grave-keeping note

52. Stone with new Lavin

52. Stone with new Lavin

After ten days of walking, I stopped, and I found that Ji Xiaoqing was also very strange. I observed her, and there seemed to be something wrong with her.

I still can't find anything wrong, which makes me panic and feel that something is going to happen. The second master suddenly appeared, which made me trembling.

He took a look at Ji Xiaoqing, stared at me and asked me to go aside.

"How can you bring Ji Xiaoqing to Xinla City? What will Gu Ye think? If it's just a friend, we may let her go.

"Only when I go to Xinla City can Ji Xiaoqing die. There is nothing I can do, even if I repay my parents."

The second master shook his head.

"There is something in Ji Xiaoqing. If she hadn't done it herself, we could take her there. If she did that, I'm afraid I wouldn't agree."

The second master stunned me. Maybe what the second master said was something that made me panic.

"What is that?"

"For corpse fans and tomb robbers, Ji Xiaoqing has been very close to Li Fu, but I am the heart..."

"It's true. For a while, she was very close to Li Fu, but they are not the same kind of people, and Ji Xiaoqing won't do that kind of thing."

"Don't jump to a conclusion. Go and ask her. If not, let her take off her shoes. This is a pair of shoes I brought with me. I will know when we come out. I have been following, and I also feel strange. It was not until today that I found that if there is nothing wrong, Li Fu will definitely not be too far away."

I walked to Ji Xiaoqing's side.

"The second master doesn't agree with me, right?"

"No, what's going on with Li Fu and me?"

"Actually, we have nothing to do. I'm doing that job. He can help me. I promised him that if he can really enter the tomb, I can give him something. It's that simple."

"However, he put a corpse powder on you."

Ji Xiao trembling gently. Obviously, she didn't know. I was relieved. I put my shoes on the ground and let her change them. The second master came over to see me and said.

"You put them on and go west. Two days later, you take off your shoes, throw them away, and put on your own shoes. We will wait for you in Xinla City."


I looked at Ji Xiaoqing's shoes and felt a little confused. After wearing them for two days, my feet were easy to walk away, but there was nothing I could do. I found them myself. It's true that the bubbles on the shoes came out by myself.

When I found Li Fu, he accidentally sneezed in the middle of the night, which scared me. I looked over and Li Fu stood up from behind the tree.

I walked over and gave Li Fu a kick and kicked the boy.

"You don't have to do anything."

As I said, I stretched out my hand, and Li Fu ran away as a taller. I know that Li Fu won't come with me again, because it's useless. If he hadn't been brought by someone, he wouldn't have been able to get into Xinla City.

This is the reason why Xinla City has not been known by outsiders for thousands of years.

When I entered Xinla City, the second master and Ji Xiaoqing had already arrived for two days. However, I didn't see Ji Xiaoqing, and I didn't see Gu Ye.

"Where are Gu Ye and Ji Xiaoqing?"

The second master stared at me and turned away. It's not normal for this guy to come here.

Xinla City is still novel to me, and there are many things I don't know. Here, I think I am an outsider. Although I have some characteristics of a new person, I don't feel that I am a new person at all.

I live in the house where I married Gu Ye. I don't know where Gu Ye is, and I don't know whether she hid from me or was hidden by the second master.

Ji Xiaoqing must have been hidden. The second master won't let me see her. Maybe there is her reason.

At night, I heard a cry. The cry came from a room, and I was not sure which room it was. I want to see it, but I still can't help it. The second master told me not to be curious here. Xinla City is a strange city.

Actually, I don't want to care so much about my own business. I fell asleep.

I heard the second master's cough. I woke up. It was still dark outside. I waited for the second master to come in, but he didn't come in and there was no coughing.

I don't know what the second master means. Maybe he just passed by.

At dawn, I looked out of that window. The second master stood outside and was looking at something. I think the second master has gone a little too far. He just hid Ji Xiao lightly, and even Gu Ye didn't let me see it.

I walked behind the second master.

"Second Master."

I called the second master, and he was so scared that he didn't know what he was looking at so attentively.

"Where is the ancient leaf?"

The second master turned around at this time.

"How do I know where your wife went?"

I really want to flatten his face with a punch. I couldn't help it. I was in Xinla City. I don't like to stay in that dark hut.

I didn't find anything new. Sitting on the hillside, I looked at Xinla City. This city, which seems to shine in the sun, always reminds me of many things.

When I saw the second master, I got up and left. I walked around the Xinla River, which was once stained with blood and red, but now it is also clear. I can't see the war at all.

My eyes split into the water again and saw something at the bottom of the river. I hesitated, jumped into the river and fished it up. It was a strange stone, flat and round, chestnut skin color.

I don't know New Lavin on

. After dark, I went back and put the stone on the table in the room. I didn't care about the stone.

I can still see it clearly at night. In fact, this is not a happy thing. If you violate common sense, it seems to be painful.

The second master came in and shocked me. I didn't want to talk to him and turned my head aside. Now when I look at him, my heart will beat fast.

"I know you don't want to see me, but we still have to live together until I die. That's not the way."

I don't speak. The second master picked up the stone on the table, took a look, and then asked me loudly.

"Where did you get this stone?"

The second master's voice was shaking, and I realized that this stone was not an ordinary stone.

"It turned out to be on the table."

I don't want to tell him.

"You don't want to tell me, but I'd like to tell you that this stone is the lost stone in Xinla City. After that war, it disappeared. In fact, the war was also caused by this stone."

"What kind of stone is this?"

"I took it."

The second master didn't answer me and took the stone away. As soon as he left, I went out, and I heard the cry again, and I couldn't help it. I walked to the place where the crying came, which was in the room on my left.

I pushed the door and didn't open it. The crying inside didn't stop. I knocked on the door, but the crying still didn't stop. I knocked hard, but the crying still didn't stop.

I think it's strange that there should be a sound in the room. But she didn't seem to hear it.

"Don't knock."

Gu Yi suddenly appeared behind me. Gu Yi is about the same age as the second master. He is nagging and can't be seen all day long, but when you have something to do, he always appears behind you unconsciously, making you tremble.

"She cries every day, which makes me upset."

"Remember, you can't come in or come to this room."

I turned around and walked to the square of Xinla City. Eight pillars fell to the ground. I don't know when it will be integrated.

I saw Gu Ye suddenly flash in a room and disappeared. I know that Gu Ye can see me all the time, but I can't see Gu Ye.

Ji Xiaoqing has never appeared. I guessed which room she would be locked up in.

I was thinking that the second master and several new pullers took out a coffin from a room and came to me. I stood up, left the square and stayed on the hillside. It seemed that everything here had nothing to do with me. It seemed that it had something to do with me. In short, I couldn't say.

The coffin was placed in the square. Those people gathered there and didn't know what the ceremony was doing. Maybe it was the ceremony of the new people. They danced inexplicably and drank inexplicably songs.

I sat on the hillside and watched, bored. In the past, I would have felt fresh, but I don't feel fresh now.

They are tossing there. I think it's just tossing. When people die, the dead can't to toss around. I feel tired of the living to tossing for them.

They lifted the coffin again, with a send-off horn, rhythmic, but weird. I don't understand. That's New Latin.

They carried the coffin to a platform on the hill behind Xinla City and put it down there. I don't know whose coffin it is. I think it's strange.

After dark, I went there. In fact, for new people, there is no black and white.

I went to the coffin. As soon as I approached, I heard something inside. I trembling with fear. I didn't dare to move for a long time. There was actually movement there. What else could make a noise except the living one? I heard a cry for help.

I hesitated and listened carefully. It turned out to be Ji Xiaoqing. I was confused at that time. I pried open the lid of the coffin, and Ji Xiao stood up gently. When he saw me, he hugged me and cried.

"Don't cry."

I saw that there was no one and took Ji Xiaoqing into the woods. I was going to take Ji Xiao to escape. What I never expected was that the second master would put Ji Xiao into the coffin. This pure heart was to kill Ji Xiao lightly.

Ji Xiaoqing also asked me to take her out of here, and I didn't want to stay here for a moment.

I took Ji Xiao away lightly, or ran away. I know this consequence. The second master will turn against me, and Gu Ye may never be with me again. In this way, I will leave Xinla City and live my own life.

I was worried that the second master would catch up, but the second master didn't catch up.

In 24 days, Ji Xiaoqing and I returned to the city. What I didn't expect, Ji Xiaoqing returned to the city and went to the unit. She did not give up Shuiling because of this matter.

I regret it a little. I don't know whether I saved Ji Xiaoqing or hurt her. I thought that Ji Xiaoqing followed me and we lived together. In fact, this is not the case.

I stay in the antique store every day. I think the second master will come to settle accounts with me, and I can't escape anywhere. The antique shop is dark, and I like this kind of dark.

Li Fu unexpectedly came and asked me to help sell something. I looked at it for a long time. It was like a urine pot. I put it in the most inconspicuous place in the store.

I should have dropped this thing for him, but I didn't. I didn't expect it. The next day, someone came and spent 20,000 yuan to buy it.

Li Fu came to withdraw money on the third day.

"I don't think you should look for Shuiling anymore."

Li Fu just said "Oh" and then said.

"Ji Xiao's trouble is coming again."

He didn't say anything troublesome, so he left. I called Ji Xiaoqing, and she said it for a long time.

"The three blue dots appeared again, and I'm also dreaming. I'm afraid."

I hesitated. Ji Xiaoqing was not what I thought. If I helped her again, I might not be with her. I decided not to get involved in this matter.

Ji Xiaoqing finally came. She rolled up her sleeves and asked me to see the blue dot and told me about her dream. That dream actually led her to Shuiling, that is, the waterway. I didn't say that I had been there, and I didn't advise her not to go.

Ji Xiaoqing wanted me to accompany her. I didn't agree. When I sent her out, I saw a man on the opposite street. The man I had seen was from the research institute. It seemed that Ji Xiaoqing would go to Shuiling anyway.

I don't want to stop it, and I can't stop it.

I have been staying in the store and seldom go out. When Li Fu came again, as soon as he came in, the second master came in. Li Fu didn't say anything and turned around and left.

The second master sat down and said.

"You thought you saved Ji Xiaoqing, but in fact, you hurt Ji Xiaoqing and put her in the coffin to get rid of that power."

I was stunned. I thought it was the second master and Gu Ye who wanted to kill Ji Xiao. The second master said so, but I don't believe it. In this case, is it necessary for you to hide Ji Xiao? I didn't ask the second master.