a high-standing and full-style building. Standing at this end, you can see several coffins facing each other, all of which are high coffins, flag-colored coffins, and four coffins in four colors.

The second master and I stood there motionless. The two experts looked at each other and walked forward.

The second master did not stop him. There were four colors of roads on the ground. Two experts, one stepped on black, one stepped on blue, and the rest were white and yellow.

When they were halfway there, they stopped.


The second master whispered that the second master and I retreated to the wall and leaned against the wall.

They stood there, motionless and speechless.

"What's wrong?"

I asked them. They still don't talk. I think the second master doesn't talk.

"Are you going to say something?"

I asked the second master.

"What can I do if they step on the mechanism? As can be seen from the video, I have been facing their feet, and the above may be studying. If they don't understand, they will die as soon as they move.

I know it's an organ, but I don't know what kind of organ it is. I knew that it would not be so easy to see the high coffin in this direct passage. These two experts are also stupid. I doubt if they are experts.

The command center above didn't see why. They asked the second master to take care of it.

"That's a matter of life. If it doesn't work out, you will say that we are harming them."

The second master seems to be in a bad mood.

"You should remind them."

said the person in the command center.

The second master shook his head and looked at me. I knew it would end like this, but what else could the second master say for the six-shaped six hearts?

It seems that we will have bad luck again this time. Anyway, if we don't open the mausoleum completely and let them come in without scruples, it will be endless anyway.

The second master told me to stand here and stay still. He walked slowly, walked to the two experts, and looked down. He didn't step on anything under his feet. The second master's estimate was wrong. The second master stood up and looked around.

His feet did not leave the underworld. He stared at the high coffin for a while and then came back.

He shook his head and said that there was no way.

"Master Zhang, you must find a way."

"I really can't do anything about it. I can't tell what this organ is at all."

"Ask them?"

"They don't speak and don't move. I'm afraid they can't speak."

It must be very nervous, but the second master didn't look nervous. He sat down against the wall and smoked his dry smoke, which made me cough. I hid and sat down. After sitting down, I looked at the high coffin and was confused. The four channels turned into a color and became a channel, close to the left side. I understood that I should go to the left side. In the middle, there was a concave shape, this concave shape If you want to go, you can't go directly.

I didn't say anything. Looking at the second master standing up after smoking, the second master also stood up.

"What did you see?"

The second master's observation is very strong, and I can't convince him of this.

I told you what I saw.

"Ill ignore them first. Let's go and have a look."

I walked in front and remembered the concave shape. I went there with the second master. The four high coffins were much higher than ours. The second master stepped on the coffin platform, pushed the lid of the coffin and looked in.

I also went up to see that it was an empty coffin.

"Storage coffin."

"What is coffin storage?"

"It is a spare coffin. If you understand it this way, but it is completely different from the meaning of the word spare. You can understand it yourself."

When the second master was about to open the second high coffin, the command center asked the second master to save people first.

"I'm saving people."

The second master's tone was very unhappy, and the command center stopped talking.

The second master opened the second coffin, which is still the storage coffin, the third one is the same, and the fourth one is the same. The second master can't play, which is simply a joke.

The second master jumped up and was about to run, but he stopped immediately, and I knew the bad thing.

"It seems that we won't die very comfortably today. Four high coffins are all stored coffins. If five people come, I'm afraid it will be five coffins. What color do you like?"

The second master's mind jumped quickly, and I was stunned for a moment.


"That belongs to you."

I glanced at the blue coffin and shook my head. What the second master said made me sweat, my heart beat wildly and uncontrollably. The second master walked over to the two experts and pulled them. Both of them could move, and there was nothing under his feet.

The second master asked carefully and knew that it was an illusion. He felt that there was nothing under his feet. In fact, there was something that controlled them and could not speak or move. In fact, it was enough to pull.

What I saw on the side is just a mysterious thing, which is really placed in front of us. The coffin is stored one by one, at least there is a coffin.

The second master told the two experts what he knew. The two experts didn't believe it at all. They didn't die, so they put on the shelf of the experts.

They looked around and saw nothing but four pairs of high coffins. They looked at the high coffins one by one, an expert said.

"Let's go back to the original road and maybe we can enter other channels."

The second master didn't say anything. They walked in front, and we followed behind.

At the end, the channel is closed and can't be opened at all. When we looked back, the four coffins had moved to the four lines, facing the color.

shocked my second master, and the faces of the two experts did not change, one expert said.

"It's not new to walk the coffin. Don't pay attention to them, but it's just a brake mechanism."

The second master and I turned our faces and felt that it was much better to look at the wall than to look at them.

When we came in, the deputy mayor meant to enter the mausoleum, followed by saving people.

This mausoleum doesn't seem to be so easy to enter. We have always been in the outer mausoleum. I'm afraid it's difficult to enter the main mausoleum. The second master himself doesn't want to enter the main mausoleum.

The two experts have been tossing around for more than two hours, and there has been no progress. The high coffin has made progress and slowly moved this way. Half of it has passed, and the two experts do not seem to be nervous. The second master and I are nervous. When the high coffin comes here, I'm afraid it's time for us to die.

When the two experts realized that it was not good, it was too late. The high coffin came to an end. They wanted to squeeze through the middle and climb over to the high coffin and go there, but they couldn't.

I saw from the crack that the high coffin was out of position, and there was a high coffin position, which was empty. It should be a passage, but now we are blocked on this side and can't get through.

The second master walked over, pushed open a coffin lid, climbed in, and then climbed out from it.

I followed the second master, and the experts also followed. The second master and I had run to the entrance. The two experts arrived without slowness and were talking and laughing.

The second master pulled me in at once. Then I heard a scream. The high coffin was reset. It must be that an expert was hit by the high coffin. The weight of the high coffin would not last long if it was hit.

I was so scared that my heart beat so much.

There were a few big noises on it. It is estimated that the high coffins have returned to their positions, but they didn't hear any more screams, that is to say, an expert escaped the disaster.

The channel is dead, which is what my second master and I didn't expect. The second master and I took a flashlight to shine everywhere. This channel is very closed, and I feel a little out of breath.

The second master was a little flustered and sat down against the wall.

"I'm afraid we're going to die here. The tightness here is so good that the oxygen will run out soon. If a person dies, one person can live a little longer."

The second master was out of tune again. I felt suffocation, half of which came from the heart and spirit. However, I do feel that breathing is getting more and more difficult.

This way of death is not as good as the above way of death. I feel more and more uncomfortable. The second master actually lit the cigarette. I shook my head and didn't say anything. In the end, it was just a cigarette.

When I was about to die, the high coffin on it suddenly moved away. The second master and I were stunned for a moment and climbed out. I thought it was the expert who got us out, but I didn't see the expert. Except for blood, the other expert didn't see it. The second master and I crawled out and gasped.

I don't know where they went. I looked around for such a big place. The second master looked at the four high coffins, or storage coffins. I knew that the second master asked me to open them. There was no other place to hide them.

After the two storage coffins were opened, they were empty, and the one on the left side was also empty. It seems that only this one with a channel has been restored.

When I pushed it away, a smell of blood rushed up. I looked in, shouted, and jumped several meters away.

The second master stared at me and made me fuss. The second master took a look and trembled. He was an expert, too miserable, and his head was squeezed flat like peeling.

The second master pushed up the coffin lid and shook his head. The second master tried the video, and it didn't work well, and the call system didn't work well. It happens every time. It takes less than four hours to come in, and everything is not working well. This is a strange thing.

We can't find another expert, but we can't find it at all.

"There must be a channel."

After the second master finished speaking, he sat on the ground smoking and asked me to look for it.

After turning around for more than ten minutes, I shook my head. The second master didn't say anything, and he had been watching and thinking about the rest.

The storage coffin was put into the body, and then we came out from below, so the expert was no more here, probably using the body to go out.

The second master stood up and asked me to lean aside. He opened the lid of the coffin, jumped in, and threw the body out. I closed my eyes. I really don't want to see such a miserable situation.

The second master jumped out and was covered with blood.

The second master opened another storage coffin and put the body in it. I don't think he had a choice but to put it in casually. The body was put in, and the other coffins seemed to be moving. I shouted.

The second master looked back and saw that it was a little messy and almost fell off the coffin.

We heard a harsh sound, and a slab on the left was staggered. The second master and I rushed in, and the slab was closed. We breathed a long sigh of relief. No matter what was below, we finally got out of this place.

When I looked at this place, I was stunned. I didn't understand what was going on. The second master looked at it for a long time and was a little stunned.

The whole stone room has hundreds of square meters, and there are four large closed boxes, occupying the whole stone room. There is nothing else. I don't know what it is for. I dare not move.

The second master also felt strange. He slowly walked over and patted it. He didn't know what it was. The four big boxes were the same. There was nothing on them, and there was nothing else.

"What's in it?"

"It should be installed, but I don't know what it is, but this is Ling. What will the mausoleum generally install?"

After saying that, the second master looked at me. The old man was not very good and looked very bad. The second master patted and looked at me.

"We should find other channels."

"Although this is a dead passage, the end."