grave-keeping note

47.. Mountain springs are like swords

47.. Mountain springs are like swords

That day, I knew that Liu Dalu didn't tell fortunes for everyone. He didn't want to count. He didn't count how much money you gave. Weird people should always have some ability.

That day, Liu Dalu received a phone call from a friend who asked the friend to come to the store. He said he was looking for him to tell fortunes. Let's see it.

I really want to see it.

Two people came in. They came by car.

One person is a driver, and the other person is a leader at first glance. This leader is a deputy prison director of the prison. He said that a prisoner has run away for ten days and has not been caught. Let him calculate where the prisoner will be.

Liu Dalu was nagging for a long time.

"I didn't escape, but I'm still in prison, lying down."

The deputy prison chief locked his eyebrows after hearing this.

"It's impossible. I've been running for ten days."

They don't believe it at all, and I don't believe it either. I want to laugh. The deputy prison director threw 500 yuan and left. He was very unhappy. Liu Dalu was very happy and put away the money.

"I can't help it, a friend, otherwise I won't calculate the amount of money you give."

It can be seen that this person is very thick-skinned.

That day, Liu Dalu drank a lot. I sent it home. It was an old-fashioned building, the kind of the outer porch, which was very shabby. He was the only one at home. He was in a mess and smelled bad.

I don't like Liu Dalu.

Two days later, I knew that the prisoner Liu Dalu calculated did not escape and got into a heating channel. I was a little surprised. Is Liu Dalu really a little good? Judging from this matter, Liu Dalu is not the kind of person who cheats money. I guess he has some ability, otherwise the second master would not have peed this person.

I think the second master and Liu Dalu have a purpose, but I don't know what the purpose is.

After the second master and Liu Dalu met, they often drank in antique shops and even sent Liu Dalu a few things.

When Li Fu came again, there were already three blue dots on his arm, but I saw that something was wrong. Those three blue dots are a little different from Vice Mayor Zhao and Xin Zhiqiang.

I also think Li Fu's state is also a little strange. Li Fulai doesn't seem to be fine and deliberately let me see the blue dot.

After Li Fu left, the second master told me that the blue dots on Li Fu's body were made by himself. I was very surprised and thought about it. Li Fu wanted to force me and the second master to go to Shuiling, this son of a bitch.

After I knew this, I was worried. If the blue dot on Li Fu's arm is not real, then who will be the next person?

When Liu Dalu came, he told me that a person around me was going to be in trouble and fatal. I trembling. The people around me, Gu Ye? Or the second master?

I don't know.

Ji Xiaoqing called me, and I really didn't want to go.

"I'm really in trouble this time."

I still went, but if there is nothing, I may have to go. I am in my home, my original home, and now Ji Xiaoqing's home. I saw Ji Xiaoqing.

I have a strange feeling about this family, and I also feel that the family I have lived in is so strange. I sit on the sofa.

"I'm in trouble."

"Actually, it has nothing to do with me."

I say this, in fact, I am a kind of hatred and love for Ji Xiaoqing. People are this virtue, always torturing themselves and others. Maybe this is the strength of life, otherwise people don't know why they live and how to live.

Ji Xiaoqing didn't care about me talking like this. She took her arm up and I jumped up. There is a blue dot on her arm, which is true. Vice Mayor Zhao and Xin Zhiqiang are such blue dots.

I didn't expect that the people around me would be Ji Xiaoqing, and I really didn't think about Ji Xiaoqing. I'm a little confused. I don't know what to do? In fact, my heart hurts. How can it be Ji Xiaoqing?

Ji Xiaoqing doesn't seem to be so panicked. Maybe she has been panicked.

"I have been dreaming that one kilometer by the lake, I know that Vice Mayor Zhao and Xin Zhiqiang dreamed of that place. A force was guiding me to that place, and I didn't know what to do? I think it must have something to do with Shuiling.

I know it has something to do with Shuiling, but I don't know what this force makes them do.

I returned to the antique shop from Ji Xiaoqing's home and hesitated for a long time, but I still talked to the second master.

The second master was also a little surprised. He was stunned for a long time and didn't say anything.

"I think we should go a kilometer by the lake."

The second master agreed. We went to that place, the place that all three of us dreamed of, and even the place they all went to. There was no special place except trees. Will Shuiling be here? No, Shuiling is in the water. What kind of place is this? What on earth are you going to do to attract them here?

The second master looked at it for a long time, but he didn't see a single eyebrows. We came out of the woods and sat by the lake.

"Is it really strange?"

I said, looking at the second master.

"There's nothing strange about this. That's what you hit. Maybe that's it."

"I don't think so. Shuiling is evil after all. All three of them have something to do with Shuiling."

"I don't think it's here. Maybe it's just a place, not the final place."

When the second master said this, I was stunned. It was just a guess. No one knew whether this power was the evil power of Shuiling or not.

The second master and I went into the woods again, and there was really nothing special about that place. The second master walked in front of him and walked one kilometer away. He kept walking to the depths of the woods.

An hour later, the second master stopped, and there was a spring flowing down from the mountain. The second master looked at the mountain spring and walked up along the water.

All the way to the top of the mountain, a spring, and the water turned out to be warm.

I don't know what the second master came here for. I have long known that there are mountain springs here and the water is warm. I think the second master should also know.

I looked down the mountain spring.

"Look, what is the shape of the water?"

I looked at it for a long time before I saw it. I was stunned. The mountain spring stretched out to the depths of the forest. If I looked at it with the green of the forest, the mountain spring would point in one direction like a sword.

"Go down and walk to the end of the mountain spring."

The second master and I walked along the mountain spring until dark and did not reach the end. The second master and I stopped.

"Stay here for one night."

The second master is always like this, and it's not good.

After dawn, the second master and I continued to leave.

In the middle, we reached the end. There was a hole in the spring water. The hole was three or four meters in size. I knew how deep it was.

"What will happen if we go down?"

I trembling. Such a deep hole will feel scared for everyone. I only hear the sound of water, but I can't see the bottom.

"If you like to go down."

I took a few steps back. I was worried that the second master would kick me down and he could do such a thing.

The second master stared at me.

"Go back and find the rope."

When we returned, Gu Ye was anxious with me and cried. I know she is worried about me, and I also know that she gradually fell in love with me and fell in love with me, and I was a little bit.

I found that Gu Ye's left eye was the same. I was a little flustered, and the new people were really like this.

The second master and I returned the next day. After the rope was tied to the tree, the second master looked at me.

"I won't go down. You don't have to look at me. It's useless."

The second master hesitated for a long time, but still went down. I was worried that something would happen.

"I think it's better not to go down. The stones thrown down didn't move."

The second master ignored me and grabbed the rope and went down.

After I couldn't see the second master, my heart hung up. Half an hour later, the rope suddenly loosened, and I panicked and shouted at the second master, but the second master did not answer me.

I pulled up the rope and pulled it to my head. The rope was completely and not broken. Maybe the rope was too short. I waited for the second master. An hour later, there was still no response, so I decided to go down.

You have to live or die.

I grabbed the rope and slid down. After more than ten meters, I felt that it was very cold below. I was so scared that I didn't step on it until the end of the rope. I know that something happened to the second master. I climbed up and lay on the ground and gasped.

I went back and found a longer rope. I think there should be a bottom if it is a hole.

I slid down again. The hole was so dark that I could hardly see anything. I felt scared.

I couldn't hold on until the end this time, so I went up. I went back and sat in the store in a daze. I feel sorry for you. You should also bring up the second master.

I don't want to recruit the police, and I don't want to go alone.

Gu Ye asked my second master. I told the truth, and Gu Ye stayed for a long time.

"The second master should be found."

I didn't say anything. That hole felt very horrible to me. I've been afraid of holes since I was a child, especially wells.

I still called the police and took the police. After all, it was the police. They found the armed police and went down. Forty minutes later, the people who went down came up.

"No one, it's a hole. The water should go into the lake, or some big river, or underground river."

"What about the water?"

I asked.

"The water is so deep that I don't think people can find it. Maybe it has flowed into the underground river."

I covered my face and cried. I didn't expect it to be like this.

That day, Gu Ye and I went back and sat in the store in a daze. The second master died, so what am I going to do next? Guarding the mausoleum? Protect the tomb? I don't know anything. Maybe I'm relieved. I'm not a gravekeeper at all.

This is also good. Maybe Gu Ye and I have lived a normal life since then.

Ji Xiaoqing called me, but I didn't answer it. I was not in the mood to answer it. The death of the second master was a blow to me. I seemed to lose my direction at once. I didn't know what I was going to do.

In the middle of the night, I heard a knock on the door, and it was Sanyi again. I was very angry. I rushed out and hit a person. The man shouted and fell to the ground. I didn't expect to hit a person. I was scared and shouted.

I took a closer look. It turned out to be the second master. How could he be the second master?

"Are you going to die?"

The second master got up and stared at me.

I was dumbfounded and took a few steps back for half a day.

"Are you a ghost or a human?"

"Nonsense, I'm your second master."

I hugged the second master and cried.

"Oc's it, don't worry about a three-year-old child."

We entered the house.

"What are you doing?"

"I want to scare you."

The second master is out of tune.

"What the hell happened?"

"I fell into the water. After all, I'm old and my hands are weak."

"How did you get out?"

"After I fell into the water, I was washed into the dark hole. The hole was really long. If it was one meter longer, I would suffocate to death. It was a dark river that actually reached the lake."

I was stunned and went to the lake?

"I think it's a little strange that it goes to the lake, but these water flows into the lake. The water formed its own waterway in the lake and flows east into a hole in the lake. I didn't dare to go in."

I trembling.

"Waterling, the water in Shuiling is very strange and different from the lake. I have found it a long time ago, but I didn't say it."

"Actually, I also found that if I walked along the waterway, I thought I could enter the water mausoleum, which disappeared, but did not leave the lake."