grave-keeping note

40. Care

40. Care

Actually, I have seen this leader before. He is an archaeological expert. He graduated from a university abroad and is still a doctor. He is quite awesome.

He pushed away a coffin and looked in. I didn't know what he saw. He jumped and hid aside.

The second master wanted to laugh, but he couldn't help laughing. The leader was angry and stared at the second master.

I walked over and looked at it and was shocked. It turned out to be strange bones, obviously not human bones.

I walked to the second master and whispered.

"It's not a human bone, it's a beast, and all beasts are auspicious."

The second master turned around. He jumped on the coffin and counted something. He stopped on a coffin and called the leader.

"Come up, that's the coffin."

The leader hesitated and came up. He looked at the second master and said.

"Old man, take care of me again, and I'll lock you up when I get back."

The second master didn't sound and his face was angry.

I'm afraid this two will be unlucky.

The leader lifted the lid of the coffin, which was indeed the passage. We went down and followed the passage. Twenty minutes later, we saw a big, irregular stone, and the second master stopped and said.

"This is Lingxin. If you can't get in, unless you cut it, even if I take you here to complete the task, that's what we said at the beginning. Other things are left to us."

After the second master finished speaking, he stood aside. The leader and other players circled around.

I just think it's weird. It's a little weird. Is it so simple to enter the mausoleum? I don't think so.

The second master pulled me aside and whispered.

"This is in another world. You use flipping. Those organs don't work, or they don't exist, but you can't destroy this mausoleum. Just let you see it. I just let them see it and report to the leaders. I don't care. They will never come to this world. After going out They will follow this road to look for it. In fact, there is nothing there.

The second master is sinister enough. I thought he really took them to the mausoleum.

The leader of the team measured with instruments, but the instruments didn't work.

"Don't toss around. After you go back, you can find a way. We don't have time to lean on you here."

After we left the mausoleum, we went back along the original road and arrived at that place. The second master told me that according to the initial steps, anyway. When we went back, it had been seven days. In fact, we only used a few hours, but it turned out to be seven days. The second master said that it was another world, and the time was different from us.

The deputy mayor was very happy that my second master and I returned to the small building. I know that this is definitely not over yet.

They can't find the mausoleum and will definitely come to trouble us. The second master returned to Xinla City. Gu Ye and I live here. Gu Ye has never been pregnant, and I don't know why.

That day, I took her to the hospital, but I didn't find out any reason.

Maybe it's not the right time.

A week later, Ji Xiaoqing came. I didn't open the door for her. I don't think it's necessary. When she came back, she took the deputy mayor and opened the door, and they sat in the yard.

"Why can't I find that mausoleum?"

"I'm not sure. I have to ask your team leader."

"I think it's weird. You've been gone for seven days, but the leader said it's only a few hours. I think you're lying to us."

"That's true, and we have also entered the mausoleum."

"I want to find your second master."

"He left. I don't know where to go. You had promised him that after taking him to the tomb, there was nothing to do with him."

I know that the mausoleum is still deeper under the lake, which is just the situation of the mausoleum 200 years ago. In fact, I don't think it's credible to talk about such a thing. If it's a dream is another world, I believe that I dreamed of Ji Xiaoqing last night. She held me tightly and didn't let me go. That's true. I even felt her body temperature. It should be another world. So, what are we using? What about entering another world in the dream? Does everyone have this ability? Is it like this new step? I think so. If you think so, it's not surprising that the flip technique and the new step.

I can't forget Ji Xiao's resentful eyes.

After they left, I took Gu Ye to live in the house in the city. The second master returned to Xinla City, and they couldn't find it. Gu Ye and I were also deep and simple. Those sand golds were enough for us to live for ten or eight years.

However, I can't live a quiet life according to my ideas.

In July, I began to dream. It was always the same dream, dreaming of the coffin team, which walked through my dream every day. More than 20 coffins and more than 100 people were spinning in the square in front of the building, turning every day.

The seventh coffin always scares me. I think that coffin has something to do with me. I'm afraid and nervous, but no matter what, the coffins will come at night, and the sad songs will keep ringing.

Seven days have passed, and the dream is not over yet. The coffin team has been walking. I don't know what that means. Suddenly, one day, there was a coffin downstairs, and now they have been cremated, using urns. A coffin suddenly appeared in the square downstairs, which was a little scary.

When I saw it, my Han came down. I thought I had hallucinations. The coffin turned out to be the seventh coffin of the dream coffin team.

Gu Ye also saw it, which proved not to be an illusion.

People from the community called and called the police. The police began to investigate, but never approached the coffin and finally did not find the owner of the coffin.

It's dark, and the coffin is still there. There is no one in the square, and they all feel very unlucky.

I slept. In my dream, the coffin came again, but the seventh coffin was missing. I woke up at once. I went to the window to see the coffin, but it was gone. I was thrilled that this strange thing really made me confused.

If only the second master were here. If it goes on like this, it won't matter. I took Gu Ye into the hotel, and I think the coffin is for me.

I still dreamed that the seventh coffin had returned to the coffin team, and I was frightened. When I got up in the morning, I felt very tired, and Gu Ye also saw that she took my hand and didn't say anything.

This is a way for her to comfort me.

When I dreamed again, the seventh coffin disappeared from the coffin again, and I knew it would appear somewhere.

Sure enough, the next day, the coffin appeared again in the corridor of the hotel. The whole hotel was in a mess. While it was in chaos, we left the hotel. This coffin has been entangled. I'm just an ordinary coffin.

We returned home. I thought the second master should have come, but he didn't come. Maybe the second master will not come. The journey of more than 20 days may be too far for the second master.

When the coffin disappeared again in my dream, I didn't know it would still appear in real life.

I always dream, but the things in the dream have not become reality, but now they have become reality, and the things missing in the dream will appear in life.

I couldn't bring it back to my dream. The coffin appeared again and was pulled away by the police. I thought maybe it wouldn't appear in my dream.

Then, it appeared again, in my dream, which was so weird.

That day, someone knocked on the door. I know that no one knocked on our door except for the community. Here, we don't know anyone, and we don't want to know anyone.

I opened the door and there was an old man standing outside the door. I was stunned for a moment.

"Did you knock on the wrong door?"

"No, I have something to do with you."

"I don't know you."

"You don't know me, but you need me to help you. You lost what you dreamed."

I was stunned. He actually knew my dream. I didn't tell anyone, including Gu Ye.

I hesitated for a moment and still let him in. Gu Ye poured water and went into the house.

"How do you know that I lost something in my dream?"

Actually, I was looking for the coffin for another person, and he was actually in your dream.

I'm just talking nonsense. I just thought it was a dream, but I can't explain the real coffin.

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to enter your dream."

This is a little evil. I can't let a stranger into my dream. It's like a robber entering my home. I shook my head.

"Actually, this coffin has nothing to do with you. It is a coffin in the tomb. It was lost. His owner asked me to look for it. I found you, because when the coffin appeared, you were always around. I think it should have something to do with you. You are very nervous now. In fact, don't be nervous. I just went into your dream and put the coffin. Just take away the materials."

"What do you want to do?"

"I'll take the coffin away and it's over."

"To me..."

"Don't worry, it won't hurt you."

I think this is evil, and I don't agree, this man said when he left.

"You will come to me. This is my phone number."

He handed me a film, looked at me and said.

"Your left eye is quite strange."

I was stunned for a moment and he left. I closed the door and looked at the film. The film says, look at the yin and yang house, a feng shui gentleman, and I threw the film into the garbage can.

I don't agree with Mr. Fengshui, especially those who open stores on the market. Almost no one can understand the compass, not to mention others. It's all nonsense, but this Mr. Fengshui is a little Taoist and wants to enter my dream and go to his eighth uncle.

Gu Ye asked me to see a movie. She hasn't seen a movie. I know that she has lived in Xinla City since she was a child. There are many things she hasn't seen. Her eyes are very pure.

I hesitated for a moment and took her there. She jumped up happily like a three-year-old child.

That day, Gu Ye was always excited. That day, we took her to the best restaurant for dinner. She is a little overwhelmed, and I think it's interesting.

I was still a coffin team in my dream, and I was sweating profusely.

I found the film from the garbage can and called Mr. Fengshui named Shen Datian.

I didn't let Shen Datian come into the house, but talked about it under the community.

He said he could enter my dream, but I couldn't wake up in the middle of my dream, so he would be stuck there. This is a matter of taking risks. He is willing to take such a big risk and seems to have given a lot of money.

I don't want to know that. He can take the coffin away, and there will be no more coffin teams in my dream.

He wants to stay by my bedside at night. I'm not used to a stranger by my bedside.

I finally agreed. I didn't tell Gu Ye about this. I just said that I was a friend of mine. We had to discuss something in my room and let her stay alone for one night.

We were in the room at night and I couldn't sleep. Shen Datian stayed by and made me really unable to sleep.

We drink. Only when we drink too much can we wake up.

I drank until midnight. I was a little tall. I felt sleepy. I fell asleep and I fell asleep. When I woke up, Shen Datian disappeared.

I searched the whole room, but there was no one, and Gu Ye asked me.

"Your friend has left?"

I can only nod. I'm afraid. Is Shen Datian in my dream? I was stunned. I didn't dream of the coffin team yesterday, but had a dream of killing people, my God.

Shen Datian went in, not in the dream of entering the coffin team, but in the dream of killing. Will he be the dead or the murderer?

I was a little confused. If Shen Datian left, it was okay, but when I saw the compass on the table, I knew that he didn't leave. When I looked out of the window, I was stunned. There was something hanging with a wire on the window. The blood on it was frozen and I didn't know what it was. I slowly walked over and took a closer look at what kind of heart it was. I don't know what kind of heart it was. It was very small and a little like a bird's heart.