grave-keeping note

57. Sitting plate

57. Sitting plate

That day, the second master asked me to accompany Li Fu to the man's house.

Li Fu hung up the wolf's heart with a rope, and then put a copper bell in the four corners and middle of the room. I knew it was witchcraft.

"When you hear the ringtone, you can call me again."

After Li Fu finished speaking, he left the room. I followed him out. He sat on the sofa drinking tea. It was dark and the bell had not rang yet. It had been four hours. I don't know what Li Fu was playing.

It was until midnight when the bell rang, and Li Fu rushed in. After he went in, he let the man out.

"You stay by my side. I'll sit on the table in a moment. I'll see what caused the child's death. When I sweat heavily, wake me up immediately."

I'm a little nervous. It's a little tricky.

Li Fu sat on the table as if he had changed a person. The bell was loud and harsh, and the hanging heart was shaking. The second master opened the door and waved his hand to let me out. I was stunned.

After I went out, the second master whispered.

"Don't wake him up."

I didn't expect the second master to be like this.

"Then he will die."

"Isn't it better to die? It's good for this kind of grave robber to die."

I hesitated. Although there was hatred, it seemed a little imprecise to use this bad method. The second master stared at me. I nodded and agreed.

When I entered the room, Li Fu sweated in a moment. Sweat was flowing like water. I didn't wake up Li Fu. I stood aside and looked at Li Fu.

Li Fu howled and jumped up. He stared at me and rushed out.

The second master called me to leave.

We went back to the village. I think the second master hid. He took Li Fu lightly and offended the man at the same time.

"Second master, isn't that good?"

"Both of them deserve it. After Liu Tong stole the beast and the name genealogy, there were disasters in the small building again and again. In the end, he had to remove the ancestral tomb, which was all his fault. This is retribution."

I didn't expect this to happen.

Liu Tong came. He sat on the chair in the yard, and the second master ignored him.

"Second brother, I'm wrong, but the child is not wrong. You can't hurt the child."

"All this has nothing to do with me. Get out of here immediately."

Liu Tong finally did not convince the second master. He left and walked away with tears.

Li Fu came three days later. He seemed to be very ill and walked. He was accompanied by a man in his 20s.

"Second Master, it's too unkind of you to do this. We have hatred, but we can't repay you like this."

"You know very well that I won't let you go if you give me a chance."

"Second master, let's talk about it. You can help me."

"Of course, I can help you, but if conditions permit, half of your things belong to me."

Li Fu hesitated.

"Then let that child stay in your body and torture you every day."

I was surprised that the child actually entered Li Fu's body. He couldn't let him out, so he had to ask the second master for help. This is strange. The second master is just a gravekeeper. Do you understand this? I don't know.

Li Fu finally agreed to the condition, and the second master wanted to get something first.

Li Fu took us to another place, which was the old house, another place where Li Fu lived. It seemed that Li Fu was a cunning rabbit.

In fact, I should have thought that Li Fu stole so many things from the tomb and took out one casually, which was worth a lot of money.

The green bricks of the old house are covered with green moss. The old house is around the courtyard. When you enter, you don't see the house directly, but go west and around the road. The back is suddenly enlightened, and you can see the house three entrances.

Green bricks and green tiles, there is also a small tree on the roof, and some artemisia grass.

Li Fu took us into a house. After entering the house, there were tables and chairs or something. He walked to the middle, pulled up a board, and then there was a hole. He went down, and we followed us down, a step leading to the ground.

After more than 20 steps, there is the door. Open the door and we go in. In a large basement, Li Fu turned on the light, and the second master and I were stunned.

There are hundreds of things in the basement, the size of a small finger cover, and the size is as big as half a house.

"Li Fu, Li Fu, you are extremely rich. I didn't expect you to get so many things."

"This is what we have accumulated from several generations of the Li family. If you come to me, you will be defeated. There is nothing you can do. When I meet your plague god, I will admit defeat. You choose! But if you don't choose that big one, you can't get out of this door. You can choose half of it casually. Your children and grandchildren will be full for nothing, and there is no problem.

The second master was unwilling to hear Li Fu say this.

"Your mother is full for nothing."

"My mother has been dead for decades."

Li Fu is really heartbroken, but there is nothing he can do. Let the second master calculate it, and he can only endure it. Li Fu probably didn't expect that he would fall so big.

The second master looked at it for a long time and drew it.

Li Fu didn't say anything.

"I'll find a car to pull it in the middle of the night tomorrow."

I went back with the second master. The second master is still excited. I'm a little worried. Where should I put these things? The second master doesn't seem to think about these things.

The next day, the second master really found a car and prepared to go to Li Fu's house in the middle of the night.

I'm worried that Li Fu will repent. The second master doesn't seem to think so. He has been drinking. At 11:30, I found a few friends to arrive.

We went to Li Fu's place.

Li Fu really waited at the door. It seems that this boy really has no other choice. I didn't expect to take these things away so easily. That was made by several generations of the Li family. I feel that it is all bloody.

Things began to move up, and Li Fu's heartache looked pitifully.

Drive away after moving.

The second master took the car to a county outside the city. There was an old-fashioned full-style house in the county. After getting the things into the yard, the second master gave money to some of my buddies and sent them away.

The second master and I are looking at these things in the yard. I don't believe it's true.

"Don't look and move into the house."

The second master took two things and entered the house. There was a basement in the room, which was a shelf.

"It's all on the shelf."

I think the second master has made such a plan for a long time. Even if he moves all the things of the Li Fu family, he can install it.

Put these things in, it's dawn.

"Whose house is this?"

"I used it for retirement, but I didn't expect to use it now."

I don't believe the words of the second master. Obviously, it's well designed. It's easy for Li Fu. The second master told me that he was staying here and didn't go anywhere.

These things have to be kept. I took away a jade pendant when I left, but the second master didn't know.

I went back to the store and just sat down when Gu Ye came. I was stunned for a long time.

"I think I have to be with you."

I hugged Gu Ye and let it go for a long time. In fact, Gu Ye is quite good.

On the third day, Li Fu asked me to take him to the second master.

The second master didn't tell me, I said.

"I don't know where he is."

Li Fu is anxious.

"You two liars, I'll call the police."

"Go and report it! None of us can get those things, and in the end we all have to go to prison.

When Li Fu left, he was still scolding.

I know he won't finish it like this. Sure enough, Li Fu comes three times a day. I have to go to the second master.

"Second Master, what do you think we should do about this?"

"What else can I do? I'll go back with you and get rid of the little guy on Li Fu.

I thought the second master wanted to be naughty, but I didn't expect that he would really help Li Fu. We took away half of Li Fu's property. If the second master doesn't help Li Fu, I'm afraid that Li Fu will kill people. Every time he comes, his eyes are red, which makes me furry.

We found Li Fu. Li Fu's face was pale, like a living dead man. I didn't expect that a person would become like this in just these two days.

We went to the man's house. The man stopped us from entering. He said that his daughter was all right. Li Fu told the situation and just borrowed the place, but the man didn't agree. He closed the door and couldn't knock on it again.

"Second master, do you think it's okay to change to another place?"

"No, the child died here, only here, otherwise you can't. Think of a way. I'll go back and wait for your news and find me anytime."

Let's go back to the antique store.

"Is there really nothing you can do?"

"There's nothing I can do."

This time I think the second master is real, and there is really nothing he can do. I don't know if Li Fu can move that man. If logically, this man should agree, after all, he did such a thing for his daughter, no matter what the conditions are.

I asked the second master if he used that house, what impact it would have on the girl.

The second master hesitated for a moment.

"I will try my best."

If this is the case, the man will not agree.

I haven't asked the second master Ji Xiaoqing about it. Gu Ye came back, and he seemed to be in a very good mood. Gu Ye followed me in the store, and she stayed in the store when I went out.

Li Fu finally convinced the man. I don't know what method he used.

Well, the second master asked me to stand beside him and let Li Fu lie there. The second master repeatedly told me that he must wake him up when his left eye opened.

I know, this is very important.

After the second master sat down, he sweated. I'm worried that something will happen to the second master, but now I dare not touch the second master.

After the second master spewed out a mouthful of blood, he fell down.

I was scared and shook the second master hard. The second master opened his eyes and looked at me.

"It's okay."

After the second master finished speaking, he closed his eyes again. Li Fu slowly sat up. I looked at the state and found that this must not have been successful. The second master sat up for more than ten minutes.

"Li Fu, this is a bad thing you did. You should have known it last time. If you don't tell me, let me come. Make your dream come true by yourself!"

The second master asked me to help him leave the man's house.

When I got home, I asked the second master.

"What's going on?"

"Li Fu, a bastard, he knows what's going on with this child and won't tell me. The child was originally buried on the hillside, and there was a grave next to it. It was the little girl. The two fell in love with each other, but Li Fu actually dug both graves. When digging, the little boy's grave must not have been dug right, and the girl dug it right. She said that she was reincarnation, and the little boy found this Girl, alas..."

The second master sighed.

"There's nothing we can do?"

"Li Fu's own dream, let him come true by himself. No one can help him."

It ended like this, and the second master almost lost his life. I don't know why this happened.

On the day the second master wanted to return to Qinlacheng, he did not go up, and Ji Xiaoqing's leader found the second master.