grave-keeping note

3. Toothless key

3. Toothless key

That day, the coffin was moved in a village. It was a messy grave, and the coffin was not moved randomly. If you move to the dead hole, you will die there. This is a one-way transfer of the coffin.

The number of Epiline can be calculated, if it weren't for this Epiline number, which is very magical. It can be used to move the coffin, and it can also calculate a probability of when those graves will be opened.

I moved the coffin to the messy grave. I didn't expect that I would stay in there for a day. A day later, I heard someone digging the grave. I could hear the sound, which seemed to be moving the grave.

I know I will scare them, but there's nothing I can do.

When the man opened the coffin, he screamed, then threw down the tool and escaped. I climbed out of the coffin and walked along the mountain road. I will never get lost in the mountain.

This is what I have experienced.

At the end of this book, there is another picture, which is part of Shuiling. I think the second master must know. He hasn't told me.

Maybe the second master still knows the number. He didn't tell me. He probably didn't want me to get involved. This is indeed a very strange thing.

After the second master borrowed his dream, it was about the lock mausoleum. I don't know what happened to the lock mausoleum. I'm worried that the second master will have problems, and the second master also told me that he couldn't control it.

I think we should remind the second master.

"Second master, I think it's too dangerous to return the dream to Li Fu. We can't control that power."

The second master stared at me, and I didn't like him looking at me like this.

"Borrowed dreams can't be returned."

I don't want to say anything more. It seems that I can only help the second master do something I can do.

The gloom in the antique shop is getting heavier and heavier, and I don't let Gu Ye come. If I have something to do, I will close it. The second master fell asleep that day, and I went to find Li Fu.

Li Fu sat at home drinking a little wine, and the blue dots on his body were gone. This is what I didn't expect. The second master borrowed the dream. Did he borrow everything else? This really makes me confused.

I only talked about something else with Li Fu. He was very careful and seemed to be worried about something. I know what he is worried about.

When Ji Xiaoqing appeared again, I was very surprised that she came.

The second master didn't seem to see her, so he sat aside and looked at a corner in a daze. Ji Xiao gently called me out.

"I want to help you."

"What do you know?"

"Your second master borrowed the dream, and I think that power will affect your second master."

"You know so much, but it's a pity that you can't help anything."

"I have a team and technicians."

"I won't let you help us. You are too sinister, Ji Xiaoqing. Why have you become like this now?"

Ji Xiao shook his head and left.

I don't know why I suddenly hate her so much.

The second master woke up in the middle of the night and locked the mausoleum again.

"What the hell is going on? You told me."

"Lockling, that's the task. The lock is open, and someone needs to lock the lock."

I didn't realize at this time that the situation in Shuiling last time seemed to be caused by someone opening the lock, so who has such a great ability? I'm not sure about this.

I think something big will happen this time.

The second master has never acted, which makes me feel strange. There should be guidance in the dream, but he just didn't act.

More than ten days have passed, and I can't help asking the second master.

"When will you act?"

"I want to act, but there is a key that I want to get. It's locked. I have to lock it with a key. It's a bit like a lock that the general doesn't get off his horse. It can't be opened without a key."

"But if the general doesn't get off the horse, he can't pull out the key without unlocking the lock?"

"Are you a pig? That's what I mean."

I know that it's a troublesome thing for the second master to find the key.

Another week later, the second master called me there.

"Let's go to the city of Hetuara."

Heala City is a two-hour drive from our place.

After we arrived at Hetuara City, the second master and I went in. Now there are tourists. There is no underground palace in this mausoleum, which is definitely a strange thing.

The second master and I walked around and came out. We have been to this place several times, and I don't know what the second master means this time.

The second master and I walked into a family, which was an old house and a full-style building, which is now rare around this city of Hetuala.

When we went in, an old man came out, with white hair and beard and cat waist.

"Brother, please drink water."

If this excuse was used decades ago, it may still work. Now I think the second master makes such an excuse, and I think his IQ is absolutely problematic.

The old man didn't ask, so he let us into the house.

The old man poured water for you.

"What's the matter with you?"

It seems that the old man is not confused, and he also knows that water can be bought outside.

"Yes, brother."

"If you have anything, just let me know."

"I'm here to get the book."

This stunned me. The old man was obviously very surprised. He stood up for a long time, walked to the back room, and came out for a long time. I thought he had gone to get a knife!

The old man actually took out a box and handed it to the second master.

"I've been waiting for 60 years, and I can also close my eyes."

They stunned me.

After the second master got the book, he didn't even say thank you, so he left without any courtesy.

After I came out, I asked the second master.

"What's going on?"


The second master only has one word. He usually speaks a lot, but at this time he speaks less, but I also understand that it must have been guided by a dream.

When we returned to the antique store, the second master asked me to close the business and lock the door.

He opened the box and took out a threaded book with a beautiful font, but I didn't know it.

"This is Manchu. The font is written by a woman. We need an interpretation."

The second master handed me the book, which was to give me the task.

I went to find a friend who knew the director of the Manchu Culture Research Center. When we went there, the director took a look at the book and said.

"It's an old book that can sell for some money."

This guy knows money.

"I want to translate it, which my grandmother left me."

My lies are getting worse and worse, and I even suspect that I have obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The director called a woman, told her, and interpreted it.

"I want to translate it in a day, and I want to be there."

"This is normal, but..."

"Five thousand."

I told him.


I rely on his eight uncle, it's dark enough. However, I agree, after all, they have the ability. What's more, there are too few researchers who understand Manwen now.

I've been staying in that room, and that woman is like copying books. The book is only a dozen pages, and it is written with a brush, and there are not many words in total.

Four hours later, it was translated. The woman handed me the book and the translation.

"Very good novel."

Damn it, she actually thought it was a novel. I came out of the center and didn't go back to the antique store, but went home first. I want to see what this book is about first.

After reading it, I have to admit that it is really a novel, but a novel about the key, which is very strange.

This book was written by Meng Yilan, the side concubine of Nurhachi. This side concubine has not been recorded in history and has been mentioned in a wild history. This book generally records life in the palace, and the input part is as follows.

I live with Sister Meng Gu, which is also my creation. She said it was to protect me. Life in the palace changes every day, and I have to serve Sister Meng Gu carefully.

When I came in, I offended Abahai, who was a celebrity of Nurhachi, and Sister Meng Gu had to give her three points. In fact, I have never known where to offend Abahai. This is the most profound place in the palace, and no one has told you.

One day in May, the grass grew out. I walked around in the garden and met Abahai. At that time, my legs were weak with fear. I didn't know what she came here for.

She called me over. She told me to be careful everywhere in the palace. I wanted to kill you, but now I have changed my mind. I have something for you to keep. You have to protect it. With your life, it is lost, or let others know, you know the consequences.

After Abahai left, I knew that I had peed my pants.

In 1626, when the sky came out, I felt unlucky. My father knew astronomy. I have learned this from him since I was a child. Sure enough, in September, Nurhachi was defeated by Ningyuan City and was injured. On the day he died, it was raining heavily. It rained for three days and nights. The water in the whole city passed my knees. I escaped that day. Yes, take the box that Abahai gave me, and I didn't take anything else.

That day, when I arrived at the people, I married a man who I was. The man didn't know who I was. He only regarded me as a fugitive.

We live a good life, but what I can't put down is the box. I don't know what's in it, but I'm still scared. Every time Abahai's eyes remind me, I trem tremble. After so many years, I'm still like this.

Twenty years later, I was so sick that day. Although I was only 40 years old, I asked my husband to open the box that day, and there was a key in it. I think so, but the key had no teeth. I think it was fooled by Abahai. In the palace, this was the heart killing, the most tormenting, but I didn't see through it. I finally killed Abahai.

Before I die, let my husband put this key in my grave...

This book is about such a sad and beautiful story. However, where is the grave of this side concubine Meng Yilan? When she arrived at the people, I thought the grave should be on a certain mountain, not far from the palace.

I went to the antique shop and showed the translated text to the second master. He read it for a long time before a sentence came out.

"Let's go."

"It's dark, where are you going?"

If the second master doesn't talk, I have to follow. The second master went out to take a taxi and talked to the driver for a long time, probably going far away. I sat in the back of the car, and the second master sat in front without saying anything.

The car stopped after driving for two and a half hours, which is located on the provincial border. When I got out of the car, I looked at the dark mountains and couldn't help trembling.

I know that the second master came here to look for Meng Yilan's grave. How could he know?

"Second Master, you are looking for Meng Yilan's grave, but how do you know it?"

"I have been guarding the tomb all my life, and I also know a lot about the grave. Li Fu told me that there was a grave, which was very strange, but he didn't move. I don't know the reason why he didn't move, but I knew it when I went up. I suspected it was this grave. At that time, the city of Hetuara was only an hour away from here. But if you want to go, a woman with small feet has to walk for three or four days. She thinks it's far away. This is also my guess. I hope so.